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Rock the Vote '24: update (10/14) - Harris to be interviewed by Fox News on Wednesday

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I have to admit, I don't think it has truly sunk in for me that Trump could actually win this election. After 4 years of being back to normal with Biden and with all the energy around Harris, I'm just assuming the dichotomy is so clear who you should vote for that Harris can't lose, despite the close polls. But since @Spork3245 posted his real thoughts I'm thinking about it and . . . oh dear God. 




The first Trump presidency was awful. Everyone remembers some new horror happening, mass protests to fight insane policies, etc. This time it will be so much fucking worse. We can't lose. We just can't. I don't think my liver and my brain and my values can take another Trump presidency. Please no. I definitely think this country can't weather it, we will be permanently on a downward slope. Also, can we all take a moment to thank @PaladinSolo for being so on top of keeping us up to date with the polls? I use his poll posts to stay informed on that end of things at this point. As we inch closer to the election, I'm paying closer and closer attention to the polls he posts.


PaladinSolo, what's your opinion? Is it really so close?

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1 hour ago, Best said:

Will you guys be moving out of the country if Trump wins?

I'm in California, or, according to random people who've never been to California in comments sections, "commie hellscape," and we're deeply insulated from anything substantial a Trump victory could meaningfully affect, and are very proactive about not letting shitty federal policies apply here. Not too often, at least. Still plenty of chuds here trying to fascist the place up, but not nearly enough to succeed.

So no, that wouldn't make me move, but I've been heavily considering it for years. Only option I'd actually consider is Canada, though... which, like England, appears to just watch the dumb shit we do, laugh about it, and then have the same thing happen there anyway. I'm not sure if it's because these nations watch and imitate us or if it's part of an unrelated-to-America-specifically larger trend, but it doesn't really seem like a safe haven from shitheads.

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10 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

I'm not sure if it's because these nations watch and imitate us or if it's part of an unrelated-to-America-specifically larger trend, but it doesn't really seem like a safe haven from shitheads.


At least one of the biggest factors contributing to the rise of fascism in many once very democratic nations is due to the misinformation and disinformation age, social media, post-truth world we live in now, where how we feel and the vibes of something or someone matter more than actually doing the work to understand the complexity of all of these situations, problems, political issues, etc.; particularly by people on the right. And the anti-immigration rhetoric that's on the rise everywhere that people seem to not care about more and more is also partly due to the rise in need of natural resources and good living conditions as climate change worsens. The migrant crisis will only get worse and then eventually you have a Children of Men situation (in terms of immigration policies and general dystopia, not the no more kids thing, though fertility in the West in men is way down, who knows why, Bluetooth, wifi, microwave emitters). :p 

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5 hours ago, SuperSpreader said:


@TUFKAK smash or pass

If married to a chud yes, that's my kink. Without that through, I'd smash a fleshlight before any of them. 

If Trump wins my timeline for exiting rapidly increases, the big stumbling block is my partner doesn't have residency in Greece. The inertia will continue to country a bit longer so I can use that time.

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27 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I have to admit, I don't think it has truly sunk in for me that Trump could actually win this election. After 4 years of being back to normal with Biden and with all the energy around Harris, I'm just assuming the dichotomy is so clear who you should vote for that Harris can't lose, despite the close polls. But since @Spork3245 posted his real thoughts I'm thinking about it and . . . oh dear God. 




The first Trump presidency was awful. Everyone remembers some new horror happening, mass protests to fight insane policies, etc. This time it will be so much fucking worse. We can't lose. We just can't. I don't think my liver and my brain and my values can take another Trump presidency. Please no. I definitely think this country can't weather it, we will be permanently on a downward slope. Also, can we all take a moment to thank @PaladinSolo for being so on top of keeping us up to date with the polls? I use his poll posts to stay informed on that end of things at this point. As we inch closer to the election, I'm paying closer and closer attention to the polls he posts.


PaladinSolo, what's your opinion? Is it really so close?

I know you didn’t ask me but, while it is concerning that Harris isn’t polling as well as the dem candidates in 2020 and 2016, it seems like a lot of that is [maybe a little over-]correction for the misses in those years. Biden was something stupid like +9 in PA at this point but didn’t win the state by nearly that much as you know. So a poll indicating Harris is ahead at all in the rust belt is pretty good news IMO. There is a lot of positive momentum on the dem side: fundraising, manpower, event attendance, societal shifts. Betting markets seem to favor Harris. Pundits and political fortune tellers that predicted Trump’s win in 2016 seem to favor Harris (not that I put any stock in what they have to say).


But it’s not all great news. The fact that Trump is competitive at all after his first term, exposed massive corruption, and continued hate spewing verbal diarrhea is very disheartening. I don’t think we’ll see a blow out win like we wanted to in 2020 and now. But I think that in the end Trump will lose. 

But vote like your life depends on it no matter what the crystal ball says. 

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3 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

But vote like your life depends on it no matter what the crystal ball says. 


Anyone can jump in, that was a great breakdown. And yeah, it's like: "feel positive, but vote like we die if we don't win" seems to be the mantra. Feels like purgatory, in a bad way. This is the worst Squid Game. :p 

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36 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I have to admit, I don't think it has truly sunk in for me that Trump could actually win this election. After 4 years of being back to normal with Biden and with all the energy around Harris, I'm just assuming the dichotomy is so clear who you should vote for that Harris can't lose, despite the close polls. But since @Spork3245 posted his real thoughts I'm thinking about it and . . . oh dear God. 




The first Trump presidency was awful. Everyone remembers some new horror happening, mass protests to fight insane policies, etc. This time it will be so much fucking worse. We can't lose. We just can't. I don't think my liver and my brain and my values can take another Trump presidency. Please no. I definitely think this country can't weather it, we will be permanently on a downward slope. Also, can we all take a moment to thank @PaladinSolo for being so on top of keeping us up to date with the polls? I use his poll posts to stay informed on that end of things at this point. As we inch closer to the election, I'm paying closer and closer attention to the polls he posts.


PaladinSolo, what's your opinion? Is it really so close?


It's very, very difficult to imagine, and I think mentally I'm noticing some defense mechanisms kicking in which probably aren't healthy. Like rather than face that possibility, I'm basically living every day with a Harris victory in the back of my mind, like that's just the norm, and any polls that suggest otherwise I've been....paying less attention to. I'm just mentally closing off to stress factors I can't deal with, which is the sort of crap I see MAGA doing. :liar:

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3 minutes ago, Reputator said:

It's very, very difficult to imagine, and I think mentally I'm noticing some defense mechanisms kicking in which probably aren't healthy. Like rather than face that possibility, I'm basically living every day with a Harris victory in the back of my mind, like that's just the norm, and any polls that suggest otherwise I've been....paying less attention to. I'm just mentally closing off to stress factors I can't deal with, which is the sort of crap I see MAGA doing. :liar:


This is the exact realization I was describing but you did it better. I'm just now realizing I've been putting up defense mechanisms for months because a Trump win is impossible for me to imagine because it would be so fucking bad. But . . . he really could win. He really could. This is what every day will feel like again, but even worse.



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Just now, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I voted early here today in VA and I cast it with the full knowledge that it could very well be the last meaningful and/or "legitimate" presidential election I will vote in for a very, very long time.


Early voting starts in 10 days here and I can't wait! And it won't fucking matter that I do because I live in Florida! :dancing:

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2 minutes ago, Reputator said:


It's very, very difficult to imagine, and I think mentally I'm noticing some defense mechanisms kicking in which probably aren't healthy. Like rather than face that possibility, I'm basically living every day with a Harris victory in the back of my mind, like that's just the norm, and any polls that suggest otherwise I've been....paying less attention to. I'm just mentally closing off to stress factors I can't deal with, which is the sort of crap I see MAGA doing. :liar:

It's hard to want to deal with some unknown worse version of an administration that stressed us all out literally every day. It's one of those "this must not come to pass" scenarios. Like these fucking dipshits on rightwing podcasts talking about "gulags" as though democrats are trying to imprison them for... anything, really, is hilarious. Such wild projection. No, assholes, we don't want gulags, we want people to be able to live peaceful lives without being harassed or treated as second-class citizens. We want to stop the spread of harmful disinformation, and... wait, I totally support gulags for people spreading dangerous misinformation. Holy shit they're right! PUT 'EM IN THE GULAG!

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7 minutes ago, Reputator said:

Early voting starts in 10 days here and I can't wait! And it won't fucking matter that I do because I live in Florida! :dancing:


This is true. But I do want to say, to push back on that in general (this is not aimed at you at all), that both solidly red states and solidly blue states say this but your vote does still matter. If just enough people, even in a solid red/blue state, decided it was such a given their party would win that they don't vote because their vote "doesn't matter", you suddenly would have an upset, since the other party does still come out to vote in your state. Now would millions suddenly not vote in a state that usually do? No. I'm just saying, it is a possibility, even if slight, and that potential threat should be enough to make it feel like your vote counts in those districts.


Let's not forget states continue to get more and more gerry mandered and fucked around with and there's voter suppression, etc. The Electoral College is statistically in the Republicans' favor. We have to turn out every single time, presumptions about the state's party affiliation be damned. Also, and most importantly, you are voting down ballot. We need to turn every local town, county, city, district, etc. blue and that's where we have usually failed. Local and state level elections matter a lot. You turn those, you're turning inherited political infrastructure to keep things one party's way. 

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I really do genuinely believe that the world as a whole is transitioning to a "post-liberal" or "post-democratic" era as evidenced by the near-universal hostility to migration, exacerbated by economic inequality and climate change.


It's not just nations that are governed by the right that are adopting these types of policies as ostensibly leftist governments are rushing to embrace them as well.


Simply put, there is a definite political tide washing over the world that I'm afraid will be impossible to turn back.

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My mail in ballot should arrive on Tuesday. 

Some good news there: judges voided two amendments that were absolute dog shit on the ballots. So that is good. One would have given power to the legislature to reject ballot measures or amend them to be completely distinct from their intent. The other was more voucher bullshit for charter schools, basically. 

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11 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I really do genuinely believe that the world as a whole is transitioning to a "post-liberal" or "post-democratic" era as evidenced by the near-universal hostility to migration, exacerbated by economic inequality and climate change.


It's not just nations that are governed by the right that are adopting these types of policies as ostensibly leftist governments are rushing to embrace them as well.


Simply put, there is a definite political tide washing over the world that I'm afraid will be impossible to turn back.


I completely agree. I think there is a small window, in the next 10 years, where this swings one way or the other. How Gen Xers, Millenials and Gen Zers in general handle the next 10 years (worldwide) in terms of their values, their culture, their ethics and their morals will determine the fate of a number of powerful countries for decades more to come as our technology and growth spin out of control. There's a chance to tamp things down here, we just have to seize it. That's why in this or another thread I was arguing that if Trump loses this time, it kills Republican momentum for at least 8 years. This is key to how things are shaped going forward for the next 10 after that. And with a number of existential world threats on our doorstep, it would behoove us to take this seriously.

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11 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I really do genuinely believe that the world as a whole is transitioning to a "post-liberal" or "post-democratic" era as evidenced by the near-universal hostility to migration, exacerbated by economic inequality and climate change.


It's not just nations that are governed by the right that are adopting these types of policies as ostensibly leftist governments are rushing to embrace them as well.


Simply put, there is a definite political tide washing over the world that I'm afraid will be impossible to turn back.

The immigration bits specifically. In America, it’s anathema to me to reject immigrants of any stripe.


But, while I don’t want to say “I get it” from a European perspective, when you have large numbers of refugees coming into small countries that have delicately balanced economies and taxation for providing benefits it can cause a lot of unrest unfortunately. 

ETA: hell you’re even seeing this with our neighbors to the north right now. I’ve noticed a giant wave of anti immigrant sentiment up there that I just never felt even when I lived right next door and visited frequently. And changing labor laws around immigrants and their families. Among students even. 

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A more “conservative” wave around the world is not in itself a horrible thing… the thing is these people are legit fascist and not conservative at all… the fact that most folks seemingly embrace this crap probably means that theyve finally found the right Kool-Aid to weaponize folks tribal tendencies.. will be interesting to see how soon conflicts led by these types of leaders develop

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13 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I really do genuinely believe that the world as a whole is transitioning to a "post-liberal" or "post-democratic" era as evidenced by the near-universal hostility to migration, exacerbated by economic inequality and climate change.


It's not just nations that are governed by the right that are adopting these types of policies as ostensibly leftist governments are rushing to them as well.


Simply put, there is a definite political tide washing over the world that I'm afraid will be impossible to turn back.


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11 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I completely agree. I think there is a small window, in the next 10 years, where this swings one way or the other. How Gen Xers, Millenials and Gen Zers in general handle the next 10 years (worldwide) in terms of their values, their culture, their ethics and their morals will determine the fate of a number of powerful countries for decades more to come as our technology and growth spin out of control. There's a chance to tamp things down here, we just have to seize it. That's why in this or another thread I was arguing that if Trump loses this time, it kills Republican momentum for at least 8 years. This is key to how things are shaped going forward for the next 10 after that. And with a number of existential world threats on our doorstep, it would behoove us to take this seriously.


I fear that it's already too late, especially in Europe.

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13 minutes ago, S3xB0t said:

It’s microplastics, I guarantee it.


True, this is very likely. 


6 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I fear that it's already too late, especially in Europe.


I'm not quite there yet, especially the response to helping Ukraine is heartening (only Victor Orban and Belarus are really siding with the fascist Putin so far, though self-preservation is a factor when you could be next after Ukraine). It's dire but I do think as the young get older and the old die out we could see more compassion and a move towards more progressive values again in terms of immigration. I think who wins here in America affects things worldwide since we are an empire, far reaching, and make up 25% of the world's GDP. Harris wins, who knows what's next. Biden really helped, there's a chance here, momentum is everything.


And then what if Alito and Thomas retire or die during Harris's term(s)? Then you just: 



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4 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

 It's dire but I do think as the young get older and the old die out we could see more compassion and a move towards more progressive values again in terms of immigration.


I genuinely and sincerely doubt that will happen as the climate deteriorates and economic conditions get more precarious.


That world has passed away, and we have no one to blame for it but ourselves.

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1 minute ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


I fear that it's already too late, especially in Europe.


Its almost as if a World War is needed for these assholes to see first hand the depth of the cruelty we can inflict on one another just for the sake of “they are not us”..


seems too many wars have been fought on the lands of people that westerners give no fucks about.. a dose of reality, a culling if you will seems like the only thing that will settle these idiots down.. of course you mention that to any conservative and they think theyre indestructible in their 2A fantasyland

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