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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga - Official Trailer #2


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First reactions are always hard to take too seriously, but first reactions are in and people are saying it's very good, not as good as Fury Road but very good, especially the cinematography. Definitely looking forward to it, even though the marketing for the film has made it look like a parody of a Mad Max film rather than a proper Mad Max film. The marketing for Fury Road found the right balance, for Furiosa they seemed to have amped everything up to 11 in the most obvious/silly ways.



Critics and other attendees are opening up about Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, George Miller's return to the Wasteland starring Anya Taylor-Joy.


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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:

Definitely looking forward to it, even though the marketing for the film has made it look like a parody of a Mad Max film rather than a proper Mad Max film.


I've seen all the Mad Max movies a bunch of times and I honestly don't think I have any idea what you mean by this!

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:

I've seen all the Mad Max movies a bunch of times and I honestly don't think I have any idea what you mean by this!


Like sometimes it looks like Watchmen for Babies joke type of stuff. The orange tone/coloring seems even brighter and used even more in the poster and in the marketing materials everything has a weird, fake looking sheen so all the props etc. look like a really expensive LARP session (or The Hobbit at 48fps) when Fury Road prided itself on numerous practical effects. Obviously it's Mad Max, everything is cranked up to 11 and ridiculous, but in the marketing there just seems a lot more imitation of Fury Road than anything. Says nothing about the movie, but just the vibe I get. Hemsworth's beard and nose also look strangely fake in the marketing materials as well. Everything just looks lower budget.

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I agree that something seems to be a little off about the movie just based on marketing alone. But the director usually doesn’t have any control over marketing so I won’t judge it for that. I do wish the movie was more visually distinct from Fury Road but WB wants audiences to know this is connected to that movie so I understand the choice.


A couple critics I trust seemed to really like it so I’m hopeful and excited.


EDIT: One critic I loved said it's great but a real swerve, like a Babe 2 Pig in the City level of swerve. Honestly that's what I hope for and I'm hyped.

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I'm even more excited hearing that it sets itself apart from Fury Road. My biggest real concern has been that it would be too similar and try too hard to recapture that magic. Hearing that it's good and different has me very hyped.

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16 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


Like sometimes it looks like Watchmen for Babies joke type of stuff. The orange tone/coloring seems even brighter and used even more in the poster and in the marketing materials everything has a weird, fake looking sheen so all the props etc. look like a really expensive LARP session (or The Hobbit at 48fps) when Fury Road prided itself on numerous practical effects. Obviously it's Mad Max, everything is cranked up to 11 and ridiculous, but in the marketing there just seems a lot more imitation of Fury Road than anything. Says nothing about the movie, but just the vibe I get. Hemsworth's beard and nose also look strangely fake in the marketing materials as well. Everything just looks lower budget.


I was kinda wondering if you thought Beyond Thunderdome was also more of a parody of Mad Max than an actual one, because I like that movie a lot but it's got some moments. :p

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3 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

I was kinda wondering if you thought Beyond Thunderdome was also more of a parody of Mad Max than an actual one, because I like that movie a lot but it's got some moments. :p


I like Beyond Thunderdome! It definitely has got some moments but still primarily comes off as a Mad Max movie (as I recall). That movie was also co-directed by another guy (George Ogilvie) since George Miller had just lost his close friend, producer Byron Kennedy, and needed an assist on making the movie as a result. I attribute a lot of the tonal whiplash in that film to that since it does feel different at times compared to all the other Mad Max films. And while it is a solid film, it's not as good as any of the others.


And if Furiosa leans into some of that same stuff, I can still like it but the marketing makes it look sometimes like a spoof than just a tonal change. I'm sure the film itself is good, but the marketing has been a turn off for me. 

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10 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I like Beyond Thunderdome! It definitely has got some moments but still primarily comes off as a Mad Max movie (as I recall). That movie was also co-directed by another guy (George Ogilvie) since George Miller had just lost his close friend, producer Byron Kennedy, and needed an assist on making the movie as a result. I attribute a lot of the tonal whiplash in that film to that since it does feel different at times compared to all the other Mad Max films. And while it is a solid film, it's not as good as any of the others.


And if Furiosa leans into some of that same stuff, I can still like it but the marketing makes it look sometimes like a spoof than just a tonal change. I'm sure the film itself is good, but the marketing has been a turn off for me. 


I'm watching it right now and I'd guess Max talks more in the first 15 minutes than he does in the previous 2 movies, him disarming himself in Bartertown is more or les sstraight comedy, Max feels like he could be a different person, etc. Not that the other Max movies aren't often absurd, this one is regularly just goofy, it's vaudeville. 

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33 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

I'm watching it right now and I'd guess Max talks more in the first 15 minutes than he does in the previous 2 movies, him disarming himself in Bartertown is more or les sstraight comedy, Max feels like he could be a different person, etc. Not that the other Max movies aren't often absurd, this one is regularly just goofy, it's vaudeville. 


I haven't seen it in a long while, but this is how I remember it to some degree. Sounds like it's even less Mad Max-like than I remember. Not exactly what we optimally want for Furiosa. I recall the film feeling much more like a traditional Hollywood blockbuster than the previous two, which didn't help. What would you rate each film on this rewatch?

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15 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I haven't seen it in a long while, but this is how I remember it to some degree. Sounds like it's even less Mad Max-like than I remember. Not exactly what we optimally want for Furiosa. I recall the film feeling much more like a traditional Hollywood blockbuster than the previous two, which didn't help. What would you rate each film on this rewatch?


Mad Max, 2, and Fury Road are all good to great.


Mad Max often looks like got made for the price of one meal at Five Guys but its generally relentless minimalism works in its favor. It's also got a somewhat unique place in apocalyptic fiction since stuff is right on the cusp of going to shit but isn't quiiiiite there yet which again feeds into the overall vibe.


Mad Max 2 is probably one of the best sequels ever. It manages to be better in just about every way compared to the original but doesn't really sacrifice anything in doing so. I haven't read or looked into its production at all so I've no idea if Miller felt like whatever he wanted to do with the original was compromised by its budget but it's just overall really great. And it goes without saying that the final chase scene is great and really holds up.


And Fury Road... I mean what can be said that hasn't been a million times. I don't know that there's a wasted scene in the whole movie.


Beyond Thunderdome is just so weird. The actual Thunderdome fight is interesting because of its novelty... how often do you see a really unique take on an action movie fight? But that arial combat is rad just because there's nothing else like it before or since. And once again, the last chase scene is really awesome. But man almost everything in between feels like it's from a completely different franchise and not in a particularly good way. Max agreeing to fight someone to the death for his car and gas seems like something he wouldn't just volunteer to do before or after this movie, 25% of the movie is Max fucking with carnival barkers, another 25% is him fucking around with kids... it's not great. For a series that otherwise tends to be lean, tight, and non-frivolous this one just... isn't any of that. And I don't have an issue with goofy movies or genre pivots in franchises or whatever. This just feels like a weird hedge where half of the movie is why you like Mad Max and the other half is apeshit in a totally different way. The intro song and end credit song being Tina Turner tracks is, again, bananas. She's in the movie, I get it, but it's fucking weird! It's just weird. And no joke I think it's an hour and forty six minutes long but it feels SO much longer. It's not terrible or anything, but I don't think it's good.

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The first 4 Mad Max movies, even though they share a director, feel like they take place in completely different universes and all have a completely different tone and feel.


Beyond Thunderdome is neither a good movie nor a good Mad Max sequel, but I have a lot of positive nostalgia for it. The original Mad Max is the weirdest, seemingly taking place in a society that was just kinda decaying... I guess the bombs hit soon afterwards... it's a movie that feels very dated. My favorite remains Road Warrior, which I could endlessly gush about...


I was never as in love with Fury Road as most people are. I find it very shallow and kinda goofy. The overall aesthetic is aces, the action is great, a lot of things about it are great... I understand why so many love it, but for me it just doesn't quite hit right. Something about it is off.


I have almost no desire to see this Furiosa movie. The trailers look fine, I just think I'm kinda over it. I dunno.




EDIT, LOL... I basically wrote this exact post 6 months ago and forgot it was in this thread...




All 4 Mad Max movies kinda feel like they take place in completely different versions of the apocalypse.



I was never as in love with Fury Road as most. I really liked a lot of things about it... but it didn't feel like a Mad Max movie. I loved the action sequences and overall aesthetic and pace... but found the plot and pretty much everything else to be severly lacking.


This trailer really doesn't do much of anything for me. Feels like it's leaning harder into the aspects of Fury Road I didn't enjoy. Looks too over the top and goofy. The portrayal of the apocalyptic world doesn't really make much sense in any of the films. but it made even less sense in Fury Road. It felt like a cartoon.


My favorite in the series is still Road Warrior.





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Reviews are beginning to come in. IGN and /FIlm each gave this movie a 10/10, Collider gave it a 7/10. Many more reviews will now be incoming, I'm sure. Very promising.



Our Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga review looks at the action epic from director George Miller starring Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth.



George Miller's prequel to Fury Road is a masterpiece that explores how the harsh Wasteland created a scene-stealing hero.



We shouldn't be comparing it to 'Fury Road,' but we can't help it either.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Saw it last night in IMAX and had a good time, but I didn't love it. Fury Road casts a enormous shadow that is impossible to ignore. Partly it's just the nature of a prequel, but I feel like it's more impactful here given the limited number of new characters and the presence of nearly every named character from Fury Road. Every recognition is an admission that we know the fate of a given character. Even setting that aside, so many of the best parts of Furiosa feel so much like Fury Road. While that is probably more of a compliment than an issue, it also just means that even at its best Furiosa feels like it's playing second fiddle.


I appreciate that Furiosa doesn't just try to one up Fury Road and instead sets itself on a different (albeit overlapping) path. This is a story told over a long period of time, that attempts much more world building, and simply has more discrete elements to it than the hyper-focus of Fury Road's singular chase. Still, even though I'm glad that Miller didn't try again to catch lighting in a bottle of the exact shame shape, I felt like the pacing was something to be desired. The same was true for the soundtrack. It felt like the score lost all presence whenever the movie slowed down, though it found it's footing when the action cranked up.


When the action does get going, it is as spectacular as you'd hope. There are times where Miller goes for broader scope then he ever attempted in Fury Road, but I found the best it to be the smaller scale vehicular combat.


One area where Furiosa matches Fury Road is in its performances. Both actresses playing the titular character perfectly channel the quiet rage fueling her, and the transition between them is as seamless as I've seen. My understanding is that whenever Alyla Browne is playing Furiosa she has some amount of digital alterations to make her look more like Anya Taylor-Joy, and the amount increases as the film goes on, but I never spotted any seams in that process. This film also has something of a Barbie dynamic, where I'd argue the female lead puts on a better performance, but the man just gets to have so much more fun. Chris Hemsworth completely steals every scene he's in.


Furiosa doesn't manage to eclipse the singular nature of Fury Road, but it's still a very worthwhile trip to the wasteland. It's a visual treat that tells a compelling story replete insane action that you should make time to witness.

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15 hours ago, TwinIon said:

Saw it last night in IMAX and had a good time, but I didn't love it. Fury Road casts a enormous shadow that is impossible to ignore. Partly it's just the nature of a prequel, but I feel like it's more impactful here given the limited number of new characters and the presence of nearly every named character from Fury Road. Every recognition is an admission that we know the fate of a given character. Even setting that aside, so many of the best parts of Furiosa feel so much like Fury Road. While that is probably more of a compliment than an issue, it also just means that even at its best Furiosa feels like it's playing second fiddle.


I appreciate that Furiosa doesn't just try to one up Fury Road and instead sets itself on a different (albeit overlapping) path. This is a story told over a long period of time, that attempts much more world building, and simply has more discrete elements to it than the hyper-focus of Fury Road's singular chase. Still, even though I'm glad that Miller didn't try again to catch lighting in a bottle of the exact shame shape, I felt like the pacing was something to be desired. The same was true for the soundtrack. It felt like the score lost all presence whenever the movie slowed down, though it found it's footing when the action cranked up.


When the action does get going, it is as spectacular as you'd hope. There are times where Miller goes for broader scope then he ever attempted in Fury Road, but I found the best it to be the smaller scale vehicular combat.


One area where Furiosa matches Fury Road is in its performances. Both actresses playing the titular character perfectly channel the quiet rage fueling her, and the transition between them is as seamless as I've seen. My understanding is that whenever Alyla Browne is playing Furiosa she has some amount of digital alterations to make her look more like Anya Taylor-Joy, and the amount increases as the film goes on, but I never spotted any seams in that process. This film also has something of a Barbie dynamic, where I'd argue the female lead puts on a better performance, but the man just gets to have so much more fun. Chris Hemsworth completely steals every scene he's in.


Furiosa doesn't manage to eclipse the singular nature of Fury Road, but it's still a very worthwhile trip to the wasteland. It's a visual treat that tells a compelling story replete insane action that you should make time to witness.


I agree with more or less all of this. The only thing I would add is that...



I disliked how little attention the film paid to the development of the relationship/animosity between Immortan Joe and Furiosa. Unless I missed some things the film completely glosses over a fair amount, like her transition from a bride-in-waiting to being part of his guard (it obviously shows how she earned that distinction, but it ignores how Joe responded to it), and though it shows how he brutalizes women other than the (rather uncomfortable!) scene with Rictus, her trials with Joe/at the Citadel are only hinted at. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing - it's good the story focuses on her agency and resilience - but since it transitions almost directly into Fury Road, its absence was noticeable. 


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I'm still deciding whether to go tomorrow or Monday to see this though it appears I won't have that much trouble finding a seat:



'Furiosa' is filing the lowest opening at the Memorial Day weekend box office with $31M-$30M, the lowest since 1983's 'Return of the Jedi'


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16 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I'm still deciding whether to go tomorrow or Monday to see this though it appears I won't have that much trouble finding a seat:



'Furiosa' is filing the lowest opening at the Memorial Day weekend box office with $31M-$30M, the lowest since 1983's 'Return of the Jed



was thinking of going tomorrow as well, checked the theater and no seats have been taken yet

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I went in with really low expectations and came out pleasantly surprised.


My wife went in thinking it would be good and was super disappointed. She saw it was them Wonder Womaning Furiosa by having a male actor blab throughout the entire movie relentlessly.

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11 minutes ago, Nokra said:

I've never seen any of the Mad Max movies :blush: but a friend wants to go see this soon. Will I be totally lost if I don't binge the others in the series before we go? 


Not at all as the films aren't connected to each other in any tangible way.

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14 minutes ago, Nokra said:

I've never seen any of the Mad Max movies :blush: but a friend wants to go see this soon. Will I be totally lost if I don't binge the others in the series before we go? 

Just got back from it.


I'd say Fury Road is essential even though this is a prequel. You might notice an easter egg if you see The Road Warrior but it's very, very minor.

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16 minutes ago, Nokra said:

I've never seen any of the Mad Max movies :blush: but a friend wants to go see this soon. Will I be totally lost if I don't binge the others in the series before we go? 


You don't need to see any of them before. It might actually make it better.

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4 hours ago, Nokra said:

I've never seen any of the Mad Max movies :blush: but a friend wants to go see this soon. Will I be totally lost if I don't binge the others in the series before we go? 


You probably only need to see Fury Road. A lot of people act like Mad Max never existed before that so it's a good place to start. :p

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This is a weird movie. I’m having a hard time articulating my feelings about it. The action is great, but everything in between set pieces is odd. It slows way down to focus on plot/characters, but also skips/hand waves a lot of the actual developments. 


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