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All of our balls are full of microplastics

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Scientists say discovery may be linked to decades-long decline in sperm counts in men around the world


I genuinely don't know what can be done about this stuff. I read one article recently with a bunch of bullet points on how to avoid microplastics, with one of the big ones being drink less stuff that comes in plastic bottles. But then there was another article recently that they've started finding microplastics in canned sparkling waters. I gotta drink somethin'!

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I too drink a lot from a plastic bottle (Canada Dry mostly now) I don’t think you can avoid them now, because it’s everywhere. Product might be from a can, but the ingredients to make some of it more than likely came from a plastic wrapped source. This coming from someone who got to see some of the magic happen while at Pepsi and occasionally walking the warehouse/plant. 

  • Halal 1
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This is being twisted into something negative. As microplastics becomes more and more incorporated into our tissues, slowly transitioning us into hybrid human/giant action figure beings, we'll have achieved the ultimate de-ageing goal: True immortality!

  • Sicko 1
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12 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

A huge source of microplastics is car tires. We need to reduce our car addiction more than ever.

Tires and brake pads are just as bad, if not a worse source of pollution than gas emissions from cars.*




*I have a suspicion that a lot of the studies showing those results were paid for by fossil fuel companies that want to paint electric cars in a bad light ("see? electric cars are just as bad for the environment! Might as well keep those gas-guzzlers!"), but particulate matter from tires and brake pads getting into our water IS a huge source of pollution from cars that doesn't get talked about enough.

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