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State of the Union - March 7th 9pm EST

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Sarah Longwell, a one-time Republican pollster who has kept her distance from the party ever since the emergence of former President Donald Trump, said the GOP made a grievous error by setting...



Sarah Longwell, a one-time Republican pollster who has kept her distance from the party ever since the emergence of former President Donald Trump, said the GOP made a grievous error by setting expectations so low for President Joe Biden's State of the Union response

"Last night, what he said was for the Democratic base," Longwell explained. "But how he said it was for swing voters who needed to see that this guy was all there, that he could do the job. And I told you yesterday when I was on the show, the Republicans have made a mistake because they set the bar at dementia.".

"You can tell how well he did by how annoyed Republicans are this morning and last night," she said. "You could just see how upset they were."

Finally, Longwell praised Biden's ability to come across as a happy warrior who was eager to fight with his political rivals without outright hating them.

Lmao stay mad chuds

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3 minutes ago, best3444 said:

He definitely came off angry and mentioned his "predecessor" too much. 


I enjoy how you believe you understand politics and are moderate or something, yet are clearly actually brainwashed by the right-wing sphere and your family.

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18 minutes ago, best3444 said:

He definitely came off angry and mentioned his "predecessor" too much. 


You realize his "predecessor" is also his political rival, right? And that that election takes place this year?

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More than 6 in 10 Americans who watched President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address had a positive reaction to the speech, according to a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, with a smaller 35% reacting very...


Americans who watched on Thursday said, 62% to 38%, that the policies Biden proposed will move the US in the right direction, rather than the wrong direction. In a survey conducted before the speech, just 45% of those same people said Biden’s policies would move the US in the right direction.


Just over 6 in 10 Americans who tuned in expressed at least some confidence in Biden to protect American democracy, while 59% say they have at least some confidence in Biden’s overall ability to carry out his duties as president. Thirty-six percent of those who watched the speech said they have a lot of confidence in Biden to protect American democracy, with 27% expressing some confidence and 37% saying they have no real confidence in him.


Following the speech, 31% of those who watched said they have a lot of confidence in Biden’s ability to carry out his duties as president, 28% that they have some confidence, and 41% that they have no real confidence. That’s a slight uptick from a survey conducted in the days before the speech, when 25% of those same people expressed a lot of confidence in his ability, 27% some confidence, and 48% none at all.


Much of Biden’s improvement on this score came among political independents who watched the speech. Before the speech, 51% of independents expressed at least some confidence in Biden’s ability to carry out his duties, and that rose to 68% among the same group of independents after the speech. Perceptions of Biden’s ability to carry out the duties of the presidency did not change significantly among either Democrats or Republicans who tuned in.



At the very least, last night's address didn't "harm" Biden it would appear.


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44 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


I enjoy how you believe you understand politics and are moderate or something, yet are clearly actually brainwashed by the right-wing sphere and your family.


Lol that was uncalled for. I understand politics but it's not my life like yours. All you do is post about it 24/7. I'm not brainwashed by anything. 

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Just now, Firewithin said:

LMAO the orange dipshit literally spend 4 years talking about Obama non stop


I didn't mention a thing about Trump? I just made an observation from the speech yesterday. I watched the entire thing. No need to get so defensive. I even said Biden did really well. You guys need to relax. 

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:


Lol that was uncalled for. I understand politics but it's not my life like yours. All you do is post about it 24/7. I'm not brainwashed by anything. 

You really are though. 

You’ve claimed multiple times Biden has dementia and barely string together a sentence and that Trump was one of the best presidents this country ever had when it’s clearly false.


1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:



I sound like a broken record here, but I keep saying things like the SOTU and the debates are important, especially for the Average Joe Voter.

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“Listen Jack, I’d like to think that maybe this country will be better after Donald Trump is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family if he gets voted back in.”



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Just now, Reputator said:

You know before Biden said Laken Riley's name, should have told Marjorie Taylor Greene say the names of the children killed in this country last year from assault rifles.

Or the name of a single person killed in similar circumstances between the years of 2016 and 2020.

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On 3/7/2024 at 11:59 AM, best3444 said:

This will be fuckin epic. Cannot wait for this disaster. 


This didn't age well :lol:


On 3/7/2024 at 9:40 PM, best3444 said:

I think he is doing very good. Much better than I anticipated. 




On 3/7/2024 at 9:52 PM, best3444 said:


I agree. He definitely stumbles but that may be his stuttering issue at play. I think he speaks to fast and then he makes mistakes. Anyway, his message has been good. Good energy level, too. 


Yeah that is a very good observation maybe he needs to dial it back the pace a bit but he is clearly excited!

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14 hours ago, MarSolo said:

You really are though. 

You’ve claimed multiple times Biden has dementia and barely string together a sentence and that Trump was one of the best presidents this country ever had when it’s clearly false.



I sound like a broken record here, but I keep saying things like the SOTU and the debates are important, especially for the Average Joe Voter.


I was rooting for Joe in the SOTU speech and was actually nervous before it went down. Then I was complementing him during the speech on this very forum. 


He has difficulty speaking but really stepped it up here. He was screaming the entire time though so that was one negative I pointed out. 


Saying I don't understand politics because I sometimes hurt your guys feelings when I say the truth is laughable. Well Riley said that and it's far from the truth. I'm an educated person. 

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3 minutes ago, best3444 said:


I was rooting for Joe in the SOTU speech and was actually nervous before it went down. Then I was complementing him during the speech on this very forum. 


He has difficulty speaking but really stepped it up here. He was screaming the entire time though so that was one negative I pointed out. 


Saying I don't understand politics because I sometimes hurt your guys feelings when I say the truth is laughable. Well Riley said that and it's far from the truth. I'm an educated person. 

Saying “Trump was one of the best Presidents this country ever had” is factually wrong.

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Just now, MarSolo said:

Saying “Trump was one of the best Presidents this country ever had” is factually wrong.


Of course it is. He probably is one of the worst ever. Unfortunately he will most likely win this November so I don't know what you guys are going to do. I don't take politics as seriously as you guys on here because I realized long ago that we have absolutely no control in anything. Even votes. 

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15 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Of course it is. He probably is one of the worst ever. Unfortunately he will most likely win this November so I don't know what you guys are going to do. I don't take politics as seriously as you guys on here because I realized long ago that we have absolutely no control in anything. Even votes. 


So then why say he was one the best? To troll? Congrats. Saying that to people who lost family and friends thanks to his mishandling of covid is not the flex you think it is.

If ANYONE ELSE, especially a Democrat, was President during 2020, it wouldn’t have been the disaster it was.

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32 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Of course it is. He probably is one of the worst ever. Unfortunately he will most likely win this November so I don't know what you guys are going to do. I don't take politics as seriously as you guys on here because I realized long ago that we have absolutely no control in anything. Even votes. 


I really don't think he is at this point... I think enough Republicans and women are scared enough of a second Trump term that they will vote for Biden or an Independent.

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18 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


I enjoy how you believe you understand politics and are moderate or something, yet are clearly actually brainwashed by the right-wing sphere and your family.



What a weirdo/holier than thou comment when no one asked your opinion on his politics.  \


Are you one of those who feels like they needlessly need to attack others who's beliefs don't align with yours like @SaysWho?

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32 minutes ago, MarSolo said:


So then why say he was one the best? To troll? Congrats. Saying that to people who lost family and friends thanks to his mishandling of covid is not the flex you think it is.

If ANYONE ELSE, especially a Democrat, was President during 2020, it wouldn’t have been the disaster it was.

When did he say that?

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30 minutes ago, MarSolo said:


So then why say he was one the best? To troll? Congrats. Saying that to people who lost family and friends thanks to his mishandling of covid is not the flex you think it is.

If ANYONE ELSE, especially a Democrat, was President during 2020, it wouldn’t have been the disaster it was.



IDK, my pockets and 401K were much fatter when Trump was in office compared to any other recent presidents.....just my two cents. Still prefer poor to dictatorship though lol 

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13 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

When did he say that?

Repeatedly on this board, go through his search history.


13 minutes ago, BasemntDweller2 said:



IDK, my pockets and 401K were much fatter when Trump was in office compared to any other recent presidents.....just my two cents. Still prefer poor to dictatorship though lol 


Usually that’s how it works because Republicans give the 1% tax cuts.

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7 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Some post on the performing arts board

I recall him saying that Trump was funny.


7 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Repeatedly on this board, go through his search history.

Ain’t nobody got time for that. I remember he used to be pretty chuddy but hasn’t been like that in a while. 

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37 minutes ago, BasemntDweller2 said:



What a weirdo/holier than thou comment when no one asked your opinion on his politics.  \


I agree. It was uncalled for.  This is why I said to create a Canada thread and keep those users in there so they can talk endlessly about their country that no on cares about. 

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