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Update: RIP in Peace, Anthem


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22 hours ago, Biggie said:

@ALIEN-gunner you digging this game? Man the more I play the more I wanna play. 

Yeah I'm liking it but it's no Fallout '76.


According to most review scores, Anthem is worse than Destiny 2, No Man's Sky and Fallout '76. That's fucking retarded. Everyone on YouTube is tell you the game not only sucks but that you shouldn't buy it. In reality, Anthem is a damn good game in the genre that includes all the story telling flaws and bugs and glitches those games usually have. The gameplay is all that matters here not the fluff. I guess these people see "BioWare" and immediately expect Mass Effect levels of story depth/choice. Nah, Anthem is gameplay/combat/min-maxing first as it should be with these types of action games. Story is just there as a back drop. 


I'm real low level just taking my time. I chose the Intercepter and love its fast movement during combat.I got into a world event where I helped another player kill 3 of those...I don't know what they were...big monkey things I guess. It was pretty awsome throwing an acid grenade and then going in close with a swipe attack to get combos and quickly dodging out of the way. Really fun stuff here. When I go back and play Destiny I feel like I'm moving in slow motion.  

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11 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

There are supposed to be new Javelins at some point. When they add them I really hope getting them is part of a story/quest where you find this lost Javelin type. At least for one of them. Another could be like some R&D project. 


I think that that would be cool. 

It'd be neat if you found them in sets of 3, but could only build one at a time, so you'd just choose one out of 3/4 again like in the story, but this time there'd be a story reason for it, like limited resources or exotic parts, R&D like you said.


The Javelins really do seem like the stars of the show here, they're so different from each other. I'd be so hyped for more.

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I put 1000 hours into Destiny 2 and imho comparing the two games isn't called for as I find them both totally different. I love what D2 offers up til this point, it's a totally different feel than Anthem. 


Anthem just needs time, there's fun here to be had and it's worth a purchase if someone is interested. But it can only get better with these patches, alot of potential to be had here. 



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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Hey is anyone else getting this glitch where the sound cuts out completely? It's happened to me twice so far, once the other day and today. I think it only happens on strongholds :thinking:

I've had it happen once during a side mission.

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5 minutes ago, Moa said:

How are gold coins acquired and can they be used for anything other than cosmetics? I want the big glowing colossus head but don't want to screw myself.

Challenges in your challenge log, as well as the daily, weekly and monthly missions. You'll have a steady supply of them as you progress through the campaign, but it'll slow down once you've completed it. I think the Coin reward structure needs a rework, frankly. If you got as many as you do through the campaign constantly, it'd actually be really good. You'd be able to pick yourself out whatever you wanted every once in a while. But after it slows down, the rewards feel like... filler? Placeholder? Like some really involved/difficult/long challenges give you like 2,000-4,000 coins, which is what you get from a lot of super easy challenges early on. You do usually get other stuff on top of that, but coins are what a lot of people really want.


It's not like you stop getting them entirely, but if you buy two armor sets from the store, don't expect to buy your third one for quite a while.


I do believe this is a case of potentially placeholder values (I think a lot of this shit came together right at the end, remember they were "tuning the numbers" just a week before launch and I'm looking at footage of the game from 4 months ago where several abilities didn't even have icons, just red squares, and we got a new mission UI for launch) and not necessarily a case of them trying to strong-arm us into paying for whatever the other currency is. The reason I believe that is because you can also use a small amount of coins to buy crafting stuff, and you cannot use the premium currency there. For that to have any value, currency would have to be doled out much more regularly, or in larger amounts.


More evidence of the game being rushed out the door before being ready, as if we needed more proof. I'd really love to read a post-mortem on this, I bet the story would mirror Destiny 1 and 2's development process. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if they had to restart development entirely at some point. There are just too many things that are head-scratchers. Like the stat screen. We have no reason to believe a stat screen couldn't be cobbled together in an afternoon, and that's with me knowing damn well how ridiculously hard development is. Just pull data from a table that has your character's stats and present it in a readable way. Nothing fancy. I don't think they forgot about it, I think they were literally too busy making sure the game was as close to done as possible before going out the door so they could cross the finish line at all, let alone with a bunch of standard features.

That's not to defend them at all, I just find it very interesting and hope we get to hear the story at some point.

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1 hour ago, Moa said:

How are gold coins acquired and can they be used for anything other than cosmetics? I want the big glowing colossus head but don't want to screw myself.

You can also spend the coins on crafting materials. 


From the sound of it BioWare wants to avoid using coins on weapons and gear directly. Preventing any appearance of “pay to win”. Even though there is not any PVP. 

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I wish I had more time in a day to play this game. Im only like 3 hours in and it's at that slow part where they have to keep introducing you to crap, most I already know about. Only complaint so far are some load times on PS4.  Playing the story missions on hard are sometimes still a little too easy. My random teammates keep chewing big enemies apart before I even do much. I'll be putting some time into the game this week and can't wait to get leveled up. 

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21 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:

At the end of each week you'll also get Coins based on contributions from your friends list, or people that have you on their friends list.  I'm set to get about 9k coins so far at the end of this week.  It's dependent on how much people on your friends list do each week.  

If this game released in full on Tuesday I’d have contributed far more to you cause. 

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13 minutes ago, Pikachu said:

I am having trouble with multi kills too. Only have one so far. Any tips?

Well i played almost entirely as a colossus, and i get multi-kills without even trying by equipping a support slot with the 300% shield damage while sprinting and just mow waves of enemies down doing nothing but running through them.  It basically 1 shots everything that isn't a special enemy or legendary, its also insanely enjoyable to launch yourself through the air like a missile at flying enemies with it.

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Just did the first stronghold on Hard despite seeing the recommendations in this thread. We wiped like 4 times on the bug boss and I could feel people getting frustrated as we wiped earlier and earlier each fight, but on our last attempt, we managed to figure it out and get through the fight without a single player going down.

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22 minutes ago, Pikachu said:

I am having trouble with multi kills too. Only have one so far. Any tips?

"As explained by technical design director Brenon Holmes on reddit an Anthem multi-kill is “eight kills with a 10 second timeout between each (which resets every time you get a kill)”. So it’s not how many people you kill in one go, it’s how many you kill in a set time period. A better way to describe it would be a chain kill - eight kills, one after the other as soon as you can. "


Once I read that and understood how they are counted, I knocked it out fast. 

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Huh. Travis Day himself (key designer of loot 2.0 in Diablo 3) made a thread on the SubReddit. It was fairly popular but didn't gain the traction I'd expect. Has some good info.



EDIT: Guess word got out. 44 minutes before I made this post, this thing was at 60 likes. When I made this post it was at 280, and now a few minutes later it's at 385. It finally got traction.

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:

Any trick to finding these named Titans? I beat one, The Ruin Titan,  and spent 39 minutes flying around trying to find the other three. The only one that spawned for me was the Ruin Titan again. I'll try again tomorrow before the event ends.


I'm not sure if they spawn in the same spots, but 2 are on the south side of the map, 2 on the northern side.

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Three tombs down and 1 to go.  Need about 20 more Ultimate Defeats. What are those?


I have played this game all weekend long. Fucking love it. Crafting better gear is addicting. Almost have all blues/rare for my Ranger. Wish I had more time to grind. I just can’t believe people are bashing on this game. It’s really fun. 

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11 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Three tombs down and 1 to go.  Need about 20 more Ultimate Defeats. What are those?


I have played this game all weekend long. Fucking love it. Crafting better gear is addicting. Almost have all blues/rare for my Ranger. Wish I had more time to grind. I just can’t believe people are bashing on this game. It’s really fun. 

Kills made with your ultimate attack! Not too hard at all! 

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2 hours ago, Brick said:

So how is the game? Are reviews right that it's just ok? Should I wait a year, like with Destiny, to get this? 


I'm not max level so can only speak to the early parts of the game, but I'm really enjoying it. The minute to minute gameplay is engaging with a fluid and precise movement system and chunky combat. I've been playing the Colossus primarily and it really feels like your attacks and movement have weight behind them, which is unexpected for a loot shooter. The story and characters are forgettable, but that isn't why I came to this game and it really doesn't factor into my impressions of the game.  I have some concerns about the longevity of my enjoyment, some of which I think are very fixable and others that are more structural. The first is that the actual loot part of the game could use some reorganization. I haven't gotten deep enough to fully feel the brunt of this but it seems like items that drop have randomized minor bonuses, some of which are more valuable than others, and there is no real way to work towards getting the optimal items beyond getting the same drop again and again until you get the right bonus pair.  This is the type of thing that is relatively easy to fix in big content adding patches, so I'm not terribly concerned about it. My biggest worry is that as the game gets more and more difficult it forces the player to play in a more defensive and less interesting style. The game has such a fun movement system and well-thought-out abilities, but it is hard to enjoy them when you're pinned behind a rock waiting for the enemy to finish their attack pattern so you can get a few shots in. It feels like a 6-7/10 game at launch with the caveat that I think the ceiling for the looty-shooty-diablolike genre is about 8/10. It does the important stuff right, is enjoyable in its current iteration, and is as strong a foundation to build on as I have seen in the genre. 

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On that note, it's worth mentioning that I'm on GM1 and don't have to hide behind any rocks or anything unless there's an overwhelming amount of enemies with hitscan, in which case a few AOEs usually clears enough of the room to make defensive flight pretty safe.


I hear GM2+ is where that starts to become an issue, because it's the same loot quality, but just more of it, and it takes like 2.5x longer to kill things, and those things hit way, WAY harder than GM1. So even if you get loot that makes you 5x stronger, it's still more efficient to run GM1 because you can run it 5x faster than GM2, which would still take 2.5x longer, until you get to the point where you're killing things rapidly enough for that to change, which would be an extremely high level of power. I dunno much about GM3. (GM2 is also just 50% more loot, so it's by default not worth the time investment until you're super OP, needs to be changed.)

Definitely tune-able stuff. I'd be more interesting in lots and lots of enemies moreso than the same amount of enemies but with way more HP. I think we can all agree that mowing down hordes of motherfuckers is usually more fun than not mowing down hordes, although a change-up is always nice and welcome as well, as laying into one target for a big can also be cathartic in a different way. People say lots of enemies would be a performance issue, but I think they can manage it, there's lotsa tricks you can use to make that kind of thing viable, I think.

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