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Guten Morgen d1p...("You haven't aged a day...")


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3 hours ago, DuesEXgame said:

So, I'm kind of a mess at the moment. I recently lost my virginity (don't make fun of me) to a girl coming off a breakup with her bf who she caught doing dope (again). Anyway, upon talking about it later, I've learned that it was a meaningless drunken rebound kind of hookup, and I guess I was supposed to understand that, and not be surprised when she went back to her asshole bf a couple days later and acted like nothing happened between us.

Then there's this new girl I've been hanging out with who is also battling addiction. I'm surrounded by addiction and crazy women, I'm lonely and desperate for some company, blah, blah, blah, and don't know what to do with all of these emotions. Anyway, started this - 

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Seriously, you're better off without that. I understand you're lonely and depressed but ultimately, you don't want this around you. I've dated bat-shit crazy, drug addict and all that, been around a lot of druggies in my time and it's never worth it, never in my experience. They do two things really well: drama and ruin. That's it. 


And if you're not in a stable/great place to begin with, you will get sucked into that shit vortex, almost guaranteed. I know there's always a 'good person' behind that mountain of garbage, or that's what they say, but unless they've gotten professional help and been sober and stable for some years I would be seriously weary of any promises. 


Anyway, with that sermon being over and not knowing your life style, when I was in a really awful place in my life, I joined a martial arts academy to deal with my rage and aggression. What I didn't realize it would bring me over time is a sense of balance, discipline and best of all some great friendships as most people who really train seriously at my place are also damage cases. I'm not saying go become a professional kickboxer but I was in a massive hole in many aspects and getting out of my self-established prison of repetition and getting into some physical exercise and a very social setting several times per week did wonders. 

  • stepee 1
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6 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Damn, a talented artist with all the lady friends you mentioned I would have thought you would have lost your V-card a long time ago.

Lots of lady friends, but I've only ever been in one real relationship, which lasted 6 years. We just never ended up having sex, it was a religious thing with her at first, but that went away pretty quickly, but then we just settled into this routine of doing just like oral and shit and being fine with that, and then I started severely suffering from depression and shit half way through the relationship, so that didn't help. 

Aaandd the next girl I hooked up with after that is "asexual". So just likes to fool around. I've had a couple other random fool around one-time hookups, but yeah, I still had the ol' V-card intact. 

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2 hours ago, DuesEXgame said:

Lots of lady friends, but I've only ever been in one real relationship, which lasted 6 years. We just never ended up having sex, it was a religious thing with her at first, but that went away pretty quickly, but then we just settled into this routine of doing just like oral and shit and being fine with that, and then I started severely suffering from depression and shit half way through the relationship, so that didn't help. 

Aaandd the next girl I hooked up with after that is "asexual". So just likes to fool around. I've had a couple other random fool around one-time hookups, but yeah, I still had the ol' V-card intact. 

Losing your virginity early is overrated anyway. It's not that special :shrug:

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