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State of the Union - March 7th 9pm EST

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The way GOP is turning the death of this poor innocent woman into some sort of political hammer is disgusting and nonsensical. People die from crime every single day. It is a tragedy, but these fucking ghouls are just using her as a prop. They don’t give a shit about her.


Let’s see them wear the names of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who trumps shitty COVID response killed.

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21 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

He just needs to get someone to train him to not have that confused looking, mouth-agape expression he does from time to time


but other than that, this should shut up the haters imo

Yeah that's more or less my take, too.


I don't think it will stop people from registering concern with his age in polls, but it'll reassure the average voter that he's not senile.


It also did a good job of making overtures to all the party factions and voter blocs he's going to need to turn out.  There was a little bit for both the centrist and the progressive wings of the party, he leaned into women's issues, and he at least acknowledged the concerns about the conflict in Gaza and backed a two-state solution to bring democrats split on that issue back into the fold.


I think the best hope we have is that we'll see more of this from him, and that Trump will engage in his usual lunacy, so that over the course of the final leg of the campaign swing voters will ultimately be convinced that it's a better idea to vote for the boring-but-not-crazy grandpa over the completely insane grandpa. 



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1 hour ago, outsida said:

“Are you better off than 3 years ago?”


WTF?! Isn’t it ‘four years ago’ Alabama can’t do math???


I never got why they ask this question, especially now.  I mean the last year of Trump's term hundreds of thousands were dying of COVID, you couldn't find toilet paper, and a good chunk of the country was out of work.

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

I'm seeing on Twitter that the SOTU rebuttal is being done by a woman standing in a kitchen? :lol:


lmao why does she keep smiling? 



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48 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I heard on NPR, on the drive in this morning, that Republican's say the speech was "too political", so I take it old diamond Joe did a good job! :sun:


I only watched clips but at one point he was openly taunting them over the many things they have supported and then backed away from, which was pretty damn funny! 

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11 hours ago, ort said:

The way GOP is turning the death of this poor innocent woman into some sort of political hammer is disgusting and nonsensical. People die from crime every single day. It is a tragedy, but these fucking ghouls are just using her as a prop. They don’t give a shit about her.


Let’s see them wear the names of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who trumps shitty COVID response killed.


One simply just has to point out how little they care about kids dying in schools as a rebuttal. Or women being put at risk of dying from failed pregnancies. Or .....

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It feels like you really only need to see the headlines to know how Joe did.


Republicans are so used to their own reality bubble that they have spent months gleefully telling a narrative about Biden.


They committed one of the most basic, politics 101 blunders about "managing expectations" so all Joe had to do was go out there and basically not shit his pants and pretty much everyone looked around confused like, "Wait, this is the guy Republicans have been talking about? He seems fine...".


And now Republicans, as they are wont to do, are absolutely FURIOUS that people are believing their own lying eyes instead of Fox News.


The same will likely happen for the debates because Republicans have nothing left in their bag of tricks except going 100% intensity all the time to press on the nerve centers of their follower's lizard brains.

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Just now, Chairslinger said:

It feels like you really only need to see the headlines to know how Joe did.


Republicans are so used to their own reality bubble that they have spent months gleefully telling a narrative about Biden.


They committed one of the most basic, politics 101 blunders about "managing expectations" so all Joe had to do was go out there and basically not shit his pants and pretty much everyone looked around confused like, "Wait, this is the guy Republicans have been talking about? He seems fine...".


And now Republicans, as they are wont to do, are absolutely FURIOUS that people are believing their own lying eyes instead of Fox News.


The same will likely happen for the debates because Republicans have nothing left in their bag of tricks except going 100% intensity all the time to press on the nerve centers of their follower's lizard brains.

This happened during the debate between him and Trump as well.


(sorry, I know I keep referencing that debate, but it was a bigger deal than most people realize in hindsight)

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3 minutes ago, CayceG said:


That is the most Alabama-looking-ass family I have ever seen. 

Why is his face so big and square and flat.  It's like someone wished a Minecraft character to life. Girl in the back...blink 2 times if you need help...blink 3 times if you are allowed to think....otherwise continue looking into the void.

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