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Shots fired at Trump rally (bullet clipped Trump’s ear)

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Rather than verbally attacking Trump in the coming days, the White House and the Biden campaign will draw on the president's history of condemning all sorts of political violence including his sharp criticism of the "disorder" created by campus protests over the Israel-Gaza conflict, campaign officials said on condition of anonymity.



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47 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

In a new video shot from ground level at the roof of the building, a young woman can be heard screaming what sounds like, "Crooks! What are you doing? Get over here. No, Crooks!"


OK - it seems that the name she's yelling is "Russ", not "Crooks".


My bad!

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2 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

I think taking the high road in general is perfectly reasonable for the next few days, but trying to make some sort of comparison to campus protests is real fuckin' weird


I really hope that is just something lost in translation like they just mean “this is the kind of thing Biden does” not that he’s going to bring that up tonight because holy fuck 

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It also just doesn’t matter if Biden talks about project 25 or not as far as the far right reaction. There is absolutely zero indication of any involvement of left wing rhetoric causing this incident which honestly looks like it’s just going to be your typical messed up white kid mass shooting sort of thing.


But due to a combination of brain worms and just willfully believing what they want to they are going to respond with violent threats regardless as they already have.  I don’t think not talking about project 25 lowers the temperature and it would be political malpractice.

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This is the same thing they've been saying for years. I'm sure there will be violence as there has been, and I expect them to cry foul every time someone punches them back in their mouth. This situation is their creation, they are eating themselves and playing victim.

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3 minutes ago, johnny said:

was he hit by the bullet or glass 

I did see an article linked to on reddit that suggested it might have been glass from his shattered teleprompter, but I haven't seen that confirmed anywhere. 

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well since the shooter disappointed the GOP by not being gay, trans, minority or leftist it seems the affiliation is not an issue.. it is these desperate times that Biden created that drove someone to lash out.. the focus is now on the Secret Service and their “deliberate” unwillingness to protect Trump.. already there is a post from the “sniper” who shot Crooks claiming he had him in his sights but was not allowed to engage the shooter…


Again, dialing down the talk about Trump and the GOP is not answer, for us the assassination attempt is a horrible event.. for the GOP is just another “shame it wasnt the left, that could have been very useful” moment

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It's sounding less like the gunman was politically motivated, and more like he was a complete nutjob. 


Almost as if certain people like him shouldn't have easy access to guns. 


But hey, it's too early to politicize a shooting amirite?

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1 hour ago, stepee said:


And THAT is who Biden picked for the job? He needs to step down asap.

The nonsense Biden was going on about at the debate were the code word phrases for the assassination, activating sleeper cells across the country.

Joe Brandon can’t be stopped


for the record this is sarcasm and parody

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13 minutes ago, 5timechamp said:

well since the shooter disappointed the GOP by not being gay, trans, minority or leftist it seems the affiliation is not an issue.. it is these desperate times that Biden created that drove someone to lash out.. the focus is now on the Secret Service and their “deliberate” unwillingness to protect Trump.. already there is a post from the “sniper” who shot Crooks claiming he had him in his sights but was not allowed to engage the shooter…


Again, dialing down the talk about Trump and the GOP is not answer, for us the assassination attempt is a horrible event.. for the GOP is just another “shame it wasnt the left, that could have been very useful” moment


Well, I know what the house is doing the rest of the year! 

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5 minutes ago, Ominous said:

I wonder if Matt Gaetz knows any girls that went to school with the shooter. 


No way even if they were freshmen at the time they would be like 17 by now 

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2 hours ago, Best said:


This is what everyone was afraid of. Jfc. 

You see it everywhere with many right wingers. They have a real and very deep seated desire for violence. They want bloodshed. Not all of them of course, but I guarantee you that there are literally thousands and thousands of people in this country that would be thrilled if they had a chance to go and commit acts of violence. 

Fox News allows these people to call for the mass extermination of their opponents in incredibly thinly veiled very mildly coded language. 

These people live amongst us and have one hand on their trigger just waiting. Eager with anticipation to start the bloodshed. I know these people, I know several of them and they frighten me. Legit, they frighten me. And the ones I know are relatively normal people. Imagine the truly unhinged ones. They are out there. There are lots and lots of them out there… waiting…


If I was a betting man I would say that were due for many more incidents of violence in this election cycle. America is an angry violent country full of violent angry people (with assault rifles)

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5 minutes ago, ort said:

Eager with anticipation to start the bloodshed. I know these people, I know several of them and they frighten me. Legit, they frighten me.


If I was a betting man I would say that were due for many more incidents of violence in this election cycle. America is an angry violent country full of violent angry people (with assault rifles)


They are bitter men who think something they deserve was taken from them because they've been taught that they are the most important thing from a young age. The reality that the world doesn't need losers like them is hard for them to cope with, so their solution is violence because they're a bunch of simpletons.

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1 minute ago, Chairslinger said:

Something that hasn't been mentioned yet.


An event like yesterday is exactly why Trump can never be president again.


Imagine Trump after what happened.....but with presidential powers.




I have to be a dictator and take away your freedoms because of security.

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1 hour ago, 5timechamp said:

well since the shooter disappointed the GOP by not being gay, trans, minority or leftist it seems the affiliation is not an issue.. it is these desperate times that Biden created that drove someone to lash out.. the focus is now on the Secret Service and their “deliberate” unwillingness to protect Trump.. already there is a post from the “sniper” who shot Crooks claiming he had him in his sights but was not allowed to engage the shooter…


Again, dialing down the talk about Trump and the GOP is not answer, for us the assassination attempt is a horrible event.. for the GOP is just another “shame it wasnt the left, that could have been very useful” moment


That's not how they'll react, though. They will blame the left regardless. They have already started working on a framework for how a Republican shooting at the presumptive Republican nominee is still somehow the Democrats' fault. The facts change nothing.

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It really is staggering just how much of a total failure this incident seems to be from a secret service perspective. I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but this entire thing is like a bucket of bloody meat being thrown into a tank full of hungry sharks. Everything about it just weird, and for these fact adjacent shit brained loser crowd, this entire event is way way way too easy to just project whatever version of reality you want on top of it… it’s going to  cause years and years of fallout. No amount of facts will ever convince someone who doesn’t want to accept them to accept them. 

We live in a post fact world. All that matters now is vibes.  And the vibes fucking suck. 

I keep thinking about how shockingly close we were to seeing Donald Trumps head blown to pieces on live tv and I’m still not sure how to think about that. It’s funny, because as someone who is known for posting angry rants online, my real life persona is the exact opposite and honestly the last thing in the world I ever want to see is shit like this. Trump needs to live long enough to die broken and defeated and discredited and shamed into oblivion as a miserable old man. Not like this. 

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