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Mega millions lottery jackpot at $1.6 billion

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You know, you can claim the money and remain anonymous. Only way you aunty thrice removed would know is if you told her, or one of the few people you did tell betrayed you and blabbed. 


My life is structured in a way I could go years without anyone knowing I won. That includes buying a house. 


I would need a tax attorney though, and I would likely still get a money manager. I would want my money to make money so there is little worry I would run out and have to go looking for work at 45 years old. 

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35 minutes ago, Jason said:


That depends on the state.

Maybe true. Still won't affect me if some third aunt, or 6th cousin comes looking for a pay day. I have no trouble telling them "no". I am not burdened with a feeling that family trumps everything. I wouldn't even write a check to 1st cousins, aunts, and uncles. Most were curiously distant after my mom died when I was in middle school. 


If I can get away with it, I want to invest the money in a way it generates a good steady return before telling any immediately family or friends too. I would probably start house shopping though. Something in the $500k range, which in Texas can be a nice house. Have my family over for a house warming in a couple of years. 

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I’d buy property next to mine to build a house for my granny. Make my folks stop working. Buy/build more theaters.


That’s maybe 15-20 million over the next decade. I would invest the rest and use that to give a bunch of money away over time.


I already live the lifestyle I want.

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I have a neighbour making a trek into Buffalo to get some tickets for us Canadian friends. If we claim it I would get a good exchange rate and some of the taxes taken off, back. The big thing I want to do is help out the hospitals that my dad was in when he was battling cancer. Doesn’t seem like much but I would love to pay the WiFi for both hospitals. One was free but the other one charged $15+ a day. Bought my dad a laptop to enjoy in one hospital but told us to hang onto our money at the other that charged for the wifi. Also would like to make the TV rentals there free as well. It’s lonely in there and it’s a little something to entertain them. Fund some cancer research cause everyone in my family has sadly died from it in one form or another. Build low income houses and pay taxes/mortgage for them. Then have fun adventures for myself and a kick ass house with an awesome home theatre and indoor pool by the lake.



well I can dream

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I have always had a dream of opening a charter school with the intent of improving the way education is handled. Employ techniques from around the world. Not something aimed at upper class, or rich kids, and not necessarily poor, under privileged. To serve a wide demographic and demonstrate as an efficient model that public school or other charter schools could replicate to improve education across the board. 



But the one thing I know for sure I would do, and some think I'm little nutty, but I would never wear the same pair of socks twice. My feet would be spoiled with that new sock comfort every day. 

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48 minutes ago, outsida said:

At $1.6billion you would likely keep a $1billion after taxes. 


I'm assuming that the lump sum will be around 50-60% of what the total is. So let's say $1 billion, generously. Taxes will be around 50%? So probably in the end you'd clear $500 million in the US. Now what you really need to do is have a Canadian win it (I'll volunteer) so that no taxes are taken.


Hmm. It's weird to think but some small state like Maine or something could get a $200 million+ windfall in taxes off of one person winning the lottery.

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Also: I loathe the people who make it a point to tell everybody the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math and such.


No, it’s just fun escapism. Holding that $3 ticket that would completely alter the course of your life if you somehow hit the winning numbers is entertainment. 


I think my wife and Inhave bought tickets maybe 3 or 4 times in our lives. I’ve wasted $9-$12 on much worse entertainment :lol:

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35 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Also: I loathe the people who make it a point to tell everybody the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math and such.


No, it’s just fun escapism. Holding that $3 ticket that would completely alter the course of your life if you somehow hit the winning numbers is entertainment. 


I think my wife and Inhave bought tickets maybe 3 or 4 times in our lives. I’ve wasted $9-$12 on much worse entertainment :lol:


I have a simple formula for when I buy a lottery ticket:


1) Is the payout after taxes > $100M?

2) Have I realized #1 is happening?


If yes, then I buy. :p


I've spent maybe $50 on tickets since I was 18 and it seems like money well spent, honestly. It's not as though I'd need $100M in my life, something stupid high keeps me from buying tickets all the goddamned time, since it's not like I'd kick $1M out of bed.

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3 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

I'd spend at least a week at Disney World, first off.  I'd also find myself a house or a really nice condominium to stay at.


I'd also give a good amount to friends and family, but other than that, I have no idea what I would do with it.


That's not nearly long enough. Stay for a month or three. One month would still cost less than 50k. 

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Form an LLC, buy up patents, generate revenue from licensing - family security for generations


Buy up land, create a rehabilitation program for homeless, have them breed and form a religion that worships you, separate the children from the parents, teach them your ways. Build an empire, banish the dissenters. 

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5 hours ago, stepee said:

I’d fuck literally all the bitches.

Definitely a lot of this. I do get attached though so it’d be interesting and probably funny if I tried to use my money to be a player. 


Also the usual take care of family and invest it stuff. 


Travel everywhere. Donate and do volunteer things. Gaming binges. Probably start some businesses but I have no idea what I would do so maybe not. 


3 hours ago, 2user1cup said:

Spending time at Disney sounds like punishment for winning

If you’re that rich you can just pay for the big time celeb treatment where you skip to the front of everything. Still have to deal with people everywhere but at least there are no lines. 

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17 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Also: I loathe the people who make it a point to tell everybody the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math and such.


No, it’s just fun escapism. Holding that $3 ticket that would completely alter the course of your life if you somehow hit the winning numbers is entertainment. 


I think my wife and Inhave bought tickets maybe 3 or 4 times in our lives. I’ve wasted $9-$12 on much worse entertainment :lol:


I feel that applies to the people that spend alot on it. My mom spends about 30 dollars a week. We have had coworkers that will spend like 20 dollars a day. 


I am trying to get her to stop. With sports gambling legal in NJ I'd rather she just gives me that 30 dollars a week. I am getting pretty good at it.


Edit: The 1.6 billion is if you take the annuity option. The cash option is 904 million. Taxes are 40%. 

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I would look at efficiently giving away 3 million dollars to each person close to me. The rest I would dump into equities and I would start giving it away to fund projects associated with effective altruism (such as anti malaria nets and deworming initiatives), aging research, and general medical research that I judge to be somewhat neglected.  I would eventually try to give away all but 10 million dollars of net worth. I would also try to become a private shareholder in SpaceX.

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