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The Kavanaugh Confirmation Charade Thread

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(a) The notion of "settled law" is ludicrous.
(b) Roe v Wade can be settled law, and the court could still allow states to "practically" ban it through restrictions - which is exactly what will happen: states will enact extremely stringent laws and regulations that will effectively ban abortions within their jurisdictions and SCOTUS will uphold them while maintaining the fig leaf of Roe v Wade's legality.

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2 hours ago, mclumber1 said:


What a dumb way to make abortion legal though.  Good riddance.


I'll take practical rulings that allow people rights over the lack of those rights because of an obstinate congress. To use example by hyperbole, it's like saying that we should wait for Germany to legislatively change and retreat from France than to take military action. Sure, the first is better, but the latter is practical. The ends definitely justifies the means when it comes to people's lives if both sides aren't willing to agree to the same rules.

  • stepee 1
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A federal judge Wednesday ordered the release of a 1999 report that could show if Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was involved in leaks of grand jury secrets when he worked with special counsel Ken Starr investigating President Bill Clinton.


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On 8/23/2018 at 12:29 AM, Jason said:


The GOP still won't care. Their goal, above all else (including following any and all laws) is to win. Their supporters know this and agree with it. The law doesn't matter to the GOP, and it's probably only a matter of time until they outright ignore an actual election result.

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


The GOP still won't care. Their goal, above all else (including following any and all laws) is to win. Their supporters know this and agree with it. The law doesn't matter to the GOP, and it's probably only a matter of time until they outright ignore an actual election result.

You just know that if the Dems take the house or the senate, Trump will say that it was due to hacking/fraud/immigrants/crab people/whatever, and want to start an investigation.

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3 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

You just know that if the Dems take the house or the senate, Trump will say that it was due to hacking/fraud/immigrants/crab people/whatever, and want to start an investigation.

The seeds for this are already being sewn. "The only collusion is between crooked h and Russia and [other named non sequiturs]"

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

It's not his qualifications that people have a problem with. That was never the point.


Which is the problem. We used to just look at the qualifications and put people on regardless of political differences, but we’ve made SCOTUS another legislative branch which is why I shed no tears over the GOP blocking hearings for Garland. They all made this bed together.

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I dunno, I just give a shit about old men making decisions about stuff like my body autonomy. 

The over politicization of the nominatiom process makes it more likely that old men will be making those decisions. There won’t be people of compromise nominated, just highly partisan folks. 

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31 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Is there an actual argument against Kavanaugh’s appointment on the merits of his qualifications?

He shouldn't be confirmed until/unless his role in the Bush administration is fully known. For all we know he could have been a strong advocate for torture, out something like that.  People have the right to know.


And SCOTUS it's so important because it's basically the final say in our system of government, and isn't hobbled in a major way for legal reasons (the executive), procedural reasons (legislative), or by design (our system of government is not made to actually be of, by, and for the people; also, separation of powers is a clearly broken system when compared to a parliamentary system)

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

To me the issue isn't how extreme he is (though of course that is troubling), it's that a president mired in a scandal about the legitimacy of his election is about to appoint someone for life to SCOTUS, someone who will likely oversee cases about that scandal. That is why he should not be appointed.




Remember how much of an issue it was for Hillary to be appointing judges because of the investigations into her?

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

To me the issue isn't how extreme he is (though of course that is troubling), it's that a president mired in a scandal about the legitimacy of his election is about to appoint someone for life to SCOTUS, someone who will likely oversee cases about that scandal. That is why he should not be appointed.


That is true of more administrations than not, maybe even all of them. If we were to take that rout, there will never be any more SCOTUS justices.


I do think you’ve previously made a good case for a Canadian style independent entity reaponsible for appointing judges.

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The political apparatus of the state -- both executive and legislative -- should have no business in the selection of members of the judicial branch at any level. All selections should be made through a mechanism within judicial branch itself.


Once again, the short-sightedness of the degenerate imbeciles known as the "Founding Fathers" continues to raise its cancerous head.

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