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Rock the Vote '24: update (10/14) - Harris to be interviewed by Fox News on Wednesday

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Saying people need something to vote for and not against this year is especially dumb.  Biden has 4 years of a Presidency to vote for, or not.  After Harris wasn't polling great they more or less benched her soon after taking office.  The polling all around is pretty much the definition of voting against Trump, considering "generic democrat" leads Trump by a few points.

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52 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Besides, what’s the message going to be with the replacement now?  “Biden was a great president, but he wasn’t very telegenic so they nominated me instead—vote for me to stop Trump!”  It’s kind of bizarre that I keep hearing pundits citing the idea “people need something to vote *for*, not just something to vote *against*” as a rationale for dumping Biden.  Once you get rid of him, that’s pretty much all you’re left with.



Anecdotal, but I've got 3 personal care aides now. 2 white women (27 and 33) and a African American woman in her 40s. I don't think any of them are voting for Biden. The 27yo is MAGA brained, the 33yo likes RFKjr, and the 44yo complains about inflation a lot. I don't think any of them could tell you a single thing Biden has done but they know about Trump's crazy plans. 


You offer a fresh slate candidate, you recreate the 2020 election dynamic of Trump vs. Normal. Inflation and Biden's age can't allow Biden to be normal. Harris can't either because she's tied to his record and the age questions. That's why the Congressional candidates in the swing states do so much better than Biden. The fact that nobody Governors with no name ID are polling as well as they are vs Biden says a lot. 

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

The DNC is holding a virtual convention to nominate Biden, a process which has been in the works since before the debate. The date is set for between aug 1 and aug 7, tbd


the law that Ohio passed doesn’t take effect until sept 1, which changes the date for accepting his nomination to sept 1. So because of this Biden will likely already be the nominee


 republicans will say too late gotta keep Biden on there, for Ohio and possibly other states if he is virtually nominated the first week of August. 


there will be lawsuits and I can all but guarantee the 5th will keep him on the ballot, leading to circuit split and then to scotus to rule on the matter. This is an unacceptable risk



Biden isn't going to win Ohio, cancel the virtual vote. Once a nominee is picked the DNC can sue to gain access. It'll go to SCOTUS and either Roberts lets a Democrat on the Ohio ballot (a position he probably doesn't want to be in), or worst case a Democrat isn't on the ballot in a state the Democrats weren't going to win anyway. I don't see how that spreads to other states. Brown might do better without a Democrat at the top of the ticket. 

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24 minutes ago, Jwheel86 said:


Anecdotal, but I've got 3 personal care aides now. 2 white women (27 and 33) and a African American woman in her 40s. I don't think any of them are voting for Biden. The 27yo is MAGA brained, the 33yo likes RFKjr, and the 44yo complains about inflation a lot. I don't think any of them could tell you a single thing Biden has done but they know about Trump's crazy plans. 


You offer a fresh slate candidate, you recreate the 2020 election dynamic of Trump vs. Normal. Inflation and Biden's age can't allow Biden to be normal. Harris can't either because she's tied to his record and the age questions. That's why the Congressional candidates in the swing states do so much better than Biden. The fact that nobody Governors with no name ID are polling as well as they are vs Biden says a lot. 

True, and I get what you’re saying and even understand those perspectives to a degree—but although those candidates might poll better, polls don’t vote, people do, and once you jettison Biden/Harris you lose the infrastructure that is actually probably the biggest factor in successful campaigns.  All of a sudden all the Biden/Harris field offices suddenly have to become ‘rando nominee’ field offices, campaign networks have to be rebuilt—and all of it has to be spun up in less than three months to compete against a Trump apparatus that’s been developing since 2016.  

I just don’t see the Dems being organizationally competent enough to pull that off.  Certainly the shitshow that flames before us doesn’t inspire confidence lol.

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15 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

The polls of Michigan voters show an almost unheard of level of support for a Republican presidential candidate in the state.

Biden losing every county in Michigan including Detroit, we should Def keep Biden totally gonna win bigly. 


Seems like my neighbors are bigger morons than I thought. 

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i think some of you are too smart to see that a lot of people do not pay attention to things like y’all, and even get misinformation from social media that they don’t bother to actually check to see if it’s true. 


a lot of people have seen joe biden speak and are like good god almighty i’m supposed to vote for a guy who can’t speak?! and you are thinking well yes! you have to vote for the guy who can’t speak because the guy that rambles and lies is worse! and he is worse! but these people do not always think like that. 

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19 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


I'm good with Mayo Pete especially since a good friend of mine worked on his campaign and said he's a genuinely great guy. What does Pete bring to the table though? He doesn't deliver his state which is solidly red. What does he ADD to the ticket? Genuinely asking. I personally like him but the VP should bring something to the table that the top of the ticket lacks.


Main win with Pete as VP is he can talk against republican talking points better than anyone in the party and we really need that right now. 


16 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

My thing is, if they were going to ask him to step down, they had a WHOLE primary season to do so. Would have made a lot more sense to do it then than to do it this way now. I worked on this story last night and he still has his allies in Senate Leadership and Jeffries was quoted yesterday as saying he's still ridin' with Biden. Pelosi and Shumer seem to be the main ones tell him to step down. And if they bypass Harris then they run the risk of alienating their most reliable and consistent constituency, Black Women who would rightfully perceive it as a slight. My suspicion is that if Biden steps down, he does so under the condition that Harris is the nominee and we roll with her. Either way, The Dems, once again, seem determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and for the first time in my adult life, I'm REALLY lamenting the fact that there isn't a viable third party option. For real. Complete and total amateur hour here.

3rd party will never be viable under our system of government and election. If we somehow get the country to switch to ranked choice voting, even at the state level for electorates, then third party becomes much more viable. 

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3 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

Like the only glimmer in that Michigan poll is that Trump didn't so much move up as much as more people moved to undecided from Biden. 


That's just further evidence that the assassination attempt did nothing to engender any "sympathy" for Trump and hopefully provides impetus for the Democratic Party to resolve its "Biden Conundrum" right the hell now.

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11 minutes ago, legend said:

Main win with Pete as VP is he can talk against republican talking points better than anyone in the party and we really need that right now. 


As much as it pains me to say it, the combination of a minority woman and gay man will be a "bridge too far" as far as electability goes.


The VP has to be boring white governor from a purple-ish to red state.

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Someone joked, and I can’t remember who, that if Harris becomes the nominee, she should pick Mike Pence as her VP as a show of unity.


And then remind people why he isn’t Trump’s VP anymore.

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29 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


As much as it pains me to say it, the combination of a minority woman and gay man will be a "bridge too far" as far as electability goes.


The VP has to be boring white governor from a purple-ish to red state.


Maybe. We're competing the portion of the population not already voting for Trump that is homophobic vs the portion that won't vote if they're not inspired. That latter very much seems like it could be a win to me. Republicans always come out to vote. People who vote democrat, not so much. They need a "reason" to vote.

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23 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Someone joked, and I can’t remember who, that if Harris becomes the nominee, she should pick Mike Pence as her VP as a show of unity.


And then remind people why he isn’t Trump’s VP anymore.

That’s not funny. 

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50 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


As much as it pains me to say it, the combination of a minority woman and gay man will be a "bridge too far" as far as electability goes.


The VP has to be boring white governor from a purple-ish to red state.

I was thinking the same thing. If kamala is at the top of the ticket, she needs a solid, mid-western or southern straight white guy to balance her out for the electorate. As good as he is, Pete ain't it. He should definitely be on every Sunday news show from here to the election though.

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3 hours ago, johnny said:

i think some of you are too smart to see that a lot of people do not pay attention to things like y’all, and even get misinformation from social media that they don’t bother to actually check to see if it’s true. 


a lot of people have seen joe biden speak and are like good god almighty i’m supposed to vote for a guy who can’t speak?! and you are thinking well yes! you have to vote for the guy who can’t speak because the guy that rambles and lies is worse! and he is worse! but these people do not always think like that. 


If this is true (and I think that it is), you're basically telling us that "a lot of people" are really, really stupid then?

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17 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Terry Crews Middle Finger GIF by Idiocracy

Fun fact, when picking out the wardrobes for this movie they wanted to use shoes no one would use, found a start up company, and when she was asked about the possibility of them becoming popular she said something along the line of "look at these things only an idiot would wear them," those shoes turned out to be crocs. 

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  • GeneticBlueprint changed the title to Rock the Vote '24: First debate scheduled for June 27 UPDATE Pres. Biden ends reelection bid

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