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PS5 Pro officially announced for November 7 release for the price of...you've gotta be kidding me!


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I think the big difference that Sony seems to be missing (and overestimating appeal) is that the majority of the games out there run great on PS5. So until there is a noticeable and tangible difference then why would most people upgrade. Load times are already fantastic, frame rate has rarely been a problem and games look great.

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30 minutes ago, Dexterryu said:

I think the big difference that Sony seems to be missing (and overestimating appeal) is that the majority of the games out there run great on PS5. So until there is a noticeable and tangible difference then why would most people upgrade. Load times are already fantastic, frame rate has rarely been a problem and games look great.


It's because the cross-gen period was longer.  Now that we're into the midgen, the cracks are definitely showing.  FS2 just isn't good enough for console resolution targets.  UE5 is still plenty heavy.  etc.


There's a reason for it to exist.  The big difference between it and the PS4 Pro is that they couldn't make it the same price as the initial launch model's MSRP.  And compared to PC, instead of beating Team Green to the punch again, they're 4 years late to the party with its AI upscaller.

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13 minutes ago, nublood said:

I’ve always been a Sony guy. But wow. They just handed Microsoft an easy lay up that’s there for the taking. Still butthurt about that 2013 E3 debacle? Now’s your chance baby!


Sony is charging this much in part because Microsoft isn’t coming to the table this round.  Same reason why Nintendo charges full price for their family friendly games while the AAA industry can’t seem to make full price stick.


This is why competition in the console business is needed.

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10 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


Sony is charging this much in part because Microsoft isn’t coming to the table this round.  Same reason why Nintendo charges full price for their family friendly games while the AAA industry can’t seem to make full price stick.


This is why competition in the console business is needed.

Console has only really made ground eating arcades and have since ceded ground to everything else. Modern society has given up on physical third places, online makes the case. So the best environment would be one without a fucking monthly fee.

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31 minutes ago, nublood said:

I’ve always been a Sony guy. But wow. They just handed Microsoft an easy lay up that’s there for the taking. Still butthurt about that 2013 E3 debacle? Now’s your chance baby!

The reaction to this news is very odd to me lol. 

It is a very expensive item for people who want a high end console. It has very little bearing on the console war, whatever that even is anymore, with MS. 

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The only way this becomes a win for MS is, well I guess if Sony at the same time stopped shipping and selling non-pro PS5s. This looks dumb, but it is also purely optional to play games this generation that will still get a performance mode on PS5. 

not even a surprise Xbox Series XX with better specs than the PS5 Pro for $500 would be a win for MS. Gamers are either already committed to Sony’s ecosystem or are just convinced Sony is the way to go for games over MS. 

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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Dawg, in recent months, has Microsoft done ANYTHING AT ALL that gives any indication that they'd do something other than look at Sony and say to themselves, "Huh - well how about that?"



I was going to clap back but years are made up of months, so this tracks.

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Best tweet I read related to this news came from Destin Legarie:


"It was very nice of Playstation to announce they won't have any games this year so we could all save that money & be ready for the PS5 pro, amirite?" I mean, he ain't wrong!


Legit, the ONLY way I'd buy this is if either they had announced a new Syphon Filter made by Sony Bend and/or a new TLoU. Since neither of those things happened, I can focus on saving towards a new OLED instead.

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40 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

Best tweet I read related to this news came from Destin Legarie:


"It was very nice of Playstation to announce they won't have any games this year so we could all save that money & be ready for the PS5 pro, amirite?" I mean, he ain't wrong!


Legit, the ONLY way I'd buy this is if either they had announced a new Syphon Filter made by Sony Bend and/or a new TLoU. Since neither of those things happened, I can focus on saving towards a new OLED instead.


This isn't just a PS5 Pro thing, but also a Series X at launch thing.  It also was a PS4 Pro thing.  And a Xbox One X thing.


Sony and Microsoft have a fairly terrible track record as of late pairing new games with hardware.  That's not surprising considering how long development time is now.  Nintendo meanwhile is signaling they want to do better, opting not to launch Switch 2 until the software to sell it is ready, lest they have another Wii U.


But back to Sony, PS5's launch is probably the best we could reasonably hope for from them.  A generational one.  Not the mid-cycle, which they seem okay to dial in.  But who knows, maybe Sony gets some blowback here from this and PSVR2 that gets them to rethink things a bit.

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