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The Kavanaugh Confirmation Charade Thread

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On 6/27/2018 at 6:07 PM, SaysWho? said:


It sounded like you were dismissing it as something that did nothing, but it was an impressive and long-lasting movement. Apologies.


Anyway, I'm not predicting that the seat won't get filled. I said from the start that I feel that there's a pretty high chance this gets filled unless a Republican surprises me (one that's not running for reelection) and votes no. The reason I brought up Alabama (and it wasn't to remind people I was saying it was competitive even before we found out Moore was a pedophile), the gun control movement, the health care protests, and let's add the #metoo movement as well, is because all of them were probably told, "Good luck with that. We're screwed." Yet Roger Ailes fell in disgrace, Bill O'Reilly was canned, Matt Lauer was let go, Harvey Weinstein was toppled, gun control laws were enacted (yes, I'd like even more enacted, but a GOP legislature/governor being pressured to act was freaking huge down here), gun control groups became more powerful, Democrats are likelier to attack and fight against the NRA, health care repeal was gutted as people protested in even deep red districts, and Doug Jones won Alabama.


This very well could go exactly as we're thinking it's going to go, but I'd like to be able to say I exercised my right to contact my Senator, and with future judicial nominations still in play in 2019 and 2020, it makes 2018 even more important (another vacancy opening up but with a Democratic leader of the Senate would be way preferable).


If you agree with all this, great. Let's work the phones and do our part even if it's for naught. This doesn't depress me; it just makes me more motivated to vote in even the tiniest elections and referendums.



When we tell you you're awesome and welcome here always. :) 

I would think after this next justice is placed all of the recent gun control laws passed by states are going to be the first things to go once they make it up there.

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Gun control laws I could see going away in the next few years:

"May Issue" CCW laws where the burden is so high on the applicant that it is nearly impossible to attain the license. See California.

Expanding the Heller decision to include (semi-auto) rifles.  Heller protected the ownership of handguns.  It's only logical that a conservative court would also hold that the 2nd amendment also protects the ownership of rifles. 

Taxes and fees specifically aimed at curbing gun ownership.


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Kennedy's son is one of Trump's shady loan facilitators at Deutsche Bank.




One person who knows both men remarked on the affinity between Mr. Trump and Justice Kennedy, which is not obvious at first glance. Justice Kennedy is bookish and abstract, while Mr. Trump is earthy and direct.


But they had a connection, one Mr. Trump was quick to note in the moments after his first address to Congress in February 2017. As he made his way out of the chamber, Mr. Trump paused to chat with the justice.


“Say hello to your boy,” Mr. Trump said. “Special guy.”


Mr. Trump was apparently referring to Justice Kennedy’s son, Justin. The younger Mr. Kennedy spent more than a decade at Deutsche Bank, eventually rising to become the bank’s global head of real estate capital markets, and he worked closely with Mr. Trump when he was a real estate developer, according to two people with knowledge of his role.


During Mr. Kennedy’s tenure, Deutsche Bank became Mr. Trump’s most important lender, dispensing well over $1 billion in loans to him for the renovation and construction of skyscrapers in New York and Chicago at a time other mainstream banks were wary of doing business with him because of his troubled business history.


About a week before the presidential address, Ivanka Trump had paid a visit to the Supreme Court as a guest of Justice Kennedy. The two had met at a lunch after the inauguration, and Ms. Trump brought along her daughter, Arabella Kushner. Occupying seats reserved for special guests, they saw the justices announce several decisions and hear an oral argument.


Ms. Trump tweeted about the visit and posted a photo. “Arabella & me at the Supreme Court today,” she wrote. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to teach her about the judicial system in our country firsthand.”

If the overtures to Justice Kennedy from the White House were subtle, the warnings from its allies were blunt. Last month, Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, went on Hugh Hewitt’s radio program to issue an urgent plea.

“My message to any one of the nine Supreme Court justices,” he said, was, “‘If you’re thinking about quitting this year, do it yesterday.’”



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One back channel is the fact that Kennedy’s son, Justin, knows Donald Trump Jr. through New York real estate circles. Another is through Kennedy’s other son, Gregory, and Trump’s Silicon Valley adviser Peter Thiel. They went to Stanford Law School together and served as president of the Federalist Society in back-to-back years, according to school records. More recently, Kennedy’s firm, Disruptive Technology Advisers, has worked with Thiel’s company Palantir Technologies.



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4 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

Good luck with that "locking down 49" thing!


“Lock down some of the 6” seems like an easier task for the White House than the 49 for the Dems. Good luck indeed.

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  • Jason changed the title to Justice Kennedy to retire from SCOTUS effective July 31

One of the problems with picking Lee is that if he is approved by the Senate, it reduces the GOP majority to essentially nothing, at least temporarily.  Yes, Utah is a solid red state, and there is essentially no chance of his vacant seat going blue, but it might put the GOP in a bind until a new Senator can be sworn in. 

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10 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

One of the problems with picking Lee is that if he is approved by the Senate, it reduces the GOP majority to essentially nothing, at least temporarily.  Yes, Utah is a solid red state, and there is essentially no chance of his vacant seat going blue, but it might put the GOP in a bind until a new Senator can be sworn in. 


1 minute ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Mike Lee... The only man more detestable in the Senate is Ted Cruz. And then just barely.


Would the governor be able to immediately pick someone new or would there have to be a special election?

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Just now, Jason said:



Would the governor be able to immediately pick someone new or would there have to be a special election?


Similar to Franken's, uhh, "retirement", the governor would select somebody to fill his seat, yes. That actually might be a blessing come to think of it. Governor Herbert isn't as insane as Senator Lee. Still not worth having him on SCOTUS though.

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19 minutes ago, Jason said:



Doesn’t Harvard already represent a ridiculously high percentage of justices past and present? I’m pretty sure Yale is #2. But yes, absurd indeed.

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12 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


Doesn’t Harvard already represent a ridiculously high percentage of justices past and present? I’m pretty sure Yale is #2. But yes, absurd indeed.


if you count Kennedy all 9 justices have gone to either Harvard or Yale for some level of education 

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I am trying to figure out the nicknames we can give Senators for selling out Roe.


I get a feeling Collins might be more susceptible to shame on this one, but Coathanger Connelly sounds better alliteratively.


Back Alley Murkowski is also a possibility, but I think we can do better.

  • stepee 1
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2 hours ago, Chairslinger said:

I am trying to figure out the nicknames we can give Senators for selling out Roe.


I get a feeling Collins might be more susceptible to shame on this one, but Coathanger Connelly sounds better alliteratively.


Back Alley Murkowski is also a possibility, but I think we can do better.

Collins: Won't support SCOTUS pick hostile to abortion rights



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