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Squadron 42 - CitizenCon Trailer


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Join the brave men and women of the 2nd Fleet as they stand strong against the greatest threats the UEE has ever faced. Will you answer the call?


Roberts Space Industries is a spacecraft manufacturer within the persistent-world game "Star Citizen" and its companion single-player spaceflight sim, "Squadron 42."  RSI is also your portal for information, updates, and purchases of your very own spacecraft with which to trade, plunder, and protect the citizens of Star Citizen.


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8 minutes ago, legend said:

It's not comforting that that video is mostly just pretty pictures and virtually zero actual gameplay.


I want to see that the gameplay is coming together. We already know they can make slick trailers without the gameplay coming together.


Watch the stream when you can. A large multi-part mission was shown with an hour or so of gameplay.

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A feeling I can't shake when I watch these demos is that this game is going to be as tedious as the wait for it to actually come out. Is it realistic that the trains run on a schedule? Sure. Is that a better gameplay experience vs a train that magically appears when players actually need it? Almost certainly not.


In that demo at ~26min he gets into the spacecraft and it doesn't automatically boot up for him. Then he has to navigate the menu system to request permission to take off. Again, maybe not the most fun thing to do in a game like this, but even if you do want them to have that experience, why isn't it a top level, obvious button? It's pretty much always going to be the first thing you need to do if you're taking off from a hanger, so it seems like it should be a big pop-up from the moment you enter.


This game feels like a collection of inconveniences disguised as immersive gameplay. I suppose there is a hardcore audience for this, but it just doesn't look fun.

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57 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

In that demo at ~26min he gets into the spacecraft and it doesn't automatically boot up for him. Then he has to navigate the menu system to request permission to take off. Again, maybe not the most fun thing to do in a game like this, but even if you do want them to have that experience, why isn't it a top level, obvious button? It's pretty much always going to be the first thing you need to do if you're taking off from a hanger, so it seems like it should be a big pop-up from the moment you enter.


This game feels like a collection of inconveniences disguised as immersive gameplay. I suppose there is a hardcore audience for this, but it just doesn't look fun.

This is literally exactly the kind of game the people who backed it wanted. A game that hasn't followed the trends of making everything super convenient and obvious for the sake of streamlining. There's a million, billion games where everything is obvious and easy and convenient. Play one of those! No Man's Sky awaits you.


Although I do hope we get to see the gameplay revamp soon. I dunno if that was in this, as I haven't watched it yet, but they're massively overhauling the gameplay at some point to be a lot more responsive and, hopefully, a lot more fun, so I hope that goes well. While I'm happy to play a game with deliberate inconveniences, I can't say the same for it not being fun to just move around and fly my ship.

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That trailer looked like something a fan would cobble together out of random video clips. It's just bits and pieces of story elements showcasing actors with no gameplay because gameplay does not exist. The moduals that do exist are piss poor tech demos. I watched a couple hours of the stream. It was buggy, glitchy, it crashed a few times and it was sleep inducing. One of the players couldn't even shoot straight. Many a backer will have died before this game get's out of alpha. 

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     This game has a shit storm of people debating it ! I just did a quick search and read in a few different places, some for the game, some calling the game a scam! It's getting nasty out there for sure! I had never really looked into it at all. so it's nearly 7 years in development close to 185 million dollars invested and it's at Alfa 3.0? Am I close? 

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1 hour ago, Xbob42 said:

This is literally exactly the kind of game the people who backed it wanted. A game that hasn't followed the trends of making everything super convenient and obvious for the sake of streamlining. There's a million, billion games where everything is obvious and easy and convenient. Play one of those! No Man's Sky awaits you.





At No Man's Sky being obvious and convenient.


I like No Man's Sky, but that description does not fit at all!

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I never knew this was a thing. Or a thing in development, I guess. 


I'm a sucker for games that use the actors' real faces :p So I'm automatically intrigued. What is this about spending real money for ships though? Is that just a pay-to-win feature in the game, and you can just play with no money and grind? 


I'll have to keep an eye on it. Been looking for a reason to get a gaming PC. 

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1 hour ago, TheRealSmallville said:

I never knew this was a thing. Or a thing in development, I guess. 


I'm a sucker for games that use the actors' real faces :p So I'm automatically intrigued. What is this about spending real money for ships though? Is that just a pay-to-win feature in the game, and you can just play with no money and grind? 


I'll have to keep an eye on it. Been looking for a reason to get a gaming PC. 

To clarify, Star Citizen is split into two separate parts. There is Squadron 42 which is the campaign mode of the game and the Persistent Universe.


The peope pledging money are for ships they will be able to pilot in the Persistent Universe. Everything is obtainable in the game and no purchase is necessary or at least that's the line Chris Roberts always repeats.


Squadron 42 is just pick up and play through missions with the cinematic presentation you see in the trailer. You will get whatever weapons, ships, etc you need as part of your normal progression through the game. Pledge ships won't work or appear in Squadron 42. 


You can get both parts separately or in a package.


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1 hour ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

This on-going documentary "Sunk Cost Galaxy" explains a lot of what's going wrong.



While the maker of these videos obviously has an axe to grind and clearly isn't the best at decision making, these videos have convinced me that this game is not just vaporware but also a wannabe cult.

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I was so hyped for this game when it was first announced, I threw in money on the first day. I have almost completely given up hope on it at this point.



but this facial tracking tech that uses your webcam and realtime translates it to your game character is really cool




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I will holdge judgement until I have Squadron 42 in front of me and can play it.  


I played the shit out of Wing Commander 1 and 2 back in the day, and yes I own the other ones as well (they were not nearly as good).  Looking forward to seeing how this pans out story and combat wise.


The broader MMO game I am not really expecting much at release, maybe 2 or 3 years later.  

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12 hours ago, elbobo said:

I was so hyped for this game when it was first announced, I threw in money on the first day. I have almost completely given up hope on it at this point.



but this facial tracking tech that uses your webcam and realtime translates it to your game character is really cool





Honestly, it's pretty irritating to see this though. Not because it's isn't kind of neat, but because this should be lowest fucking priority in terms of development resources. It's not like the game is done programming-wise and the developers have time to to play around with ideas. I can't help but feel this is just another indicator of the poor management.

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2 minutes ago, legend said:


Honestly, it's pretty irritating to see this though. Not because it's isn't kind of neat, but because this should be lowest fucking priority in terms of development resources. It's not like the game is done programming-wise and the developers have time to to play around with ideas. I can't help but feel this is just another indicator of the poor management.

I’ve stopped thinking of this as a game and starting thinking of it as a game designer and programmer training course! All of this talent will make games for years to come and they will bring forward this experience whether or not this particular endeavor ever comes to anything cohesively enjoyable. It’s worrying if you are still wanting a game from this expedition, the tech cultivation ramifications will be with us for years to come! They’re pushing the edge in lots of ways, which means their is a 50/50 that they will fall off of that edge! :p

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1 hour ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I’ve stopped thinking of this as a game and starting thinking of it as a game designer and programmer training course! All of this talent will make games for years to come and they will bring forward this experience whether or not this particular endeavor ever comes to anything cohesively enjoyable. It’s worrying if you are still wanting a game from this expedition, the tech cultivation ramifications will be with us for years to come! They’re pushing the edge in lots of ways, which means their is a 50/50 that they will fall off of that edge! :p


The tech they are working on is indeed cool, and I appreciate that as a programmer. But the whole thing just feels rather dishonest if they're basically doing CS research in game simulation, since they sold themselves as making a game.

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I dont really follow any of this stuff, but found this tweet kinda funny.  Games not even released yet, has no timetable for release, is wrapped in scandal, but lets take shots at other games?




*I thought this was from a dev initially, but looks to be just a streamer?  Either way, see a final product of a game before you start bashing other games.  Who knows how broken it'll be.

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