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The Kavanaugh Confirmation Charade Thread

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12 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

And care about more than just the physical safety of our loved ones and communities, unlike the maga chuds


I'm just happy that this term is catching on at D1P.  Please start using "MAGA chuds" in everyday conversations. 

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7 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


I'm just happy that this term is catching on at D1P.  Please start using "MAGA chuds" in everyday conversations. 


Can we genetically engineer an actual CHUD and make it a Justice? 

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2 hours ago, Chairslinger said:




Trump doesn't have to pick someone flashy, entertaining, or weird for SCOTUS.


He'll take the Federalist Society's recommendation and nominate someone presentable, qualified, and absolutely horrifying.


It's like picking Pence. Don't let the game show fool you. When it comes to the big decisions Trump knows where his bread is buttered.


Honestly, I just wanted the chance to call him "Milo Dannonyogurtcup". :( 

I need that small bit of joy with this news. :/ 

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39 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

In all seriousness, I've been dealing with depression for the last few months or so.  Shit news like this is the last thing I need.


Upvoting not because I'm glad you're depressed, but because I can relate and it's the small things that glimmer and get you through. :sun: 

  • stepee 1
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1 minute ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Are you seeing anybody to help with that? Your D1P fam loves you and we want to help how we can.


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18 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Are you seeing anybody to help with that? Your D1P fam loves you and we want to help how we can.

I'm seeing a therapist bi-weekly (I would go weekly, but the co-pay is $60, and I can't afford that).


I appreciate the warm wishes from everyone, though.  Thanks guys. :hug:

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3 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I'm not being defeatist, I was legit asking a question. I know about all the protests and they're not going away soon, I just wasn't aware of what's been accomplished. 


It sounded like you were dismissing it as something that did nothing, but it was an impressive and long-lasting movement. Apologies.


Anyway, I'm not predicting that the seat won't get filled. I said from the start that I feel that there's a pretty high chance this gets filled unless a Republican surprises me (one that's not running for reelection) and votes no. The reason I brought up Alabama (and it wasn't to remind people I was saying it was competitive even before we found out Moore was a pedophile), the gun control movement, the health care protests, and let's add the #metoo movement as well, is because all of them were probably told, "Good luck with that. We're screwed." Yet Roger Ailes fell in disgrace, Bill O'Reilly was canned, Matt Lauer was let go, Harvey Weinstein was toppled, gun control laws were enacted (yes, I'd like even more enacted, but a GOP legislature/governor being pressured to act was freaking huge down here), gun control groups became more powerful, Democrats are likelier to attack and fight against the NRA, health care repeal was gutted as people protested in even deep red districts, and Doug Jones won Alabama.


This very well could go exactly as we're thinking it's going to go, but I'd like to be able to say I exercised my right to contact my Senator, and with future judicial nominations still in play in 2019 and 2020, it makes 2018 even more important (another vacancy opening up but with a Democratic leader of the Senate would be way preferable).


If you agree with all this, great. Let's work the phones and do our part even if it's for naught. This doesn't depress me; it just makes me more motivated to vote in even the tiniest elections and referendums.


2 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

When was I ever happy?


When we tell you you're awesome and welcome here always. :) 

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16 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

PM me your PayPal info :)


Yeah, I’m happy to pitch in so our guy can get the care he needs. Mental health is serious business.

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“Lock down 49” is where I have virtually no hope. The Dems just don’t have the kind of strict party discipline the GOP does because the party encompasses a much wider array of political belief than the GOP does.

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4 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I have little faith that Manchin, Tester, McCaskill are going to buckle down and vote "no" when they're fighting for their lives to keep their seats in Nov. 


And a bunch of Democrats are going to make excuses for them selling us out to keep their seats. Despite the fact that having red-state Democrats who vote with you some of the time instead of Republicans who vote with you none of the time doesn't do any good if they've helped the GOP stack the court with justices who will just overturn their better votes anyhow. 

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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


And a bunch of Democrats are going to make excuses for them selling us out to keep their seats. Despite the fact that having red-state Democrats who vote with you some of the time instead of Republicans who vote with you none of the time doesn't do any good if they've helped the GOP stack the court with justices who will just overturn their better votes anyhow. 



I mean, to me it really depends on whether or not the vote is symbolic or not.


If we have enough to actually block the nominee with a couple GOP defections and a Dem casts the deciding aye vote, then fuck them. Probably the biggest challenge to my "anybody but a Republican" mindset this year was when I found out Donnelly voted aye for Haspel when we had enough GOP defections to stop her if we had stayed united.


However, if the GOP has the votes anyway, I see little use in taking a symbolic vote that only serves to make the Senate even harder to win.


Dems need to get more pragmatic, not more ideological. I'd rather have the 51st Dem in the Senate in 2019 when Trump tries to name RGB's successor then have a solid 49 loss on whoever Trump nominates this year.



6 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:


Great system we have.



Even funner fact.


If Trump gets a second term that number will likely be 6.

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3 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

I mean, to me it really depends on whether or not the vote is symbolic or not.


As Jentleson was saying, if you have Democrats saying they'll vote for the replacement it takes the heat off the GOP. Whereas if you have 49 guaranteed no votes, and McCain isn't around, then it really puts the heat on McConnell to keep everyone in line.


So basically by not locking down 49 you're guaranteeing that it'll be symbolic.

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10 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

In all seriousness, I've been dealing with depression for the last few months or so.  Shit news like this is the last thing I need.


I’m right there with you, buddy. It’s a struggle everyday but just know you are never alone in your fight. I wish you the best.

  • stepee 1
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45 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Liberals in the US (including all of you) need to wise up to the fact that the rules don't matter any more. The only thing left that matters is winning elections...and even that might not matter soon enough.

I think most of us here are well aware. Not sure if the Chuck Schumer's of the world get it yet though.

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44 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I think most of us here are well aware. Not sure if the Chuck Schumer's of the world get it yet though.


Chuck and Nancy know if the rules go out the window they get the :guillotine:

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I'm not sure what rules you expect senate democrats to break since they are in minority position, they have no power to alter the rules and republicans just need to vote together to get a justice appointed. What exactly are people expecting them to do? 

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6 minutes ago, elbobo said:

I'm not sure what rules you expect senate democrats to break since they are in minority position, they have no power to alter the rules and republicans just need to vote together to get a justice appointed. What exactly are people expecting them to do? 



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“My goal here is not to block judges. My goal is to get a vote on tariffs, and I have all the leverage I need with circuit court nominees,” Flake told the Arizona Republic newspaper. “I have all the leverage I need. I certainly wasn’t anticipating a Supreme Court vacancy, but it’s unaffected.”


Say what you want about the Arizona senator, the man is aptly named.



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