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Is it morally repugnant to allow one’s self to coast?


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I’ve been coasting for a while. It’s frustrating, because I feel like I need to advance, but I don’t know if that’s how I really feel, or if that’s just what society has drilled into me. I can’t just be content with what I have, I must always strive for MORE.


At work, I’ve got people telling I’m capable of doing more, I should be a supervisor. But every supervisor at my warehouse is fucking miserable and stressed out 24/7. That doesn’t seem worth the extra money to me, and it would be a bad fit for me anyway. “Well, we can help you find something elsewhere in the company.” That’s turned out to harder than anticipated, because I don’t necessarily look great on paper. Nobody gives my application a second look, because they don’t know me, and my bosses don’t seem to have the pull they think they do. But whatever, I’m really good at my current job, which is satisfying even if it’s stupid easy at this point. Of course I would like to make more money, but I pay my bills. I have a roof over my head. I can afford to have a little fun. What else do I need? It’s not like I’m ever gonna support a family. Or buy a house. Or retire. 

And I’m not going back to school. Every time someone suggests that, I say “oh, yeah, I’m thinking about it”, but I’m not. I hated school as a kid, and my two failed attempts at college weren’t any better. “Well then, if not a traditional degree, how about a trade school?” Sounds great, except none of those trades sound all that appealing to me, and that’s still a lot of time, energy, and money to dedicate to a path I may not like. 

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2 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

I’ve been coasting for a while. It’s frustrating, because I feel like I need to advance, but I don’t know if that’s how I really feel, or if that’s just what society has drilled into me. I can’t just be content with what I have, I must always strive for MORE.


At work, I’ve got people telling I’m capable of doing more, I should be a supervisor. But every supervisor at my warehouse is fucking miserable and stressed out 24/7. That doesn’t seem worth the extra money to me, and it would be a bad fit for me anyway. “Well, we can help you find something elsewhere in the company.” That’s turned out to harder than anticipated, because I don’t necessarily look great on paper. Nobody gives my application a second look, because they don’t know me, and my bosses don’t seem to have the pull they think they do. But whatever, I’m really good at my current job, which is satisfying even if it’s stupid easy at this point. Of course I would like to make more money, but I pay my bills. I have a roof over my head. I can afford to have a little fun. What else do I need? It’s not like I’m ever gonna support a family. Or buy a house. Or retire. 

And I’m not going back to school. Every time someone suggests that, I say “oh, yeah, I’m thinking about it”, but I’m not. I hated school as a kid, and my two failed attempts at college weren’t any better. “Well then, if not a traditional degree, how about a trade school?” Sounds great, except none of those trades sound all that appealing to me, and that’s still a lot of time, energy, and money to dedicate to a path I may not like. 


I hate to ask but it’s 2024 and is this an actual post or AI

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14 minutes ago, stepee said:


I hate to ask but it’s 2024 and is this an actual post or AI

It is unfortunately real. I woke up too early this morning and that was how I decided to start my day. Clearly things are going great for me. 

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2 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

It is unfortunately real. I woke up too early this morning and that was how I decided to start my day. Clearly things are going great for me. 


I really tried to touch skin on that hug 

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I mean you're set for life without ever having to work again right? That's a very different situation than where coasting can cost you a job or a raise or whatever.

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33 minutes ago, Ominous said:

I'm fine coasting. I don't stress at work. Don't think about it after I punch out. It's the best thing. 🤷


You're my inspiration in life. 

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I’ve been coasting basically my whole life. I have it pretty easy at work so it makes me lazy, and while I’m not poor making more money would be good. I really need to get into dieting and working out because I’m pathetically out of shape.

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23 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

That bad huh? Well I didn't mean anything malicious by it. I apologize if it came off that way.


It was just odd. I know you didn't mean anything malicious. 


16 minutes ago, Dodger said:

I’ve been coasting basically my whole life. I have it pretty easy at work so it makes me lazy, and while I’m not poor making more money would be good. I really need to get into dieting and working out because I’m pathetically out of shape.


I feel ya with working out. I need to go on a diet and start walking for at least 30 minutes a day. 

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On 5/11/2024 at 2:16 AM, TheLeon said:

I’ve been coasting for a while. It’s frustrating, because I feel like I need to advance, but I don’t know if that’s how I really feel, or if that’s just what society has drilled into me. I can’t just be content with what I have, I must always strive for MORE.


At work, I’ve got people telling I’m capable of doing more, I should be a supervisor. But every supervisor at my warehouse is fucking miserable and stressed out 24/7. That doesn’t seem worth the extra money to me, and it would be a bad fit for me anyway. “Well, we can help you find something elsewhere in the company.” That’s turned out to harder than anticipated, because I don’t necessarily look great on paper. Nobody gives my application a second look, because they don’t know me, and my bosses don’t seem to have the pull they think they do. But whatever, I’m really good at my current job, which is satisfying even if it’s stupid easy at this point. Of course I would like to make more money, but I pay my bills. I have a roof over my head. I can afford to have a little fun. What else do I need? It’s not like I’m ever gonna support a family. Or buy a house. Or retire. 

And I’m not going back to school. Every time someone suggests that, I say “oh, yeah, I’m thinking about it”, but I’m not. I hated school as a kid, and my two failed attempts at college weren’t any better. “Well then, if not a traditional degree, how about a trade school?” Sounds great, except none of those trades sound all that appealing to me, and that’s still a lot of time, energy, and money to dedicate to a path I may not like. 

As someone thats been in warehouse management up to regional director level, you are absolutely right on miserable and stressed out. The money is extremely generous though, so I see it as a means to an early retirement. 

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I could be more ambitious, go into management, get my master’s, something like that. But I just don’t want the added responsibility. I make good money, husband makes good money, I get to work 3 shifts a week and have a good bit of free time. Out mortgage is paid off and we have zero debts and sock away a good bit for early retirement. 

if I’m coasting, I’m okay with it. I like my life. 

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Know what you want out of life. If you have it, then there isn't anything to worry about. If you don't, then work for it. And I guess don't stop others from trying to make things better. (That last one sounds easy, but you wouldn't know it from looking at a lot of the US populace)

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I was watching some clip of two young dudes (who I believe are prominent podcasters or some shit) talking to Hasan Piker about taxes. They said they moved to Nevada for tax reasons and they'd feel disincentivized to work if the highest marginal tax rate was... something. 40% - 60%, I can't remember the number they used. I was irritated at first but then the more I thought about it, the more annoyed I got.


One, to hit the highest income tax bracket, you're rich. Complaining that the government is taking 37% of your income over $609K (assuming they're single) is fucking bananas. Crank that shit up to like 75% at the highest level, eat my ass. Listening to a couple young men whine about how they can't run up the score after the game has been technically but not finally won made my soul leave my body.


Two, I think that says more about them than it does about "people." The highest marginal tax rate in the USA used to be much higher in the past when it was easier to break into the middle class, so the notion that higher taxes would disincentivize people from working in a broad sense seems to be counter to history.


Lastly, even if we assume that is true, that people would be financially disincentivized to work... I don't know that's a bad thing? I don't know that anyone's working a job where they're making that much money that them, "doing more work," is what's going to improve their output? I think Americans in general have an unhealthy relationship with working a lot or working hard. I've seen so many younger people that I've tried to coach into "working less." Not that they should work more poorly of course, but I'd see people log into work super early so they could check on defects that they had no ability to triage, no training to resolve, at times where nobody else would be online to assist even if something came up. When I asked "why" for things like that, the inevitable answer 100% of the time was that they wanted to show that they were working hard. It drove me nuts that the appearance of working hard has been so drilled into people that performative work is seen as the thing to do or the way to get ahead. And it drove me nuts that so often it would work.


Anyway I have no idea why I typed all that. I'd say if you're comfortable and your "coasting" isn't harming anyone, go for it.

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Contentment is a virtue, but that doesn't mean you should remove effort from improving yourself in any number of ways. We are never perfect, so our situation is not either. I think you can try and be a little bit better today than yesterday in even small ways and it is a good thing.

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