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RIP in Peace, stepee. We'll miss you.

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Catching up on some long threads and I see @stepee’s posts and they stick out even more now. It makes me realize how little I sometimes pay much attention to who makes a post lol. I think I just take so many of you being around for granted. I am so used to people coming and going on forums that it isn’t until I know they aren’t coming back that I feel their absence. 

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18 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I remember when he came here his name was  Giger’s predator. But I think he was mocking that guy who was known as giger’s alien at the time. 


14 hours ago, johnny said:

lmao i remember at least one time he got pissed at stephen cuz of the name thing. stepee fuckin ruled 


That's exactly what he was doing, and when I was a mod, we got 2140981204109248018249012890 reports from Gigers about stepee. :lol: 


When we had a thread back in the day where we made rage comics about d1p, I made this one:




He liked it!

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On 8/26/2024 at 1:28 PM, Keyser_Soze said:

Looking back at it. When my Grandma died I wasn't super sad. While I certainly spent a fair amount of time with her, it wasn't something I thought about much. Same with my Grandpa.


The one that hit the hardest was my father of course and I didn't necessarily feel the denial there because there was nothing to deny. I was the one who found him and I had an eerie feeling since he was not answering my calls for like a week (even though people said  they had seen him the day before so at I can accept that in a way). It just felt like a sickness that lasted for days.


Stepee is a lingering sadness. Even though we never met in person his presence was here all the time. It was just something you took for granted. Wake up, see Stepee glowing about some piece of tech or game or something. Always positive. So that absence is definitely felt by everyone here including myself.

Very well said sir,

    There are stages, and the feeling just start to be different. 

    We spent Saturday at a car show with our grand kids and our youngest Felix laughed and looked at my wife and I in just the right way that while everyone else was laughing too we got teared up as we both saw our son in him at that moment. Felix is my oldest sons whom we lost over 5 years ago, youngest of 3. It will never go away, it just gets different.


   I feel for all you dealing in so many ways to the loss os Stephen, it's just the way it is.   


  I'm 55years old and my wife and I have/had 5 kids. We have 10 grandkids. We have both lost our fathers, she's lost her mother, and we lost our oldest son. Everyone was so different and hurt tremendously, but our son. That was/is a mother fucked period! Not a day or maybe an hour that I don't think of him, miss him, need him!


   I'm given Solis in only this, stepee touched us all. Here in a message board where we don't see faces, don't know the families and yet he WAS family! How amazing is that.


   I find it hard to show feelings and stuff like this and it has led me to be anti social media in all avenues EXCEPT these boards. These boards and you all in them mean the world to me and just want you all to know that. You'll never find me on Facebook, Instagram gram, tic tic, X, etc. This place is very special to me.


   Thanks guys for everything.....

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Somewhat recently, this kind of made me think of my grandma's death again and it was a bummer for other, selfish, reasons.


My mom had become really money hungry for some reason. And I guess my grandmother had a will where she distributed money to her and her sister, me and my dad (keep in mind that they are divorced) and she found out he got a bigger cut of the money than she did. But it wasn't surprising they had a bad relationship but my dad was over there all the time helping her out (yes decades after the divorce)


In any case from what I was told (since I wasn't there) is that she sat up in bed and said, "I want, I want" - This could be anything. I always thought to myself maybe she wanted to see me before she died. But my mom interpreted it as, "I want to give you more money" :| - She took him to court and lost of course but yeah it really soiled the last moments of her life there.

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It makes me sad when I see it down low so I’m in favor of pinning it, though I also understand if it would be too emotionally difficult for some. 

Also wanted let you know all know that step’s spreading of the ashes and celebration of life will be on October 10th.


His family invited me to go I’m just trying to see if I can swing it financially. Either way, I will do something symbolic to send him off that day even if I can’t make it. 

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It's been a long time since I've been around. I doubt any of you even know me. I posted with Stephen on IGN GCNCB. I even posted here for a short bit years ago, at his request. I hate that this is what brought me here again. I am really sorry for this community's huge loss. I am sad I could not see the images of him posted in this topic. I supposed they were removed. It would have been nice to see him again. I feel rude popping in as an outsider, but I wanted everyone to know that other people on the internet also miss him.


EDIT: maybe not being able to see the pictures is on my end because everyone else seemed to be able to.

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14 minutes ago, BeardCookies said:

It's been a long time since I've been around. I doubt any of you even know me. I posted with Stephen on IGN GCNCB. I even posted here for a short bit years ago, at his request. I hate that this is what brought me here again. I am really sorry for this communities huge loss. I am sad I could not see the images of him posted in this topic. I supposed they were removed. It would have been nice to see him again. I feel rude popping in as an outsider, but I wanted everyone to know that other people on the internet also miss him.


EDIT: maybe not being able to see the pictures is on my end because everyone else seemed to be able to.

Do you know Nyla? 

oh and you’re not rude at all! Glad you’re here. 

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Just now, BeardCookies said:

Yes. For a long time.

Ohh okay she mentioned sharing the news recently with an old friend from a different community and I wondered if that was you! Ask her for the pics with him holding the giant dildo and then the ones with my cat waffles, that’s what I posted. Not sure why they aren’t loading properly, I can’t see them anymore either. 

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1 minute ago, BeardCookies said:

OK, thanks. It's not the end of the world, it's just been a while. Step and I did not keep in touch over the years, and it's really weighing on me, now. I am sad that I did not keep up with such a good person. Again, sorry for intruding on the community.


You're not intruding! Stay a while! :hug: 

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1 minute ago, BeardCookies said:

OK, thanks. It's not the end of the world, it's just been a while. Step and I did not keep in touch over the years, and it's really weighing on me, now. I am sad that I did not keep up with such a good person. Again, sorry for intruding on the community.

I edited my first reply to you above fyi if you didn’t see it yet. You’re not an intruder! Glad you are here. This is a place to remember him and support each other during this hard time and you are more than welcome. 

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Man, this is sad. I had no idea. It’s been a bad few weeks. My friends son committed suicide two weeks ago, and I hadn’t been here since.


RIP Stepee. Far too soon. 

Edit: To ALL of you who are suffering, I hope you find peace. Reading this thread was rough this morning. It’s weird, I didn’t see this yesterday because I rarely look at pinned threads, and I was in the Astro Bot thread wondering why he hadn’t commented on how he was enjoying it, because I knew it was a very Stepee game, but I was short on time and only searched for the Astro and concord thread. 

May you all find peace. I didn’t really know him, but he seemed incredibly kind and generous to the community.


when I saw DayOnePatch at the top of Kyle Bosmam contributor section at the end of the most recent video, it triggered me to come here and check the concord thread. Then finding out it was Stepee who donated on behalf of the forum, wow. 

Again, RIP Stepee. From everything I’ve seen, you deserved far more time than life gave you. 

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Had a breakdown tonight and bawled reliving the moment I got the news. It was just so awful and unexpected and shocking. I’m realizing now that it was traumatic. 

The last couple weeks have been a blur but my head has been getting a bit clearer the last few days. And with that clarity, the reality of it all has started to hit. Grief is an interesting journey. And it sucks. 

I’m in NJ right now at a hotel and there was this stray cat hanging around outside of it. She followed me and my husband around and let us pet her. She was so sweet. Stephen and I always fawned over cats we met in the wild and shared pics. He knew all the outdoor cats who lived around him and gave them names. I wished I could tell him about this kitty and share a pic. So I thought I’d share it here instead:




in true step fashion we gave her a name too. Say hello to Petunia!


Would love to hear how everyone is doing. How have you been holding up this weekend?

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7 hours ago, Andrea said:


I’m in NJ right now at a hotel

Where in NJ are you? If you’re anywhere near Robbinsville stop by De’Lorenzo’s or Papa’s Tomato Pies (jfc, NOT PAPA JOHN’S :p ). At the very least, it’ll make your taste buds and stomach happy.


The past weeks have not been great. I keep expecting him to pop up with a parody thread or post or somesort. There’s a very peculiar individual that appeared on the CEB the other day, and @SaysWho?and I were saddened when we both realized Stepee would’ve had the greatest time ever trolling this new person. :lol: :( 

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I saw where Apple is having some type of reveal today and I immediately thought of stepee. He loved Apple as do I. He was so knowledgeable I loved talking to him about the latest gadgets. Things like this make me really sad. 

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16 minutes ago, Biggie said:

I saw where Apple is having some type of reveal today and I immediately thought of stepee. He loved Apple as do I. He was so knowledgeable I loved talking to him about the latest gadgets. Things like this make me really sad. 


Yea it just hurts knowing that kind of stuff. Even Astrobot reviewing like a GOTY would have had him so excited.

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On 9/9/2024 at 8:59 AM, Best said:


Yea it just hurts knowing that kind of stuff. Even Astrobot reviewing like a GOTY would have had him so excited.



Also please excuse the taps my computer keyboard is just wigging out!


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