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Update: top Saudi official issued "death threat" against UN official investigating Khashoggi's murder

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Also, the spineless little shit Macron decided to have a sideline conversation at the G20 summit that was captured on video/audio.



"You never listen to me."


(a) Why the hell should he listen to someone with a 25% approval rating and whose country is practically in insurrection?

(b) And furthermore, why the hell is Macron talking to him to begin with?!?  The French intelligence services were provided with the tapes by Turkey.

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Lindsey Graham is such a tool. Such backpeddling and wearing his party bias out in the open with those comments. If they where democrats I would be all over them but since they are not I have so much resepect for them as a good soldier. He is only willing to blame Democrats.


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12 hours ago, mclumber1 said:


WTF does Graham mean though? 

If both a Democrat and a Republican were caught covering up a murder, I would assume the Democrat is guilty, and I would assume the Republican must have a perfectly innocent explanation. Because Democrats like to commit crimes, and Republicans are incapable.


Edit: Alternative explanation. If Pompeo and Mattis worked for a Democratic president, they would turn evil.

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  • 2 years later...
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Update: declassified US intelligence report states that Saudi Crown Prince "approved" Khashoggi capture/kill operation, but Biden administration will NOT penalize him

Just in case you were wondering...



The decision will disappoint the human rights community and members of his own party who complained during the Trump administration that the U.S. was failing to hold Mohammed bin Salman accountable.


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Decision not to punish royal over Khashoggi killing ‘leaves room to work on areas of mutual agreement’

Oh, this keeps getting better and better...




The White House spokesperson, Jen Psaki, stood by the move not to target the crown prince in an interview on Sunday, despite human rights groups and some senior Democrats expressing dismay that the administration had held him culpable, publishing an intelligence assessment that he had approved the killing of Khashoggi, without holding him accountable.


“We believe there [are] more effective ways to make sure this doesn’t happen again and to also be able to leave room to work with the Saudis on areas where there is mutual agreement – where there are national interests for the United States. That is what diplomacy looks like,” Psaki told CNN.


CNN cited two unnamed administration officials as saying sanctioning the prince had not been an option as it would have jeopardised the US presence in Saudi Arabia, where it has five bases. Consequently, the State Department was not even asked to present options for sanctioning Prince Mohammed.



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1 minute ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Decision not to punish royal over Khashoggi killing ‘leaves room to work on areas of mutual agreement’

Oh, this keeps getting better and better...




Thanks, Joe Biden. 

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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Update: White House attempts to "defend" decision to not punish Saudi crown prince MBS for Khashoggi murder
  • 4 weeks later...

What a great precedent you set by letting MBS off the hook, Joe.  Fantastic work.  Well done.



Senior official twice threatened to have Agnès Callamard ‘taken care of’ in meeting with UN colleagues in Geneva in January 2020


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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Update: top Saudi official issued "death threat" against UN official investigating Khashoggi's murder
6 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

What a great precedent you set by letting MBS off the hook, Joe.  Fantastic work.  Well done.



Senior official twice threatened to have Agnès Callamard ‘taken care of’ in meeting with UN colleagues in Geneva in January 2020


Wrestler GIF

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7 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Joe's foreign policy overall it's just as bad as I thought it would be. A curtailing of drone strikes, yes, but standard fare hawkish american imperialism as expected.


But we don't get late night/early morning crazy tweets about his foreign policy so it's okay. :daydream:

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51 minutes ago, Jason said:


But we don't get late night/early morning crazy tweets about his foreign policy so it's okay. :daydream:


TBH I watch a lot less news now that Trump is no longer President.  I don't have wonder/worry what insane 2 AM tweets the President sends out, so there is no point in watching the news!

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