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Rock the Vote '24: update (10/14) - Harris to be interviewed by Fox News on Wednesday

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The idea that Trump, who has spent his entire life avoiding any consequences for almost anything, and who is being treated by our legal system with all the delicacy of a foreign royal family member, has been treated "unfairly" is so brazenly fucking stupid that I have to wonder if we're dealing with actual brain tumor patients. There's no way an actual human being sees anything about Trump and thinks he's being treated unfairly in any way... unless they mean being unfairly lenient in a way that would never happen to a normal American citizen, in which case, yes, extremely unfair treatment.


And then to somehow twist that into support from black people, who historically have been intentionally disadvantaged by that same justice system because they're black, would somehow relate to an inherited wealth fat sack of shit who spent his life living off of daddy's handouts before finally making a little actual money from a fucking TV show, who then went on to be an abysmal president, as some sort of "he's just like us" thing as he gets fucking babied over and over again and protected from consequences by judges he fished for and/or put in those seats himself, is so cosmically fucking stupid that it's beyond baffling and just ventures into pure satire.

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4 minutes ago, Reputator said:


That's probably the best argument to use against Trump supporters. The idea that even if you support his policies, how can you support his inability to enact his policies?


It's a negotiation point. He's not a dictator that wills things into existence. Still has to work through Congress. If Trump was the "omg Hitler" libs think he was, everything would be in place.


This argument is pretty weak considering Harris is running on doing things her and Biden couldn't do in 4 years in office. 

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1 minute ago, Xbob42 said:

The idea that Trump, who has spent his entire life avoiding any consequences for almost anything, and who is being treated by our legal system with all the delicacy of a foreign royal dignitary family member, has been treated "unfairly" is so brazenly fucking stupid that I have to wonder if we're dealing with actual brain tumor patients. There's no way an actual human being sees anything about Trump and thinks he's being treated unfairly in any way... unless they mean being unfairly lenient in a way that would never happen to a normal American citizen, in which case, yes, extremely unfair treatment.


Trump was the first to be tried on a new legal theory that bumped a misdemeanor into a felony, a charge with no "object crime". It most likely won't survive appeal. 



The mechanics of the case as District Attorney Alvin Bragg is prosecuting it.


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3 minutes ago, Vitalsign said:


It's a negotiation point. He's not a dictator that wills things into existence. Still has to work through Congress. If Trump was the "omg Hitler" libs think he was, everything would be in place.


This argument is pretty weak considering Harris is running on doing things her and Biden couldn't do in 4 years in office. 

Let’s see…

- American Rescue Plan


- Inflation Reduction Act

- Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan

- tons of student debt relief


Let’s not forget: Crazy-ass Republicans did everything they could to obstruct and limit Biden’s ability to get shit done, and it happened anyway. 

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1 minute ago, Vitalsign said:


It's a negotiation point. He's not a dictator that wills things into existence. Still has to work through Congress. If Trump was the "omg Hitler" libs think he was, everything would be in place.


This argument is pretty weak considering Harris is running on doing things her and Biden couldn't do in 4 years in office. 


He wants to be a dictator on day one.


What did Biden and Harris not do? The CHIPs act, one of the biggest investments in US manufacturing ever? The biggest infrastructure bill in modern history? The first major gun control in recent memory? Capping insulin to $30? Rejoining the Paris climate agreement? One of the biggest economic recoveries in a single term? Should I go on?


We're talking one of the objectively most legislatively accomplished Presidents in a single term, and you want to talk about which got more done?

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14 minutes ago, Reputator said:


That's probably the best argument to use against Trump supporters. The idea that even if you support his policies, how can you support his inability to enact his policies?



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22 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

The idea that Trump, who has spent his entire life avoiding any consequences for almost anything, and who is being treated by our legal system with all the delicacy of a foreign royal family member, has been treated "unfairly" is so brazenly fucking stupid that I have to wonder if we're dealing with actual brain tumor patients. There's no way an actual human being sees anything about Trump and thinks he's being treated unfairly in any way... unless they mean being unfairly lenient in a way that would never happen to a normal American citizen, in which case, yes, extremely unfair treatment.


And then to somehow twist that into support from black people, who historically have been intentionally disadvantaged by that same justice system because they're black, would somehow relate to an inherited wealth fat sack of shit who spent his life living off of daddy's handouts before finally making a little actual money from a fucking TV show, who then went on to be an abysmal president, as some sort of "he's just like us" thing as he gets fucking babied over and over again and protected from consequences by judges he fished for and/or put in those seats himself, is so cosmically fucking stupid that it's beyond baffling and just ventures into pure satire.


Blacks love Trump



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3 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Thanks "BlackConservative24," very normal channel name for very normal and real humans. Thanks for this 40 year old video about one dude praising another. Very relevant.


Wait, I thought Trump was super racist back in the 70s/80s. Or did he get super racist since Jesse Jackson praised his work for blacks?

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2 minutes ago, Vitalsign said:


Wait, I thought Trump was super racist back in the 70s/80s. Or did he get super racist since the NAACP gave him an award and Jesse Jackson praised his work for blacks?


I too remember when Trump was a Democrat.

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7 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Did my workout 1a pre work, 1b will be post work. Gyms are an amazing place, maybe you’ll wander into one at some point.


Sounds like a lot of work. Be sure to wipe down the equipment before and after. Lots of ass sweat gets on those benches. Covid going around right now.

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8 minutes ago, Vitalsign said:


Wait, I thought Trump was super racist back in the 70s/80s. Or did he get super racist since Jesse Jackson praised his work for blacks?

Old age setting in? You're arguing against the ghosts of strawmen now. When did I ever talk about Trump in the 70s/80s? Who cares about Trump in the 70s/80s, and how is that relevant?


You make an abysmal defense squad for this man.

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:

Here's a policy page they just launched today for everyone, by the way:



Together, we can finish the job for the American people. Are you with us? Join our campaign to re-elect Joe Biden today!


Together, we can finish the job for the American people. Are you with us? Join our campaign to re-elect Joe Biden today!


Needs a little work, but progress!

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4 minutes ago, Vitalsign said:

Together, we can finish the job for the American people. Are you with us? Join our campaign to re-elect Joe Biden today!


Needs a little work, but progress!

That's just pulling in outdated link preview information, but I wholeheartedly endorse them going that route, Trump moans about Biden every single day so keeping him on that topic is best. Just have a little leftover "re-elect Joe Biden" blurb on every page for Trump to latch on to and think his conspiracy is true.

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11 minutes ago, Vitalsign said:


It's a negotiation point. He's not a dictator that wills things into existence. Still has to work through Congress. If Trump was the "omg Hitler" libs think he was, everything would be in place.


This argument is pretty weak considering Harris is running on doing things her and Biden couldn't do in 4 years in office. 


Trump didn't get much done legislatively besides tax cuts for rich people even though he promised everything. That's why Project 2025 wants to gut anybody who isn't a Trump loyalist so he can't be stopped by public servants trying to keep the government from doing anything unconstitutional and to speed up his far-right judicial appointments to get people like Clarence Thomas who want to gut protections for same-sex marriage and contraception as well as abortion.


It's hard to argue Harris is running on stuff they didn't get done when they got so much accomplished in the first place. It's why, when Biden ran, he talked about "finishing the job."


- Biden/Harris ran on infrastructure. Trump ran on infrastructure. Trump had all the resources his first two years to tackle it; it would have been an EASY thing to tackle first with a Republican Congress, especially with how much he talked about American supposedly being a "third world." Instead, he just talked about it for years and never worked with Congress to do it, even though Democrats would have actually been on board when they took over the House. Despite attacking Biden for his age, Biden actually sparked a manufacturing boom. The supply chain issues from COVID were actually addressed; we're building factories to make solar panels, computer chips, green tech, and putting people to work. 

- Biden/Harris ran on addressing climate change and signed the most ambitious bill to address climate change in history, as well as extremely generous tax credits for green tech, cars, and appliances to replace our energy-inefficient ones.

- Trump talked about lowering insulin prices for Medicare patients. Biden/Harris got it done.

- Trump talked about gun control after the Parkland shooting. Biden/Harris actually got something passed. 

- Trump thinks tariffs are an answer to child care. Biden/Harris actually got generous child tax credits signed into law during the COVID crisis. Trump opposed their efforts for a national paid leave and universal pre-K system. I want to start a family in the next two years and want both.

- USPS was bleeding money for ages due to changes made in the 2000s. Biden/Harris finally fixed its issues.

- Trump talked about "respecting" women. Biden/Harris curbed NDAs for victims of sexual assault and put pro-choice judges on the bench at a historic rate.

- Trump talked about respecting people in uniform. Biden/Harris actually got protections for victims of burn pits signed into law.

- Trump talks about being a friend to the LGBTQ+ community despite putting extreme anti-LGBTQ+ judges on the bench. Biden/Harris put up pro-LGBTQ+ judges and signed a bill protecting gay marriage nationwide.


So yeah, Trump pales in terms of accomplishments and what he ran on with the exception of overturning Roe v. Wade with extreme judges on the Supreme Court.


Also, every black friend of mine is cracking up over "black jobs." Not to mention some little known folks out there who are making their opinions known.



Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says immigrants are "taking Black jobs."


Ask Jesse Jackson or Jesse Ventura, both of whom praised Trump in the past, what their opinion is of him now.


3 minutes ago, Vitalsign said:

Together, we can finish the job for the American people. Are you with us? Join our campaign to re-elect Joe Biden today!


Needs a little work, but progress!


I don't see that, but isn't this page what you wanted?! You have a ton of content, issue by issue.

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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Trump didn't get much done legislatively besides tax cuts for rich people even though he promised everything. That's why Project 2025 wants to gut anybody who isn't a Trump loyalist so he can't be stopped by public servants trying to keep the government from doing anything unconstitutional and to speed up his far-right judicial appointments to get people like Clarence Thomas who want to gut protections for same-sex marriage and contraception as well as abortion.


It's hard to argue Harris is running on stuff they didn't get done when they got so much accomplished in the first place. It's why, when Biden ran, he talked about "finishing the job."


- Biden/Harris ran on infrastructure. Trump ran on infrastructure. Trump had all the resources his first two years to tackle it; it would have been an EASY thing to tackle first with a Republican Congress, especially with how much he talked about American supposedly being a "third world." Instead, he just talked about it for years and never worked with Congress to do it, even though Democrats would have actually been on board when they took over the House. Despite attacking Biden for his age, Biden actually sparked a manufacturing boom. The supply chain issues from COVID were actually addressed; we're building factories to make solar panels, computer chips, green tech, and putting people to work. 

- Biden/Harris ran on addressing climate change and signed the most ambitious bill to address climate change in history, as well as extremely generous tax credits for green tech, cars, and appliances to replace our energy-inefficient ones.

- Trump talked about lowering insulin prices for Medicare patients. Biden/Harris got it done.

- Trump talked about gun control after the Parkland shooting. Biden/Harris actually got something passed. 

- Trump thinks tariffs are an answer to child care. Biden/Harris actually got generous child tax credits signed into law during the COVID crisis. Trump opposed their efforts for a national paid leave and universal pre-K system. I want to start a family in the next two years and want both.

- USPS was bleeding money for ages due to changes made in the 2000s. Biden/Harris finally fixed its issues.

- Trump talked about "respecting" women. Biden/Harris curbed NDAs for victims of sexual assault and put pro-choice judges on the bench at a historic rate.

- Trump talked about respecting people in uniform. Biden/Harris actually got protections for victims of burn pits signed into law.

- Trump talks about being a friend to the LGBTQ+ community despite putting extreme anti-LGBTQ+ judges on the bench. Biden/Harris put up pro-LGBTQ+ judges and signed a bill protecting gay marriage nationwide.


So yeah, Trump pales in terms of accomplishments and what he ran on with the exception of overturning Roe v. Wade with extreme judges on the Supreme Court.


Also, every black friend of mine is cracking up over "black jobs." Not to mention some little known folks out there who are making their opinions known.



Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says immigrants are "taking Black jobs."


Ask Jesse Jackson or Jesse Ventura, both of whom praised Trump in the past, what their opinion is of him now.



I don't see that, but isn't this page what you wanted?! You have a ton of content, issue by issue.


"I don't see that, but isn't this page what you wanted?! You have a ton of content, issue by issue."


I'm reading it now. 

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50 minutes ago, Vitalsign said:


It's a negotiation point. He's not a dictator that wills things into existence. Still has to work through Congress. If Trump was the "omg Hitler" libs think he was, everything would be in place.


This argument is pretty weak considering Harris is running on doing things her and Biden couldn't do in 4 years in office. 

No, he's not a dictator, but his actions after losing the election in 2020 laid bare that he's more than willing to try and 'go Hitler' within the American system to get what he wants when pushed to the edge of defeat.


He's the first president not to accept the peaceful transfer of power since the Civil War--the whole "oh he's not really an authoritarian you libs are just overreacting" routine might have had a modicum of believability before then, but not now.  We know who he is.  He may be a dumb wannabe Hitler rather than the real deal, but that's the thing--you don't vote for dumb wannabe Hitlers for president.  Unless you're, well, dumb.

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6 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Trump didn't get much done legislatively besides tax cuts for rich people even though he promised everything. That's why Project 2025 wants to gut anybody who isn't a Trump loyalist so he can't be stopped by public servants trying to keep the government from doing anything unconstitutional and to speed up his far-right judicial appointments to get people like Clarence Thomas who want to gut protections for same-sex marriage and contraception as well as abortion.


It's hard to argue Harris is running on stuff they didn't get done when they got so much accomplished in the first place. It's why, when Biden ran, he talked about "finishing the job."


- Biden/Harris ran on infrastructure. Trump ran on infrastructure. Trump had all the resources his first two years to tackle it; it would have been an EASY thing to tackle first with a Republican Congress, especially with how much he talked about American supposedly being a "third world." Instead, he just talked about it for years and never worked with Congress to do it, even though Democrats would have actually been on board when they took over the House. Despite attacking Biden for his age, Biden actually sparked a manufacturing boom. The supply chain issues from COVID were actually addressed; we're building factories to make solar panels, computer chips, green tech, and putting people to work. 

- Biden/Harris ran on addressing climate change and signed the most ambitious bill to address climate change in history, as well as extremely generous tax credits for green tech, cars, and appliances to replace our energy-inefficient ones.

- Trump talked about lowering insulin prices for Medicare patients. Biden/Harris got it done.

- Trump talked about gun control after the Parkland shooting. Biden/Harris actually got something passed. 

- Trump thinks tariffs are an answer to child care. Biden/Harris actually got generous child tax credits signed into law during the COVID crisis. Trump opposed their efforts for a national paid leave and universal pre-K system. I want to start a family in the next two years and want both.

- USPS was bleeding money for ages due to changes made in the 2000s. Biden/Harris finally fixed its issues.

- Trump talked about "respecting" women. Biden/Harris curbed NDAs for victims of sexual assault and put pro-choice judges on the bench at a historic rate.

- Trump talked about respecting people in uniform. Biden/Harris actually got protections for victims of burn pits signed into law.

- Trump talks about being a friend to the LGBTQ+ community despite putting extreme anti-LGBTQ+ judges on the bench. Biden/Harris put up pro-LGBTQ+ judges and signed a bill protecting gay marriage nationwide.


So yeah, Trump pales in terms of accomplishments and what he ran on with the exception of overturning Roe v. Wade with extreme judges on the Supreme Court.


Also, every black friend of mine is cracking up over "black jobs." Not to mention some little known folks out there who are making their opinions known.



Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says immigrants are "taking Black jobs."


Ask Jesse Jackson or Jesse Ventura, both of whom praised Trump in the past, what their opinion is of him now.



I don't see that, but isn't this page what you wanted?! You have a ton of content, issue by issue.


So she has definitely swung WAAAAY to the center which may work out. I don't like the $25k down payment assistance, but I'm not against asking the ultra wealthy to pay more or a comparable rate to wage slaves. 

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5 minutes ago, Vitalsign said:


So she has definitely swung WAAAAY to the center which may work out. I don't like the $25k down payment assistance, but I'm not against asking the ultra wealthy to pay more or a comparable rate to wage slaves. 

If you look at her career, I think it's actually pretty clear she's always gravitated towards the center--particularly the 'tough on crime' mode of centrism--but was obliged to run left to try and win Democratic primaries.  Now she doesn't have to do that, and actually looks comfortable in her own shoes for once.


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3 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

If you look at her career, I think it's actually pretty clear she's always gravitated towards the center--particularly the 'tough on crime' mode of centrism--but was obliged to run left to try and win Democratic primaries.  Now she doesn't have to do that, and actually looks comfortable in her own shoes for once.



That could be true. I've seen that some think she moved to the left for 2020 and ran against her own record. 

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On 9/5/2024 at 8:56 AM, mclumber1 said:


Ironically, some of the users on this board treat political opinions as the "one drop rule".  They'd rather have a politically homogeneous party than be accepting of newcomers who don't pass the purity test.


Cenk from TYT talked about this on Lex's podcast the other night:


Agree with an online right-winger 2%, their reaction: Welcome to the party! MAGA welcomes you.

Agree with an online leftist only 98%, their reaction: Nazi!

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On 9/5/2024 at 6:56 AM, mclumber1 said:


Ironically, some of the users on this board treat political opinions as the "one drop rule".  They'd rather have a politically homogeneous party than be accepting of newcomers who don't pass the purity test.


I'm welcoming of people who don't immediately revert to name-calling anyone who disagrees with them, which vital does. He's not arguing to actually discuss anyone, he's arguing to make people angry and get a reaction. It's why he's sad.

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Mr Citizen can’t see this cause he’s a blocker.


1. I’m not sad

2. I’ve called no one names

3. I not even 100% onboard with Trump this year. I have some reservations. I can actually be swayed. I haven’t voted GOP for President since 2004.

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