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Star Wars: The Acolyte (Disney+), update (08/19): RIP in Peace

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1 hour ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

Also, this may seem like a nit pick to some, but I do not like the chunky lightsabers and blades in the tv shows. I really miss the sleek, elegant, and more compact look of the movie hilts and blades. By comparison everyone in the shows looks like they are wielding cosplay toy lightsabers. They looked off when Ahsoka appeared in Mandalorian season 2 and have not looked right in a single show yet. 


The ones in this show are definitely chonks compared to what we're used to but I can't say I mind. I appreciate that you can see more detail on them during action scenes. I don't remember Ashoka's being beefy though? Maybe the props changed at some point I'm forgetting.

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At a reasonable enough distance, I think the new sabers look fine, but I think they look like toys up close. When Osha was holding the saber to Qimir's throat and the camera was up close I immediately noticed how toy like it looked.

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8 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

I don't remember Ashoka's being beefy though?

when you consider from the design the hilts are more meant to be closer to the size of a katana’s and the blade was definitely chonky, because they ate using actual light up blades, like neopixels or whatever.

And I get why they do this for the shows. They are likely cheaper to make, they don’t need special versions of each one. Some of them are probably just bits attached to the same “base” or core hilt. If fans dueling with their prop style sabers is any indication the blades won’t break as easily as the dueling movie prop ones used in like RotS. The led blades  also light the actors and set making less work for VFX digital artists and making the blade seem like it is really there. 

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52 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Re: beefy sabers


I actually think the blades themselves look too chonky. I don't mind the hilts. I kind of like them, actually. It feels like a different era which it is.

they kind of did that with Jedi Survivor, which would have had specific inputs and requirements from Lucas Film. 

they seemed to go for an even more elegant and ornate set of designs, vs the more utilitarian designs of the clone wars era Republic Jedi. 




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Yeah, so, that was another meandering episode of The Acolyte where little happens, some of what does happen ends up being pointless, and there remains a distinct lack of urgency or tension to the show, when the show seems to be trying to build urgency and tension. I still don't hate the show, it's just exceedingly average. Some quick nitpicks, some bigger than others (somewhat long but this episode made me ask a lot of questions while watching):


1. Qimir's helmet made of cortosis blocks out the ability for force users to read his mind when it's worn, but it's also a helmet that blocks out everything except the force? A strange helmet where you can somehow use your own force powers while wearing it but other peoples' force powers can't penetrate it? This didn't make a lot of sense to me.


2. Qimir says the helmet is basically a sensory deprivation device, "like we used when we were younglings". I thought that the helmets the younglings were wearing in the prequel trilogy just blocked their eyesight (like the makeshift helmet in A New Hope that Luke uses), not all senses, but perhaps the Temple has these kinds of helmets in addition to the ones we're familiar with but these seemed to try and echo the helmets the kids wear in the prequels, not some heretofore unseen youngling helmets. A small thing, but was strange.


3. Osha is such a cipher that I simply didn't feel the visceral pull that she should be feeling to the dark side with Qimir's words about her anger, etc. She just sort of listens and looks non-plussed most of the time. Qimir corrupted her sister for years into committing mass murder. The sisters have lost a lot of time together (one thing Jeremy Jahns' review of the episode also points out) because of this guy so you'd think Osha would have nothing but contempt for him yet doesn't leave, listens to what he has to say, and puts on the helmet? Again, like Mae, Osha's character motivations are murky, and not in a good way, in a bad writing kind of way.


4. Mae's motivations continue to make no sense. At the beginning of the show, she had trained for years under Qimir to murder the four Jedi who, from her perspective, killed her tribe, family, and way of life. Then, two episodes ago, she has some random change of heart when she realizes Qimir is . . . I don't know, bad? Because she wants to reconnect with her sister, maybe? So she runs to the Jedi to hand herself over but when they try to arrest her for her very real crimes she's going to resist arrest? Then when she finally does reconnect with her sister, she knocks her out and leaves her on the planet (to die? be intentionally picked up by Qimir? super dick thing to do to her if you wanted to reconnect) to impersonate her and go with Sol to presumably kill him, even though she had that change of heart? Maybe it's to get the truth, but that doesn't matter because . . . 


5. The episode spends its entire time with Sol not knowing that he has Mae with him, not Osha. Mae plays along the whole episode, helping Sol fix the randomly not working ship (no explanation for this either) and you think she'll do something because she took the time to go undercover and leave her sister on the planet yet . . . nothing happens. Some stupid, tonally jarring sitcom BS occurs with the tracker Balzin who first attacks Mae and then offscreen tells Sol it's Mae, not Osha, so Sol stun guns Mae and ties her up. So . . . what was the whole point of going undercover for Mae? Nothing happened with it. And Mae had numerous opportunities, but I guess doesn't want to kill Sol? Sol not picking up any murderous intent from Mae with the Force, not recognizing at any time (or checking) for the white spiral on her forehead or not realizing this isn't the person you trained for 6 years was all sorts of ridiculous.


6. Small nitpick again but how long was Osha knocked out for? She wakes up on the unnamed planet. So she was knocked out since Khofar, during transport, and put in bed with food being made all the while? Maybe Qimir drugged her offscreen to be knocked out longer but without showing that this just seemed silly.


7. Another small nitpick: when Sol's Jedi team arrive on Khofar originally, they bring a tracker (Balzin) to find Jedi Kelnacca in the super dense forests. But when Master Vernestra's team arrives in this episode, they bring no tracker that I saw, and easily find the dead Jedi from last episode's battle, with no umbramoth creature attacks in sight. Again, just sort of lazy writing not to be consistent with this stuff. Master Vernestra is behaving weirdly, so maybe she's the true Sith master or something and already knew the exact location but you'd still want to bring a tracker to hide your knowledge from the rest of the team I'd think.


8. And finally, at the end of the episode when Sol has Mae prisoner he mentions that they "have to find Mae's master" and that they "have to save Osha". How would Sol know this information? When he wakes up from Mae stun gunning him last episode, he has no idea that Qimir survived his battle with the umbramoths and he has no idea that Qimir took Osha since that happens after Sol leaves the area with Mae, and they don't show him checking for survivors at all, they just leave. Then, Qimir grabs his stuff and takes Osha with him, who he finds still knocked out. Again, just lazy writing, Sol knowing things he shouldn't (unless, again, Sol is acting weird at the end of the episode here, maybe there's some bigger grand plan where he somehow did know this stuff but the episodes are edited in such a way as not to indicate that at all).


TL;DR: you can't let these many big and small nitpicks stack in your episode if you want to be a good writer. Any single one could be more or less forgiveable but all of this in just under 33 minutes? I know people have made the argument here that "Star Wars has always been sort of dumb, etc." and that's true but there's good dumb and bad dumb and this was mostly bad dumb. That being said, Manny Jacinto as Qimir is still pretty great for me, and I didn't mind the Rey-Kylo vibes that he and Osha were kind of having.

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I wonder how much this show is suffering due to the release schedule. Yeah, some shows would be better off if we had a week to digest and dissect each episode, but this might end up being a good example of a show that would have benefited from being dumped all at once.

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2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

That being said, Manny Jacinto as Qimir is still pretty great for me,

I agree with most everything you said, but in this episode it felt like he lost all personality. Maybe it was the awful framing of scenes, slow pacing, but he just seemed so dull and uninterested. As if somebody else dropped Osha in his lap and he’s just like “fine … I guess”. 

and yeah it is because Osha too seems so chill most of the time. Her one bought of angry felt more like “I’ll show you I can be angry. Oh, you’re right, this really isn’t me.” 

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Also, and this is my lore nit pick. A dude that can break a person’s neck, force throw you so hard you’re nearly knocked out without trying and who knows what else is not unarmed or defenseless. 

Not just here. Even if Palpatine didn’t control the senate and have enough political clout to beat almost any charges, the fucker can shoot deadly lightning from his hands. Any force user can weaponize anything with the force. 

lol this shit isn’t sport. 

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13 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

Also, and this is my lore nit pick. A dude that can break a person’s neck, force throw you so hard you’re nearly knocked out without trying and who knows what else is not unarmed or defenseless. 

Not just here. Even if Palpatine didn’t control the senate and have enough political clout to beat almost any charges, the fucker can shoot deadly lightning from his hands. Any force user can weaponize anything with the force. 

lol this shit isn’t sport. 


I do think it is strange when force users say they're "unarmed". Definitely not the case. 

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28 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I do think it is strange when force users say they're "unarmed". Definitely not the case. 

“For my ally is the force. And a POWERFUL ally it is” - master Yoda, explaining why Luke is a pussy for not being able to lift a star fighter that’s stuck in a muddy lake. 

lol yeah it’s one of those lore/plot hole contrivances that doesn’t make sense for the Jedi. Even the “attack from behind” is not the Jedi way. Maybe against some non-Jedi, but Force users like Jedi are taught to feel their surroundings through the force. That’s the entire point of the Jedi helmet thing! And this guy is an active threat. At no point did he surrender. Had he surrendered I could maaaaybe see it. 

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On 7/2/2024 at 9:49 PM, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

Maybe I will be in the minority here, but that was a bad episode.

I don't think anyone could disagree with you on that point.



I think that others have dissected this episode in pretty good detail.  The writing continues to be horrible.  Character motivations make no sense, the confusion between Mae/Osha seems contrived, and the dialogue is consistently sub-par.


This should be the point that the series is starting to move towards a climax.  But, it doesn't feel like it is.  I don't feel an affinity to any of the characters left.  They all feel like shitty human beings - except maybe Osha, but she feels like she has the agency of an NPC.

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11 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

"Listless" is the ideal word to describe this series.

I don’t know… “Top 5 worst Star Wars things” and “10 Series Where the Person They Used to Advertise a TV Show Got Killed in the Opening Scene” are lists I could see this show being on. 

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4 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

Unless anything ramps things up in the last 2 episodes I feel like Acolyte will be very forgettable. 


No one is going to care about this show in a year or two. Like most Disney+ MCU and Star Wars shows.

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Basically this was episode 3 part 2. 

the worst of it was again we really didn’t get anything new. 

we knew Mae didn’t kill everyone and the Jedi were responsible. This didn’t need to be an episode. I also have no faith that this season will have a complete arc and I find that really unsatisfying.  

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Welp, this should have been either episode 1 or episode 2 (depending on whether you think this or episode 3 would have made the better season opener). I think making the show a murder mystery was a mistake - I'd have been much more invested at least knowing everything from the beginning and being more understanding at least of Mae and Osha's confused motivations since apparently they should be one being so I can see that messing a person up when they're split into two. There's already enough of a mystery in the present day timeline of who Qimir is and how he came to be (and who his master might be) that you don't need a second mystery about what happened 16 years previously. Would have been a lot cooler when Mae then shows up in episode 3 (if they had re-ordered things around) to kill Carrie Anne-Moss than the empty feeling fight that we did get in episode 1 when we had no context.


And the explanation as to what really happened kind of . . . sucks? The Jedi aren't perfect, I get that, and not every single Jedi just falls into line (as illustrated by the prequels) but there's a complete breakdown of both organizational hierarchy and decorum. It's clear the mother was keeping a lot of things from her children but for Torbin to just go off and then Sol chases him only to help Torbin break into the coven because he feels some pull to Osha we don't feel or see is not all that believable. Also, it looks like the coven wasn't killed until the Jedi abandoned them to burn there? They passed out from the spell being disconnected from Kelnacca but were they dead? Kind of an important question that this entire matter hinges on. The filmmaking was good and it regularly felt like Star Wars but with just one episode left and a lot happening in the present day timeline I just think this was too little too late unless they're intentionally planning for a season 2, which given the reception most have had to this show is probably a mistake. Also was that a special kind of lamp fire? The stone was apparently flammable. :p 

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This show is weird, at least in the sense of the people who watch it that post about it online (both here and everywhere else).

It’s simultaneously nowhere near as bad as the people who are clearly hate watching it make it out to be, nor is it 1% as good as the people who seemingly love it claims it is.


Maybe it’s the fact that I haven’t been watching weekly and just caught up with it yesterday (obviously I’m an ep behind again as of today :p )


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Ooph. I haven't watched yet, but I can't believe they actually are doing another fucking flashback. Why do writers not understand that this is almost always hated?? You have to have a damn compelling reason to spend a whole episode on a flashback. It's the fucking escort mission of TV.

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18 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

To be fair to the series, there is very much a pretty decent two hours-long movie lurking just below the surface as all the basic elements are already present.  I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see a "fan edit" at some point in the near future.


It probably should've been 4 45-60-ish minute episodes or a 5-6 episode series (at current run times)

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3 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

This show is weird, at least in the sense of the people who watch it that post about it online (both here and everywhere else).

It’s simultaneously nowhere near as bad as the people who are clearly hate watching it make it out to be, nor is it 1% as good as the people who seemingly love it claims it is.


Maybe it’s the fact that I haven’t been watching weekly and just caught up with it yesterday (obviously I’m an ep behind again as of today :p )


yeah the show is just mid. It’s bad in the sense that it has barely done anything in 7 episodes. It almost feels like we are still in some prologue or first act period. It’s just not good story telling what they are doing. 

compare to a show like Andor that not only had a full season arc, but also had 3 multi-episode story arcs within the show. It’s almost like how can they do it so well here and then drop the ball so hard here. 

19 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

To be fair to the series, there is very much a pretty decent two hours-long movie lurking just below the surface as all the basic elements are already present.  I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see a "fan edit" at some point in the near future.

oh yeah I brought this up last week. That this felt like they filmed a 2-3 hour movie and cut it up and edited it to fit an episode count. 

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