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Gaza/Israel Update (09/02): general strike/mass protests in Israel pressure Netanyahu to agree to cease-fire deal

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Amid Gaza’s devastation and soaring death toll, medical volunteers in a field hospital in a soccer stadium try to save lives during Israeli airstrikes.




20-month-old Amir Taha lies silently on the bed – his fluffy hair sticking up, his baby soft skin violated by a raw, jagged wound across his forehead. Purple bruises swell around one of his big brown eyes.


He’s an orphan now, his aunt says, with his parents and two of his siblings killed in an Israeli strike – one attack in the devastating war on Hamas in Gaza that Israel launched after militants carried out murderous cross-border raids targeting Israeli civilians on October 7.


Amir’s loss adds to the overwhelming human toll in the tiny territory of Gaza where more than 18,000 people have been killed, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza.

But he does not know that yet, his aunt Nehaia Al-Qadra told CNN. He is too young to understand.


“They found Amir in his mom’s arms laying in the street,” Al-Qadra said. “His sister died, his brother died, his uncle, and his other sister is injured in the hospital… Here we are, he doesn’t have a mother or a father or an older sister or brother. Now it’s just us two and God.”


Amir wants his father. “Yesterday he saw a nurse that looked like his dad, and he kept screaming ‘Dad! Dad! Dad!’” Al-Qadra said. When she needs to calm him, she shows the toddler a video of his father.





Amir will recover from his physical wounds with the treatment he is now getting at a field hospital in Rafah, in southern Gaza, set up by the United Arab Emirates government.


With local hospitals overwhelmed by the sick and injured looking for help from facilities that have been damaged or destroyed, the UAE operation is a rare functioning, well-equipped, well-staffed place that can offer help to the most serious cases.


CNN was able to see their work on a brief visit this week, the first Western media outlet to get access into southern Gaza to report independently. Israel and Egypt have previously made it next to impossible for international journalists to witness firsthand the toll on civilians. Israel’s military have taken American media, including CNN, on brief escorted trips into northern Gaza.



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While such videos are not unique in conflict zones, critics say the images, largely shrugged off in Israel, reflect a national mood that is highly supportive of the war in Gaza, with little empathy for the plight of Gaza's civilians.




Israeli soldiers rummaging through private homes in Gaza. Forces destroying plastic figurines in a toy store, or trying to burn food and water supplies in the back of an abandoned truck.


Troops with their arms slung around each other, chanting racist slogans as they dance in a circle.


Several viral videos and photos of Israeli soldiers behaving in a derogatory manner in Gaza have emerged in recent days, creating a headache for the Israeli military as it faces an international outcry over its tactics and the rising civilian death toll in its punishing war against Hamas.


The Israeli army has pledged to take disciplinary action in what it says are a handful of isolated cases.


Such videos are not a new or unique phenomenon. Over the years, Israeli soldiers — and members of the U.S. and other militaries — have been caught on camera acting inappropriately or maliciously in conflict zones.


But critics say the new videos, largely shrugged off in Israel, reflect a national mood that is highly supportive of the war in Gaza, with little empathy for the plight of Gaza’s civilians.


“The dehumanization from the top is very much sinking down to the soldiers,” said Dror Sadot, a spokeswoman for the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, which has long documented Israeli abuses against Palestinians.



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17 minutes ago, Subzwari1987 said:

The Israeli military said troops mistakenly "identified three Israeli hostages as a threat."



I'm told this has to continue until Hamas releases all the hostages. I suppose killing all the hostages themselves is another way to draw this down. 

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9 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

All these people who’ve never been on a two way gun range with opinions should tell me more 😂


Quick, relate it to COD too! The IDF didn’t get the HUD patch you warriors have.

Oh for sure, I can't imagine the physical and mental pressure these soldiers are under. I wouldn't want to be a solider for any government that would use me as a pawn for their agenda. That's why I'd never enlist as an American. I don't think that's an option for people in Israel though, they have forced "service" right? 

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1 hour ago, Ominous said:

Oh for sure, I can't imagine the physical and mental pressure these soldiers are under. I wouldn't want to be a solider for any government that would use me as a pawn for their agenda. That's why I'd never enlist as an American. I don't think that's an option for people in Israel though, they have forced "service" right? 

Some can get deferments, like my sister which I still don’t know how and I dont wanna know, but compulsory service is the norm. But not all of them are combat arms either.


I tell everyone only enlist to n the military if it betters your life, don’t be like my dumb ass, or you end up living a lifetime of regret.


In country I never went infantry on infantry, but I did in training and guess who fucked up in Mojave  viper by hitting a non combatant target during training. It’s real easy to make those mistakes even in training scenarios.


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18 minutes ago, Jason said:

I can understand the guys in the heat of the action getting hot but the leadership is encouraging it, not attempting to keep it under control. 

Leadership doesn’t really control to the small unit level as much as is widely believed, and small units are the edge of the sword.


in the corps we had a racist derogatory term for the Iraqis, just watch generation kill to see it as that was the corps I knew.

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War is, as much as anything else, tribal. It always has been, and as long as humans contain our current DNA, always will be. We can say all we ant about justice and equality and all that, but in the end a decent amount of people like to see the "other" tribe be killed/ruined. Then the cycle just repeats forever. That's not to say that we don't also contain qualities that can override that with time, education, and experience, but we're a mixed bag.

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Details of Hamas torturing and raping civilians: no comments


People in US Congress saying rape is just a “tool of war”: no comments 


3 Israeli Civilians killed by friendly fire: “lol Israel sure does love killing civilians!”


It’s all horrible. Dead innocents, tortured innocents, hiding as and among civilians to intentionally increase dead innocents, indiscriminately bombing and leveling huge areas of a city, war; all of it. 

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15 hours ago, TUFKAK said:

Some can get deferments, like my sister which I still don’t know how and I dont wanna know, but compulsory service is the norm. But not all of them are combat arms either.

Mandatory conscription in Israel is only for Jews: 2 years for women, 3 years for men. There are a few exemptions; typically the exemptions are religious, disability, and/or medical (but there’s likely a few more - I know in some cases you’re able to do civil-service for 3-4 years instead). And, yes, the religious exemption is used by like over 95% of the ultra-Orthodox in Israel and it’s one of the reasons why most Israelis typically hate them - this portion of the Jewish population in Israel, who doesn’t serve like most everyone else, are also the largest supporters of Netanyahu and the main reason all of this current BS is happening.
I mentioned it earlier itt but just to reiterate, as it’s worth stating again since we’re on the subject, 10% of Israel’s active duty military are Arabs, and 3-5% of the overall active duty IDF are Palestinian-Israelis. They all have volunteered for service as they are not required to serve, and the number of Arabs in the IDF has been steadily increasing year over year and the IDF is happy to have them (at least they claim to be :p).

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Israel Says 3 Hostages Bore White Flag Before Being Killed by Troops



The military said the mistaken killing of the three men, who had been shirtless, was a violation of its rules of engagement.




The Israeli military on Saturday said three hostages mistakenly killed by Israeli troops had been shirtless, unarmed and bearing a makeshift white flag. The troubling details of how they died have created widespread anguish and prompted renewed calls for a pause in the fighting to allow more hostages to be released.


The military, which acknowledged that the killings violated its rules of engagement, announced the deaths on Friday, hours after saying it had recovered the bodies of three other Israeli hostages in Gaza.


Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevy, the Israeli military chief of staff, said on Saturday that the three hostages had done “everything so that we would understand” that they were harmless.


“The shooting of the hostages was carried out contrary to the open-fire regulations,” he said. “It is forbidden to shoot at those who raise a white flag and seek to surrender.”





Describing the results of a preliminary inquiry, the Israeli military said on Saturday that its soldiers had been operating in Shejaiya, an area of Gaza City that had seen intense fighting. The soldiers were on alert for attempts by Hamas to ambush Israeli forces, possibly in civilian clothes, the military said.


The three hostages emerged without shirts from a building tens of yards away from the Israeli soldiers, bearing a stick with a white cloth, the military said. One soldier, believing the men posed a threat, opened fire, killing two of them and wounding the third, the early investigation found.


The third hostage fled into the building, from which a cry in Hebrew for help could be heard, the military said. The battalion commander ordered the forces to hold their fire. But the wounded hostage later re-emerged, after which he was shot and killed, the military statement said.



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15 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I’m purposefully not counting @SuperSpreader or @TUFKAK

Hey, I said one thing: “good” when my sister was missing, since then Ive been consistent on wanting this shit ended but still siding with Israel in the abstract.


I own the mistake on accepting the reports of infants beheaded and everything else I’ve said I still believe, but never once did I laugh at dead non combatants in Gaza.

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3 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Hey, I said one thing: “good” when my sister was missing, since then Ive been consistent on wanting this shit ended but still siding with Israel in the abstract.


I own the mistake on accepting the reports of infants beheaded and everything else I’ve said I still believe, but never once did I laugh at dead non combatants in Gaza.

I’m referencing the posts regarding the torture and the post regarding the congress members claiming rape is a “tool of war” having no comments except for you and Spreader. Not that you or SuperSpreader laughed at dead Palestinians: no one here has done that… dead Israelis, though.

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Just now, Spork3245 said:

I’m referencing the posts regarding the torture and the post regarding the congress members claiming rape is a “tool of war” having no comments. Not that you or SuperSpreader laughed at dead Palestinian: no one here has done that… dead Israelis, though.

Ah gotcha, my apologies, misunderstood the intent.

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2 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Ah gotcha, my apologies, misunderstood the intent.

I had to read your post twice before I realized the misunderstanding :p 


Like, here’s your post with the article regarding the rape and torture: https://www.dayonepatch.com/topic/19047-hamas-has-penetrated-the-gaza-border-street-fighting-underway-in-southern-israel/?do=findComment&comment=662012

If there were comments/replies about it besides Spreader, I’m honestly missing them as I skimmed back twice to check.

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On 12/16/2023 at 6:12 PM, Spork3245 said:

I’m purposefully not counting @SuperSpreader or @TUFKAK


If you meant that people were "lol"ing at Israel killing Israeli citizens in this thread, I didn't see any user in this thread do that. And I didn't see you three comment on all of SFLUFAN's posts about all the Gazan children dying, etc. yet I'm not assuming any of you are "no commenting" on some things means anything. I think you're being super presumptuous about Ominous, Jason and Subzwari just because they haven't liked the Israeli government's and the IDF's response since the initial attack by Hamas. I thought initially you just meant you'd seen that amongst fringe far-left groups online in general, not users in this thread. Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

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2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


If you meant that people were "lol"ing at Israel killing Israeli citizens in this thread, I didn't see any user in this thread do that.




I took this as a tongue-in-cheek "they looked like a threat because they looked like civilians, lol". There were also "lols" early ITT that I'm pretty sure were cleaned up, especially when there were calls by some in the Israeli government to give all civilians access to firearms with some comment like "well hey, we'll get more dead Israelis if they do this!" or some BS.


2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

And I didn't see you three comment on all of SFLUFAN's posts about all the Gazan children dying, etc.


We're also not making jokes about it so it's not even close to an equivalency and I'm not sure what your point is. Plus, I have been repeatedly critical ITT of Israel using the fact that Hamas uses Palestinians civilians as shields as an excuse for "added collateral" by hitting near/around/at civilian buildings without hesitation. 


2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

 I think you're being super presumptuous about Ominous, Jason and Subzwari just because they haven't liked the Israeli government's and the IDF's response since the initial attack by Hamas. I thought initially you just meant you'd seen that amongst fringe far-left groups online in general, not users in this thread. Maybe I'm misunderstanding.


No, I'm calling it as I see it.

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37 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:




I took this as a tongue-in-cheek "they looked like a threat because they looked like civilians, lol". There were also "lols" early ITT that I'm pretty sure were cleaned up, especially when there were calls by some in the Israeli government to give all civilians access to firearms with some comment like "well hey, we'll get more dead Israelis if they do this!" or some BS.



We're also not making jokes about it so it's not even close to an equivalency and I'm not sure what your point is. Plus, I have been repeatedly critical ITT of Israel using the fact that Hamas uses Palestinians civilians as shields as an excuse for "added collateral" by hitting near/around/at civilian buildings without hesitation. 



No, I'm calling it as I see it.

Wait those posts are gone, I see how people are missing why we responded as we did.






Theres a world of difference between accidentally killing someone versus deliberately killing them, until the day I see an orchestrated deliberate effort from the IDF to do what Hamas did it will never be an equivalency to me. Get back to me when the IDF as a weapon of war hammers nails into a woman’s orifices after gang raping her.

I’m sorry I keep harping on this, but you all have no idea what a single tank can actually do against a paramilitary force, or against inferior tech, let alone a combined arms force, if Israel wanted to brutalize Gaza they could and there’s not a damn thing anyone but the US could do to stop it. 

And yea, I’m personally offended people like me who accidentally killed non combatants are compared to the horrific shit those monsters did in Israel deliberately. When 40% of a population are children the collateral loss will reflect that too, it’s horrifying but it’s just the reality of this situation.

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5 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


I remembered there being others but I didn't see them just a moment ago and thought I was going insane. Thank for confirming that they existed :p 

It removes major context as to why I assumed you were responding to me too.


But that’s why I referenced what a tank can do against a para-military force, if Israel wanted to just kill civilians, they have no reason to even send infantry in. It’s such a stupid fucking comment to make designed to incite people.


hell a tank can be turned into arty too, we were trained to do it in the corps, so just park all the merkavas on the border max elevate and go to town. No reason to send them in at all of that was the goal. American concepts of war are warped by our deliberate minimal responses and strict ROEs.

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1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:

I took this as a tongue-in-cheek "they looked like a threat because they looked like civilians, lol". There were also "lols" early ITT that I'm pretty sure were cleaned up, especially when there were calls by some in the Israeli government to give all civilians access to firearms with some comment like "well hey, we'll get more dead Israelis if they do this!" or some BS.


We're also not making jokes about it so it's not even close to an equivalency and I'm not sure what your point is. Plus, I have been repeatedly critical ITT of Israel using the fact that Hamas uses Palestinians civilians as shields as an excuse for "added collateral" by hitting near/around/at civilian buildings without hesitation. 


Well if there were posts that I never saw then I can't speak to that - I agreed already that if such comments were made, then yes, that's bad. And my only point was not commenting on something isn't indicative of anything if someone later comments on something else, that was all. Based on the posts I saw in this thread, there didn't seem to be anything aggressive but I came late to this it seems.


35 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Wait those posts are gone, I see how people are missing why we responded as we did.






Theres a world of difference between accidentally killing someone versus deliberately killing them, until the day I see an orchestrated deliberate effort from the IDF to do what Hamas did it will never be an equivalency to me. Get back to me when the IDF as a weapon of war hammers nails into a woman’s orifices after gang raping her.

And yea, I’m personally offended people like me who accidentally killed non combatants are compared to the horrific shit those monsters did in Israel deliberately. When 40% of a population are children the collateral loss will reflect that too, it’s horrifying but it’s just the reality of this situation.


If posts are gone, there's nothing I can do about that so I'll grant that now. Cruelty on one side doesn't beget horrific acts by the other though - numbers also play a role when taking into account how a war is going, not just the brutal initiating act (though that matters too). Condemning one as worse doesn't take away the cruelty of the other (and that goes both ways). I also don't see any posts comparing the two in some direct way but again, there seem to be posts that are now gone.

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17 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

And my only point was not commenting on something isn't indicative of anything if someone later comments on something else, that was all.

I think there’s a misunderstanding: it’s not the “not commenting on one thing but commenting on something else”, it’s how they are commenting on that something else.

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9 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I think there’s a misunderstanding: it’s not the “not commenting on one thing but commenting on something else”, it’s how they are commenting on that something else.

I mean at what point is there a difference between bombing where you know civilians are, because you told them to go there, and just shooting them? I see no difference.  Both sides suck. Both sides would Thanos the other side out of existence if they could. There is no good. There is no less bad. It's a fucked up situation that I suspect will never be resolved unless everyone comes to their right minds and realizes that killing over land or some made up religion(s) is insanity. 

Of all the penetration threads, this is the least enjoyable. 

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