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Wonder Woman 1984 to release in theaters and on HBO Max on Christmas Day

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I thought it was a 6/10


1984 title was meaningless, there was nothing to really set it as 1984, it could have been set in the 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s with no change . Shows it was just a blatant rip off of thor ragnarok



Easy 30-45 minutes could have been cut.



Super cheesy/bad effects, especially in the mall scene in the beginning and her running at fast speeds


LOVED pedro pascal and Chris pine. They both did fantastic jobs. 


Gal gadot is very wooden compared to them, she definitely needs to up it.


Cheetah fight at the end was nice and I still think it looks like she has her powers since it didn't look like she recanted it. 


Worth watching on hbo max, not in theatres 





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3 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

Which is crazy because it also felt like there’s another 15/30 min on the cutting room floor that would have helped the plot more in the first act


Yep, the plot is very much "don't think about it" as a 5 word sentence is enough to explain all the magic deus ex machinas happening.  As is, the movie feels like a lot of short skits just pasted together with little cohesion (the editing and transitions also felt weird), although individually the skits are fine and entertaining.  So I agree in that it could have been longer!  Or they could have just cut and replaced the two opening sequences (Themyscira and the mall fight) with ones that actually had something to do with the story. Things that bothered me or probably had set-up scenes which were cut:


-Invisible powers/jet: Explained in a self-contained scene/sentence

-Amor: Explained in a self-contained scene/sentence.  

(If we were to keep the Themyscira sequence, the invisibility and armor could have been set up here)

-The dream stone: Steve, the least likely person to know anything about how it works, knows exactly everything about how it works.

-Steve Trevor: Uh, why the Freaky Friday-ish explanation? But, really, neither lead character brings up the morality of erasing an actual person?


-Fish out of water reversal from the first WW:  Perhaps this was intentional, but Steve never felt connected to the rest of the movie as every other scene was him catching up.  And the chemistry between he and Diana was flat.

-The fucking BvS WW theme song riff popping up out of nowhere for 10 seconds felt extremely out of place with the otherwise good score.

-Blatantly squeezed in two contrasting holiday scenes: The 4th and Christmas Winter.


I'd say this movie's plot was like a worsely-executed Aquaman fetch/knowledge globe-trotting quest, but had a heavier emphasis on sending personal and social messages.


What really worked damn well was Diana learning to fly.  Great scene that was also properly set up earlier scenes that were more than just a sentence.


And the movie looked spectacular in HDR.

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Yeah the scene where they’re flying through fireworks was amazing. I looked at my wife and said “THIS is why we spent the money for this TV” 😂😂


I would disagree about 84 being a pointless setting. The socio-economic and political climate of that period was essential to the themes and motivation of everyone. And I enjoyed that it wasn’t an over the top 80’s nostalgia Bomb. 

I don’t think it was 35 min too long. But I do think there was 35 wasted minutes. If that makes sense. The two opening scenes should have been something different.  You could have conveyed the messages of the race and the mall fight in much smaller scenes. The entire opening should have given us more backstory/context of the stone. Maybe show us it leading to the destruction of one of those earlier civilizations. Mention or show the god that created it. Give us Pablo’s backstory earlier in the film so we understand his motivations earlier. The concept of it being a monkeys paw and not just wish granting device was introduced wayyyy to late. 

I think by the end of the film all that stuff had been conveyed and was clear. But it all comes way to late which leaves the beginning feeling like everything was happening randomly and just out of convience to the plot. 

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56 minutes ago, CayceG said:

So would the issues of this movie be mostly due to writing, or directing?


Because I want the Patty Jenkins Star Wars to be good and I don't want this movie to portent something different. 

I think more on the writing. And depending on what was cut from the film then maybe the sequencing. I know the studio interfered and drastically changed the ending to the first WW and I’m curious if anything similar happened here. The first two scenes especially. I could see the studio saying “we HAVE to have a scene with the Amazon’s and since it’s 1984 we HAVE to have some nostalgia so put a big sequence in an 80’s mall.


Im pretty confident she can deliver something really good in the Star Wars universe. She certainly seems to be able to get great performances from her actors

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58 minutes ago, CayceG said:

So would the issues of this movie be mostly due to writing, or directing?


Because I want the Patty Jenkins Star Wars to be good and I don't want this movie to portent something different. 


I think it's DC execs being DC execs. I don't really put it on the director (for now). They had a checklist and it shows. 


Some parts feel lazy too, and sexist in a way. I feel like Batman or Superman would have gotten a more competent team to do the truck in the desert scene and maybe they wouldn't have had them save children twice.


I dunno, it was *fine* don't think about it too much. The moral of the story is be careful what you wish for, appreciate what you have.


I agree there are weird timing things. Like at the end pascal is with the machine and runs our into the white house lawn????????? Was that underground? That means the cat lady fight was underground? But there's a giant sea vista?? What's going on here!?!


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This is a weird movie. I don't think it's BAD but I also think it's simultaneously trying to be tied to whatever the DCU is right now (Batman said she hid herself from the world between Wonder Woman and Batman v Superman, which means nobody knew about her, so let's have her destroy security cameras) and not wanting to be painted into a corner (Diana talks to literally everyone in the world within range of a television which Batman wouldn't have missed, she fought in places where there would definitely be security cameras, etc.). Either be a slave to canon or just focus on telling this story, trying to do both is weird.


I appreciate that Diana solving problems beyond just punching them hard is on brand for her and honestly something I wish more superhero movies did, but something about her character was off this whole movie and I cannot really put my finger on what.

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13 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

This is a weird movie. I don't think it's BAD but I also think it's simultaneously trying to be tied to whatever the DCU is right now (Batman said she hid herself from the world between Wonder Woman and Batman v Superman, which means nobody knew about her, so let's have her destroy security cameras) and not wanting to be painted into a corner (Diana talks to literally everyone in the world within range of a television which Batman wouldn't have missed, she fought in places where there would definitely be security cameras, etc.). Either be a slave to canon or just focus on telling this story, trying to do both is weird.


I appreciate that Diana solving problems beyond just punching them hard is on brand for her and honestly something I wish more superhero movies did, but something about her character was off this whole movie and I cannot really put my finger on what.


I think they were trying to be feminist while still trapped in some sexist ideas. I 100% see a bunch of white male execs thinking they are progressive and patting themselves on the back while making blunders that lead to a confusing character/story/message.

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30 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:


I think they were trying to be feminist while still trapped in some sexist ideas. I 100% see a bunch of white male execs thinking they are progressive and patting themselves on the back while making blunders that lead to a confusing character/story. 


Yeah. Diana is oddly prudish for someone who's supposed to be motivated and driven by love? Captain America was a character out of time as well, had a love from WWII, but he got to tell Black Widow that he'd kissed someone since he got out of the ice, bang Black Widow later, hook up with Sharon Carter, etc. There's something weird about Wonder Woman falling in love with the first man she ever met and then never having a crush in forty years. Come on now.

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4 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


Yeah. Diana is oddly prudish for someone who's supposed to be motivated and driven by love? Captain America was a character out of time as well, had a love from WWII, but he got to tell Black Widow that he'd kissed someone since he got out of the ice, bang Black Widow later, hook up with Sharon Carter, etc. There's something weird about Wonder Woman falling in love with the first man she ever met and then never having a crush in forty years. Come on now.

I also think both action sequences were until the finale were about a woman saving kids, the mall and kids playing in the street. 

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4 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


Yeah. Diana is oddly prudish for someone who's supposed to be motivated and driven by love? Captain America was a character out of time as well, had a love from WWII, but he got to tell Black Widow that he'd kissed someone since he got out of the ice, bang Black Widow later, hook up with Sharon Carter, etc. There's something weird about Wonder Woman falling in love with the first man she ever met and then never having a crush in forty years. Come on now.

Huh? When did Steve Rogers bang Black Widow?

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1 hour ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Huh? When did Steve Rogers bang Black Widow?


39 minutes ago, 5timechamp said:

.....saw wondering that too, unless Disney bought Pornhub and those films fall in continuity too

It’s heavily implied in Winter Soldier during the scene where Cap and Widow are in Sam’s apartment cleaning up post ambush. 

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I don't recall it being implied that Steve and Natasha hooked up either.



Re this movie: since I usually find the post Nolan Batman DC movies very bland and everyone was hating on this one, I expected to dislike it. But actually, I ended up enjoying it. It's a low bar, but it's the best DCU movie.


What I didn't like is that the HBO Max web player didn't support 4K HDR. Or if it did, it was abysmally compressed.

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10 minutes ago, legend said:

I don't recall it being implied that Steve and Natasha hooked up either.


I’m definitely reading between the lines a little but I honestly don’t think it’s too much of a stretch. They clearly both showered, the sexual tension that they played up throughout the movie is resolved from that point on, etc. I prefer to read the scene that way, especially since it happening in Sam’s house makes it funnier. :p

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25 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


I’m definitely reading between the lines a little but I honestly don’t think it’s too much of a stretch. They clearly both showered, the sexual tension that they played up throughout the movie is resolved from that point on, etc. I prefer to read the scene that way, especially since it happening in Sam’s house makes it funnier. :p


Guess I'll have to rewatch The Winter Soldier. Again.


You know, just to fully assess the veracity of this claim.

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37 minutes ago, Brick said:

I think Kal is reading too much into it. I don't think Steve is the kind of man that would do casual sex. 


I agree with Kal that there was something there. Winter Soldier is before they tried to pair her with Bruce, right? 

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:


I’m definitely reading between the lines a little but I honestly don’t think it’s too much of a stretch. They clearly both showered, the sexual tension that they played up throughout the movie is resolved from that point on, etc. I prefer to read the scene that way, especially since it happening in Sam’s house makes it funnier. :p


It kind of seems like it was maybe a trial balloon for pairing them up that obviously never got any follow up. Kind of just imply something's there and see what the reaction was like. Certainly not the only time they've been weirdly flighty with dropping romantic pairings. 

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1 hour ago, Jason said:


I agree with Kal that there was something there. Winter Soldier is before they tried to pair her with Bruce, right? 


Yes that is true, and while I think there was some potential flirting that could have gone somewhere before Joss Whedon decided to pair Natasha with Bruce in Age of UItron, I do not think her and Steve had sex in Winter Soldier, or ever really.

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I don't think Captain America and Black Widow had sex, but the way Steve talks about how Bruce shouldn't just let Natasha go during the party scene in Age of Ultron definitely has some: "I'm her best friend, and while she was working through shit I was with her" and it reads as maybe sexual, I've always thought, but chalked it up to them being soldiers having gone through shit together. 

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I watched Wonder Woman tonight. I suppose I liked it more than disliked it. Kristen Wiig was an... interesting casting choice. The CGI in the action scenes was generally pretty bad. On the other hand I don't know if I've seen Gal Gadot actually, like, really act in a movie before. She was pretty good. Chris Pine is perfect as a pulpy early 20th century action man. I also have some problems with the thematic elements of the movie that I can't get into without spoilers, and the general logic of the plot kind of breaks down towards the end.


Also I agree with @johnny they could have shaved half an hour off the run time.

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