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Update: RIP in Peace, Anthem


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I played it more extensively today and my final verdict is I like game but I'm definitely not loving how it feels on ps4 which is a pro incase I didn't mention previously.  Unless it gets a huge performance boost I'll most likely play this on Pc but that is still good news because I wasn't keen on the game period at first, but today my time spend helped me gain a better vision of it all. 


I think I'll definitely get some hours out of it but not sure it can grab me like a Destiny or diablo. I'm lookin forward to loading it up on Pc next to see how much different it feels 

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9 minutes ago, The Dude said:

I played it more extensively today and my final verdict is I like game but I'm definitely not loving how it feels on ps4 which is a pro incase I didn't mention previously.  Unless it gets a huge performance boost I'll most likely play this on Pc but that is still good news because I wasn't keen on the game period at first, but today my time spend helped me gain a better vision of it all. 


I think I'll definitely get some hours out of it but not sure it can grab me like a Destiny or diablo. I'm lookin forward to loading it up on Pc next to see how much different it feels 

They've pretty much said that it will be capped at 30fps on console.  They have said that current builds have already fixed the laggy controls that are currently in the demo.

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2 minutes ago, mikechorney said:

They've pretty much said that it will be capped at 30fps on console.  They have said that current builds have already fixed the laggy controls that are currently in the demo.


I'll be curious to see how that feels.. I fired destiny 2 up a bit after and even tho it's 30 as well it just feels better in general but I wish they would've put their best build out there for this, I don't understand using an older build 

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Between the gameplay, customization and story, I can't wait for this. I'm sure the bugs will get ironed out... Destiny had a ton of issues when it launched too but it got it together and I'm sure they will figure this out too. Besides the infinite loads issue, which I got EVERYTIME I launched an expedition to be honest, I didn't have ANY issues besides that. I pre-ordered the deluxe edition as soon as the demo ended last night.

  • stepee 2
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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Between the gameplay, customization and story, I can't wait for this. I'm sure the bugs will get ironed out... Destiny had a ton of issues when it launched too but it got it together and I'm sure they will figure this out too. Besides the infinite loads issue, which I got EVERYTIME I launched an expedition to be honest, I didn't have ANY issues besides that. I pre-ordered the deluxe edition as soon as the demo ended last night.

Yeah once I got around the infinite load screen the game ran great. Now February 22 seems so long away. :cry:

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From the stand point of having something to play, in a worst case scenario I abandon Anthem completely for Division 2 in March. 


As a gamer I hope it is both solid on release, has plenty of content, and good post release support of additional content. I want BioWare to make another Mass Effect, and they cannot do that if EA shuts them down. 

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6 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I think what made me enjoy this so much was the flying around and whatnot. Being in a Mech suit-thing really adds to the Destiny-like formula of Anthem for the better, IMO.

I described it to my inquiring neighbor as "Destiny with rocket packs".  

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1 hour ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

Like Destiny, the core mechanics of a great game are there. The question is, how much content will be there day one and how well will they support it month on month. This is, of course, the concern of any game as a service game. 

Yeah, early impressions are only so valuable in a game like this. Unless the launch is smooth and the gameplay and progression are highly praised I think I'll wait a month or two to see what the final verdict is. I just remember that the initial impressions towards Destiny 2 were very positive but a month out everyone had turned on the game. Fortunately for me, I think my expectations for the game are pretty reasonable, meaning I recognize that the story is going to be a garbage cliche retread and I'm fine with that.

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Co-op Mass Effect where you can Fly around like Ironman. 


It felt fun fun shooting shit and throwing powers, but it really took off (pun intended) for me when I jumped and rocketed up and across a big part of the world. 


I wish I had more time in the demo. Been a busy weekend of Birthdays. I want to feel like a pro when I get to dive into the full game. Get all that gameplay learning curve stuff out of the way while it doesn’t matter. 

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I know a lot of people are comparing anthem to Destiny and one thing I really liked anthem over Destiny is the interactions with NPC's. Now I only played the alpha and not the VIP demo over the weekend but they treat each interaction like a cut scene, has more of a story telling angle and I compare it to how interactions were handled in The Witcher 3. Usually in Destiny when you go up to a NPC it just kind of stands there. Unless it's a cut-scene in the story that's pretty much how every NPC interacts with the user. Now I'm not sure if that is going to last every time you go see a NPC but it was definitely a step up from Destiny.

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25 minutes ago, bladimir2k said:

I know a lot of people are comparing anthem to Destiny and one thing I really liked anthem over Destiny is the interactions with NPC's. Now I only played the alpha and not the VIP demo over the weekend but they treat each interaction like a cut scene, has more of a story telling angle and I compare it to how interactions were handled in The Witcher 3. Usually in Destiny when you go up to a NPC it just kind of stands there. Unless it's a cut-scene in the story that's pretty much how every NPC interacts with the user. Now I'm not sure if that is going to last every time you go see a NPC but it was definitely a step up from Destiny.

It is a step up from Destiny and you can actually choose dialogue responses in some instances. I had an... interesting discussion with a bartender in the demo where he asked me for advice. I'm sure whatever answer you give will have consequences later in the full game.

Also the different Javelins really feel different. I tried three out if the four available and while I liked them all, the Ranger and the Interceptor really suited my playstyle. Those will be the my go-tos.

I didn't get to play the Storm and the Colossus was a little too unmanueverable for  me. I'm sure I'll play them all eventually though.


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