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Update: RIP in Peace, Anthem


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Subscribed to the $15/month of EA Access so I could play this game without paying the full price. Kinda glad I did that so far. I've played a bunch so far today and I am trying really hard to like it. So far it's just not clicking with me and and I can't figure out why. Not getting into the characters, the combo system is fun but the gunplay  & combat outside of that is sorta meh. So far I've unlocked ranger & storm so maybe I just haven't found a Javelin that fits me yet.

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2 hours ago, JPDunks4 said:

One thing I think is going to be built into this game, at least I hope so, is that Fort Tsarsis is going to change over time.  Which is why its a "single player" area.


It will change and evolve over time based on our decisions.  I just get a sense cause the Fort is "under construction" now, and based on the character conversations, it seems like depending on your choices, things can go either way.  I hope thats the case, I always loved how in games like Chrono Trigger, your choices shaped the game world.



That's definitely gonna happen... I've already had to make a couple of choices with NPC's that I suspect will bear fruit later in the game. What level are you at and how much more of your 10 hours do you gave left?

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44 minutes ago, The Dude said:

So I'm in free roam but there are like 2 guys at most I've seen, and I'm getting my ass kicked in what I think are world events. 


What should I be doing in free roam this early on? 


@Mr.Vic20 @skillzdadirecta help me guys :cry:

I've barely done free roam myself to be honest.  the mobs seem tougher for some reason.

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1 hour ago, The Dude said:

So I'm in free roam but there are like 2 guys at most I've seen, and I'm getting my ass kicked in what I think are world events. 


What should I be doing in free roam this early on? 


@Mr.Vic20 @skillzdadirecta help me guys :cry:

Free roam world events scale to meet the player count in the instance, I believe. So if the others don’t show up you have to approach them carefully! I can handle most with a colossus, but I recommend you level up doing main missions until you are at least level 10. Then you’ll have open up enough suit slots to add some extra shields or armor and have a gun with enough punch to manage the fight. 

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So turns out,  I signed up for EA access so I could play BFV early. I forgot to unsubscribe so I’ve been playing anthem early on the  X1X. I put about 7hrs in so far. 


Rifht off the bat,  it’s running a lot smoother than the beta. So far I’ve only had one audio glitch and that’s been it. Load times are shorter, framerate feels like they smoothed it out. 


As for the game, it’s been really fun up to the point that I’m at. If you enjoyed the beta, you’ll like the full game.  However the mission I’m on has brought the game to a screeching halt.



This mission you have to unlock 4 tombs in freeplay. But before you do, you have to complete a fuck ton of tasks just to even unlock em.  Some of the tasks are ridiculous too. This is going to take forever to complete solo.  It’s as if they are forcing you to use the launch bay and squad up. Really a bad choice IMO. 


So that’s where I’m at. 


My only concern as I’m playing is that I’m getting a ton of the same guns over and over. From common->green->blue it’s the same name just better stats and perks. I really hope there are some unique exotic weapons in this game that really stand out from the stuff that seems to be dropping frequently. 

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Yeah that point in progression seems to be a huge sticking point  for a number of players. I’m right at that point but haven’t started it yet. Reading the feedback of others it seems like there is a bug that makes the progress of those steps start at zero when normally anything you have done prior should count. From what I’ve read it is stuff like kills with your Ultimate, opening chests, doing world events etc. 


Even when it is working as intended it seems like a weird choice for a story progression step. Destiny has quest steps like that but they were never story related. 

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26 minutes ago, atom631 said:

So turns out,  I signed up for EA access so I could play BFV early. I forgot to unsubscribe so I’ve been playing anthem early on the  X1X. I put about 7hrs in so far. 


Rifht off the bat,  it’s running a lot smoother than the beta. So far I’ve only had one audio glitch and that’s been it. Load times are shorter, framerate feels like they smoothed it out. 


As for the game, it’s been really fun up to the point that I’m at. If you enjoyed the beta, you’ll like the full game.  However the mission I’m on has brought the game to a screeching halt.


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So that’s where I’m at. 


My only concern as I’m playing is that I’m getting a ton of the same guns over and over. From common->green->blue it’s the same name just better stats and perks. I really hope there are some unique exotic weapons in this game that really stand out from the stuff that seems to be dropping frequently. 


In regards to the quest... @Mr.Vic20addressed it earlier, but it really shouldn't cause anything to halt...



Go talk to the different Characters in Town to get the Agent Quests, or Contracts.. Do those.  All the progress doing those Quests contribute to those "tasks".   I finished all of it while just running around around doing those, with relatively little time spent in Free Play.   Chests was the last one I got, but that was pretty easy too once I started searching around for them.  


My biggest concern is the difficulty still, I pretty much have to play solo to have a challenge.  Ults charge too fast, and are so powerful that with 4 Javelins u just destroy everything so quick.


I am concerned about the items as well. There are Masterwork Items, but I'm not sure if they are the same items we get now, just with special perks and stats.  Its the one thing I can see that seems to be a flaw thus far.  I like games that Skills feel more powerful as you level them up.  Have the animations be crappy little explosions at lower level and ramp them up as they get more powerful.  


It's early though, and adding special crazy items in wont be that challenging for them either.  


Game is pretty much everything i've wanted in a game though, Im hooked. 

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Literally the whiniest complaint.  It even counts any prior progress towards the challenges.  By the time I even got to that mission and saw all the lists, I had the majority of it already done. 


I spent 0 time actually hunting for those challenges, I just simply played the game and did the other Agent Missions and had all 4 Lists of Tasks completed without even thinking about them.  


I guess if you are a Reviewer or someone just doing the main storyline straight through and rushing then yeah, maybe it feels like a Roadblock.  Anyone playing the game and doing all that it has to offer and not rushing to finish to hit some deadlines, then its seriously an afterthought.  Or should be.

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Just now, JPDunks4 said:

Literally the whiniest complaint.  It even counts any prior progress towards the challenges.  By the time I even got to that mission and saw all the lists, I had the majority of it already done. 


I spent 0 time actually hunting for those challenges, I just simply played the game and did the other Agent Missions and had all 4 Lists of Tasks completed without even thinking about them.  


I guess if you are a Reviewer or someone just doing the main storyline straight through and rushing then yeah, maybe it feels like a Roadblock.  Anyone playing the game and doing all that it has to offer and not rushing to finish to hit some deadlines, then its seriously an afterthought.  Or should be.

And if that content wasn’t there he would complain that the game is shallow and lacks depth. lol

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Reading the responses, just about everyone is hating on the game.  I honestly can't understand why.  It's like perfection almost for me thus far.  People complaining about loading screens then talking about how welly designed Destiny is.  I spent more time in Loading screens for Destiny than I did actually playing the game.


I have a strong feeling we'll see plenty of hate for the game from the Destiny fan base that hasn't even played the game.  It's also EA so plenty will love to hate on it for that too.  The open world is pretty massive and beautifully detailed and designed, so I'm not shocked it takes some time to load.  Loading into the Fort and into the caves is pretty damn quick.  


Do people really play a game like this and not explore the side content at all and just rush through the main story, because that's really what it feels like.  The challenges on those doors were like 60% done when I got to that part of the story.  

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The world feels very much more alive than Destiny to me. 


Destiny's world felt so static, and the same enemies spawning in from the same points over and over, and the same Public Events happening at the same spots.  It didn't really feel like a real living world I was exploring.  Just a pre-set battlefield that repeated itself over and over.  


Thats not to say this game wont feel like that after awhile as well, but its sheer size and verticality and detailed nature makes it so fun to explore.  


The World Events range from short and easy to really in depth to the point they feel like a main story mission.  I had one World Event that required me to go into a side cave, and complete like 3/4 steps that took me about 20ish minutes of challenging gameplay.  It was an absolute blast to play through and had me exploring brand new interesting parts of the world. 

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1 hour ago, JPDunks4 said:


In regards to the quest... @Mr.Vic20addressed it earlier, but it really shouldn't cause anything to halt...


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Go talk to the different Characters in Town to get the Agent Quests, or Contracts.. Do those.  All the progress doing those Quests contribute to those "tasks".   I finished all of it while just running around around doing those, with relatively little time spent in Free Play.   Chests was the last one I got, but that was pretty easy too once I started searching around for them.  


My biggest concern is the difficulty still

I did a bunch of contracts and agent missions before I took the tomb mission. I have a bunch of the tomb requirements halfway done but I don’t think i have anymore contracts ready at this point. I’ll have to check. 


Its not a bad mission, but it’s a huge departure from the previous 8ish missions I’ve done. 


As for the difficulty, I agree. So far it’s been a breeze. I have a sniper rifle that has explosive rounds. It’s a 2HK on most yellow bars. It’s a complete beast of a gun. 


I have no other complaints. I love the game so far. I just hope the loot drops get better as we get into endgame. Otherwise that’s pretty much going to ruin it. It’s good to have random stat rolls on guns so you can chase specific builds, but there needs to be truly unique weapons. 

  • stepee 1
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28 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:

Reading the responses, just about everyone is hating on the game.  I honestly can't understand why.  It's like perfection almost for me thus far.  People complaining about loading screens then talking about how welly designed Destiny is.  I spent more time in Loading screens for Destiny than I did actually playing the game.


I have a strong feeling we'll see plenty of hate for the game from the Destiny fan base that hasn't even played the game.  It's also EA so plenty will love to hate on it for that too.  The open world is pretty massive and beautifully detailed and designed, so I'm not shocked it takes some time to load.  Loading into the Fort and into the caves is pretty damn quick.  


Do people really play a game like this and not explore the side content at all and just rush through the main story, because that's really what it feels like.  The challenges on those doors were like 60% done when I got to that part of the story.  

The main complaint about loading that I have read is mostly during co-op such as the distance between you and another player seems to be pretty short otherwise if you fall behind you'll be forced into a loading screen in order to catch up to a teamate who's rushing ahead. And it can be worse because once you've finally loaded in you are quicky forced into yet another loading screen because that teamate is still far ahead of you.  On top of this if you care about the story all these loading screens will cause other players to miss the dialog. So of you plan to see the story play all missions as host or solo. 


There also seems to be a problem with the reviving mechanic. If you go down in co-op there's no timer that auto revives you so you have to rely on your teamates. So a random player can easily grief you by leaving you on the ground for the whole mission. 

  • stepee 1
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2 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

The main complaint about loading that I have read is mostly during co-op such as the distance between you and another player seems to be pretty short otherwise if you fall behind you'll be forced into a loading screen in order to catch up to a teamate who's rushing ahead. And it can be worse because once you've finally loaded in you are quicky forced into yet another loading screen because that teamate is still far ahead of you.  On top of this if you care about the story all these loading screens will cause other players to miss the dialog. So of you plan to see the story play all missions as host or solo. 


There also seems to be a problem with the reviving mechanic. If you go down in co-op there's no timer that auto revives you so you have to rely on your teamates. So a random player can easily grief you by leaving you on the groud for the whole mission. 


This I agree with, I hate that.  Let me do my own thing no need to drag me to my teammates all the time.  

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It depends on the area regarding revives. Like in Destiny there are no respawn zones although they are slightly more punishing. If you die in one of those, then you have to wait for a teammate to revive you. No other option. If you die outside of one of those, then there is a countdown to when you can respawn on your own. Like 10 seconds I believe. They could benefit from fixing that a little though because it isn't exactly quick. It respawns you far away from the fracas and there is even a load screen to do so. 

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9 minutes ago, atom631 said:

I did a bunch of contracts and agent missions before I took the tomb mission. I have a bunch of the tomb requirements halfway done but I don’t think i have anymore contracts ready at this point. I’ll have to check. 


Its not a bad mission, but it’s a huge departure from the previous 8ish missions I’ve done. 


As for the difficulty, I agree. So far it’s been a breeze. I have a sniper rifle that has explosive rounds. It’s a 2HK on most yellow bars. It’s a complete beast of a gun. 


I have no other complaints. I love the game so far. I just hope the loot drops get better as we get into endgame. Otherwise that’s pretty much going to ruin it. It’s good to have random stat rolls on guns so you can chase specific builds, but there needs to be truly unique weapons. 


JPDunks4, add me.  No clue how the scaling works, but we'll all have to group up.

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1 minute ago, JPDunks4 said:


This I agree with, I hate that.  Let me do my own thing no need to drag me to my teammates all the time.  

Destiny has that to a degree. It is only for the boss in strikes and raids though. Not sure how it is done in proper MMO's.

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5 minutes ago, Anzo said:

It depends on the area regarding revives. Like in Destiny there are no respawn zones although they are slightly more punishing. If you die in one of those, then you have to wait for a teammate to revive you. No other option. If you die outside of one of those, then there is a countdown to when you can respawn on your own. Like 10 seconds I believe. They could benefit from fixing that a little though because it isn't exactly quick. It respawns you far away from the fracas and there is even a load screen to do so. 

That could be in a Nightfall or the Raid(things I never do because there's no matchmaking) but outside of those there's always a countdown timer to auto-revive in Destiny. The most I've seen was 30 seconds I think. 

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Also, everytime I go back to Fort Tarsis, I go to the map and see if anyone has the Conversation Markers of their head, I think that's what opens up more contracts and side mission.  Similar to how Mass Effect worked, you need to continually converse with each NPC to keep their story progressing.  


It can be kind of annoying, especially early on with like 6-8 Convo Markers to hit, but it's kept all the side content moving along.

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2 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

That could be in a Nightfall or the Raid(things I never do because there's no matchmaking) but outside of those there's always a countdown timer to auto-revive in Destiny. The most I've seen was 30 seconds I think. 


Yeah Raids and certain section of Nightfalls I think, "No Respawning" zones would pop up.  In the Hard Raid you couldn't even be revived by teammates once you were downed.  This is OG Destiny, I didnt put much time into Destiny 2.  

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5 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

That could be in a Nightfall or the Raid(things I never do because there's no matchmaking) but outside of those there's always a countdown timer to auto-revive in Destiny. The most I've seen was 30 seconds I think. 

Regular strikes had them too. Even story missions had them at times. To you point though, even if you couldn't respawn immediately (like when patrolling) you could after 15-30 seconds. As I said, Destiny's respawn system is less punishing overall than Anthem's. Bioware would be wise to adjust it. 

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Have a 2nd account on your Xbox.  Have EA Access on 2nd account.  Boot the game while logged onto 2nd account with its 10 hours.  Once you get to the title screen, the game asks you who you are.  Choose your real account.  You login on your main account to progress while using your 2nd accounts 10 hours.  



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9 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

....that sounds like an expensive extra 10 hours. :(



Especially since I do not have EA Access now. That’s $60 for 20 hours. Which wouldn’t be bad if I was buying a game, but I already bought the $80 version of the game. 


I just wanna play it :cry:

I’m pretty sure I pay $5/mo for ea access?  

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