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Update: RIP in Peace, Anthem


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28 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

You guys are making me jelly... I wont be able to play again until tomorrow.


I haven't no lifed a game like I am on this in a looong time.


I def want to squad up, but I can understand the complaints about running through with friends.  If one person wants to talk to the NPCs and take their time customizing and stuff, it could be a lot of down time. I always do all that, so it'd be kind of aggravating to try to coordinate missions.  I'll def be ready to squad up once the story stuff is done though.

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19 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:


I haven't no lifed a game like I am on this in a looong time.


I def want to squad up, but I can understand the complaints about running through with friends.  If one person wants to talk to the NPCs and take their time customizing and stuff, it could be a lot of down time. I always do all that, so it'd be kind of aggravating to try to coordinate missions.  I'll def be ready to squad up once the story stuff is done though.

Yeah I'll be down to do more team type stuff once I'm through the story stuff. I tend to dive deep in Bioware games.

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57 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:

@Mr.Vic20 you stated you had done all the story and side missions and contracts right? and were Level 20?


You sure you did all the Character side missions?  I'm still plugging away at all of it and hit Level 20 now.  I still seem to have so many side stories and still the main story line to do as well.


As it turns out, and I'm being careful here because of spoilers that I did not complete all of the side missions, just all of the ones offered up to the "final battle". More to do it would seem! 

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The idea that the story is forgettable seems odd to me. Sure, it isn't going to blow you away or anything, but it's interesting enough and the characters I consider very, very good. They're actually characters! Not just one-note tropes. I know the name of every NPC you can interact with in town, and can recall every single conversation we've had because I've enjoyed them all. You can see the good part of Bioware easily shining through with those elements.

It does clash a bit if you're trying to play with friends and you have a really chaotic friend group, but I've done just fine over the years telling my friends that when we're doing story stuff, we're doing story stuff. Rushing doesn't make things more fun. If someone's got a tight schedule, then we can address that at the start so we're all on the same page. I think that's why they made the city a solo instance, so you can focus on doing "you" things. Needs a bit of work to help you get around quicker and into matches faster, but I like the concept. With quicker load times (and faster options to get in and out of missions/to NPCs) then I feel the pacing would be much better and also better suited to grouping with friends for sessions. Kinda silly it's not that way already, but that's the way it goes, I guess.


Also, outside of the occasional glitches (I haven't personally seen any but I hear they're delightful) and ambient NPC dialogue around town, the facial animation is REALLY good. People tend to be very convincing in their performances. Body language outside of proper cutscenes (i.e. people walking around vs conversation in one spot) could use some work as people tend to loop their idle animations while talking.


And they need to cut down on the menu clutter. Start and select both give you different menus that are stuffed to the brim with things, but almost none of those things help you accomplish tasks quicker, plus the menus themselves are a bit sluggish.

Lots of work to be done, but all in all the gameplay I consider to be a complete blast and I care about Anthem lore and characters in these first few days more than I cared about Destiny and Destiny 2's lore and characters after years, and I didn't need grimoire cards to tell me the story! I seriously did not expect to give one single shit about the Anthem world or a single one of its characters. I even care about my character! He's got a personality and everything! You can see the hurt in his eyes in cutscenes that show his face when things go bad! I expected nothing of the sort.

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7 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Holy shit I forgot all about grimoire cards!:lol: Who at Bungie thought that was a good idea? "Let's tie all the lore and world building to collectible cards that you have to view through the companion app! Brilliance!"

I 100% agree, but with all the dude bros trashing Anthem for having the audacity to have a story inserted into their Loot "Shooter". maybe Bungie felt they were on to something dividing the world lore from the blam, blam. It seems impossible to please both RPG fans and the shooter as a sport crowd. Then again it was not in the game itself as you pointed out which is just odd. 

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I'm willing to bet that 90% of the hate you're seeing is from threatened Destiny fanboys... I got a text from a friend of mine who saw me playing Friday and asked me how was it because she heard it was " a Destiny ripoff" that bit of information came from her 13 year old son who is a die hard Destiny fanboy. That community is very threatened by this game for some reason.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I'm willing to bet that 90% of the hate you're seeing is from threatened Destiny fanboys... I got a text from a friend of mine who saw me playing Friday and asked me how was it because she heard it was " a Destiny ripoff" that bit of information came from here 13 year old son who is a die hard Destiny fanboy. That community is very threatened by this game for some reason.

That is certainly a contingent of the voices that dislike the game, but I'm surprised at publications like PC Gamer that are coming off more like a polygon article. 

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Thats what I'm at a loss for.  It has its issues for sure, hopefully some that can be tweaked and fixed, but reading some of what is out there, its coming off like this game is straight garbage not worth playing at all.  


What they have given us for $60 is a pretty huge game and world to explore with the promise of FREE updates to both story and and ever evolving world.  No paid DLC.  I am vested into the story and the world, I want to explore it, unlike most of Destiny.  I look forward to the updates and the Cataclysm and all that as the game evolves.


I just dont understand it.  You can tell the game was made with love from Bioware, they have also been so vocal and responsive and transparent to the fans on Social Media.  Already admitting theyve messed up some things and will tweak it.  


I just hope some of the negative reactions dont scare people away and people give it a fair shake.  

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56 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I'm willing to bet that 90% of the hate you're seeing is from threatened Destiny fanboys... I got a text from a friend of mine who saw me playing Friday and asked me how was it because she heard it was " a Destiny ripoff" that bit of information came from her 13 year old son who is a die hard Destiny fanboy. That community is very threatened by this game for some reason.



When people compare it to Destiny it makes me want to jump out the nearest window. People act like Destiny is the first loot game ever 

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I think I’m the most vested “Destiny player” of anyone commenting in this thread (over 1000 hours between D1 and D2) and I don’t feel threatened by Anthem at all. Destiny is in a huge content lull right now and will be for at least another few weeks. Anthem is filling that void and I’m enjoying the story, characters and lore, echoing all that has been said about them already. I’m glad I read/learned early on that this game should be played like a cool down based MMO rather than a shooter. Understanding the combo system is critical to enjoying the gameplay. Otherwise it is super boring plinking enemies with so-so guns. 


Playing with randoms has been fairly painless. I can’t wait to do stuff with friends. This game has huge potential so I hope they can follow through on their promises for regular content. It being free is a huge plus for those that want to take a break and come back to it now and again. 


And yet, right now now it is hard for me personally to give the game a recommendation because I am still so early on, about 6 hours in. I want to finish the story, get to lvl cap and see what the end game loop looks like. How receptive will they be to the huge amounts of feedback coming in? 


Early end game impressions are that it is shallow with only 3 strongholds. However, there are those higher difficulties, getting masterworked gear etc. Too early to tell on that and I’m not there yet. 


How will bugs and stuff improve with the much ballyhooed day one patch? What about future patches? How much can they change about the base systems of the game. 


Destiny has the advantage of 4.5 years of tweaks, content and adjustments. I quit destiny after the first month because it was so tedious. A year later with Taken King they overhauled it completely and made it fun. They did the same thing with Forsaken after a lackluster year one of D2. Will BioWare be given the autonomy by EA to play the long game with Anthem if it stumbles out of the gate as Activision did with Bungie? I hope so because this game has good “bones” as it were. 


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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I'm willing to bet that 90% of the hate you're seeing is from threatened Destiny fanboys... I got a text from a friend of mine who saw me playing Friday and asked me how was it because she heard it was " a Destiny ripoff" that bit of information came from her 13 year old son who is a die hard Destiny fanboy. That community is very threatened by this game for some reason.


24 minutes ago, Anzo said:

I think I’m the most vested “Destiny player” of anyone commenting in this thread (over 1000 hours between D1 and D2) and I don’t feel threatened by Anthem at all. 


I kinda hate to admit this, but my D1 play time is over 860 hours, and D2 is 1168 hours. 


Ya know, I’ve also stated seeing Division fans throwing shade at Anthem too. Saying the game looks unfinished, the endgame is just repeating the same missions. You know, the exact things Div1 had against it, and Div2’s endgame has an ok looking road map, but at launch? Just the same missions with a bullet sponge enemy faction. 


Both groups bitching about the micro transactions in Anthem. Uh, ok?  I saw a video of a guy saying don’t buy Anthem because the game requires a day one patch to fix a bunch of stuff. Uh, ok?

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15 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:


I kinda hate to admit this, but my D1 play time is over 860 hours, and D2 is 1168 hours. 


Ya know, I’ve also stated seeing Division fans throwing shade at Anthem too. Saying the game looks unfinished, the endgame is just repeating the same missions. You know, the exact things Div1 had against it, and Div2’s endgame has an ok looking road map, but at launch? Just the same missions with a bullet sponge enemy faction. 


Both groups bitching about the micro transactions in Anthem. Uh, ok?  I saw a video of a guy saying don’t buy Anthem because the game requires a day one patch to fix a bunch of stuff. Uh, ok?

I played the hell out of both Destinies and The Division and while I enjoyed my time with both, they both had fundamental flaws... It became clear that at least in the case of Destiny one, content was held back to released at a later date. The Divsion never got its balance issues together and had one of the most toxic communities in gaming.

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23 hours ago, JPDunks4 said:

the developers have talked about being very excited for the 22nd, the real Launch Day cause thats when the Day 1 Patch Releases, and when the game actually goes Live in a sense..  That's where Im curious to see if we actually have a real living story being told continuously in game.  


I love the world and the gameplay, so I really look forward to where they take this in the future.

I don't know what to think about that. Some people are paying extra to play the game early or signing up for EA's service, but you're not even getting to play the best version of the game right now. 

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Yea I don't feel threatened by this game as a Destiny fan, I had 900 hours in D1 and I've 1000 in D2 and I want more games to decide between and enjoy.


The more I've played this the more I notice the issues and I just hope we get a few good quality of life patches soon, especially the day 1 patch... I want things to feel more refined and polished. 


But the game has potential, however I still greatly prefer destiny 2 over this even tho it's hit a bit of a wall with its drip feed dlc. 

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1 hour ago, DarkStar189 said:

I don't know what to think about that. Some people are paying extra to play the game early or signing up for EA's service, but you're not even getting to play the best version of the game right now. 

Do early adopters EVER play the best version of a given game? Patches are routine now especially for games of this type... lord knows both Destiny and The Division had their share of patches over their lifespans that improved the games.

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I guess chests in the open world were giving out higher level loot, so PC players were just going around opening chests non stop to get Masterworks? They already patched it out.


Also said the Tomb Quest will start counting at Level 3, so by the time you get to the Tombs even more of the challenges would be complete.

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Jesus Christ, I don't know what the fixation is with having a single game that has to be your life hobby. Makes no fucking sense. 


I've put in around 900 hours into D1 and D2.  I've put around 650 hours or so into the Division.  I have preordered both Anthem and the Division 2 and I think both games have huge potential. 


I'll be playing Anthem, the Division and even Destiny 2 when the have compelling content. 


Really looking forward to the 22nd. I fully expect this game to be something completely different a year from now, based on feedback and improvements they will make. In the meantime I will enjoy the evolution. I know the base experience is fun from what I've played. 

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28 minutes ago, Man_of_X said:

Jesus Christ, I don't know what the fixation is with having a single game that has to be your life hobby. Makes no fucking sense. 


I've put in around 900 hours into D1 and D2.  I've put around 650 hours or so into the Division.  I have preordered both Anthem and the Division 2 and I think both games have huge potential. 


I'll be playing Anthem, the Division and even Destiny 2 when the have compelling content. 


Really looking forward to the 22nd. I fully expect this game to be something completely different a year from now, based on feedback and improvements they will make. In the meantime I will enjoy the evolution. I know the base experience is fun from what I've played. 


Perfectly put.  A lot of the fun is to be there at the start, and see how the game changes over time.  Then thinking back to how you didn't have this and that back when you first played.  




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8 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:


I kinda hate to admit this, but my D1 play time is over 860 hours, and D2 is 1168 hours. 


Ya know, I’ve also stated seeing Division fans throwing shade at Anthem too. Saying the game looks unfinished, the endgame is just repeating the same missions. You know, the exact things Div1 had against it, and Div2’s endgame has an ok looking road map, but at launch? Just the same missions with a bullet sponge enemy faction. 


Both groups bitching about the micro transactions in Anthem. Uh, ok?  I saw a video of a guy saying don’t buy Anthem because the game requires a day one patch to fix a bunch of stuff. Uh, ok?


I've been skeptical of opinions on this game for a while now.  The popular reception seems full of thinly-veiled attacks by people invested in whatever is their GaAS of choice.  They say this 'genre' is too crowded, when it's really just people clinging to the one thing they already put dozens of hours (and a good bit of money) into, while concern-trolling the new thing.

I'll trust the critics - used to bouncing from game to game - more than the general populace on this one.  At least for the game's shape at launch.

I still would have been much more interested in Anthem as a straight up action game.  Everyone just loves to hype up (or down) these looty GaAS projects now.  It's in vogue, and I suppose Anthem has that going for it.  A ton of people will check it out.

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People were desperate to make it a meme game that's just a "lazy Destiny clone" so that's what they've been hellbent on making it... even though it's really nothing like Destiny in terms of gameplay or story or anything outside of the looter-shooter aspect. It's got so many of its own problems, there's no need to make it out to be something it's not in order to get cool hater points.

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‘Anthem’ Launch Day Patch to Fix High Level Concerns



The full list of patch notes for the launch day release, coming Friday, are below:


High level fixes

  • Improved loading times
  • Fixed many infinite loading screens
  • Fixed multiple challenges not tracking properly
  • A number of issues have been fixed that were causing players to disconnect or crash
  • Weapons and gear now have numbers present for modifiers

General Fixes and Improvements

  • Loot Reveal and Expedition Summary now correctly play during the end of expedition screen.
  • The gather party mechanic has been made more lenient in a number of situations
  • At the end of expedition screen players will no longer get stuck on “Recording Victories” or “Skipping All”.
  • Game no longer hangs in Javelin menu when unlocking the second, third or fourth javelin
  • During the mission “What Freelancers Do” dying after killing Junkmaw & freeing Arcanists leaves you unable to progress, this has been fixed
  • Challenges now unlock for players at the correct levels
  • Fixed some camera issues during cutscenes
  • Legendary Contracts can now be accepted from the Social Hub contract board
  • Some enemies have had their shield values decreased
  • Loot now properly drops for players who are downed
  • The texture quality on the NPC Prospero has been improved
  • Final boss of strongholds now drop loot instead of only being shown on the end of expedition screen
  • Fixed the time outs on echoes and relics to prevent griefing and to handle disconnections properly
  • Players can no longer fall through the floor during the 3rd trial in the Fortress of Dawn
  • Completing the tutorial expedition will now show the correct Ranger appearance
  • After disconnecting, rejoining an expedition will now place you back into a squad if you were in one previously
  • Corrected an issue where players could not interact with each other in the launch bay in certain circumstances
  • Corrected an issue during the Mission “Bad Deal” where outlaws won’t spawn, blocking progress
  • The start of expedition screen has been improved
  • Addressed a variety of situations where killing enemies does not properly progress world events
  • Opening a chest now increments Tomb of the Legionnaire progress for all squad members present
  • Scar snipers can no longer shoot through Storm Shield
  • Corrected an issue where players would get stuck on the end of expedition screen in some situations
  • Players will no longer get disconnected if joining the “Finding Old Friends” mission while the cinematic is playing
  • Addressed a number of situations where players can get stuck on the environment in the launch bay
  • Increased the damage of the electric status effect
  • Corrected an issue where the Shield of Dawn could be crafted with less materials then intended in some situations
  • The Platinum Mission feat now grants completion as intended
  • Status effects can more reliably be applied to Titans


  • Fixed an issue that would cause a Stronghold server crash after defeating the last boss
  • Temple of Scar – Players can no longer get stuck in the mined tunnel in the explosives room
  • Temple of Scar – Players can no longer be blocked from entering the explosives room due to fog wall
  • Fixed Tyrant Mine so people that join the stronghold in-progress do not end up locked away from their team
  • Adjusted lighting in Tyrant Mine underwater section to make it easier to navigate to the exit
  • The Swarm Tyrant will no longer get stuck in the side cave entrances in some situations
  • Corrected an issue where players would spawn into different areas of the Tyrant Mine in certain situations

Gear and Weapons

  • After having 1st pilot unlock suit after tutorials, creating a new pilot and going to forge no longer causes load screen hang
  • Ice damage bonuses are now correctly applied on ice gear
  • Suit-wide bonuses from inscription are now functioning properly
  • Players can no longer salvage equipped items
  • Javelin specific gear and/or weapons are no longer able to be used on javelins they aren’t intended for
  • Corrected an issue where in some circumstances Masterwork Components do not have any inscriptions
  • The Endless Siege Masterwork Autocannon no longer displays a damage increase of 0% in its tooltip


  • The Colossus javelin is now able to activate its shield more quickly after using an ability or firing a weapon
  • The Storm javelin now reacts to getting hit when its shields are up
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed the Storm’s ultimate attack to be used more times than intended
  • The Colossus javelin can now shield and revive at the same time
  • Interceptor Combo Aura has been increased in power and now has a damage over time component


  • Non-Masterwork materials purchased from the crafting store now show as their proper rarity instead of incorrectly showing as Masterwork


  • Additional Mouse and Keyboard control improvements have been made


  • Some conversations were not popping up the reputation points post conversation completion, this has been fixed
  • The squad screen now displays the correct information for each player
  • Fixed a number of issues where subtitles will no longer get stuck on the screen after dialogue has finished as often
  • Settings should no longer reset upon exiting and restarting the game on Xbox One
  • Motion blur can now correctly be turned off
  • The Electric Status Effect now shows scaled damage properly
  • An option has been added to hide the Squad Member HUD
  • The edge of the compass will now pulse to indicate enemy locations
  • A notification has been added in Fort Tarsis if a player’s vault is at the cap of 250 items
  • On the “Repair the Strider” step of “A Cry for Help” the search radar has been adjusted to correctly lead the player to all 4 tools
  • Primer and Detonator icons have been added to all Interceptor gear
  • Corrected a user interface issue where a player’s ultimate would show as available when it isn’t


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Skipping around the Arstechnica review....


All the classes play pretty much identical.  I dont understand the combo systems.. Only the storm class you can really fly around the battlefield while the other Javelins play rather similar.


Yeah stopped reading there. 


I get that some of the combat is repetitive, but what Looter Shooters combat isn't repeitive? The entire nature of these games is you redo the same content and combat scenarios with better equipment to be able to do them better, and prepare yourself for harder encounters.


If I was playing on Normal with a Storm Javelin just raining down powers on things mindlessly I could see it being boring.  but playing with the Interceptor soloing Hard Difficulty on these late game missions is hard and a blast.  Have to constantly be moving and dodging.  Executing my powers and timing perfectly to avoid being 1 shotted.   


Its pretty clear Reviews are gonna rip this game apart ,which is too bad.  


Another review bringing up the Town and conversations breaking up the action.  It does do that, but its what Bioware does.  I quit the 1st Mass Effect when I got to the Citadel and got bored with walking around talking to people.  When I gave it a second chance, I realized just how good Bioware is at developing characters and story, and I fell in love wth the game because of that.

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EA hate coupled with Destiny-fan bias and folks turning on Bioware will guarantee that this game ends up averaging around 70 on metacritic if its lucky.  Hopefully enough people enjoyed the Beta so that I can at least get a year out of this game before it gets shut down. The culture of the internet along with a video game "journalism" industry that never outgrew its adolescence and established a clear internal code for reviewing games that was accepted industry wide, means that reviews no longer really mean anything. More companies should do their best to just get games in as many gamers hands (through trials, demos, etc,)and let them be the ultimate judges. That ArtsTechnica review was a complete joke.... all the Javelins play that same?! They have far more diversity in gameplay between the classes here than in both Destiny AND The Division. I don't get that critique at all.

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The narrative has been established. The game's real problems will likely be seldom talked about except by those who actually put time into the game to see them. Everything else will likely be surface level stuff and reviewers complaining because their speedrun-solo-on-easy-mode campaign rush got cut short by a mission that required them to actually play the game with more than LT and RT held down.


It's a shame, because the game does have a bunch of very real problems that need to be addressed (many already being covered in the day 356/2 days patch) but we're instead seeing inaccurate or made up problems. Or videos from people who were doing the 10 hour trial which, while definitely enough to form an opinion on the game, certainly shouldn't be you writing a review unless you utterly hated the game and quit on the spot.


I am all, 100% for bitching about the problems that games have. It's when we invent issues or only focus on meme issues (like the facial animations... ambient facial animation is typical neutral mouth-flappy stuff you expect from background characters, while the cutscenes have absolutely gorgeous facial animations, it's weird cherry picking like this from people trying to get memes going and make Andromeda comparisons that don't even make sense since it's not even the same fucking studio) that I start to get annoyed. Games have plenty of real flaws to point out without making shit up.

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8 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

Am I supposed to have access to the Legion of Dawn armor once I unlock the Vanity Shop? 


I got got the demo vinyl there, but did not see my armor. 


They tweeted that out. You need to finish a mission in the game to unlock the armor.. Prespero Mission.


Its only Live for Origin Premier members right now.  




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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

EA hate coupled with Destiny-fan bias and folks turning on Bioware will guarantee that this game ends up averaging around 70 on metacritic if its lucky.  Hopefully enough people enjoyed the Beta so that I can at least get a year out of this game before it gets shut down. The culture of the internet along with a video game "journalism" industry that never outgrew its adolescence and established a clear internal code for reviewing games that was accepted industry wide, means that reviews no longer really mean anything. More companies should do their best to just get games in as many gamers hands (through trials, demos, etc,)and let them be the ultimate judges. That ArtsTechnica review was a complete joke.... all the Javelins play that same?! They have far more diversity in gameplay between the classes here than in both Destiny AND The Division. I don't get that critique at all.


I agree, I hate the culture we live in when it comes to this.  What annoys me is how anymore there's no middle ground, if you say you like it you are a shill, if you say you don't like it you're a hater... There's never that ground of liking something while understanding it has flaws and then waiting to see how it turns out. 


That's my boat, I like it but I simply want to see how it'll evolve. I do find that these companies are taking to many liberties with the ability to just patch things in, but it is what it is... I simply want more games to enjoy. 


I want this game to succeed, I want destiny 2 to do well, division 2....why would I want any of them to fail... That only means less games to play.


My biggest gripe right now however on Pc is optimization, it really needs it... Outside of that I'm ready to see how the game evolves. 

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I really didn't care about the "evolving world" or anything before launch. Now I'm super curious about them. I think the world is absolutely gorgeous and it's a shame how you kind of just zip right by it most of the time to hurry from point A to B (although the flight time does give you a moment to take it in) which probably contributes to people thinking the world feels forgettable, but man, it's nice in Freeplay to just explore and look around. The various areas look VERY different and there's some neat shit out there. Go do yourself a favor and do an exploration Freeplay. Look for chests or hidden codex things or whatever to give yourself something to do, but just take a look around you. Game's got some great vistas.

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