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Rock the Vote '24: update (10/14) - Harris to be interviewed by Fox News on Wednesday

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You know how you can often tell what Trump's advisors are telling him by what Trump comes out and rants about?


This part in that rant....



He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the U.S. Presidency, a COUP, to the people in the World he most hates, and he wants it back, NOW!!!



....honestly makes me wonder if someone in the campaign or the the GOP has at least broached the idea of stepping aside to him.....

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10 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

The Harris campaign has received 47,000 ticket requests for the rally in Detroit tomorrow.


I think it's time they upgraded from the 10,000-seat stadiums they have currently booked. Obviously you don't want to go too big, too fast...but I want to see more of this:



all bots. 

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Just now, GeneticBlueprint said:



Hey, don't judge....Vance campaigning for Kamala still looks happier than Cruz campaigning for Trump!







I will never get tired of that picture and will use it every opportunity I can....


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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:


What's boggling is that they chose to have Vance campaign in the same city against Harris/Walz not only tonight, but also later this week in Wisconsin!


Well, you know how every Walgreens has a CVS across the street

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From the ABC News Senior White House Correspondent:



This morning when Harris called Governor Walz to share the news, he didn’t answer at first because it said no caller ID, a source tells me. So Harris had to call again. The second time Walz picked up the phone call.


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12 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

This is a strange time indeed. I have been turning to political news by coming here just for a good laugh and feel better throughout the day. 


I'm so much less stressed out than I was a month ago. 

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Interesting post from Reset. What do you think?


"One of the things that I appreciate about the Harris/Walz campaign is the overall push for unity and a more positive outlook.


From the pandemic to Roe v Wade being overturned, to the conflicts overseas and here at home, mentally, and emotionally, we've all been in a really, really dark place (and I don't think I have to mention the devastating impact of Hillary's loss to Trump in 2016, which was also a huge contributor to the bad vibes of the past 8 years), so to see two candidates using their platform to push for a brighter outlook isn't just refreshing, it is sorely needed.


Additionally, I commend the campaign for how they've been handling the usual, tried and true tactics of the Republican Party. While I'm sure the shit slinging may come as the election date draws closer, I appreciate that, thus far, Kamala's campaign hasn't taken/fallen for any of the Trump campaign's bait.


My mom used to always tell me to "kill them with kindness" when facing people that are hellbent on tearing you down or hating on you for no god damned reason. It disarms them. They don't know how to react when you don't meet their negative energy with negative energy.


Applying it to this political landscape is more that it paints such a sharp contrast between the two ideologies in a way that I can't say I've seen before. The Harris campaign isn't just saying the words, they are actively living the words by not rising (or sinking), to the GOP's level. The way Harris responded to Trump's racist remarks last week (was it really just a few days ago? feels so much longer lol), was perfect. She acknowledged it, but didn't give them what they wanted by being defensive, or trying to clarify his asinine remarks with an explanation of her biracial heritage (she smartly refused to give oxygen to the conversation, and let others point out how fucking stupid and racist and misogynistic Trump's words were), and she moved on to her message of her and her administration's vision for the future, a future that isn't just for the benefit of "one side" of America, but all of it.


It remains to be seen if her message is going to resonate with enough people to put her in the White House, but the tone of the conversation has certainly changed compared to where we were, oh (checks calendar), a little over 2 weeks ago.


People are fucking tired. Everywhere. Tired of the hate. Tired of the division. Tired of the greed and corruption. Tired of constantly being on edge 24/7 because people like Trump want to dismantle our democracy for their own personal gain.


Having one set of candidates expressing the same frustration and exhaustion about how things are, and presenting a path towards something better is a great feeling. A welcome reprieve. A little injection of hope, coming at the perfect time.


Now we just have to put in the work and get Harris and Walz into the White House this November. I know we can do it. And my hope is that Democrats and Republicans (I think it'd be naive to assume that all Republicans are in Trump's camp) that are tired of all this bullshit vote for what's best for our country for a change.


I think the country is ready for a change. A change in thinking. Not just a return to normalcy, but a return to positivity and some forward momentum.

The GOP is going to fight this tooth and nail against this, but what the fuck else is new when it comes to them?


It's been encouraging to see some Republicans rethinking their party's positions, with some planning to vote for Harris, and some potentially abstaining from voting at all. Whatever helps Harris/Walz win, I'm down for, and support, whether it be a larger than expected Dem turnout, or a bunch of Republicans joining in to vote the Dems in. I welcome them into the fold if they choose to vote for Harris this November instead of Trump.


I don't think a Harris/Walz win would be a massive wake up call for the Republican party and their constituents, but, hell, it could be. Who knows? We live in unprecedented times. Some may double and triple down on the divisiveness and hate, but some might be just as tired of that shit as we are. Maybe some hearts and minds on that side of the fence will be changed. It's a lovely, albeit idealistic thought. But it certainly feels better than the doom and helplessness I think we've all felt prior to this momentum shift, so I'll enjoy it while I can lol"

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The most significant thing about Tim Walz becoming Kamala Harris’s running mate isn’t his progressive record. It’s that such a record is now considered an asset by top Democratic leaders.




Walz, meanwhile, is unabashedly progressive. He not only passed measures that were economically left, but proved supportive of issues like gun control, abortion rights, and transgender rights. He has, to the chagrin of centrist commentators, said that “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness,” expressed guarded sympathy for the message of pro-Palestinian protesters, and was endorsed by Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Senate’s only socialist. By the traditional Democratic playbook, all of this should have made him toxic.


And yet Walz’s left-leaning governance was reportedly his main selling point for Harris, who, despite being a career-long corporate-friendly centrist herself, seems to want to accomplish on the national level something similar to what Walz has done in Minnesota. At the very least, it was not viewed as a drawback that would undermine his demographic appeal as a white, male, rural-rooted, hunting-and-fishing Midwesterner.



In fact, Walz has in the end united an improbably diverse array of politicians associated with the Democratic Party, endorsed and reportedly backed behind the scenes by Sanders and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, respectively, while drawing eager plaudits from Squad members Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, all the way to centrists Dean Phillips, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Manchin.


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