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Update: RIP in Peace, Anthem


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4 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:


Not tha it isn’t happening, but I had not had the game crash my entire system, nor had I seen it talked about. Could be real, could be people making it up to get a refund on a game they are unsatisfied with. 


I don't know how widespread, but it's happening.  It's happened to me twice when I've tried to shut down the game.  I'm tempted to give it a rest and see if a fix is announced if it's actually bricked a couple consoles.  The other crashes in the game have been just with the game.


I expect everything to improve over time with this game, but they need to get the fuck on this right away and get this game more stable.

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I've only experienced 2 game crashes that have just taken me back to the Playstation home screen.  Talk of bricking consoles though.... thats enough to maybe make me stop playing the game. Im fine with the game and play it every night for an hour or two but my ps4 gets used a ton right now. Don't need it dieing if this game is seriously known to brick consoles. :nervous:  I'm sure I'll keep playing but now that's going to be burning in the back of my mind. 

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4 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

I've only experienced 2 game crashes that have just taken me back to the Playstation home screen.  Talk of bricking consoles though.... thats enough to maybe make me stop playing the game. Im fine with the game and play it every night for an hour or two but my ps4 gets used a ton right now. Don't need it dieing if this game is seriously known to brick consoles. :nervous:  I'm sure I'll keep playing but now that's going to be burning in the back of my mind. 


From what I've read, unplugging the power and then starting it back up gets it going again. But I only briefly looked at the reddit.

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No ones shared any Javelins yet? 


Free Roam Harvesting Ranger - 200 Luck / 60 Harvest 

5701672c d182 4592 9000 b762bede3739


Pure Luck Ranger - 293 Luck

F108fef6 b0e0 475c 8281 b6be10d9b550


High DPS/Surivability Ranger - 

58f55599 0f87 4063 b980 9e5b1f803d2d


Flamethrower Colossus -

Ac78e622 7350 4e87 99eb 6889c067bd3d


Luck Build Colossus - 202 LuckFaecca26 fa44 400b 91ea 8adf522a5628


Storm - Ice / Lightning Build1de965d3 0239 4ede 9d39 5ae7914b1f27


Storm Luck Build - 201 Luck

80cca7ba 145d 4a0e a27d 51643c67d8cd


Interceptor - Ice Melee Build

C29cccd6 504a 4afb 88a3 f0bc28957893


Interceptor Luck Build - 188 Luck

Ed28e01f d4cb 4dcf 833f dd859897d886


I know they are all the same schemes, but havent focused on builds yet so just went with what i liked.  Ill do more color specific ones with the builds.


So far I'm not sure running really high luck is worth it.  Had a few times it felt like I was getting more drops, but other times less... Free Roam might be more helpful than in a Stronghold it seems.  I know one of the devs said 190 might be the cap.

  • stepee 1
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Hit lvl 30 had myself at 385 power, thought “what the hey” and put it on GM1 and launched legendary contract. Not too bad until the final encounter. Took us several attempts to get our shit together. 


I ended up up getting a Master Work from the boss and one for completing the contract. Then played a little free roam and got two more master work drops. 


Not it a bad night. 

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I'm still playing on PC, I just acknowledge that the code is a buggy mess, as these are things that can happen:


1.) CTDs

2.) GPU driver corruption

3.) Loss of sound in Stronghold missions until you reboot the game

4.) lots of missions (seemingly) randomly break so that enemies are endless or a boss doesn't pop and so you have to quit out

5.) Black screen on exit of game. Sometimes I can alt tab, other times, not so much

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I have never had a mission fail to function properly when i've initiated it, but i've joined numerous that are broken, wonder if it has something to do with the original quest starter d/cing.


I have had crashes to desktop while loading, the game failing to exit, and sound cutting out, other than that i'm really happy with the game runs with everything maxed out at 1080p and never dipping below 40 fps even in the most intense fights with an RX480.

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3 hours ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I'm still playing on PC, I just acknowledge that the code is a buggy mess, as these are things that can happen:


1.) CTDs

2.) GPU driver corruption

3.) Loss of sound in Stronghold missions until you reboot the game

4.) lots of missions (seemingly) randomly break so that enemies are endless or a boss doesn't pop and so you have to quit out

5.) Black screen on exit of game. Sometimes I can alt tab, other times, not so much


That happens on the Xbox too.

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in 56 hours, ive had the sound issue once where i have to reboot the game. 


the only thing ive really  had issues with is in the middle of contracts - the progression bugs where either it doesnt move on the the next checkpoint or something doesnt spawn that should, etc. thats probably happened maybe 5-10 times. 


other than that - there are certain sections of strongholds where the game just freezes for like 3-4 seconds. Like the frames just go to 0. luckily this seems to happen mostly when moving from one checkpoint to another and not during combat. 

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They need to change the Hard Coding of a Guaranteed MW from the Legendary Contracts and Strongholds to at least have a chance of a Legendary Drop.  Right now the Boss at the end of a Stronghold is a guaranteed 3 Purples 1 MW.  Just have that be the guaranteed but allow each roll to go higher as well, so you can get multiple MW or a possible Legendary.  It sucks going into the boss knowing exactly what you can get max.

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Finally decided to try freeplay since i haven’t don’t it since the tombs mission. Bumped it up to GM2 and instantly transport in to an ancient titan fight with all the other freelancers battling it right by the spawn. Now I’m not sure if this was a glitch, but this motherfucker was jumping and teleporting all over the place. It actually made it totally epic. Craziest fight I’ve been in. We take it down and I get 2 MW drops out of the chest. Turned out to be 2 new guns!!  


So now I’m thinking....ok I’ve been missing out. Fly around for a bit and harvest mats and get a bunch of MW embers. Then everyone leaves!!!


so I jump out and back into another instance and everyone is scattered. Not working together. Did 2-3 world events, killed a bunch of mobs.....and.....nothing. Spent over an hour in this instance and not a single drop. :cry: I just want a fucking legendary already. 

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On a side note - I’ve been playing around with my ranger build since I decided I’m not trying another javelin until I get my first legendary. 


I’m using this assault rifle that stacks elemental damage for every hit on an elite or greater enemy. Goes up to 20x. So I’m running the fire beam thingy and inferno grenade. On top of that I’m using a component than increases fire damage and another one where if I kill something with the Assault launcher (fire beam) it increases damage on my nade. Also, my nade has 100% charge, so I actually get 2 of em! 


So im pinging enemies with the AR to stack the elemental damage. Then I fire beam one mob to death then launch 2 nades into the crowd. Then i fire beam anything still left. EVERYTHING BURNS!!!!!


I fucking love the unique builds you can do in this game. It’s something Destiny never had. At Destiny endgame, everyone basically ran the same exact shit. This game really allows for truly diverse builds. 

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The only issue I have had so far is the odd server disconnect and in one contract me and 2 other players got locked out of the final encounter. The wall came down before we all got into the room.


Other then that no crashes. I am going to cautiously blame the Radeon master race.

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1 minute ago, Zaku3 said:

The only issue I have had so far is the odd server disconnect and in one contract me and 2 other players got locked out of the final encounter. The wall came down before we all got into the room.


Other then that no crashes. I am going to cautiously blame the Radeon master race.


I've had that happen a couple of times too.

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40 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:

The only issue I have had so far is the odd server disconnect and in one contract me and 2 other players got locked out of the final encounter. The wall came down before we all got into the room.


Other then that no crashes. I am going to cautiously blame the Radeon master race.

Had that happen. If you move far enough away you will get loaded into the combat area. 

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