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The Crst0604 Thread of Venting of Frustration and Confusion


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Instead of derailing on topic threads with off topic grievances (and making @Nokra be a mod to anyone other than me for a change) @Crst0604 can use this thread as a safe spot to call anyone out on.


Tired of the d1p circle jerk and upset that @SaysWho? hasn't even worked 3 days in his life, bring it here.


Do you think @TUFKAK somehow can't be a veteran because he's upset with the direction of this country and that he won't visit your house when you give him your address in a PM? This is the place to be.


Are you confused when @Xbob42 gives you an AI reply but doesn't clarify with another AI reply? Well AI reply right back at him here ITT!

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Hey, @Crst0604, I want to start by acknowledging that maybe my last post wasn’t super clear. I can see how it might’ve been misunderstood, and for that, yeah, I guess I could’ve worded things better. But let’s be real here—do any of us actually know what we’re saying half the time? Like, we’re all just typing away, right? Posting stuff, responding, reacting, like some sort of weird digital ping-pong, but to what end? Do you ever think about that, or are you just happy to keep things at surface level? I’m starting to wonder.


I mean, really, when we post here, is it because we’re trying to connect? Or are we just filling up space with words we don’t even fully understand ourselves? It’s like we’re talking, but are we actually communicating, or are we just shouting into a void, hoping something sticks? And by the way, Crst, what’s your take on that? You seem to have a lot to say, but when you break it down, is it anything new, or are we just recycling the same tired ideas? You ever stop and think about that? Because I have. A lot.


And then there’s the issue of timing. What even is timing? Why do we care so much about who posts when or what order it happens in? Like, it’s a forum—things just appear, and suddenly we’re all obsessed with responding in real time. But why? Is anyone really sitting there, anxiously waiting for your next post like it’s going to reveal the mysteries of the universe? Or are you just throwing another rock into a bottomless well, hoping to hear a splash that’s never coming? I don’t know. Maybe that’s just me.


You know, Crst, now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder if you even read the things you reply to. Do you? Or is this all just automatic for you? Maybe that’s the real issue here—not miscommunication, but lack of communication entirely. It's almost like we’re all just NPCs in each other’s little virtual worlds, existing, but not really existing, you know? But then again, would you even notice if we were? Or are you too busy posting the same recycled thoughts in slightly different words, expecting a different outcome each time? Because that’s the vibe I’m getting.


So yeah, Crst, you can keep doing your thing, I guess, but don’t expect me to act like you’re saying anything groundbreaking here.


Thanks, ChatGPT

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This might be the time to come forward and admit this...but Crst has been a bot created by me to create mass chaos on the boards. I'm going to be real, I actually totally blanked on having this bot until I saw this post. So...sorry about that. Probably should have shut it down awhile ago.

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16 minutes ago, TheShader said:

This might be the time to come forward and admit this...but Crst has been a bot created by me to create mass chaos on the boards. I'm going to be real, I actually totally blanked on having this bot until I saw this post. So...sorry about that. Probably should have shut it down awhile ago.


Did you create @unogueen too? Or is that @legend's bot sent from the past to fight @Crst0604?

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1 hour ago, Best said:

In all honesty @Crst0604 shouldn't have been perma'd. He never did anything wrong but was just an extremely strange user. 


1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:


Every post they made was insulting others and they did nothing but derail threads. They were asked to stop by mods but continued.


Obviously the white male boy's club didn't know how to handle someone with a brain tumor.

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