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Star Wars Boss Says Women in Star Wars Suffer From Toxicity Due to male Dominated Fan Base

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I dunno about others, and I'm not going to quote the person directly because it's pointless to engage with some users with actual substance on this board but wanting to go see a film because of a woman's looks when you're in your 30's and 40's is kind of skeezy and immature, just in a different way then hating a woman for getting prominent billing and screentime. Daisy Ridley hadn't really been in anything before so it's not cause he went because he knew she was a great actor. Let's not forget this user's first and primary response to a thread where Sydney Sweeney came up is she "has the best tits in the business" as a primary trait (true or not, the phrasing and emphasis are sleazy, uncouth and incredibly immature, like something a teenage boy would say). But he also says he's a no fap guy but talks this way. But he also says we use the term chud too much around here despite all of this aggregate shit (there's more examples I could name if I wanted to bother). But of course he won't get that going to a movie primarily for a woman for nothing but their looks is falling right into the trap he thinks it's avoiding which is a level of irony that I just can't process. :p I have never in my life seen a movie because someone hot was in it after like the age of 17 and even then it wasn't the primary reason. It may be a side benefit when watching the film but The Force Awakens came out in 2015. I assume this user is currently in their 40's. Who talks like that or goes to see a movie because of an attractive woman when they are in their 30's and Daisy Ridley was 22 years old when they shot The Force Awakens. What a weird impulse for a fully fledged adult man in 2024 to have as some of the first things they say about this stuff.

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12 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

I love Daisy Ridley too. She’s just super charming. I even enjoyed her performance in TROS. 


This is not the same as this user because they went because of Daisy Ridley when he would have had no idea her performance would be charming ahead of time. There would only be one reason to go ahead of time, and he said it was his only reason that he went. Not sure why we're assuming otherwise. :p 

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I should have stated I really saw The Last Jedi in theaters because of Dasiy. 


@Greatoneshere It had nothing to do with what you're saying. She is a great actress and a very strong female lead. I know you enjoy hating on me so that is why I checked your post out. I was correct you went after me yet again. Others on here say similar things. 


I can also comment on Sydney anyway that I choose. She is a fantastic actress who really impressed me it Euphoria. Yes, she has amazing tits. 

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The user above me is continuing to show a lot of class. He walks back one statement: "I should have said just The Last Jedi in theaters" when previously he said both movies because he was caught in yet another situation. Convenient. He continues to also speak immaturely and in uncouth ways about other women and their bodies. I also thought he blocked my posts yet without ever quoting him he sees my posts. How would he know to check out my posts when I never quoted his posts in the first place? More and more bullshit as usual. This user already has two sicko sherman emoji responses from others for that Daisy Ridley post which I'll immortalize here in case this user edits it. I hate on this user because I hate on things like bigotry, sexism, racism, misogyny, ableism, anti-LGBTQ, etc. And also ignorance. And stupidity. So until this user wises up, of course I'll hate on them because of what they're consistently saying, as I have just pointed out. If this user had any shred of intelligence you'd think it would dawn on them that I'm not hating on them randomly or spontaneously like it's some mystery but here we are, yet again.


"Interesting because the only reason I saw the last two Star Wars in theaters was because of Dasiy Ridley."


"Others on here say similar things." That makes it better?



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7 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

The user above me is continuing to show a lot of class. He walks back one statement: "I should have said just The Last Jedi in theaters" when previously he said both movies because he was caught in yet another situation. Convenient. He continues to also speak immaturely and in uncouth ways about other women and their bodies. I also thought he blocked my responses yet without ever quoting him he sees my responses. How would he know to check out my posts when I never quoted his posts in the first place? More and more bullshit as usual.


"Others on here say similar things." That makes it better?




It shows you respond even when your blocked. I knew you personally would have something to say about my comment. So all I have to do is click read response lol. Its very simple. I ignore all your posts and will continue to do so. I didn't back out of anything. 


I saw the Force Awakens in theaters not knowing who Daisy was but was really impressed. So when the Last Jedi came out I was looking forward to seeing her again. That's all I meant. You really are something else on this forum. 


I can absolutely comment on a woman's body without being sexist. Get over yourself honestly. 

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12 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I dunno about others, and I'm not going to quote the person directly because it's pointless to engage with some users with actual substance on this board but wanting to go see a film because of a woman's looks when you're in your 30's and 40's is kind of skeezy and immature, just in a different way then hating a woman for getting prominent billing and screentime. Daisy Ridley hadn't really been in anything before so it's not cause he went because he knew she was a great actor. Let's not forget this user's first and primary response to a thread where Sydney Sweeney came up is she "has the best tits in the business" as a primary trait (true or not, the phrasing and emphasis are sleazy, uncouth and incredibly immature, like something a teenage boy would say). But he also says he's a no fap guy but talks this way. But he also says we use the term chud too much around here despite all of this aggregate shit (there's more examples I could name if I wanted to bother). But of course he won't get that going to a movie primarily for a woman for nothing but their looks is falling right into the trap he thinks it's avoiding which is a level of irony that I just can't process. :p I have never in my life seen a movie because someone hot was in it after like the age of 17 and even then it wasn't the primary reason. It may be a side benefit when watching the film but The Force Awakens came out in 2015. I assume this user is currently in their 40's. Who talks like that or goes to see a movie because of an attractive woman when they are in their 30's and Daisy Ridley was 22 years old when they shot The Force Awakens. What a weird impulse for a fully fledged adult man in 2024 to have as some of the first things they say about this stuff.

To be fair, let's not pretend that actors' attractiveness is not a factor in their popularity or box-office appeal. This has been true since movies were invented. Shit you think Denzel Washington was popular with black women because of his acting chops? or Ryan Gosling is a star because he's so talented? There's plenty of actors whose attractiveness is part of their appeal to the masses and I don't necessarily think that's wrong. There's a line for sure, like if you're JUST into actors because of how they look or have a subscription to Mr. Skin or something (is that still a thing?) But let's not pretend that Hollywood doesn't actively sell sex and sex appeal. It does and always has :shrug:

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Of course one can comment on a woman's body without being sexist. You comment on women's bodies like you're a immature teenage boy when you're a middle aged man, and you're saying these things about women 10-15 years younger than you. 


There absolutely is a way to discuss women and their bodies, we do it plenty on this and other forums. The way you're doing and your denialism of it is the reason this user is being singled out.

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1 minute ago, Greatoneshere said:

Of course one can comment on a woman's body without being sexist. You comment on women's bodies like you're a immature teenage boy when you're a middle aged man, and you're saying these things about women 10-15 years younger than you. 


There absolutely is a way to discuss women and their bodies, we do it plenty on this and other forums. The way you're doing and your denialism of it is the reason this user is being singled out.


So this is all because I said Sydney has the best tits in the business? Yikes. 

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17 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:


She wasn't the problem in the movies.


5 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

The sequel trilogy isn't bad because of the actors... the reason rhymes with "Ray-Ray-Jarams".


I mean the only real problem movie is The Rise of Skywalker, and yes that is very much a JJ problem. He's good at setting up things, which is why I think TFA works even if not terribly original. But he can't finish anything or develop ideas well it seems. Hence TROS.


17 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

This is not the same as this user because they went because of Daisy Ridley when he would have had no idea her performance would be charming ahead of time. There would only be one reason to go ahead of time, and he said it was his only reason that he went. Not sure why we're assuming otherwise. :p 


I mean I wouldn't read that much into it personally.


2 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:

Guardians Of The Galaxy GIF


1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Was wondering the same thing.


The podracer with the four engines... it's in the name! :p

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

To be fair, let's not pretend that actors' attractiveness is not a factor in their popularity or box-office appeal. This has been true since movies were invented. Shit you think Denzel Washington was popular with black women because of his acting chops? or Ryan Gosling is a star because he's so talented? There's plenty of actors whose attractiveness is part of their appeal to the masses and I don't necessarily think that's wrong. There's a line for sure, like if you're JUST into actors because of how they look or have a subscription to Mr. Skin or something (is that still a thing?) But let's not pretend that Hollywood doesn't actively sell sex and sex appeal. It does and always has :shrug:


completely agree. That's why I'm pointing out the way it's being commented on, how it's being commented on, the age gap between the person commenting and the woman being commented on and their history of previously sexist-type of comments. As you say, there's a line. We've talked about women just fine before but there's something pathological about going to see a movie only for a 22-year old woman (at the time) when they've never been in anything else acting-wise says only one thing, about this specific person.


Sex and sex appeal will be eternal by comparison, but the way we interact and present that (as you know well) has changed by 2024. Saying Sydney Sweeney "has the best tits in the business" by a 40+ year old man about a 26 year old woman is . . . yikes to me.

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1 minute ago, Best said:

So this is all because I said Sydney has the best tits in the business? Yikes. 


No, you've done this plenty of times but I'm not gonna play the "this is the first I've ever done this how can you be behaving this way towards me" game. And no, I think you lied about only going to TLJ in theaters for Daisy Ridley, you went to both for her in theaters as you originally stated and I think you're a weird immature person. But I can certainly bring other users in here like @CastlevaniaNut18 who can certainly name numerous additional examples of how frequently and poorly you comment on or about women. I recall a really terrible series of posts by you in an abortion thread a long big ago as well, but I'm not logging in specificity ever single infraction you've made over the years but I know it's a lot. I've pointed one out in this thread and a second one (the Sweeney comment) to back that up.


But sure, it's "all because" you said that one thing. Sure. I jump down every user's throat the first time they misspeak or mess up. Oh, wait, no I don't. I only do it to repeat offenders after months and years, notice my beef with you escalated only recently.

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2 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


completely agree. That's why I'm pointing out the way it's being commented on, how it's being commented on, the age gap between the person commenting and the woman being commented on and their history of previously sexist-type of comments. As you say, there's a line. We've talked about women just fine before but there's something pathological about going to see a movie only for a 22-year old woman (at the time) when they've never been in anything else acting-wise says only one thing, about this specific person.


Sex and sex appeal will be eternal by comparison, but the way we interact and present that (as you know well) has changed by 2024. Saying Sydney Sweeney "has the best tits in the business" by a 40+ year old man about a 26 year old woman is . . . yikes to me.


You are absolutely ridiculous. I didn't go see the last jedi because I thought Daisy was hot or anything. 


I'm 42 yrs old and think a 27 yr old is hot. So there is something wrong with me?


Give me these examples where I've been sexist in the past? I'd love to hear it. You're so full of shit. 

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23 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I have never in my life saw a movie because someone hot was in it. That may be a side benefit when watching the film but The Force Awakens came out in 2015. I assume this user is currently in their 40's. Who talks like that or goes to see a movie because of an attractive woman when they are in their 30's and Daisy Ridley was 22 years old when they shot The Force Awakens. What a weird impulse for a fully fledged adult man in 2024 to have as some of the first things they say about this stuff.

My friend, Reed Richards cannot stretch this much.


There is a good reason the average Hollywood star, male and female, is above average in traditional standards of beauty.

People be horny.

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1 minute ago, Greatoneshere said:

Saying Sydney Sweeney "has the best tits in the business" by a 40+ year old man about a 26 year old woman is . . . yikes to me.

I mean she's a grown woman... if he was the same age as her and said the same thing would you still have an issue? If she was 16 I'd get it but I don't see what his age has anything to do with it. I have no idea how old dude is to be honest. I would think the comment and the obvious objectification of her body would be more offensive  than the age gap. So if a dude in his forties dated a woman in her 20's that's creepy? I'm trying to understand where you're coming from here.

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1 minute ago, Keyser_Soze said:

You guys both live in PA. Just go meet up at Dave & Busters in Philly, have a couple of non alcoholic beers and hash out your problems there


I'm more concerned we're all okay with this constant bullshit. I feel like I'm being gaslit here. We call out plenty of other users when they say stupid shit when they head towards social value topics and we know who they are but best is forgiven over and over. There's nothing to hash out. He needs to learn. Wise up. See what he's saying and doing. Is it the end of the world? No, but I'll keep pointing it out like I would with any user anywhere.

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2 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

You guys both live in PA. Just go meet up at Dave & Busters in Philly, have a couple of non alcoholic beers and hash out your problems there


There isn't any problems. He litteraly harrases me over things that aren't true lol.

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11 minutes ago, Best said:

You are absolutely ridiculous. I didn't go see the last jedi because I thought Daisy was hot or anything. 


I'm 42 yrs old and think a 27 yr old is hot. So there is something wrong with me?


Give me these examples where I've been sexist in the past? I'd love to hear it. You're so full of shit. 


I named three examples (Daisy Ridley, Sydney Sweeney, abortion) so I'm not full of shit. How many examples would it take? Your constant go to in an argument is: "provide no rebuttals myself, demand a litany of evidence or it's not true." You've been called out on these boards numerous times by numerous users over the years, me included, for many things that you've said. No, I'm not full of shit, but it's not my job to keep trying to convince you of something when you don't be. I could provide 99 different pieces of evidence and you'd find some way to justify or hand wave away each one because you do that in every specific instance. How am I ridiculous? You said you went to see The Force Awakens in theaters for only one reason, for an unknown actor named Daisy Ridley. Only can be one reason there. And to say it in this thread, about Star Wars fans harassing the actors playing female characters, is just incredibly cognitive dissonance.


11 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I mean she's a grown woman... if he was the same age as her and said the same thing would you still have an issue? If she was 16 I'd get it but I don't see what his age has anything to do with it. I have no idea how old dude is to be honest. I would think the comment and the obvious objectification of her body would be more offensive  than the age gap. So if a dude in his forties dated a woman in her 20's that's creepy? I'm trying to understand where you're coming from here.


The age gap isn't offensive in itself, it only becomes weird because of the way this 15 year older man is talking about her. If this was the only weird comment best had ever made, that'd be fine, but it's meant to show, in tandem with the Daisy Ridley comment (and others he's made in the past, haven't you seen them?) that it becomes weird when you add up all the evidence in this specific case. Broadly, there's nothing wrong with a 42-year old being sexually or physically attracted to a 26-year old good looking actor. Totally normal. But for their go to response in a thread about them to be something like that, there's a reason Spork responded with a nervous face emoji to it in that thread at the time. It was just kind of gross, as I said. It's not some huge offense or anything though. 

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11 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

My friend, Reed Richards cannot stretch this much.


There is a good reason the average Hollywood star, male and female, is above average in traditional standards of beauty.

People be horny.


Yeah, but that's not what I'm saying here. I'm calling out the way someone is speaking about women, something they've done repeatedly in different ways over and over throughout the years. This is reductive to the point I'm trying to make about aggregate evidence in this specific case. Hell, I've commented on women and their looks myself plenty over the years and no one says anything because of the way it's done. I hope that makes things clearer. These things aren't happening in a vacuum.

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8 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I'm more concerned we're all okay with this constant bullshit. I feel like I'm being gaslit here. We call out plenty of other users when they say stupid shit when they head towards social value topics and we know who they are but best is forgiven over and over. There's nothing to hash out. He needs to learn. Wise up. See what he's saying and doing. Is it the end of the world? No, but I'll keep pointing it out like I would with any user anywhere.


I mean maybe we aren't okay with it but we all pretty much know everyone around here. Calling certain people out on stuff isn't going to change anything except start drama in random threads. Sometimes you either say your peace and that's it or ignore it and let the chips where they lay. 🤷‍♀️

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1 minute ago, Greatoneshere said:


Yeah, but that's not what I'm saying here. I'm calling out the way someone is speaking about someone else, something they've done repeatedly in different ways over and over throughout the years. This is reductive to the point I'm trying to make about aggregate evidence in this specific case. Hell, I've commented on women and their looks myself plenty over the years and no one says anything because of the way it's done. I hope that makes things clearer. 


I'm unblocking you. This shit is too good to miss. I love you and I think overall you're a very intelligent user but you're hatred for me is gold. I won't be missing out anymore. 

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