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Resident Evil 2 Remake | Official Thread of 20 Years of Jump Scares (mark spoilers, please!)

Commissar SFLUFAN

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Oh man so far they've done a great job re-creating some of those memorable scenes from the original RE2. I mean, even the grand foyer in the police station looks great. It's pretty impressive to see these old, pre-rendered scenes in full 3D. I know we were clamoring for an RE2 remake for years and years, but I'm actually glad they waited until now. 


Something I noticed though is that the HDR seems to be a little "too" HDR in some rooms and hallways, and the blacks don't appear as rich or dark as they should. No amount of fiddling with the settings seemed to fix it.


I can't wait for next friday. :drool:

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14 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

Oh man so far they've done a great job re-creating some of those memorable scenes from the original RE2. I mean, even the grand foyer in the police station looks great. It's pretty impressive to see these old, pre-rendered scenes in full 3D. I know we were clamoring for an RE2 remake for years and years, but I'm actually glad they waited until now. 


Something I noticed though is that the HDR seems to be a little "too" HDR in some rooms and hallways, and the blacks don't appear as rich or dark as they should. No amount of fiddling with the settings seemed to fix it.


I can't wait for next friday. :drool:


HDR is completely broken, you have to turn it off. It blurs the game even more and makes blacks grey. Capcom doesn’t seem to get how to use it yet.


Besides that and the X demo seemingly running in 1080p with fxaa, the game itself seems fantastic. Can’t wait for the pc demo tomorrow!

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4 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

I’ll try the demo tonight. I’m undecided on whether to play this game or not. I really enjoyed RE:4 but never really played any of the others minus 7 which I quit because I was too scared. 



I love that you said that, ManU.


Doom 3, with the no flashlight and shoot original edition rattled me...literally, my nerves started to be shot from things popping out and coming up behind me.  Especially, playing that game in the dark.


Additionally, The Suffering, after first watching the ghost asylum documentary and then all the weirdness and jumps that game gave...jeepers.

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38 minutes ago, BuckFly said:



I love that you said that, ManU.


Doom 3, with the no flashlight and shoot original edition rattled me...literally, my nerves started to be shot from things popping out and coming up behind me.  Especially, playing that game in the dark.


Additionally, The Suffering, after first watching the ghost asylum documentary and then all the weirdness and jumps that game gave...jeepers.

The Suffering was a pretty unsettling game back then. The whole story and location was super creepy. 

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Just now, Bloodporne said:

I would be into any continuation of The Suffering 1 really. I remember that game fondly. 

Even though it is just you and I talking, I got weirdly excited over the prospect of another Suffering game, Blodporne.


...not kidding, I really did.

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1 minute ago, SimpleG said:

For informational use only how does one reset the timer?


There is a trainer available, you can find it with a quick google, idk if we can link that sorta thing here or not. You run it in the background and hit 1 on the number pad to reset the timer. I just would remind myself to hit it every so often as I played.


Of course, with a trainer, I have to throw in a caution to be careful for a virus with such a thing. 

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I just wanted to get a feel for the combat. I like that zombies are much sturdier than before. It solves the issue I was expecting to have (assuming it works the same in the full game) where you make the shooting fun, but then the survival horror element means you're trying to conserve every single bullet. Here, you have a ton of bullets, but it still takes a lot to TRULY bring down a zombie permanently. Running is still an option, but if you fight, you get to fire a lot of shots, which feels good. Basically it's just been adjusted so that you're using roughly the same percentage of ammo as before, but getting to "play" the game more, since playing it is actually fun now.

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I got through the demo but as an RE vet was surprised at how challenging it was. Part of that is the feeling out process though - trying to figure out what my options are with the zombie interactions, what I’ll have for ammo, how the knife works, etc.


I gotta say, the tension and feeling of desperation at times was really great. Tons of zombies, and the lighting goes a long way. Love how they’re gonna emphasize things that were just one off things in the original, like boarding up windows and whatnot. I was surprised at the motion capture on the faces too. 


I’m really impressed. I think it’s gonna be really good. 

  • stepee 1
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I finally played it last night and very much to my surprise walked away feeling slightly lukewarm about it.


First, I think it'll be a great game in its own right, no doubt, but there are some issues in this demo version that I didn't expect. Some are a result from me directly comparing it to the original and some not.


-Huge button prompts for items and interactions can't be disabled separately from the reticle somehow. They are very disruptive to me and immediately give away item locations any essentially trivialize scouring of rooms which is integral to a RE game to me. I truly hope the Options menu changes in the retail version because no reticle is not an option but this is a truly horrible addition. If items needed to be very subtly highlighted maybe...but giant X prompts popping up on the environment upon entering a room killing discovery isn't going to work for me.


-Sound design is very unremarkable which is baffling for a remake of RE2, a game that partially lived on its gorgeous OST. Sometimes vague music cues play shortly upon entering a main area and then just cease and you're playing the game in near silence because the ambient sound backdrop isn't particularly interesting or strong. Zombies originally had kind of an eerie hollow moan to them which is replaced more with the modern Walking Dead 'angry snarly zombie' thing and it added to the overall flair of the ambiance being slightly generic.


-Weapon sounds are unfortunately pretty weak and I'm really surprised about that. Most RE titles always nailed this, why drop the ball now? The handgun sounds like a BB gun and the shotgun doesn't fare much better.


-I couldn't put my finger on this while playing but while I actually like the way the third person view is handled here with the non-TPS gunplay, the rooms kind of lose their unique identity without their set camera angles and musical cues. Rooms kind of blend together as you jog through them while in the original each one felt like its distinct location. It's not really something I'm holding against the game per say like the other points but I can't help but compare directly, it is a remake after all.


-Character movement feels...slightly weird. It mostly works fine and I got used to it but turning etc. has an unwieldy quality to it, kind of like RDR2's 'over-animation'. It feels kind of imprecise and floaty in some situations.


-Item screen has zero character...come on guys, how? The originals were iconic and there could've been a way more interesting balance between modernity and something appealing. But like my last point, this I don't actually hold against the game, just something I noticed.


So honestly, the stupid ass button prompts are my big problem and while it sounds nitpicky, I think it's actually pretty impactful and I truly hope they add a damn option to disable that separately from the reticle. It's something that actively pissed me off the entire time.


Now to my positives:


-The zombies are hands down the most faithful George Romero style I've seen in a video game and the gore effects and weapon impacts are insane. You can even down them and slice off their limbs on the ground as a tactical approach sort of. They're tough as fuck as a dead pump of meat should be and the amount of abuse they can take is not only faithful to the original games but makes sense to me. It feels right.


-I love that the longer you hold still, the more chance you get of a precision hit with the reticle closing in visually like that. It's simple but feels really cool and tactical, adding another "not an Action game" layer on top.


-Hit impacts and gun damage are unprecedented. The zombies must have an asinine amount of model work and layering in them. You can blow off...anything. Every bullet looks unique and every fucking zombie itself looks unique. They're actual characters.


-Graphics in general look really nice to me and the station looks beautiful overall. I like the addition of the flashlight and how he holds it up to the weapon when aiming. It looks truly gruesome seeing shots hit with that bleak pale light on their faces.


-Level design looks really tight and dense from what I saw. Lots of little locks, things you need items to access etc. everywhere. Love that shit.


-Despite my gripes regarding the sound design etc. it's still a very atmospheric game, the zombies play a huge part in that. I was actually intimidated and felt tons of hesitations turning corners and entering certain areas.


I probably have more but can't fucking type anymore...I'm on a phone for god's sake!





  • stepee 1
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I adore how tough they are. They'll even get back up after a while if you didn't completely blow their head off, despite being "dead."

It makes them actual threats, and, as I said, allows you to fire lots of shots, which I don't care about in old RE because the shooting was fucking trash, but it's fun to shoot here. So this gives me a nice compromise between firing lots of shots because it's fun, but also still using up a huge percentage of my ammo to down enemies, meaning running it still a tactical option and is often the smart move.

I hate how weak zombies have become in the series. Headshots were harder to get in the old days so it made sense they'd go down relatively quickly if you could manage it. But with direct control and slow moving enemies, headshots aren't a skill any longer. You're not "good" because you can land a headshot on a shambling bag of meat. That's the absolute minimum you should be doing. A group of 3 zombies can be just as scary as it was back in the day, without having to resort to gimped ass gameplay to get you there.

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1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Zombies were very strong in the first two games. Play the original RE2 and it takes like 10 shots to kill a zombie with the pistol.

Depends. You can get headshots and kill them pretty quick. But yeah if you’re just doing body shots they take a bunch. 


The trick in the old RE games was killing who you need to and the mastering mobility. It’ll be interesting if that’s the case here too. 

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Regarding headshots, you have to wait for that critical hit reticle. When the reticle zooms in and has a dot in the middle after you hold still for a sec, that's a critical/focused shot.


There's a decent chance of popping a head totally with one handgun bullet even but every zombie went down with three of those max, sometimes two. It's the game's little mini game of sorts to reward a good 'setup', as in keeping distance and really timing your shots. You can move the reticle once the critical hit one happens but only very carefully.


It's a really cool little idea because the temptation to just let loose due to panic instead of being slow and steady is always there.


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I thought he demo was good overall, but I'll probably wait for a good sale. 


The button prompts do stick out much more than the glossy shine of the previous games. Takes away from the immersion a bit as that shit is pretty gamey.


I thought the pistol sounded good, but I miss the old menu and sound effects of said menu. It is "soulless." I kinda miss menu-ing in general. Some games still have it but it really isn't the same. 


I dislike having to wait for precision and feels bad that zombies don't die in three head shots. I dislike not knowing when an enemy is really dead. Unless the head is blown apart you can't tell. I had a Zombie look totally intact but it was double dead.


Needing a knife to cut tape is pretty ig.


I miss the old slow door opening. Wouldn't really work in a game like this but I always loved the suspense it gave me especially when the music changed. Could just be nostalgia talking tho.


I find the overall darkness to be a negative. It kinda removes some of that uniqueness the rooms had in the previous games. Like there are now rooms that are totally dark and it just feels like another dark room and not a RE2 room.   


Edit: And, maybe it is cuz I am on PC using KB+M, but the gameplay feels somewhat generic. Or I mean the gunplay I guess. I honestly think that if I played on my PS4 it'd would feel more like a RE game. 

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