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The "SCOTUS rules 6-3 that [bad things are allowed]" thread

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It’s funny, a guy I was about to start working with on some lucrative design gigs back in 2021, live streamed himself storming the Capitol. I ghosted him immediately after my mother informed me she watched the video.

I ran into him at a wedding on New Year’s Eve. My date told me I said, blacked out of my mind, “storm any Capitols lately?”

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I don't think last night's debate doomed BIden's chances or anything, but nevertheless, with the combination of the debate discourse and these rulings it's hard not to feel pretty fuckin' grim right now. It's just been a slow motion car wreck since 2016. And I'm sure when the history of this period gets written years from now it'll be consensus that the warning signs of how badly the wheels were starting to fall off of representative government were there before 2016. Since the 2000 election, maybe.

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What an incredibly bad day for SCOTUS decisions.


Overturning Chevron breaks the way the US government has worked for 40 years. Something that I've seen mentioned and would love to see a deeper dive on is how laws passed since Chevron were written with it in mind. It really feels like we're in for a whole new world of trouble with this new precedent, and I expect the repercussions to be felt for a long time.


Allowing camping bans because it forbids both the rich and poor from sleeping on public property is hilarious and informative as to the mindset of this court.


To top it all off they try to take it easy on Jan 6 defendants. Even if this ruling doesn't have a significant effect on most of them, it still seems to signal how lightly the court views that day, which doesn't bode well. 

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SCOTUS (and even some people here) argue/have argued that allowing regulatory bodies and courts to help govern is a bad thing because the proper solution is fixing Congress (which should be doing this). That is absolutely correct in a vacuum. But if my house is on fire and the fire department is hosing it down, I don't want my neighbour ordering them to stop because the proper solution is to build more fireproof homes, or prevent fires before they spread. The reality is that the entire design of the US government is 200-years out-of-date, and cannot function in modern society. It's the Palm Pilot of 2024: ahead of its time, but ultimately a failed design by modern standards. So unless you're willing to burn it all down and hope to God that your side plays a part in rebuilding it (which, let's be honest, is not realistic), the only solution is to keep it hobbling by whatever means necessary for as long as possible. That includes letting regulatory agencies and courts make governance decisions. The whole point (and the entire point of our existence, as far as I am concerned) is to make life as comfortable and struggle-free for as many people for as long as possible. Ideologies and designs don't count for shit.

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45 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

...Does the universe just fucking hate me?  What have I done to deserve everything that has happened in the last two weeks?  Did I enjoy myself too much on Fathers Day weekend with my nephews?  What?  FUCKING WHAT?!?!

Shhh! Never admit to enjoying anything. That’s how they get you. 

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Not that they can cover all basis, but I feel there needs to be a California/Illinois/New York regulatory compact. If you can't get regulations through the federal government, then having three of the largest state economies agreeing on regulations can make defacto national regulations.

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1 hour ago, marioandsonic said:

...Does the universe just fucking hate me?  What have I done to deserve everything that has happened in the last two weeks?  Did I enjoy myself too much on Fathers Day weekend with my nephews?  What?  FUCKING WHAT?!?!


I mean, let's be real. The universe is an indifferent place, you haven't done anything. Let's not be so narcissistic that we think our individual existences mean anything in terms of karma or worldwide events happening on this scale. You don't matter nor affect things in any real way on that level (none of us do). We didn't invite or bring down anything on us, none of us voted for Trump who appointed these people. Bad things happen because the universe is a chaotic, random place and people en masse vote stupidly and are prone to cultish, hateful ways of thinking generally. See: all of human history.


Basically, none of this is about you. But I understand your frustration. But try to divest yourself from the macro and focus on your life's micro. It's important to be informed and understand what is happening around you but we have little power beyond voting and contributing money to campaigns and maybe getting the vote out/protesting. Beyond that . . . try to compartmentalize it and live your life. Not easy, I know, but we're powerless. I always think of that Herodotus quote from his book The Histories: “Of all men’s miseries the bitterest is this: to know so much and have control over nothing.” We have to accept that despite how hard it is, but you didn't do anything wrong. Trump did, and evil frequently wins. Focus on the things you can control to make your own life better, whatever that may be: getting a job, getting in shape, drinking less, reconnecting with old friends/making new ones, trying to date, whatever you want to change/improve that you feel is lacking. But in terms of the Supreme Court and the leader of the free world, all you can do is vote and talk to whoever is willing to talk about politics to vote for Biden, change as many minds as you can. And that's about all you can do here. We aren't rich or famous like Mark Cuban and Taylor Swift who can really influence or change anything.

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The amount of times these 6 conservative justices have relied on Chevron in their opinions over the past 2-20 years, just to slap it down, and with the amount of disdain written in the majority opinion is laughable and brazen.

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I really should open up Unity again (after getting a new MacBook or some other high powered machine) and start working on that video game I was making where you were the reporter with the rolled newspaper smacking Nazis in the head, but add in the six conservative justices as mini bosses. 

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Just now, MarSolo said:

I really should open up Unity again (after getting a new MacBook or some other high powered machine) and start working on that video game I was making where you were the reporter with the rolled newspaper smacking Nazis in the head, but add in the six conservative justices as mini bosses. 



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22 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

...Does the universe just fucking hate me?  What have I done to deserve everything that has happened in the last two weeks?  Did I enjoy myself too much on Fathers Day weekend with my nephews?  What?  FUCKING WHAT?!?!


20 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

Suuuuuck iiiiiit



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1 hour ago, MarSolo said:

I really should open up Unity again (after getting a new MacBook or some other high powered machine) and start working on that video game I was making where you were the reporter with the rolled newspaper smacking Nazis in the head, but add in the six conservative justices as mini bosses. 


1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:




Except not Unity because they did that shitty stuff. Go with Gadot (and god)

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3 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:



Except not Unity because they did that shitty stuff. Go with Gadot (and god)


I've been meaning to look into using Godot, hopefully everything translates into it just as easy as the base of the game was pretty much done, I just needed to finish the map and structure.

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15 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Justice Clarence Thomas argued that OSHA's authority was unconstitutional. He dissented from the court's decision to reject a challenge to the agency.






Just in case you needed more motivation to vote blue no matter who in November there's a not insignificant chance that Thomas and/or Alito will need replacing before '28.

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Its just a constant storm of rulings from the SCOTUS what could it possibly mean to do this right now.. what is the larger picture.. is it the realization that their power is unchallenged… is it the Trump strategy of just pouring so many cruel decisions at once that the cluster is too big for anyone to react or condemn.. or could it be something else.. with the age of some of these Justices and the potential for another MAGAt win this court could be locked in for a long while

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2 hours ago, Chairslinger said:


Just in case you needed more motivation to vote blue no matter who in November there's a not insignificant chance that Thomas and/or Alito will need replacing before '28.

Yeah but Biden had a bad debate and Middle East conflict!


Americans deserve what they’re gonna get honestly.

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6 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I genuinely don’t see the appeal of Russia, like, at all. It’s gotta be the money


For Thomas and Alito especially, owning the libs has a ton of value in and of itself.

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51 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

hey guys i think SCOTUS is pretty fucked up



The allegedly secret gifts were disclosed in a letter from two Democratic senators that accused Thomas of potentially committing tax fraud.



meh, it was a gratuity for services rendered.. its legal, but what were the services Thomas gave back

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Not that I expect much to come of it, but AOC introduced articles of Impeachment for both Thomas and Alito.



Washington D.C.—Today, July 10, 2024, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) introduced articles of impeachment against United States Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.


The first impeachment resolution includes the following impeachment articles against Justice Thomas: 

  1. Failure to disclose financial income, gifts and reimbursements, property interests, liabilities, and transactions, among other information.
  2. Refusal to recuse from matters concerning his spouse’s legal interest in cases before the court.
  3. Refusal to recuse from matters involving his spouse’s financial interest in cases before the court.

The second impeachment resolution includes the following impeachment articles against Justice Alito: 

  1. Refusal to recuse from cases in which he had a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party in cases before the court.
  2. Failure to disclose financial income, gifts and reimbursements, property interests, liabilities, and transactions, among other information.

The Congresswoman maintains that such conduct—while under a Judicial Oath to “faithfully and impartially discharge and perform” duties and a Constitutional Oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”—warrants impeachment, trial, removal from office, and disqualification from holding future office in the United States of America. 



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1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

Not that I expect much to come of it, but AOC introduced articles of Impeachment for both Thomas and Alito.


One of the only Dems who understands as well as the GOP does that you use these definitely-won't-pass items to keep them in the news and throw red meat to your base.

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6 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing in September to discuss a potential legislative response to the Supreme Court's ruling that immunized certain presidential acts.

No rush, guys. Take your time.


Dick Durbin is such a fucking useless piece of shit.

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11 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing in September to discuss a potential legislative response to the Supreme Court's ruling that immunized certain presidential acts.

No rush, guys. Take your time.


It’s not going to amount to much since SCOTUS explicitly said in the opinion that Congress cannot legislate changes to the ruling.

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