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Romanian government boosts games industry with €94 million tech fund


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Romanian game developers were given a major boost at the Dev.Play conference in Bucharest today, when the national communications minister announced a €94 million investment fund for tech companies.


While that money will be available to all companies in the country's tech sector, the games industry is especially well placed to benefit from the fund; international publishers such as EA, Ubisoft, Bandai Namco and King all have offices in Romania, which often serve as co-development studios on major franchises.


That environment has spawned a thriving indie scene, composed of dozens of smaller studios for which funding is a major problem. 


"If we look at countries with a very developed games industry, such as the US, or Canada, or the UK, there are always several key elements there," said Catalin Butnariu, founder of Dev.Play, in his opening address at the conference today.


"You have a healthy startup and investment scene, you have government backing and support from local authorities, you have networking opportunities through conferences and other events, and you have an educational system that brings new qualified staff to fuel the sector."


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