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The Kavanaugh Confirmation Charade Thread

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This is all dead on. 



It’s a bit late for anyone not to have figured this out yet, but the skeleton key to understanding American conservatism is this: At bottom, it lacks absolutely any moral or ideological underpinning beyond the reactionary protection of moneyed white men—of their station, their wealth and power, and their egos. Its supposed ideas and abstractions are just a framework for spasmodic lashing-out against anything that can be interpreted as a threat to rich white dudes. It likes supply-side economics because the supply side is made of rich white dudes. It likes tax cuts because the taxes are mostly cut for rich white dudes. It likes cops and soldiers because cops and soldiers uphold a social order with rich white dudes at the top. It likes “traditional family values” because social, economic, and sexual dominion over women are the most traditional family values of all. It likes “Make America Great Again” because rich white dudes used to roll through society and over everyone else with even greater impunity than they do now. All of these things are just proxies for reiterating, over and over and over, forever, the power and security and primacy of rich white dudes.


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2 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:


This is all dead on. 



It’s a bit late for anyone not to have figured this out yet, but the skeleton key to understanding American conservatism is this: At bottom, it lacks absolutely any moral or ideological underpinning beyond the reactionary protection of moneyed white men—of their station, their wealth and power, and their egos. Its supposed ideas and abstractions are just a framework for spasmodic lashing-out against anything that can be interpreted as a threat to rich white dudes. It likes supply-side economics because the supply side is made of rich white dudes. It likes tax cuts because the taxes are mostly cut for rich white dudes. It likes cops and soldiers because cops and soldiers uphold a social order with rich white dudes at the top. It likes “traditional family values” because social, economic, and sexual dominion over women are the most traditional family values of all. It likes “Make America Great Again” because rich white dudes used to roll through society and over everyone else with even greater impunity than they do now. All of these things are just proxies for reiterating, over and over and over, forever, the power and security and primacy of rich white dudes.



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47 minutes ago, Jason said:


If I recall correctly, Thomas didn’t really testify, he made an opening statement telling everybody to go pound rocks and then left and didn’t accept an invitation to offer a rebuttal.

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1 hour ago, Jason said:




I don't think this argument is completely without merit, but coming from the GOP it is suuuuuper disingenuous.


He is saying you can't punish Kavanaugh on the basis of he said/she said. But then the GOP goes out of their way to suppress all corroborating evidence and make the hearing solely about he said/she said.


Personally, I find the psychiatric notes from years ago to be probably the most convincing evidence here. It's the type of evidence where, by and large, either Ford is telling the truth or you have to start positing conspiracy theories to explain it.


Hey, maybe there is a conspiracy going on. Maybe Ford, her husband, and the shrink are in on it together. But if you believe that, why is it not being dug into? Why are you, in fact, going out of your way to not get the whole story from other witnesses?

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37 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

Personally, I find the psychiatric notes from years ago to be probably the most convincing evidence here. It's the type of evidence where, by and large, either Ford is telling the truth or you have to start positing conspiracy theories to explain it.


Or she is telling the truth about how she remembers it and that does not mean the event happened that way or the intention of those involved are as she claims. This is one of the most difficult things about dealing with any claim (not just sex crimes) decades after the fact. Our memories are a mess to begin with, and they don’t tend to get more accurate over time. I have no concern that Ford isn’t telling the truth as to her memory of the events.

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On 9/21/2018 at 6:37 PM, MarSolo said:


I feel this way all the time, but death is too good for Donald Trump, especially from something like a stroke or heart attack.


I've said this repeatedly, I want him winning the Presidency to be the thing that ruins him. I want all his children to end up broke and destitute after his presidency taints the Trump name forever, I want them to die before him. I want him to be in the same room when his children die in front of him. I want him to end up like Michael Corleone at the end of that fan fiction movie Godfather 3, where Michael is sitting alone with nothing but a dog for company, knowing everyone around him suffered for his crimes.


Or, someone could just tell John Hinkley that Jodie Foster is ready to be impressed again.



Jesus, dude. Chill. 

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3 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

Kavanaugh supposedly has a calendar from 1982 and is going to use it as proof he didn't do it cause he didn't write in party where I tried to rape someone. 


At this point I have no idea if this is a joke or not.

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8 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:



copy-paste from the top of Drudge right now:


Insiders claim Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer are set to report a late twist in Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation... MORE...
NEW YORKER to publish account of a new woman and a 'dildo'...
She is 'Never Trump', says a source. But best friend will say 'She never told me!'... Developing...

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