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Rock the Vote '24: update (10/14) - Harris to be interviewed by Fox News on Wednesday

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1 minute ago, Chairslinger said:


Just like how Trump was forced into this debate tonight he now gets to look weak and demure on a second debate, or he says he wants one and that puts Kamala right back in the driver seat of calling him a wimp when he inevitably tries to back out of it.


Hes already spinning it.. he says outlets have him winning debate 91%-8%

Says she wants another debate because she knows she lost… I suppose that means him asking for a follow-up debate with Biden means he knows he “lost”?

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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Trump spoke for 42:45


Harris spoke for 37:36




I am honestly amazed it was only that much.


There were several times I literally screamed at my TV, " Will somebody mute this mother fucker?!" because he had ranted so long and disjointedly that I swear he was like five topics removed from the originally point.

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1 minute ago, SuperSpreader said:

So undecided

We already knew they were idiots, but I guess they think since they haven't actually voted yet that they're still "undecided," like they're 100% undecided until they cast their ballot.

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3 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

We already knew they were idiots, but I guess they think since they haven't actually voted yet that they're still "undecided," like they're 100% undecided until they cast their ballot.

I think there are some of these people that like the attention. They answer the phone and learn that if they say they are undecided people keep talking to them, asking them questions, and stupid news outlets will out them on Tv and cater lunch. 

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1 minute ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

All the major media headlines are some variation of "Harris puts Trump on the defensive".

that is a mild take. Far more mild than they were with Biden and would have been if Harris had a bad night. 

there were parts of the night that almost felt like elder abuse. lol

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Just now, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

All the major media headlines are some variation of "Harris puts Trump on the defensive".



It was the debate version of a movie bar fight where a drunk asshole tries to punch the protagonist several times and he just moves to the side and lets the drunk fly across the room into a table over and over.



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Harris did fine, she didn’t have any gotcha moments or sound bite fuckups, she pushed back well enough… but it’s still frustrating for me. There’s never a chance for someone to just sit down next to him and just push him hard on all the verifiably false things he says with impunity.


They just play it so safe. It’s just a never ending stream of pre rehearsed 2 minute mealy mouthed boring micro speeches. That’s not what we want.


I have a new idea for a debate, no questions, no moderators. They both sit down at a table and talk for an hour. 

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6 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

that is a mild take. Far more mild than they were with Biden and would have been if Harris had a bad night. 

there were parts of the night that almost felt like elder abuse. lol


I still want to know what the deal is with that upper lip sweat of his.


Is he really so out of shape that he is sweating from the simple act of standing at a podium? Or is his nose running from the Herculean task of going 2 whole hours without snorting some Adderall?

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4 minutes ago, ort said:

Harris did fine, she didn’t have any gotcha moments or sound bite fuckups, she pushed back well enough… but it’s still frustrating for me. There’s never a chance for someone to just sit down next to him and just push him hard on all the verifiably false things he says with impunity.

What makes it extra frustrating is that if she tried this, she'd be eviscerated for being "bitchy/cunty/bossy/a bully" and met with half-assed "fact checks" where someone finds some irrelevant technicality on a tertiary point of what she said that's only 80% true. She's smart not to push too far, because the stupid people are extremely stupid. It's insanely annoying, but it's the game you gotta play.

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3 minutes ago, ort said:

Harris did fine, she didn’t have any gotcha moments or sound bite fuckups, she pushed back well enough… but it’s still frustrating for me. There’s never a chance for someone to just sit down next to him and just push him hard on all the verifiably false things he says with impunity.

The problem with this is that it just devolves into arguing because when one pushes Trump on his bullshit his comeback is always

Schitts Creek No GIF by CBC

…and then he immediately resumes spouting bullshit.

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I fully understand the frustration with the Ole style strategy against the Gish Gallop but you always have to ask yourself....do you want an effective message or do you want to feel good from making a point?


As frustrating as it is to me, I have accepted that people who do this for a living probably know what they are talking about when they combat the Gish Gallop with "stay on message, don't get bogged down, and save your jabs for a few choice sections".


I mean, think about it, it's not too hard to see how the "confront every lie" strategy goes wrong. It's a lot easier to make up a lie than it is to disprove that lie and it is a demonstrably bad look(even if you are right) when the debate has been going for over an hour and all of a sudden you realize all you have done is chase Trump's shadow the whole time.

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11 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:


I still want to know what the deal is with that upper lip sweat of his.


Is he really so out of shape that he is sweating from the simple act of standing at a podium? Or is his nose running from the Herculean task of going 2 whole hours without snorting some Adderall?

It’s his brain literally leaking out of his nose 

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Just finished watching the debate.  I didn't check the board, Reddit, or Twitter during the debate in hopes of not clouding my opinion.


Harris won. 


I didn't agree with everything she said and was quite frustrated she didn't challenge Trump more on specific things, like tariffs.  But she was leaps and bounds better than Trump in almost every way. 


If Harris can leverage her performance tonight in interviews over the next 7 weeks, she's going to win.


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5 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

What makes it extra frustrating is that if she tried this, she'd be eviscerated for being "bitchy/cunty/bossy/a bully" and met with half-assed "fact checks" where someone finds some irrelevant technicality on a tertiary point of what she said that's only 80% true. She's smart not to push too far, because the stupid people are extremely stupid. It's insanely annoying, but it's the game you gotta play.

I cringed a bit the second time she mentioned that US military generals called Donald a disgrace. Maybe it is a direct quote from somebody she spoke to, but it came off (to me) sounding more mean spirited and counter productive. Not that the sentiment isn’t valid. Just the word choice in repetition. 

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I think I just need to remember who these things are actually for… and it sure as hell ain’t anyone posting on these boards…


Politics has just gotten so fucked up and weird since the rise of social media. It’s really just morphed into a new version of sports fandom for weirdo political junkies like us. There’s like this weird tiny sliver of humanity, like 2-3% who obsess over this shit, and like to try and score gotcha points like, ooh, look, your guy said this last night, but he said this 2 weeks ago and GOTCHA! Look, your guy violated some law or norm that I actually don’t give any fucks about, but since your side is usually in favor of stuff like that it makes you look foolish, HA HA GOT YA AGAIN! But literally none of that shit matters at all. It’s just noise and nonsense. It’s all a distraction and no one likes it more than the politicians, and the massive industries that feed off selling us this shit show. The political industrial complex, the media and the tv stations and websites with lines around the block buying ads… and for what? An election that’s going to come down to the whims of 50,000 goofy barely informed people in the rust belt?


Actual progress happens so slowly, while we argue over meaningless bullshit. I’m up to my ass in ridiculous medical bills because our entire system is horseshit and these fuckers are arguing over whether or not scary brown people are eating dogs or not.

Im so fucking sick of the Trump era of politics. It’s taken the entire discourse and dragged it through the mud.

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Just as importantly, I'll add before I collapse into my bed in relief and exhaustion, is that Harris seems to be winning the postgame so far.  Which is arguably just as, if not more important than the debate itself.


I'm with @Commissar SFLUFAN--pedal to the medal now on town halls, media appearances, radio shows, whatever.  Clearly she's competent enough that there's no reason to hide her in the basement.  Leverage this for a burst of momentum, because they rarely come, it might be the last one you get, and this is a game of inches. 

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46 minutes ago, johnny said:

texted a conservative about taylor swift endorsing kamala and this was his response: Of course she did. Game over for trump. Time to just put on the heels and start prepping to be Venezuela. 


To be fair they generally have better food.


Also I'm seeing some good Magic the Gathering "I have a concept of a plan" memes popping up already :lol:

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