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The Kavanaugh Confirmation Charade Thread

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22 minutes ago, TwinIon said:




I watched all 3 days of the hearings, and this was certainly my biggest takeaway.


The most disappointing/ unusual part was Corey Booker tweeted documents that unequivocally show Brett Kavanaugh knew about the information back in 2003. Booker tweeted them 15 minutes before his closing remarks, and never asked about it in his closing remarks.


Patrick Leahy spent his entire 2 days of questioning setting up Kavanaugh, but never tied it all together. He just left it hanging.

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18 minutes ago, osxmatt said:


I watched all 3 days of the hearings, and this was certainly my biggest takeaway.


The most disappointing/ unusual part was Corey Booker tweeted documents that unequivocally show Brett Kavanaugh knew about the information back in 2003. Booker tweeted them 15 minutes before his closing remarks, and never asked about it in his closing remarks.


Patrick Leahy spent his entire 2 days of questioning setting up Kavanaugh, but never tied it all together. He just left it hanging.


Par for the dem course:p They aren’t closers.

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Collins calls crowdfunding to get her to oppose Kavanaugh a 'bribe'



Donors have been asked to pledge money against Collins, but their credit cards will only be charged if she votes "yes" on Kavanaugh. 


“If I vote against him, the money is refunded to the donors," Collins said. "If I vote for him, the money is given to my opponent for the 2020 race." 


"This effort will not influence my vote at all,” she added. “I think it demonstrates the new lows to which the judge’s opponents have stooped.” 


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3 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Their response will be that the incident was too long ago to matter, and their supporters will agree. "Things were different back then."


They will.


My astonishment is if that was true (which it isn't), then they're saying most men would sexually assault girls to get them to sleep with them "back then" since "that's how it was". That's seems hard to believe. Most men "back then" were forcing women down to the bed or floor, holding their hands over the womans' mouth, and turning up the music so no one can hear her protests? That was how it was back then?


Christ, adults are even worse than I could have imagined. 


Of course it was rampant, but the norm? If so, that doesn't speak well to anything regardless. 

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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:

My astonishment is if that was true (which it isn't), then they're saying most men would sexually assault girls to get them to sleep with them "back then" since "that's how it was". That's seems hard to believe. Most men "back then" were forcing women down to the bed or floor, holding their hands over the womans' mouth, and turning up the music so no one can hear her protests? That was how it was back then?

I am pretty sure that is how Trump was able to conceive children.  

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2 minutes ago, ort said:


So they went back and found 65 women he went to HS with and had them sign this thing... what a random and out of nowhere thing for the republicans to do.


And apparently if you behaved really well with 99 women, there's no way there was that one time he sexually assaulted that 100th woman, right? Because clearly aberrant behavior has a pattern, despite the word aberrant being used? Right? Somehow? 


Oh wait. No it doesn't. It only takes one. I wish everyone in politics was forced to read something like this:




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9 minutes ago, ort said:


So they went back and found 65 women he went to HS with and had them sign this thing... what a random and out of nowhere thing for the republicans to do.


The school is all boys (or at least was at the time, not sure which). So they had to find 65 women who happened to know him during their high school years. 

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I’ll say that I unequivocally will not hold the actions of a minor against them when they are 50. There is a reason we don’t punish minors as harshly for the same crimes as adults, your brain isn’t even fully developed. If he has continued this behavior into adulthood, ahem, lock him up.

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

I’ll say that I unequivocally will not hold the actions of a minor against them when they are 50. There is a reason we don’t punish minors as harshly for the same crimes as adults, your brain isn’t even fully developed. If he has continued this behavior into adulthood, ahem, lock him up.


I definitely don't think such a man should sit on the Supreme Court given what he did as a minor. If the allegations are true, that destroys his character because there's no coming back from "held woman down, held hand over mouth, turned up music to hide protests". That's rape tendencies 101. 


I don't think he should be charged with a crime, per se, but I do think his character is relevant to his ability to be a Supreme Court justice. Sure, most guys have done some uncouth things, especially as minors, and that shit should slide, but this is far beyond the pale, I think. :)

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1 minute ago, Greatoneshere said:


I definitely don't think such a man should sit on the Supreme Court given what he did as a minor. If the allegations are true, that destroys his character because there's no coming back from "held woman down, held hand over mouth, turned up music to hide protests". That's rape tendencies 101. 


I don't think he should be charged with a crime, per se, but I do think his character is relevant to his ability to be a Supreme Court justice. Sure, most guys have done some uncouth things, especially as minors, and that shit should slide, but this is far beyond the pale, I think. :)


I don’t think, and I would argue the science of brain development backs this up, that anything you do as a 17 year old has any relation to your character as a 50 year old. These things aren’t set in stone, character develops over time. Really bad people turn into really good people, and the reverse is certainly true as well.

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1 hour ago, ort said:


So they went back and found 65 women he went to HS with and had them sign this thing... what a random and out of nowhere thing for the republicans to do.


I'm 35 and went to a school with thousands of students. I couldn't come close to naming 65 women I went to HS with. I can't imagine it would be any easier at 50.

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5 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


I don’t think, and I would argue the science of brain development backs this up, that anything you do as a 17 year old has any relation to your character as a 50 year old. These things aren’t set in stone, character develops over time. Really bad people turn into really good people, and the reverse is certainly true as well.


I think you're right that a person can change a lot. But I don't think teenage behavior is completely uninformative (in a statistical sense) either. Consequently, I'm not sure we should be taking that risk for such a high ranking positions unless the person really is quite spectacular.


Of course, we probably shouldn't be considering anyone who is not quite spectacular for a high ranking position to begin with, so maybe the problem here is deeper :p 

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2 minutes ago, legend said:

I think you're right that a person can change a lot. But I don't think teenage behavior is completely uninformative (in a statistical sense) either.


What are some areas in which you see a direct connection between teenage behavior and late adult behavior? I do think life circumstances can play a role from one period to another, such as the differences cause by dropping out of high school vs. graduating from a good university.

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:


What are some areas in which you see a direct connection between teenage behavior and late adult behavior? I do think life circumstances can play a role from one period to another, such as the differences cause by dropping out of high school vs. graduating from a good university.


There's a correlation between torturing animals as a kid and being a serial killer as an adult: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-equation/201104/children-who-are-cruel-animals-when-worry


Rape would likewise seem to be the kind of thing you don't just grow out of.

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I also want to echo the point made earlier that just because you didn’t treat all the other women in your life terribly doesn’t mean you didn’t try to rape this one particular person.

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