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Gaza/Israel Update (09/02): general strike/mass protests in Israel pressure Netanyahu to agree to cease-fire deal

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I don't think it is unreasonable for Jews to conclude a lot of this is antisemitism. The average liberal had little to no knowledge of the conflict before 10/7 and have been crash learning about it from probably not the best sources, so it isn't really a surprise they're being clumsy with their language and their hot takes being antisemitic troupes. That's normal and expected when people learn about something quickly. I've had multiple friends, 2 in the bay area, wanting to learn more then realizing they know someone with a degree in international security who could explain it better than Tik Tok (me). 


None of that rises to actual antisemitism on its own though, but when you factor in other things, it raises some eye brows:

  • Top University Presidents can't tell Congress that calling for the genocide of the Jews is bad. 
  • Lefties and liberals, who pride themselves on being culturally aware and careful about not saying the wrong thing, keep repeating the same troupes despite being told why its bad. 
  • 120,000 ethnic Armenians were ethnically cleansed in the fall and nobody cared, but everyone has an opinion on Israel and Palestine. 
  • Wholesale denial of sexual violence for months. 
  • Repeated 'mistakes' by media outlets reporting on the war in Hamas' favor. 
  • The left's one state solution being either incredibly naive or willfully being okay with a massive ethnic conflict.  
  • Really worrying statistics regarding Gen Z's views on the Holocaust. 


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1 hour ago, Jwheel86 said:

Repeated 'mistakes' by media outlets reporting on the war in Hamas' favor. 


I think that this one could be attributed to the outcome of attempts to be more even-handed in the reporting of this conflict relative to the past when the Israeli side was viewed as the "default" rather than either overt or implied anti-semitism.

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11 hours ago, TUFKAK said:

I misspoke, it’s present here but not to the degree my post made it seem to be, so I’ll walk it back but won’t retract it. Aka river to the sea is just a way to express concerns towards the Israeli govt!

Antisemitism is present on the left so it follows it’s here too, again, I welcome you to come to SF and witness what I’m referencing. It’s not like they’re hiding it. I no shit had a coworker imply 10/7 was a false flag from Mossad, guess what side they line up on too.

i’ve spent almost my whole life in the bay area so i’m aware of how SF is. which is why i said it’s probably a good call to not bring your sister there. i could definitely see somebody doing something. i haven’t followed antisemitic crimes in SF but with all the other stuff that’s happened especially the violence against asians, it makes sense you wouldn’t want her there. 

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There's a sense of negligence through some packets on the american left, when constantly told that there's no money for no brainer social issues while writing whole scrip for Ukraine and Israel. Israel most painfully since it ebbs into global hypocrisy. Politics have been getting dangerously for a while and this feels like backlash over diverging social mores. Us vs. them just isn't cutting it anymore.

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Is it not possible that the reaction of some on the left is a result to the complete lack of of empathy shown by many pro-israel people? A ton of nuance is left out on both sides of the matter.


I personally am against what Israel has been doing in Gaza. It only has one result and that is the deaths of thousands of innocents while pursuing the few. It wont ultimately fix anything. Bombing ideologies clearly does not fix anything. One would think people would have figured that out after Iraq and Afghanistan.


The only way to improve Gaza and get Hamas kicked out or tamed is via education and an improved economic situation. Both of which has been repressed by Israel and Egypt for over a decade via their blockades. Hell, Hamas has at this point been in control of schools in Gaza for a long time which has only allowed them to spread their propaganda. If this bombing had an actual end goal beyond turning the Gaza Strip to rubble it may be justified but at this point Israel has gone way too far.


Oddly enough to keep this mess from possibly spreading I would be in support of passing aid to Israel that only is released upon a larger conflict occurring with say Hezbollah or Iran. Israel doesn't need help with the Gaza Strip.


BTW economic prosperity matters a crap ton. Just look at the Mexican states where factories have moved in with better paying jobs and such. Far less corruption and nearly zero cartel activity. When people have their basic needs met they are far less likely to take drastic measures.

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6 minutes ago, Link200 said:

Out of curiosity, at what point will people on this forum believe Israel has gone too far? Where exactly is that line?


I can only speak for myself, but Tel Aviv crossed that line for me around the third week of the current conflict when it became clear that the overall goal of the operation was effectively the depopulation of Gaza.

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24 minutes ago, Link200 said:

Out of curiosity, at what point will people on this forum believe Israel has gone too far? Where exactly is that line?


Yeah. I'm not really all that outspoken about it but that point for me was like October 8th lol.

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53 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

When Israel is caught committing horrific sexual violence against Palastian women.

So the deaths of thousands of Palestinian women and children isn't enough? They need to first rape them?


Interesting position to take.

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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I can only speak for myself, but Tel Aviv crossed that line for me around the third week of the current conflict when it became clear that the overall goal of the operation was effectively the depopulation of Gaza.


Yeah, same for me. 

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11 hours ago, Link200 said:

Out of curiosity, at what point will people on this forum believe Israel has gone too far? Where exactly is that line?

I’m no fan of how the IDF is almost happy that Hamas hides within civilian populace and buildings as an excuse for extra destruction, however, for me to “switch sides” it would involve (serious/actual) peace talks from Gaza that Israel ignores to continue their campaign. 
The major problem is that I have no idea how Hamas can be “defeated” without major conflict. I don’t believe carrying out operations in a surgical method is all that possible in a place as densely populated as Gaza, and given how brutal the IDF ground forces can be (let alone their frontline units), I truly don’t believe an entirely ground-based operation would be less horrific unless we’re only talking about immediate casualty numbers.


EDIT: to be clear and to clarify - no one here is rooting for the complete destruction of Gaza and/or needless civilian deaths. No one.

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16 hours ago, Link200 said:

Out of curiosity, at what point will people on this forum believe Israel has gone too far? Where exactly is that line?


Level of destruction combined with the lack of a desired political outcome (besides "remove Hamas").

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The Houthis continued attacking and harassing US naval forces and commercial shipping in the Red Sea on January 14 and 15. US fighter aircraft shot down an anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) fired from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen toward the USS


Looks like the IDF has withdrawn 7 brigades and a Division HQ from Gaza. 



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Iran's had a busy couple of missile-launching days:



Iran says it launched attacks Tuesday targeting what it described as bases for the militant group Jaish al-Adl. Pakistan did not immediately acknowledge the attack.




Iran launched attacks Tuesday in Pakistan targeting what it described as bases for the militant group Jaish al-Adl, state media reported, potentially further raising tensions in a Middle East already roiled by Israel’s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


Confusion followed the announcements as some of the reports soon disappeared. However, any attack inside of nuclear-armed Pakistan by Iran would threaten the relations between the two countries, which long have eyed each other with suspicion while maintaining diplomatic relations.


The reported attack follows Iranian strikes on Iraq and Syria less than a day earlier, as Tehran lashes out following a dual suicide bombing this month claimed by the Sunni militant group Islamic State that killed over 90 people.


The state-run IRNA news agency and state television had said that missiles and drones were used in the strikes in Pakistan, which were not immediately acknowledged by the Pakistani government.



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Iran sure is talking a big game. How high are the chances of them having any follow-through outside of if Israel directly attacks Iran (which I doubt they would)? I’m guessing it’s somewhere in the negative percentage range as I cannot imagine Iran actually wanting a direct/open military conflict with Israel. :p 

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The strikes against eight sites come as the Iran-backed militant group remains defiant and the region teeters on the edge of a wider war.

But the planned nighttime strikes on Monday, which hit radars, as well as drone and missile sites and underground weapons storage bunkers, were smaller than the first retaliatory salvos on Jan. 11. Those hit more than 60 targets in nearly 30 sites across Yemen in an expansion of the conflict in the Middle East that the Biden administration had sought to avoid.

This middle ground reflects the administration’s attempt to chip away at the Houthis’ ability to menace merchant ships and military vessels but not hit so hard as to kill large numbers of Houthi fighters and commanders, and potentially unleash even more mayhem into a region already teetering on the edge of a wider war.

President Biden said on Thursday that U.S. airstrikes against the Houthis would continue. “Are they stopping the Houthis? No,” Mr. Biden said. “Are they going to continue? Yes.”


On Sunday, Jon Finer, a deputy national security adviser, offered a glimpse into the administration’s emerging strategy toward the Houthis forged in several high-level White House meetings in recent days, senior U.S. officials said.

“They have stockpiles of advanced weapons provided to them in many cases, or enabled to them in many cases, by Iran,” Mr. Finer said on ABC News’s “This Week.” “We are taking out these stockpiles so that they will not be able to conduct as many attacks over time. That will take time to play out.”


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Pelosi went on CNN and said that she thinks some of the Gaza protests are "connected to Russia." Woof.



Pelosi speculated that some of the demonstrators are “connected to Russia” amid mounting protests over President Joe Biden’s handling of the war.


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1 minute ago, Ricofoley said:

Pelosi went on CNN and said that she thinks some of the Gaza protests are "connected to Russia." Woof.



Pelosi speculated that some of the demonstrators are “connected to Russia” amid mounting protests over President Joe Biden’s handling of the war.



It's correct that Russia would definitely stoke this, but jfc is it irresponsible to just go out and wildly speculate about it with zero evidence.

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It's bad enough that I went off on my former roommate for engaging in some old-fashioned Russian anti-Semitism (referring to Israelis as "so-called Jews" and parroting the age-old Jewish Bolshevism conspiracy theory) that I don't need Nancy Pelosi feeding that monster with baseless, reprehensible accusations like this one.

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1 hour ago, Ricofoley said:

Pelosi went on CNN and said that she thinks some of the Gaza protests are "connected to Russia." Woof.



Pelosi speculated that some of the demonstrators are “connected to Russia” amid mounting protests over President Joe Biden’s handling of the war.



I'm sure this will help Biden win the young and minority vote in November

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6 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I honestly cannot believe that Pelosi failed to see how this sort of bullshit only serves the interests of the anti-Semites.

I’ve dealt with her family before 


im not, they’re so fucking myopic and stuck in their bubbles they don’t get it 

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10 hours ago, Subzwari1987 said:


I'm sure this will help Biden win the young and minority vote in November

I’m sure Trump will criticize his buddy Bibi and call for an unconditional ceasefire and a two state solution. I’m absolutely sure of it.

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7 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I’m sure Trump will criticize his buddy Bibi and call for an unconditional ceasefire and a two state solution. I’m absolutely sure of it.

Beyond a doubt


Biden is just the worst. Trump 2024!

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