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Rock the Vote '24: update (10/14) - Harris to be interviewed by Fox News on Wednesday

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So Trump got another shot at his medal of honor statement and said the exact same thing, lol.


Q: Can you clarify your comments where you said the Presidential Medal of Freedom is much better than the Congressional Medal of Honor? Many veterans are upset about that


Trump: I would rather get it. People who get the Congressional Medal of Honor are often horribly wounded or dead. They're often dead. When you get the Presidential Medal of Freedom it is usually for other things, like you have achieved great success…

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2 hours ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:



Not 1968-sized (yet), but if some nihilistic shits try to use the crowds to stir up riots for funsies (like they did during the BLM protests) and ruin Kamalalz's convention bounce I'm going to be pissed.

One thing I noticed is that a lot of the accounts pushing protest chaos couldn’t even spell Palestine a couple of months ago. 

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15 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

So Trump got another shot at his medal of honor statement and said the exact same thing, lol.


Q: Can you clarify your comments where you said the Presidential Medal of Freedom is much better than the Congressional Medal of Honor? Many veterans are upset about that


Trump: I would rather get it. People who get the Congressional Medal of Honor are often horribly wounded or dead. They're often dead. When you get the Presidential Medal of Freedom it is usually for other things, like you have achieved great success…



I don't even think this is one of those times he is being nasty on purpose. He genuinely does not understand the concept of public service.

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I like how they are always seem to be referred to only as  "Democrat Protestors" by all the right wingers. I mean, I'm sure a lot of them are, but I'm also pretty sure a whole lot of them definitely are further left or non-party affiliated.


Also, before we declare that they are going to burn the city to the ground let's see what actually happens. I mean, I'm sure Fox News will be covering it as though the entire city has been plunged into lawless deadly chaos regardless of how the protests go down, but I guess we'll see.


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stealing @PaladinSolo's job for a moment




Numbers look good in Michigan and Wisconsin. Arizona and Nevada seem all over the place depending on the pollster. PA and NC are pretty consistent now between pollsters, which being an effective tie is kinda big for NC.


Keep in mind Biden barely won PA with much better polling numbers than Harris (at least +4), so this election is no where near safe. Biden's national polling average at this same time was also several points higher than Trump, meaning Harris is behind where Biden was across the board.


So yeah, our work is cut out for us. We're still a long ways off from being able to rest comfortably, and let's just hope the convention does something.

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15 minutes ago, ort said:

I like how they are always seem to be referred to only as  "Democrat Protestors" by all the right wingers. I mean, I'm sure a lot of them are, but I'm also pretty sure a whole lot of them definitely are further left or non-party affiliated.


Also, before we declare that they are going to burn the city to the ground let's see what actually happens. I mean, I'm sure Fox News will be covering it as though the entire city has been plunged into lawless deadly chaos regardless of how the protests go down, but I guess we'll see.


“I’m further left than the democrats” cool story bro, enjoy your high horse if Trump wins

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Tonight's speakers:


- UAW President Sean Fain
- Rep. AOC
- Hillary Clinton
- Rep. Jamie Raskin
- Rep. Jasmine Crockett
- Rep. Grace Meng
- Gov. Andy Beshear
- Sen. Rev. Raphael Warnock
- Sen. Chris Coons
- Pres. Joe Biden




Big union lineup tonight at DNC: Speakers include prez Shawn Fain (UAW), Liz Shuler (AFL-CIO), April Verrett (SEIU), Lee Saunders (AFSCME), Brent Booker (LIUNA), Kenneth Cooper (IBEW)


Teamsters will also have a presence, tho Sean O'Brien will not be speaking, per Harris campaign



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11 minutes ago, Reputator said:

stealing @PaladinSolo's job for a moment




Numbers look good in Michigan and Wisconsin. Arizona and Nevada seem all over the place depending on the pollster. PA and NC are pretty consistent now between pollsters, which being an effective tie is kinda big for NC.


Keep in mind Biden barely won PA with much better polling numbers than Harris (at least +4), so this election is no where near safe. Biden's national polling average at this same time was also several points higher than Trump, meaning Harris is behind where Biden was across the board.


So yeah, our work is cut out for us. We're still a long ways off from being able to rest comfortably, and let's just hope the convention does something.

I already posted this one. 

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10 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

“I’m further left than the democrats” cool story bro, enjoy your high horse if Trump wins


There are a lot of people who honestly believe this. I'm also incredibly frustrated by politics as usual and the democratic party... but I can't move myself over into the accelerationist camp. First of all, Trump really is that bad, and second of all, change is going to have to come very slowly if it comes at all. Trying to yank the Democrats to the left suddenly just isn't a realistic option.

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My question for you guys is:


Are there any things going on in the Harris camp you guys DON'T AGREE WITH?


It seems like every time something negative gets publicized everyone just attacks the right and it's as though we can do no wrong. 


Am I just not reading into responses on here well enough? I'm really new to the political world so I understand that I may not be comprehending some things posted on here. 


But honestly isn't both parties trying to do what's best for the country? Again, I'm not as educated as you guys so I just need some explanation on this topic. But my point is, both the democratic and republican parties are full of human beings trying to do what they think is best. Why is there so much hate on here? 

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5 minutes ago, Best said:

My question for you guys is:


Are there any things going on in the Harris camp you guys DON'T AGREE WITH?


It seems like every time something negative gets publicized everyone just attacks the right and it's as though we can do no wrong. 


Am I just not reading into responses on here well enough? I'm really new to the political world so I understand that I may not be comprehending some things posted on here. 


But honestly isn't both parties trying to do what's best for the country? Again, I'm not as educated as you guys so I just need some explanation on this topic. But my point is, both the democratic and republican parties are full of human beings trying to do what they think is best. Why is there so much hate on here? 

She’s a perfect saint until November 6 and I won’t be elaborating

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25 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Tonight's speakers:


- UAW President Sean Fain
- Rep. AOC
- Hillary Clinton
- Rep. Jamie Raskin
- Rep. Jasmine Crockett
- Rep. Grace Meng
- Gov. Andy Beshear
- Sen. Rev. Raphael Warnock
- Sen. Chris Coons
- Pres. Joe Biden



Wild to put the wet paper towel that is Chris coons up on stage

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8 minutes ago, Best said:

Am I just not reading into responses on here well enough?

I don’t think a single person here agrees with the house down payment plan as it just creates more demand.


8 minutes ago, Best said:

But my point is, both the democratic and republican parties are full of human beings trying to do what they think is best.

Extremes on the left tend to be “let’s give everyone healthcare” and “stop over policing for non violent crimes”. Extremes on the right tend to be “let’s get rid of all the immigrants” and “trans people shouldn’t exist”.

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12 minutes ago, Best said:

But honestly isn't both parties trying to do what's best for the country? Again, I'm not as educated as you guys so I just need some explanation on this topic. But my point is, both the democratic and republican parties are full of human beings trying to do what they think is best. Why is there so much hate on here? 

Go sit down and read, actually read Project 2025. It's open for everyone in the world to read. Come back and tell me once you've gotten as far as you can, that you honestly think it's someone "trying to do what's best for the country."

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3 minutes ago, Best said:

My question for you guys is:


Are there any things going on in the Harris camp you guys DON'T AGREE WITH?


It seems like every time something negative gets publicized everyone just attacks the right and it's as though we can do no wrong. 


Am I just not reading into responses on here well enough? I'm really new to the political world so I understand that I may not be comprehending some things posted on here. 


But honestly isn't both parties trying to do what's best for the country? Again, I'm not as educated as you guys so I just need some explanation on this topic. But my point is, both the democratic and republican parties are full of human beings trying to do what they think is best. Why is there so much hate on here? 


They haven't done enough to condemn Nettinyahoo, especially while sending billions worth of military aid with no sign of backing down on that. It's really tone deaf, and while Harris has tried to answer questions about it, it comes off as "We really want a ceasefire but we're going to continue to enable their bad behavior while doing very little else."


The rest are nitpicks. Harris is a good orator, not the best orator ever, and I think she frequently gets upstaged by her VP. Walz is more blunt with his wording, is willing to go off script to make a more specific point, and Harris depends more on cookie-cutter campaigning platitudes in her speeches. She's too rigid while speaking, and has a harder time connecting to people on a personal level.


So are both parties trying to do what's best for the country? Some, not all. I think the (D) ticket is definitely on that track. Harris and Walz seem like they genuinely want to improve people's lives, and they want to enact policies that will directly benefit ordinary people. Most of the Republicans are stuck on social issues and trying to push religion into public policy, rather than addressing actual issues that people are struggling with. A small handful of Republicans are "true believers" in the sense that MAGA doesn't align with their views, and they'd rather do what they feel is actually right than trying to do the politically expedient thing.


The only time you actually know what Republicans are truly thinking is during the primaries.

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8 minutes ago, Best said:

My question for you guys is:


Are there any things going on in the Harris camp you guys DON'T AGREE WITH?


It seems like every time something negative gets publicized everyone just attacks the right and it's as though we can do no wrong. 


Am I just not reading into responses on here well enough? I'm really new to the political world so I understand that I may not be comprehending some things posted on here. 


But honestly isn't both parties trying to do what's best for the country? Again, I'm not as educated as you guys so I just need some explanation on this topic. But my point is, both the democratic and republican parties are full of human beings trying to do what they think is best. Why is there so much hate on here? 

There is no one on this earth I agree with 100% of the time, and I’m including myself in that.  No, Harris is not some dream candidate, and there is never going to be a dream candidate for anyone who has half a brain.


It’s easy to brush off most attacks against Harris as right wing nonsense because by and large that’s what they are.  They’re all smoke and no fire because they’re coming directly from Trump’s barely functioning brain.  He just uses his favorite words over and over and never changes the tune.  Oh, Harris is an extreme left radical socialist gun grabber who is going to tank the stock market while killing all the jobs and selling us out to China?  Yeah, so what, Trump says that about literally everyone who isn’t himself or who isn’t actively kissing the ring.  If you paint everyone with the exact same brush, it loses meaning.  

It’s part of why I think he’s not doing as well as he used to and why he’s flailing.  Him going against the system and talking shit endlessly to Hillary was cathartic even if you hated him.  Now he’s doing the same soft shoe routine for a third time and it just doesn’t feel the same anymore.  We’ve heard it all before and it’s all so low effort you can’t help but notice.  It’s why so much of the shit they spew is just nonsense for the base that they try as hard as possible to prop up into general opinion even though it’s all just crap.  

So no, I’m not over the moon about Kamala or Walz.  I think this country desperately needs serious corrective action that is absolutely going to hurt in the short term and no one is going to win on that platform unless things are actively on fire as opposed to merely smoldering.  At this point I’ll take mediocre improvement over guaranteed disaster any day of the week.  I’d vote for Joe’s corpse and an ouija board over Trump.  


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35 minutes ago, Best said:

My question for you guys is:


Are there any things going on in the Harris camp you guys DON'T AGREE WITH?


I don’t think anyone wants to pretend that Harris is as fundamentally flawed as Trump to assuage some “bothsides” fetish. 

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1 hour ago, ort said:

Also, before we declare that they are going to burn the city to the ground let's see what actually happens.


It’s Chicago. R-leaning outlets will say it’s burning to the ground no matter what


24 minutes ago, Best said:

My question for you guys is:


But honestly isn't both parties trying to do what's best for the country? But my point is, both the democratic and republican parties are full of human beings trying to do what they think is best. Why is there so much hate on here?

I have been of the opinion for some time that both Democrats and Republicans were pretty much the same, except for their social agendas. That is, up until Project 2025 surfaced. It’s become clear that Republicans are now pursuing an alternative form of government, and probably have been working toward those ideals for a number of years. For me it comes down to: who is voicing ideas that are generally in my interest? I believe in social equality, redistribution of a degree of a wealth, social safety nets, union labor, reproductive rights…things that generally seem to align with Democratic ideals. 

Look, many of them are in it for money and power. On both sides. There are bad people and good people. On both sides. But ask yourself: which side is looking out for you. And then make fun of the Republicans, because their messaging is bullshit.

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Basically nobody here liked Harris as an option even in the days before the switch, some didn’t even realize she was really the only option besides Biden staying in. But politics is largely about choosing the team that most closely aligns with your policy preferences, so party over candidate is generally the sensible option.

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Great responses guys. I appreciate it.


Yea, I have read into project 25 so that should have been something I mentioned in my post. It's full of extreme agendas. 


I also understand Trump is litteraly a terrible person and unfortunately he represents all Republicans which is very sad. I understand that everyone here seems to be pretty open minded on a lot of different subjects and everyone here has a good heart. 


Well I learned a few things from asking my question. 


One more thing. With the polls being posted here, it's showing me that Harris is winning. Is that accurate? I never did understand how that works. 

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5 minutes ago, Best said:

Great responses guys. I appreciate it.


Yea, I have read into project 25 so that should have been something I mentioned in my post. It's full of extreme agendas. 


I also understand Trump is litteraly a terrible person and unfortunately he represents all Republicans which is very sad. I understand that everyone here seems to be pretty open minded on a lot of different subjects and everyone here has a good heart. 


Well I learned a few things from asking my question. 


One more thing. With the polls being posted here, it's showing me that Harris is winning. Is that accurate? I never did understand how that works. 


She's leading but not high enough that it's a landslide. I'm hoping she gets a big bump from the convention this week.

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18 minutes ago, Best said:

With the polls being posted here, it's showing me that Harris is winning. Is that accurate?

The better way to think about it is that the poll results indicate that if the election were held today, Harris has the better odds at winning. Not a guarantee, just the better odds. But the election isn’t today which is why many people don’t really tune in to the polls much until the 3-4 weeks or so before Election Day when lots of states have early voting begin, meaning that those margins start to turn into real votes.

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General Election Poll 


Arizona - 🔴 Trump +1

Florida - 🔴 Trump +5

Georgia - 🟡 Tie

Michigan - 🔴 Trump +1

Nevada - 🔴 Trump +1

North Carolina - 🔴 Trump +3

Pennsylvania - 🔵 Harris +2

Wisconsin - 🔵 Harris +4



 #Rank D - 7620 RV - 8/15


Most of these have moved toward Harris since last and this is a lean republican pollster. 

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29 minutes ago, Best said:

With the polls being posted here, it's showing me that Harris is winning. Is that accurate? I never did understand how that works. 


It's like a weather report: "60% chance of rain" doesn't mean it'll definitely rain, but you'll still bring an umbrella.

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Retired federal appeals court Judge J. Michael Luttig, a prominent conservative legal scholar put on the bench by President George H.W. Bush, is endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump, whose candidacy he describes as an existential threat to American democracy.

It will be the first time Luttig, a veteran of two Republican administrations, has voted for a Democrat.


"In the presidential election of 2024 there is only one political party and one candidate for the presidency that can claim the mantle of defender and protector of America's Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law," Luttig wrote in a statement obtained exclusively by CNN. "As a result, I will unhesitatingly vote for the Democratic Party's candidate for the Presidency of the United States, Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris."



Luttig played a now famous role in persuading then-Vice President Mike Pence to defy Trump and certify the 2020 presidential election. In a series of tweets drafted at the request of Pence's attorney, Luttig spelled out in stark terms the legal rationale for Pence to reject the former president's attempt to overturn Joe Biden's victory.



"In voting for Vice President Harris, I assume that her public policy views are vastly different from my own," Luttig writes, "but I am indifferent in this election as to her policy views on any issues other than America's Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law, as I believe all Americans should be."


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27 minutes ago, Best said:

I also understand Trump is litteraly a terrible person and unfortunately he represents all Republicans which is very sad.

Well, I dunno about represents them all, plenty of Republicans are just normal people who actually do just want what they believe is best for the country, like you said. A lot, however (or at least a loud minority) are just petty, vindictive and literally don't care about policy, they just want to "win" and get "liberal tears." This is a nearly worst-case scenario when it comes to politics as far as I'm concerned, with it only being surpassed if democrats devolve into the same thing, which then would lead to a race to the bottom and would be a rapid death spiral for the nation as a whole. For this shit to work, we need people to care and actually want improvements, which is hard when so many are misled by misinformation, disinformation, glorified ignorance, hatred of learning and science, etc.


The GOP is in a weird hole right now, and they need to dig themselves out and dump Trump and people like him. I think the Republicans have been putting forth terrible, racist and hateful policy for decades, but when I say "Republicans" I mean sneaky fucks doing it quietly Reagan, while the average Republican assumed they were just voting for, I dunno, lower taxes or whatever. Now the horrible shit's out in the open and not nearly enough people are horrified that this ghoulish nonsense is at the forefront of the party.

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The Georgia State Election Board passed a rule Monday giving local election officials additional power to investigate ballot counts before certifying the results, a move critics say could inject chaos into the 2024 election and delay the state’s official vote count.


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2 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Well, I dunno about represents them all, plenty of Republicans are just normal people who actually do just want what they believe is best for the country, like you said. A lot, however (or at least a loud minority) are just petty, vindictive and literally don't care about policy, they just want to "win" and get "liberal tears." This is a nearly worst-case scenario when it comes to politics as far as I'm concerned, with it only being surpassed if democrats devolve into the same thing, which then would lead to a race to the bottom and would be a rapid death spiral for the nation as a whole. For this shit to work, we need people to care and actually want improvements, which is hard when so many are misled by misinformation, disinformation, glorified ignorance, hatred of learning and science, etc.


The GOP is in a weird hole right now, and they need to dig themselves out and dump Trump and people like him. I think the Republicans have been putting forth terrible, racist and hateful policy for decades, but when I say "Republicans" I mean sneaky fucks doing it quietly Reagan, while the average Republican assumed they were just voting for, I dunno, lower taxes or whatever. Now the horrible shit's out in the open and not nearly enough people are horrified that this ghoulish nonsense is at the forefront of the party.


Great post. 

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