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Update: RIP in Peace, Anthem


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At level 19 I can easily see the poor reviews for this game, its just not finished, you can complete the story content and not be close to max level, then I assume you're forced to do randomized content over and over till you get there.  Loot is done poorly, while leveling you'd think you'd pick up greys and greens mostly and occasionally find blues, and rarely find purples/oranges, but once you hit a certain level the color of loot changes to blue, and i assume it'll change to purple later on, making any grey/green/blue finds pointless and immediately discarded, and thats before you even get into the bonuses the weapons give, they're completely randomized and usually pointless.  Like why does my autocannon increase shotgun damage and ammo? 


Where the hell is my stats card, and what the hell do these stats they do give us mean.  As a colossus i see things that increase my shields, except i don't have shields, is that increasing my pull out shield?  I have no way of knowing any of this because health and shields are just a bar and no numbers.  Same goes for damage, i see stats that increase damage by a percentage but the only way to actually see how much something does is to use it on something.  Load screen for equipping javelins is also a bit annoying, they need to make it so the forge keeps you in the city and you see your javelin changing on the stand.


Then here is the biggest problem i have, they built this beautiful open world only to instance every single mission, why isn't the entire game fluid from that world, why must i get "Mission complete" screens, why can't i just do this mission, move on to the next, i don't really care if the other people in my game help me, in fact i've had more negatives out of others in my games than positives.  I've been locked out of areas because i didn't get there fast enough, missed entire fights because i was behind a bit and the game threw up a wall not allowing me to enter the battle, sound going out completely seems to be tied to others in the game world doing something.


The game is fun, but theres just some truly baffling decisions, which i hope are just because of time.

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14 hours ago, JPDunks4 said:

At the end of each week you'll also get Coins based on contributions from your friends list, or people that have you on their friends list.  I'm set to get about 9k coins so far at the end of this week.  It's dependent on how much people on your friends list do each week.  

I added you as a friend, but I dont see you listed as a contributor for the alliance bonus? I only see @ARZ and one of my RL friends. 

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So I got to play a bit last night. Started by talking to a bunch of NPCs, and unlocked the Tomb quest. I jumped into freeplay, found the closest tomb and saw I did not have the requirements meet to open it. So I decided to just fly around exploring, trying to complete those little world events that randomly pop up (oh no, scorpion nest, etc). 


Two hours later I have all the tombs unlocked but one, and to finish that I just need to melee kill a bunch of stuff. It was during this freeplay I got my first blues too. 


Beautiful world. So f it wasn’t for the server shutting down messages the entire time I would have easily lost track of time just site seeing. 

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19 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

So I got to play a bit last night. Started by talking to a bunch of NPCs, and unlocked the Tomb quest. I jumped into freeplay, found the closest tomb and saw I did not have the requirements meet to open it. So I decided to just fly around exploring, trying to complete those little world events that randomly pop up (oh no, scorpion nest, etc). 


Two hours later I have all the tombs unlocked but one, and to finish that I just need to melee kill a bunch of stuff. It was during this freeplay I got my first blues too. 


Beautiful world. So f it wasn’t for the server shutting down messages the entire time I would have easily lost track of time just site seeing. 

I had a lot of fun also in freeplay last night. I really went in blind so it was cool to stumble upon a player fighting a titan and after helping him defeat it, I read online its a timed event with 3 more to find. Being out of the loop on this game leads to some nice surprises. 

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22 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

So I got to play a bit last night. Started by talking to a bunch of NPCs, and unlocked the Tomb quest. I jumped into freeplay, found the closest tomb and saw I did not have the requirements meet to open it. So I decided to just fly around exploring, trying to complete those little world events that randomly pop up (oh no, scorpion nest, etc). 


Two hours later I have all the tombs unlocked but one, and to finish that I just need to melee kill a bunch of stuff. It was during this freeplay I got my first blues too. 


Beautiful world. So f it wasn’t for the server shutting down messages the entire time I would have easily lost track of time just site seeing. 


I think that's the beauty of it, and it seems like this is where they want to keep expanding the world with more and more varied events.  I love Free Play in this game, where as Free Play in Division was so boring and empty, and Destiny's free play really felt like just trying to time out public events and running from one to another.  Neither felt interesting or varied, and just were the same exact thing over and over again.


Even doing the daily contracts you get, its the same kind of missions over and over, but they keep you moving around the map, seeing different vistas or different encounters in similar places.  if they can keep expanding on that, its something I can see myself jumping in pretty regularly.  It's also fun to try different builds.  I do hope they allow you to approach a Strider and change your load out rather than having to load out and in, but who knows.  

  • stepee 1
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1 hour ago, PaladinSolo said:

At level 19 I can easily see the poor reviews for this game, its just not finished, you can complete the story content and not be close to max level, then I assume you're forced to do randomized content over and over till you get there.  Loot is done poorly, while leveling you'd think you'd pick up greys and greens mostly and occasionally find blues, and rarely find purples/oranges, but once you hit a certain level the color of loot changes to blue, and i assume it'll change to purple later on, making any grey/green/blue finds pointless and immediately discarded, and thats before you even get into the bonuses the weapons give, they're completely randomized and usually pointless.  Like why does my autocannon increase shotgun ammo?


Have you never played Destiny or The Division because at least on this aspect, Anthem is very similar to those games... like damn near identical and they weren't docked for this.


Anybody do an real exploring under water? There's a lot of potential there.

  • stepee 3
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What is everyone doing to farm/grind? 


I think Im level 25 (maybe 24). Ive been finishing some of the contract/agent story arks and I ran the new strongholds on normal. Whats the fastest way to get to 30? Im assuming jumping to hard difficult should net some additional xp - but is the time/xp ratio worth it? 

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7 minutes ago, atom631 said:

What is everyone doing to farm/grind? 


I think Im level 25 (maybe 24). Ive been finishing some of the contract/agent story arks and I ran the new strongholds on normal. Whats the fastest way to get to 30? Im assuming jumping to hard difficult should net some additional xp - but is the time/xp ratio worth it? 

I've been playing the whole game on Hard and it hasn't been too difficult. Been soloing free play for the most part too.

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3 hours ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

@Xbob42 what is your build? I get creamed out in the open on gm1 with either my ranger build or colossus, so maybe i’m Doing something very wrong? 


I've been running GM1 as well.  The Interceptors ability to triple dash and triple jump helps that Class stay out in the open and constantly flank/dodge/attack/flee way more effectively than the other Classes.  


I ran Heart of Rage with my Interceptor on GM1 and could stay in the open just quickly moving all about dodging fire and attacking.  


Playing GM1 with my Colossus I can tank decently, but its def more of a fine balance of making sure you're near cover when your Shield does fall.  They need to allow more attacks to happen with your Shield up as well.  


Ranger and Storm I haven't played enough at higher difficulties yet.  

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1 minute ago, JPDunks4 said:


I've been running GM1 as well.  The Interceptors ability to triple dash and triple jump helps that Class stay out in the open and constantly flank/dodge/attack/flee way more effectively than the other Classes.  


I ran Heart of Rage with my Interceptor on GM1 and could stay in the open just quickly moving all about dodging fire and attacking.  


Playing GM1 with my Colossus I can tank decently, but its def more of a fine balance of making sure you're near cover when your Shield does fall.  They need to allow more attacks to happen with your Shield up as well.  


Ranger and Storm I haven't played enough at higher difficulties yet.  

Agreed! Shield and pistol combo should be an option!

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5 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I pretty much steadily running Stronghold mission on GM1, looking to round out the last three components slots and achieve full masterwork Jav. Its slow going now! 


How many Legendary Contracts can you get in a day?  Those guarantee MW Components


Those MW Components though really boost armor and shields, really necessary to push to harder difficulties.

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37 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


Have you never played Destiny or The Division because at least on this aspect, Anthem is very similar to those games... like damn near identical and they weren't docked for this.


Anybody do an real exploring under water? There's a lot of potential there.

Yes!  Found a few chest under water. 

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I've gotten a ton of Masterworks, still no Legendary though.  I think Legendary guarantees 1 perfect rolled stat.  


its nice they are retooling the Modifiers on the items.  It sucks getting a few nice rolls and then some useless ones.  I've seen some really impressive ones on Twitter, like a weapon with +350% damage cause it rolled two +175% damage.

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1 hour ago, PaladinSolo said:

At level 19 I can easily see the poor reviews for this game, its just not finished, you can complete the story content and not be close to max level, then I assume you're forced to do randomized content over and over till you get there.  Loot is done poorly, while leveling you'd think you'd pick up greys and greens mostly and occasionally find blues, and rarely find purples/oranges, but once you hit a certain level the color of loot changes to blue, and i assume it'll change to purple later on, making any grey/green/blue finds pointless and immediately discarded, and thats before you even get into the bonuses the weapons give, they're completely randomized and usually pointless.  Like why does my autocannon increase shotgun damage and ammo? 

That’s not too different from how every other looter works. Division, Destiny, Diablo, all will give you mostly scrapable loot not worth your time, even if you do get the occasional good drop. 


Ss for the inscription not matching the weapon it is on, I assume it would benefit your other weapon if it was say a shotgun. But I’d have to test it out. 



As for for the other issues, yeah, the game is not as seamless as one may want for a game like this. Honestly, I wonder if it is due to an inadequacy of the Frost Bite engine. By that I mean the engine hinders them from making a more seamless, open experience. 

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1 minute ago, JPDunks4 said:

Not to keep comparing it to Destiny, but didnt Destiny use the same exact mission structure.. You do a mission, once its done, it drags you out of the world back to loading screens.  It didn't let you continue playing did it?

Yup. The Divsion didn't though. Once you finished a mission you could keep exploring in the hosts world or return to your own.

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25 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

@JPDunks4 , you know, I can honestly say that I don't know if I've done a legendary contract! :s How do i unlock those?


They are the Purple (which is weird as you'd assume the yellow contracts are higher level) Contracts you get, I think if you continue doing contracts they eventually will become a Legendary Contract.  I think you maybe able to do 3 a day? One per faction?


My weekly challenge is 5 Legendary Contracts, I've done 4/5.  I hope I can do one more, I've done one for the Sentinals and Freelancers, so I'll start doing some contracts for Arcanists an see if it gives me a Legendary Contract. 


@Mr.Vic20 I just did one Arcanist Contract and the next one to pop up was Legendary.  So I do think you can possibly do 3 per day, 1 per faction.  To get the MW Reward I think you probably have to do it on Grandmaster 1 Difficulty.

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21 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:


They are the Purple (which is weird as you'd assume the yellow contracts are higher level) Contracts you get, I think if you continue doing contracts they eventually will become a Legendary Contract.  I think you maybe able to do 3 a day? One per faction?


My weekly challenge is 5 Legendary Contracts, I've done 4/5.  I hope I can do one more, I've done one for the Sentinals and Freelancers, so I'll start doing some contracts for Arcanists an see if it gives me a Legendary Contract. 

Ah, gotcha the "hazardous" contracts from the guild and the advanced blarga blargs from Matthias(s)! I guess I'll have to take a look and see what I get from those, seemed like the same 5 MW weapons that are always on tap. I'll double check this evening. 

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2 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

Ah, gotcha the "hazardous" contracts from the guild and the advanced blarga blargs from Matthias(s)! I guess I'll have to take a look and see what I get from those, seemed like the same 5 MW weapons that are always on tap. I'll double check this evening. 


A Masterwork Component is a guaranteed reward from these.  Its the only way I've had MW Components drop so far.  


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