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Rock the Vote '24: update (10/14) - Harris to be interviewed by Fox News on Wednesday

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9 minutes ago, Brick said:

Had he not had that cold during the first debate, and sounded like how he's sounding now, do you really think people would have been calling for him to step down? Now maybe it was still the right call to make, as it was too close for Trump to make a win, and maybe Harris will crush him in the election now, but the way people were freaking out was too much, and just doomsaying.


People were calling for him to reconsider his candidacy prior to the debate based on what appeared to practically be a 100% guaranteed defeat.  The down ballot polling data was freakin' dire for the Democrats.


The reaction to the debate wasn't "too much" nor was it "doomsaying" - what happened was a necessary reaction to what literally was shaping up to be an existential threat to the Democratic Party's electoral existence.

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29 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


No, no they really didn't.  There was no evidence that he would've been able to sustain the gruelling pace necessary for a campaign, far less serve four more years as President.


What we're seeing tonight is the liberating effects of having the burden removed from his shoulders.

I mean teleprompters never hurt either. 

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2 minutes ago, finaljedi said:

After this week there won't be anymore Biden fanfic from Trump, he's going to have to find something else to angrily truth about at 2am.


Isn't he still intermittently complaining about Hillary? 

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2 hours ago, MarSolo said:

All things considered, Kamala is the perfect candidate for the moment.

TBF, she’s become the “perfect candidate” because of Joe Biden stepping down at the time he did, in the manner he did. Had it been an open primary I don’t know if dems would be this united and crushing the GOP in the polls. That’s not to say Harris hasn’t been great on her own: I’m saying the lack of a primary, none of the typical self-eating attacks, and no drawn out BS elevated Kamala in a way I don’t think anyone could have predicted. All that said, she’s certainly kept the momentum going on her own accord.

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3 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


People were calling for him to reconsider his candidacy prior to the debate based on what appeared to practically be a 100% guaranteed defeat.  The down ballot polling data was freakin' dire for the Democrats.


The reaction to the debate wasn't "too much" nor was it "doomsaying" - what happened was a necessary reaction to what literally was shaping up to be an existential threat to the Democratic Party's electoral existence.


That debate was a work. He's actually perfectly fine but acted feeble because the power play was to transfer the presidency to Kamala. So far it seems to be effective.

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Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Yeah, just kinda feel good. Not like blubbering or anything but I definitely got a little misty-eyed. 

which is something that rarely happens with me. 


I hate to be that guy but man people are getting excited and it’s wonderful to see

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5 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

TBF, she’s become the “perfect candidate” because of Joe Biden stepping down at the time he did, in the manner he did. Had it been an open primary I don’t know if dems would be this united and crushing the GOP in the polls. That’s not to say Harris hasn’t been great on her own: I’m saying the lack of a primary, none of the typical self-eating attacks, and no drawn out BS elevated Kamala in a way I don’t think anyone could have predicted. All that said, she’s certainly kept the momentum going on her own accord.

Avoiding a primary put her in a uniquely perfect position—no friendly fire to damage her and, just as importantly, no need to outflank the left wing of the party. (*said through a pouty frown*) Because as much as I wish the country were more progressive, IMO it’s clear the U.S.’s Overton window is still in centrist territory and to win the general election a candidate still has to run down the middle.  No primary challenge from the left means she gets to tack to the center and play the semi-plausible “four years as VP changed my mind” to disavow unpopular positions she might have taken four years ago during the primaries.  One day hopefully things will be different.


And as someone who all of you remember was vocally in the “I’m not sure we should ditch Biden camp”, I think we shouldn’t underplay just how wrong that turned out to be and how much Biden himself or something about his situation and/or relationship with Harris was clearly holding the reelection campaign back.  As I said in an earlier thread, it has been night-and-day better just in terms of executing the basics: staying on message, addressing liabilities, countering attacks, jumping on your opponent’s mistakes, etc.  Don’t know what the story behind the scenes is, but since there wasn’t a huge change in terms of campaign staff, it probably had something to do with Biden.  (although I’ll be quite happy if it just turns out that Harris happened to be waaaay better at playing the game than anyone anticipated)


Either way, if we get the job done in November, I think he’ll go down in history as a very well-regarded president.  FDR will be known as the guy who helped the U.S. save Europe from a fascist takeover—Biden will be known as the guy who helped save the U.S. from a fascist takeover within its own borders.


That’s still one big goddamn *if*, of course.  It was good to hear the speakers last night ending practically every speech with warnings against complacency.  I almost wish the campaign’s slogan was “Vote, mfers!!!”

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Trump said that Harris will destroy the economy.

Harris needs to hit back by pointing out that Trump was the first president since Hoover to leave office with FEWER jobs than when he got in office. Point out how he hurt the economy with his response to COVID and his tariffs.


Or just say, "Do you really think a man with more bankruptcies than marriages who tried to sell steaks in Sharper Image, an electronics store knows anything about the economy?".

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