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Who wants a copy of Hollow Knight?


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I have a copy of Hollow Knight up for grabs, who wants it? Lets play a little game..... Make me laugh.


  • You need to at least have 300 posts, unless I recognize your username... which is highly unlikely lol.
  • Post something funny. It could be a picture, could be text, it could be a video, as long as it makes me laugh, it counts.
  • Funniest post wins.
  • Only 1 entry, please. If you make two funny posts, I'll only count your first one.
  • Please only post if you do not already own the game and actually plan on playing it.
  • I'll check back Sunday evening to see who won.
  • I don't know what else... I'm tired.
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I feel that any joke I make would be as empty and hollow as my chances, but if I do win it would be hallowing that I give someone else the opportunity to claim this prize.


Okay, now these puns are harrowingly painful.  I'll fade away into the night now.

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19 minutes ago, darkness35 said:

I feel that any joke I make would be as empty and hollow as my chances, but if I do win it would be hallowing that I give someone else the opportunity to claim this prize.


Okay, now these puns are harrowingly painful.  I'll fade away into the night now.


Your attempt at humor was frightening, you shouldn't have been so cavalier. It's too bad you won't be able to shield yourself from the criticism that are sure to come your way.

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23 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Your attempt at humor was frightening, you shouldn't have been so cavalier. It's too bad you won't be able to shield yourself from the criticism that are sure to come your way.

It is okay.  I have an undying attraction to shame.  I wear it and ride it like a great stallion down the graveyard.  It's why I'm such a pincushion for harsh words.

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On 10/27/2018 at 7:39 PM, EternallDarkness said:


Hate to break it to you but that comment isn't nearly as funny as you thought it was :p;) 

Is this funnier? I only have a Mac. I don't have a Windows PC and never have so far. I would is I built a gaming PC but I don't have one.

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