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Castlevania Season 2 Releases Tomorrow (Oct. 26th)


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So I watched the first episode. I really only have a vague recollection of the first season but there is a recap at the beginning.

First episode seems to be a big setup for the rest of the episodes and was surprised to see Netflix bringing the star power with a character voiced by the great


Peter Stormare!


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7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

So I watched the first episode. I really only have a vague recollection of the first season but there is a recap at the beginning.

First episode seems to be a big setup for the rest of the episodes and was surprised to see Netflix bringing the star power with a character voiced by the great

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Peter Stormare!


Oh yeah he's the Dead Orbit guy in the Destiny games. (he's actually a popular voice actor as well as one on screen). 

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Is it just me or did some of the animations intentionally slow-down during the middle of the episodes in the action sequences?



The fight in the library definitely looked a bit noticeable.


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17 hours ago, Firewithin said:



Richard Armitage said there would be a season 3 earlier this year but it's great to have it confirmed. I hope they bring back writer Warren Ellis and director Sam Deats, those guys get Castlevania. I wonder if they will go back and do Lament of Innocence (origin story) or, more likely, Curse of Darkness, since they already set things up with Hector and Isaac. Either is a good route to go with, unless they do Symphony of the Night because it's the most popular, which would be cool too. 


9 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

There’s one thing and only one thing I dislike about this so far

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No Grant?!?!? :p 



Warren Ellis wrote these first 12 episodes back in 2007-2008 as a trilogy (three 4 episode arcs), and he said he left him out because of the stupid name, that he's too out of place for the setting, and that he wouldn't fit into his version of the story (also, it'd be too many characters, he said). 


9 hours ago, darkness35 said:

Is it just me or did some of the animations intentionally slow-down during the middle of the episodes in the action sequences?


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The fight in the library definitely looked a bit noticeable.



9 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

I noticed that as well. I noticed very similar slowdown during parts of The Dragon Prince. I thought it was stylistic but seeing almost the exact same thing in that episode of Castlevania maybe it’s a Netflix issue? 


I don't recall any framerate issues on my Netflix stream, so it could be you guys. The animation is somewhat low budget (though it still looks good) so it's possible though. I'd use Netflix's hidden features and see what bitrates and Mbps stream speeds you are getting. 

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10 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


Richard Armitage said there would be a season 3 earlier this year but it's great to have it confirmed. I hope they bring back writer Warren Ellis and director Sam Deats, those guys get Castlevania. I wonder if they will go back and do Lament of Innocence (origin story) or, more likely, Curse of Darkness, since they already set things up with Hector and Isaac. Either is a good route to go with, unless they do Symphony of the Night because it's the most popular, which would be cool too. 



I don't recall any framerate issues on my Netflix stream, so it could be you guys. The animation is somewhat low budget (though it still looks good) so it's possible though. I'd use Netflix's hidden features and see what bitrates and Mbps stream speeds you are getting.  

We might likely will go with the Curse of Darkness approach if anything.  The issue is whether or not the characters still follow who was protagonist/antagonist/anti-hero.  What I do think is that we need Death to be in the picture, which I want to believe this may be



A resurrection of Dracula.  I'm wondering if that also means Isaac being sacrificed in the same way as he was in Curse of Darkness


As far as the framerate issue, it wasn't framerate/stream but the really intentional slow-animation to visualize the action.  Like how some of Avatar had quick action scenes, but were still visible, whereas some of the animation fluidity was intentionally slowed to see what was going on, especially with the Morning Star/Vampire Killer.


That said, the CGI was evident, but I don't think it's anything serious or noticeable that was bad.  Then again, I had my episodes played via MPC with SVP 4.0, take what you will of it.

9 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:



Do not want.

Yeah, let's not add the Death Note artist rendition of the characters.  All of them sans Dracula and Acon were bad.  Cornell might be okay though, but then again it just doesn't fit with the general art with Castlevania.

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On 11/6/2018 at 7:43 AM, Keyser_Soze said:

Finished this up tonight, I thought it was great. I think that 8 episodes was actually the perfect length and the ending is obviously open to to a third season.

It really was the perfect length. I'm still happy how it concluded.

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On 11/7/2018 at 11:50 AM, SFLUFAN said:

8 episodes the ideal length - no more, no less.


The ending made me sad :(


The family portrait was a really really nice moment too


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