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The Kavanaugh Confirmation Charade Thread

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3 minutes ago, Jason said:


Actually this is true, I can very easily see McConnell dragging it out while the GOP goes into full-force lying that the Democrats are obstructing the nomination as a way to try to energize the base into showing up to vote.




With the tax cuts not resonating, and the White Nationalist message seeming to turn off as many people as it energizes for them, this is the one thing I have seen all year that I think has a good chance of de-fanging that blue wave.

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6 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Holy shit, Schumer is pulling the “we can’t hold hearings during an election year”!


It doesn’t matter, they can approve whoever Trump nominates with a party line vote. They can’t do what the turtle did, they can only call it out and complain about it.

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4 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


Why is Booker bad?  He's likable, unlike Clinton.

He's in Big Pharma's pocket (he's the reason Sander's medical bill didn't pass last year), so one can only assume he's taking money from others for votes. 

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Dems have zero leverage here. All they can do is call out Republican hypocrisy. 




This is like the tax cut vote. 


Dems were hoping they could repeat the health care win by peeling off some votes, but they should have appreciated that tax cuts were always what Republicans wanted to do. Many of them didn't want to take a hard vote on health care and own it.


Getting judges is probably the only thing that Republicans want more than tax cuts. John McCain will vote aye to whoever Trump picks if they have to wheel his hospital bed onto the Senate floor.

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

As I pointed out, though, that's all they can do. They have absolutely no leverage and Republicans don't give a flying shit about hypocrisy. 


I know. It's not like when Mitch decided to hold it off since he was leader.


However, I think the argument works in an election year. It'd be nice to get a retiring GOP Senator to vote no since McCain can't even show up, giving Republicans a 50-49 Senate currently. I have a feeling someone gets confirmed this year, but I'll do what I can via organized calls and public pressure with others who want this on hold. 

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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I know. It's not like when Mitch decided to hold it off since he was leader.


However, I think the argument works in an election year. It'd be nice to get a retiring GOP Senator to vote no since McCain can't even show up, giving Republicans a 50-49 Senate currently. I have a feeling someone gets confirmed this year, but I'll do what I can via organized calls and public pressure with others who want this on hold. 


I like how we're all just glossing over the fact that McCain camping his seat despite being unable to show up demonstrates what a partisan hack The Maverick™ actually is.

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9 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I know. It's not like when Mitch decided to hold it off since he was leader.


However, I think the argument works in an election year. It'd be nice to get a retiring GOP Senator to vote no since McCain can't even show up, giving Republicans a 50-49 Senate currently. I have a feeling someone gets confirmed this year, but I'll do what I can via organized calls and public pressure with others who want this on hold. 

Good luck with that. 

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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Schumer, Warren, Durbin and Merkley have all called for this to happen after the election. They're pulling that card.


As I stated above, I think that might help Republicans. 


They keep it in their pocket to energize their base, and even on the off chance that it doesn't work the House is the one in danger, not the Senate.


And even in the off-er chance that Dems win the Senate, McConnell can just confirm during the lame duck, anyway.


Let's not hold any illusion that losing would "shame" him into not ramming through someone. It's essentially what they did with the tax cuts after Jones won.


Bottom line is that Dems have never shown that a SCOTUS pick is a political winner for them. Republicans have.

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1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:

This is why Kennedy has been punting and rolling over. He didn't want his "legacy" to be a bunch of quickly overturned decisions.


Instead his legacy will be looking at Trump and thinking, "Yup, this is the guy I want picking my replacement."

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5 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

I strongly prefer a balanced court. 

That is simply an impossibility in the political climate of 2018.


@Massdriver - the world -- not just the United States -- has moved on.  It really, honestly has and the sooner people accept that reality and learn to "deal" with it, the better.

  • stepee 1
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Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

If you say so. 


I'm sure my far right senators will listen to me. So I really have no recourse.


Face it, we're stuck with a shitty court for decades. Goodbye Roe v Wade and who knows what else. 


It's not if I say so; it just is. I'm just glad this board wasn't in charge of being the opposition in the past year, because I'm pretty sure everybody who voted in Alabama, everybody who protested after Parkland, and everybody who protested in the reddest of districts during the health care debates last year were told the same thing. "Good luck with that."


1 minute ago, SFLUFAN said:

I assume that you'll be exerting that pressure on Little Marco?


Damn right, and our Republican Senate candidate, Rick Scott.

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5 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

That is simply an impossibility in the political climate of 2018.


@Massdriver - the world -- not just the United States -- has moved on.  It really, honestly has and the sooner people accept that reality and learn to "deal" with it, the better.

I have dealt with it quite well compared to most people on the internet and around me. 

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