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My situation got much worse 3/5th the way to goal.


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So I hate to ask for more help but 3 weeks ago the transmission went out on the car I bought last year. I was working hard to get caught up but now I have no vehicle and no real job (I've been doing stuff here and there for a little money to keep afloat). Got an email today my car is getting repossessed (I can't afford to fix it anyways until the house gets sold and I get my inheritance). I'm negative $200 in my bank account right now need some basic stuff like cat food, flea treatment for the cat, rent, cortisone (still having issues post infection) and my next small job isn't until next week. Would greatly appreciate some more help (don't know what I did to upset the universe this year :epilepsy:). I have an interview to get food stamps tomorrow (wish me luck). I've got a sales job in the future but don't know how long it will take but it seems I am basically stuck at home for the next several months. I barely have anything worth selling at this point (really only a few sets of headphones but finding someone to buy them is the hard part), sold my Series X a few months ago with all the other issues I had and basically everything else when I broke my hip/during the pandemic. I am starting some websites picked up the domains I wanted cheap. Already have a Shopify store up and running but it needs a lot of work and I have no money to advertise it anyways. Going to start a blog, going to try some print on demand stuff and have some other ideas. I just hope that I can turn this into a positive at this point :pray:

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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

How much are you looking for?


Total probably around $500 that's enough to pay my immediate bills, get the stuff I need and some food until I get approved for food stamps. It's hard to ask for help I used to always be the independent and successful one in my family from my generation. I feel pretty helpless now and I miss my job. I do have a CM job starting tomorrow at least but it barely pays anything (more of a work I that I enjoy than one I can make a living off of yet). Next week I am taking my friends company van and going to do some work at Gencon for him (He owns one of the largest gaming stores in the U.S. and I've bailed him out of dire situations a few times. The upcoming sales job is with his energy drink company that he is starting). On some good news my mother has agreed with her neighbor to sell some of her land so once she gets that sold she will get her car fixed and I will have someone who can get me back and forth to a local job if I can find one I can do. Honestly I should probably try to file disability at this point there is a lot of work I can't do now since I broke my hip and I've always had a bad back :thinking:

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BTW, I would much prefer a loan instead of a donation. A friend who got paid today did help me with cat food and a bit of food <3 I'm eating cod tonight instead of potatoes :twothumbsup:


Edit: I'm so fucking Irish :lol:

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3 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I'll Venmo some funds when I get back home.


Thanks and please let me pay you back when I get my inheritance. If anything to use it as funds to help other people here.

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