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10 Good Games You'd Be Embarassed to Play Around Non Gamers

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Just to clarify I don't necessarily find certain types of anime to be a "kink" so to speak but I enjoy the artwork (but not on a sexual level).


In fact I've been a subscriber to some patreons and some have nudity, some don't. Some have done NSFW and stopped. However, the nudity is just a fascination more than anything for me. And I could take or leave the nudity, I'm just there to see the technical expertise of the artist.

As for some of those anime, well sometimes you just want to see how extreme things can get. I mean that's why I got deep into death metal and stuff like that (Mortician) because I wanted to see how extreme people could take it. And I'm not talking about Hentai either, that doesn't do anything for me and is mostly silly.


But this is more of  side conversation type of thing. :p

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