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Gaza/Israel Update (09/02): general strike/mass protests in Israel pressure Netanyahu to agree to cease-fire deal

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13 minutes ago, outsida said:

I’m a believer of Hanlons Razor but this strains belief that this was merely incompetence. 


It's a combination of incompetence/hubris on the part of the Israelis and genuine misdirection on the part of Hamas by lulling Tel Aviv into thinking that they no longer had the desire for military confrontation.

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48 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


It's a combination of incompetence/hubris on the part of the Israelis and genuine misdirection on the part of Hamas by lulling Tel Aviv into thinking that they no longer had the desire for military confrontation.


Wasn't there also something earlier ITT about Bibi wanting Hamas to be reasonably powerful as a useful boogeyman? 

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Tanks reported on outskirts of Khan Younis


Yolande Knell

BBC Middle East correspondent, in Jerusalem


Witnesses and local journalists in Gaza are reporting that they have seen Israeli tanks and armoured vehicles on the outskirts of Khan Younis in the south.


They say they are to the east, by the areas of Abasan, and Khuzaa, which is nearest to the boundary fence with Israel.


Israel’s military has already air-dropped leaflets in parts of the south, telling Palestinians to move to other areas.


Israel Defense Forces spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, has said wherever there is a Hamas stronghold, the IDF operates.


Since fighting resumed in Gaza with the collapse of last week’s truce, Israeli air strikes have intensified in the south.


Many of the Palestinians recently killed had fled here from fighting elsewhere in the strip.





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John Bolton, the former Republican US national security adviser, has proposed to the UK’s foreign affairs select committee that the Gaza Strip be split into two territories, with Gaza north of the Wadi Gaza River administered by Israel and an area to the south run by Egypt.


Bolton added that he would abolish the UN relief works agency, UNRWA, which he said had “developed an institutional culture of sustaining the refugee status of Palestinians”.


His proposal would involve large numbers of Palestinians leaving Gaza permanently. Bolton said his it would mean Palestinians were no longer stuck in the eternal hell of Gaza, a place he described as a terrorist state.


Bolton said it was clear that the refugees from Gaza would not be able to be resettled in Israel, since that was not consistent with Israel’s security needs. He added that Israel had made it clear it was not even going to provide work visas. As a result, he said, they should be resettled in third countries.


“This is not forcible population removal but doing what we did after world war two – we find other countries that will accept refugees and give them asylum. They have to be put in places where they are part of a functioning economy. Otherwise they do not have the dignity of providing for themselves,” he said.


Bolton, who acted as national security adviser to Donald Trump, warned that if the current population was allowed to stay in Gaza they would be in an “Orwellian situation where there is no future and the Palestinian people will become victims once again”.


He described his plan as an interim solution and claimed it was legal since there was an unresolved mandate for Gaza dating to the League of Nations, and the previous responsibility of the British had not been clearly handed to anyone else.


Bolton’s plan is based on the presumption that Gaza and the West Bank will not form a state as part of a wider two-state solution. His proposal echoes proposals circulating in the Israeli government.


Washington has ruled out such a proposal but as Gaza becomes slowly uninhabitable due to Israeli bombardment, the US could reluctantly change its policy to seek homes for Palestinians away from Gaza.



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14 minutes ago, Jwheel86 said:

Egypt occupies Gaza, Jordan occupies the West Bank under a UN mandate to build Palestinian governance capability and the Palestinian economy, Saudi Arabia pays for it. There is your peace plan. 





Arab states do something outside of issue proclamations.




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The Muslim-dominant Middle Eastern and Arab countries surrounding Israel and Palestine have never been interested in taking on the Palestinian refugee situation or the land shared with Israel that the Palestinians live in given the political and economic implications. Egypt isn't even trying to be helpful right now, just as one example. It sucks but that's the case.

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IDF chief announces new phase of Gaza invasion


Israel’s top military commander has said his forces are encircling the city of Khan Younis in southern Gaza as he announced the “third phase” of Israel’s ground offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


At a press conference today, Lt Gen Herzi Halevi, chief of Israel’s general staff, said Israel Defense Forces (IDF) had eliminated “many operatives, including senior commanders”, over the last few days, the Times of Israel reported. He said:


After 60 days since the beginning of the war, our forces are surrounding the Khan Younis area in southern Gaza. At the same time, we are working to deepen the achievement in the northern part of the Strip. Anyone who thought that the IDF would not know how to resume the fighting after the truce was mistaken. Hamas is feeling this strongly.


He said the IDF had “captured many Hamas strongholds in northern Gaza” and that it was now operating “against its centres of gravity in the south”.

Israel’s military knew in advance that Hezbollah would resume its attacks on Israel’s north after the weeklong truce with Hamas, he added.



IDF in the heart of Khan Younis on most intense day of fighting, it says


An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander has said that its forces have been engaged in “the most intense day” of fighting since the start of their invasion of Gaza.


Yaron Finkelman described it as “the most intense day since the beginning of the ground operation – in terms of terrorists killed, the number of firefights, and the use of firepower from the land and air.”


A statement said Israeli forces are now fighting “in the heart of Jabaliya, in the heart of Shejaiya, and now also in the heart of Khan Younis.”


The Kremlin smells opportunity:



Vladimir Putin will travel to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia on Wednesday on a rare overseas trip to discuss the Israel-Hamas war as Moscow seeks to reassert Russia’s role in the Middle East.


Hamas, which most western countries consider to be a terrorist group, is on good terms with Russia, frequently sending delegations to Moscow.


Qatar, the west’s preferred interlocutor with Hamas, has been unable to find the basis for a further hostage swap between Israel and the Palestinian group, the precondition for a second humanitarian pause, so Putin has relatively little to lose by intervening now.


On Thursday he will host the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi. The two leaders last spoke by phone on 16 October. Raisi has been unable to persuade leaders of the Gulf states to do more to support Hamas, such as impose an oil boycott on Israel.


Iran has been accused by Israel and the UK of being behind the attacks on the Red Sea undertaken by Houthi rebels on western-lined international shipping. Western countries have accused Tehran of supporting Russia’s offensive in Ukraine by providing it with large quantities of drones and other weaponry.


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US officials expect the current phase of Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza targeting the southern end of the strip to last several weeks before Israel transitions, possibly by January, to a lower-intensity, hyper-localized strategy that narrowly targets specific Hamas militants and leaders, multiple senior administration officials tell CNN.




US officials expect the current phase of Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza targeting the southern end of the strip to last several weeks before Israel transitions, possibly by January, to a lower-intensity, hyper-localized strategy that narrowly targets specific Hamas militants and leaders, multiple senior administration officials tell CNN.


But as the war enters this new ground phase in the south, the White House is deeply concerned about how Israel’s operations will unfold over the next several weeks, a senior US administration official said. The US has warned Israel firmly in “hard” and “direct” conversations, they said, that the Israeli Defense Forces cannot replicate the kind of devastating tactics it used in the north and must do more to limit civilian casualties.


The US has conveyed to Israel that as global opinion has increasingly turned against its ground campaign, which has killed thousands of civilians, the amount of time Israel has to continue the operation in its current form and still maintain meaningful international support is quickly waning.





Both in public and in private, Israeli officials maintain that part of their end goal is to weaken Hamas to such an extent that the group can never repeat the attack that it unleashed on Israel on October 7. That goal, one senior US official told CNN, is unlikely to be achieved by the end of the calendar year, and Israel is expected to continue pursuing that objective in the next phase of the conflict that US officials see as a “longer-term campaign.”


An Israeli official agreed that a transition is likely to come in the next few weeks, saying: “We are in a high-intensity operation in the coming weeks, then probably moving to a low-intensity mode.”





Israel can’t maintain high-intensity operations indefinitely


Current US assessments also show that Israel simply cannot maintain its level of high-intensity operations indefinitely, especially the mobilized reservists, a source familiar with the intelligence said. Israel has also needed to respond to near-daily attacks by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah on its northern border — another reason Israeli forces will likely need to transition to more targeted raids once they have cleared as many Hamas militants based in Gaza as they can, the source said.


US officials are hopeful that Israel will move to a more targeted strategy by January, which will resemble how the US transitioned away from high-intensity combat in Iraq and Afghanistan to a more narrow campaign against terrorist leaders, senior US officials told CNN. Israeli officials have indicated that that is their intention, one of the officials said.



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Simchat Greyman had to pause several times when describing the evidence of sexual violence he saw when recovering the bodies of victims of the October 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel.

 Simchat Greyman had to pause several times when describing the evidence of sexual violence he saw when recovering bodies of victims of the October 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel.

 One body was so severely brutalized that he and his colleagues from ZAKA, the ultra-orthodox Jewish human remains recovery organization, couldn’t tell whether it was a man or a woman.



 Mounting evidence

 The evidence of sexual violence presented during the session at the UN was ample and overwhelming and came from different sources.

 While Greyman spoke about his experience from the search and rescue operations, Yael Richert, a superintendent with the Israel Police, shared information gathered during the investigation so far.


She said survivors of the terror attack told investigators they witnessed Hamas terrorists perpetrating sexual violence against the victims. She quoted testimonies of several individuals all of whom either directly witnessed sexual violence or saw clear evidence of it.

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4 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Caveat of massive trigger warning


i stopped at the nail part, yeah no. Absolute monsters. 


I've read other ones and have seen women ask why feminists and allies don't seem to care about Jewish women.


Edited- "If you're a Jew you're supposed to just take it because quietly the world thinks you deserve it." (Not verbatim)

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Just now, SuperSpreader said:


I've read other ones and have seen women ask why feminists and allies don't seem to care about Jewish women. 

I have my own opinions of that which I won’t share here, but it’s very apparent and the silence is deafening.

  • True 1
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