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5 minutes ago, stepee said:


And you are thinking these aren’t winning points?



Cutting through the bullshit, the elections/special elections since 2022 that had abortion anywhere near the top of the priority list have been nothing short of a disaster for the GOP.

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5 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:




Cutting through the bullshit, the elections/special elections since 2022 that had abortion anywhere near the top of the priority list have been nothing short of a disaster for the GOP.


This is true! But yeah, for the people who are going to vote for Trump, does Trump-lite scare them off?


If that point matters to people, they will not vote for Trump.


Edit: Unless Trump being anti-abortion and being the one who picked the justices that removed that right from many doesn’t count since he IS an abortion 

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7 minutes ago, stepee said:


This is true! But yeah, for the people who are going to vote for Trump, does Trump-lite scare them off?


If that point matters to people, they will not vote for Trump.


Edit: Unless Trump being anti-abortion and being the one who picked the justices that removed that right from many doesn’t count since he IS an abortion 



I mean, it's the VP so I doubt it matters much.


But having an extreme anti-choice VP does provide one more crack to push on that soft spot. Makes it that much harder for Trump and his weak attempt to "pivot to the middle" on the issue.


It's a long shot that any VP is going to do much, but like I said earlier imagine a VP debate where you have a black woman on one side and Vance stumbles into a Todd Akin moment. Not saying it swings the election, but probably not great for a race where pro-choice is a deep undercurrent!

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1 minute ago, Chairslinger said:



I mean, it's the VP so I doubt it matters much.


But having an extreme anti-choice VP does provide one more crack to push on that soft spot. Makes it that much harder for Trump and his weak attempt to "pivot to the middle" on the issue.


It's a long shot that any VP is going to do much, but like I said earlier imagine a VP debate where you have a black woman on one side and Vance stumbles into a Todd Akin moment. Not saying it swings the election, but probably not great for a race where pro-choice is a deep undercurrent!


Yeah I mean my take is definitely just that doesn’t hinder or help. I can’t think of anyone who would actually hinder, so in that way it may be a best case scenario. I do think a “moderate” would have not been good for us.

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1 minute ago, stepee said:


Yeah I mean my take is definitely just that doesn’t hinder or help. I can’t think of anyone who would actually hinder, so in that way it may be a best case scenario. I do think a “moderate” would have not been good for us.



To be brutally honest, the current headwinds are doing everything they can to normalize Trump. To give certain voters the permission structure to say "Well maybe he wouldn't be so bad".


I think that this sentiment and which way it swings may very well decide the election. 


With that in mind, Vance is not a pick that leans into that message so big picture I think you call this a small win for us. Trump chose who he thought would be a loyal foot soldier over playing to the "Today We're All MAGA" crowd.

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You do have to marvel at a political party that denounces Democratic rhetoric on Saturday and then two days later makes a guy who once called Trump America's Hitler it's VP pick....


Talk about a "maybe you're the problem" moment....

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2 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Bold prediction: this is going to be a disaster for the GOP like when McCain picked Palin.


If Democrats are smart (and I don't believe they are), they will hammer on abortion (and praise Biden as the last bastion of it) and use Trump and Vance against this. Democrats need to fire up women to win this election.

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30 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Bold prediction: this is going to be a disaster for the GOP like when McCain picked Palin.


Women are going to HATE him. He already looks like the type of guy that beats his wife.


How is he at public speaking? That will play a big part in whether he walks into a rake or manages to scrape by on his brilliant political strategy of being a white guy....

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37 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Bold prediction: this is going to be a disaster for the GOP like when McCain picked Palin.


Women are going to HATE him. He already looks like the type of guy that beats his wife.


It already IS a disaster for the GOP that banned website is filled with talk about how horrible of a choice he is... it's almost like the assassination attempt never happened!

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11 minutes ago, DPCyric said:


It already IS a disaster for the GOP that banned website is filled with talk about how horrible of a choice he is... it's almost like the assassination attempt never happened!


On 7/13/2024 at 8:36 PM, MarSolo said:

But also, the news cycle moves faster than my bladder during a bender. This will be yesterday's news within a week.


Insert Ian Malcolm gif about being right all the time here.

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1 hour ago, MarSolo said:

Bold prediction: this is going to be a disaster for the GOP like when McCain picked Palin.


Women are going to HATE him. He already looks like the type of guy that beats his wife.


Women dig “writers” though!

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4 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

Vance is so deeply upsetting to look at. He looks like a youth pastor with a child bride.

Maybe Dan Crenshaw could lend him a couple eye patches so we don't have to look at his beady eyes. 

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1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:


How is he at public speaking? That will play a big part in whether he walks into a rake or manages to scrape by on his brilliant political strategy of being a white guy....


I don't know about big speeches, but he's a good communicator. He's smart and articulate.


He has also more or less proven that he has no real positions and is willing to say and do anything for power... so he's an ideal republican candidate.

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3 hours ago, CastletonSnob said:


I'm reading that Vance opposes abortion even in the case of rape or incest, is against gay marriage, and thinks women should stay in abusive relationships.



I honestly have more respect for pro-lifers with this position. If you consider the fetus a human with full human rights, saying that you make exceptions for rape or incest means you believe that people who exist because of rape or incest have less rights than anyone else.


To be perfectly clear, this is NOT what I believe at all, just that I think it's the most intellectually consistent way to be pro-life. I think the bulk of their argument goes out the window as soon as they start making exceptions. Like, is it murder or not? If you believe in making exceptions then you've admitted to the world that you don't actually believe it is murder.


But yeah, good luck selling that message to the masses.

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1 hour ago, Jason said:



I don't get why they invite Liz, I can't think of a way for a world leader to be as much of a loser, I mean the lettuce outlasted her...


As for hot?  I was going to say she looks good for her age, but she's only 48 so, uh, maybe when she was 38 and looked in her late 40s then.

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4 minutes ago, finaljedi said:


I don't get why they invite Liz, I can't think of a way for a world leader to be as much of a loser, I mean the lettuce outlasted her...


As for hot?  I was going to say she looks good for her age, but she's only 48 so, uh, maybe when she was 38 and looked in her late 40s then.

She's 48!?


Damn. I'm a stud

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