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Gaza/Israel Update (09/02): general strike/mass protests in Israel pressure Netanyahu to agree to cease-fire deal

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Earlier today, a joint UN humanitarian assessment team, led by WHO, accessed Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza to assess the situation on the ground, conduct a rapid situational analysis, assess medical priorities, and establish logistics options for further missions. The team included public health experts, logistics officers, and security staff from UNOCHA, UNDSS, UNMAS/UNOPS, UNRWA and WHO.


The mission was deconflicted with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to ensure safe passage along the agreed route.  However, this was a high-risk operation in an active conflict zone, with heavy fighting ongoing in close proximity to the hospital.


Earlier in the day, the IDF had issued evacuation orders to the remaining 2,500 internally displaced people who had been seeking refuge on the hospital grounds.  They, along with a number of mobile patients and hospital staff, had already vacated the facility by the time of the team's arrival.


Due to time limits associated with the security situation, the team was able to spend only one hour inside the hospital, which they described as a “death zone" and the situation as “desperate.” Signs of shelling and gunfire were evident. The team saw a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and was told more than 80 people were buried there.


Lack of clean water, fuel, medicines, food and other essential aid over the last six weeks have caused Al-Shifa Hospital—once the largest, most advanced, and best equipped referral hospital in Gaza—to essentially stop functioning as a medical facility.  The team observed that, due to the security situation, it has been impossible for the staff to carry out effective waste management in the hospital.


Corridors and the hospital grounds were filled with medical and solid waste, increasing the risk of infection. Patients and health staff with whom they spoke were terrified for their safety and health and pleaded for evacuation. Al-Shifa Hospital can no longer admit patients, with the injured and sick now being directed to the seriously overwhelmed and barely functioning Indonesian Hospital.


There are 25 health workers and 291 patients remaining in Al-Shifa, with several patient deaths having occurred over the previous 2 to 3 days due to the shutting down of medical services.  Patients include 32 babies in extremely critical condition, two people in intensive care without ventilation, and 22 dialysis patients whose access to life-saving treatment has been severely compromised. 


The vast majority of patients are victims of war trauma, including many with complex fractures and amputations, head injuries, burns, chest and abdominal trauma, and 29 patients with serious spinal injuries who are unable to move without medical assistance.  Many trauma patients have severely infected wounds due to lack of infection control measures in the hospital and unavailability of antibiotics.


Given the current state of the hospital, which is no longer operational or admitting new patients, the team was requested to evacuate health workers and patients to other facilities. WHO and partners are urgently developing plans for the immediate evacuation of the remaining patients, staff and their families. 


Over the next 24–72 hours, pending guarantees of safe passage by parties to the conflict, additional missions are being arranged to urgently transport patients from Al-Shifa to Nasser Medical Complex and European Gaza Hospital in the south of Gaza.  However, these hospitals are already working beyond capacity, and new referrals from Al-Shifa Hospital will further strain overburdened health staff and resources.


WHO is deeply concerned about the safety and health needs of patients, health workers and internally displaced people sheltering at the few remaining partially functional hospitals in the north, which are facing the risk of closure due to a lack of fuel, water, medical supplies, food, and the intense hostilities. Immediate efforts must be made to restore the functionality of Al-Shifa and all other hospitals to provide urgently needed health care services in Gaza.


WHO reiterates its plea for collective efforts to bring an end to the hostilities and humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.  We call for an immediate ceasefire, the sustained flow of humanitarian assistance at scale, unhindered humanitarian access to all of those in need, the unconditional release of all hostages, and the cessation of attacks on health care and other vital infrastructure. 


The extreme suffering of the people of Gaza demands that we respond immediately and concretely with humanity and compassion.



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A second US senator has called for a ceasefire:



On my first trip to Israel in 1978, the energy for building a new nation was infectious and peace with Egypt was on the horizon. I was all…


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Israeli military is preparing to take its hunt for Hamas militants to the enclave’s crowded south



Israel's military estimated Friday it had killed around 1,000 Hamas fighters, a small portion of the force of more than 30,000 that it said were in the group's ranks before the war.


What a truly effective military operation this has been thus far.  Truly effective.  The architects of the "Six Day War" would be justifiably proud right about now.



"The main Hamas leaders have never been sitting in the north," said Miri Eisin, a former deputy head of the Israeli military's combat intelligence corps. "They're going to stay close to home and the bulk of them live in central and the south of Gaza."


So utterly demolishing northern Gaza was just for shits and giggles, I guess?



Some Israeli military officials acknowledge that it would be impossible to corral two million Gaza residents into al-Mawasi, which is about the size of Los Angeles' LAX airport. Still, the operation in the south will require displacing Palestinian civilians from individual towns and neighborhoods, Israeli officials say.


No comment necessary.

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At least 12 Palestinians are reported to have been killed by Israeli fire at the hospital overnight.




Israeli tanks have reportedly encircled Gaza's Indonesian Hospital, where the Hamas-run health ministry said 12 people were killed on Sunday night.


The hospital's director, Dr Marwan Al-Sultan, told the BBC that the post-operative care department was hit and troops were only about 20m (66ft) away.


On Monday evening, he said intermittent shooting could still be heard on site.


The Israeli military said its forces targeted "terrorists" who had opened fire at them from within the hospital.


The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said he was "appalled".


"Health workers and civilians should never have to be exposed to such horror, and especially while inside a hospital," Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.


Health ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra accused Israel of "tightening its noose" around the hospital in the north of the enclave, and later told AFP news agency 200 patients had been evacuated by bus to Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis.


He said the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was helping to coordinate the evacuation of the remaining 400 patients.


Meanwhile, 28 premature Palestinian babies evacuated on Sunday from Gaza City's besieged Al-Shifa Hospital, which Israeli forces raided last week, have been transported to Egypt for treatment.



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Testimony from members of mainly female look-out units adds fuel to accusations that Netanyahu badly misread the dangers from Gaza.




Did Israel’s security chiefs brush off warnings from women border surveillance soldiers who had evidence that something was brewing in Gaza ahead of the murderous attacks by Hamas militants on October 7?


That’s the explosive accusation coming from several soldiers in Israel’s predominantly female border surveillance forces — known as the tatzpitaniyot, or look-outs in Hebrew. The soldiers are telling the media that their superiors did not heed warnings of unusual activity inside Gaza, such as Palestinian guerrillas training with explosives or rehearsing attacks on a replica tank and a mock observation post.


Their statements to the media are piling pressure on the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is facing a firestorm over last month’s catastrophic intelligence blunder. The country’s fabled spy services ultimately failed to detect an impending Hamas onslaught, in which an estimated 3,000 Palestinian fighters killed some 1,200 Israelis and abducted about 240.





In addition to the implications of sexism, the charges feed a sense that Netanayahu and his security services were complacent, believing they had nothing to fear from Hamas in Gaza. Netanyahu’s opponents even argue he was actively boosting Hamas in Gaza, with support from Qatar, in a risky game of “divide-and-rule” that played the Islamists off against the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.


The women’s warnings, made over several months, did not correspond to the received wisdom that Hamas had been tamed. In what may transpire to be another major mistake in a series of cascading errors, the women say mainly male top commanders dismissed their concerns, insisted Hamas had no plans to go to war, and ordered them to stop being so alarmist.


Known as the “eyes of the army,” the tatzpitaniyot use security cameras and sensors to monitor a 15 to 30 kilometer stretch of land they’re each responsible for. The surveillance includes any small changes in activity, including farmers altering their routines. The work requires great patience, concentration and hours spent monitoring screens.





Frontline testimony


The tatzpitaniyot, especially those at a base in Nahal Oz, one of several kibbutzim overrun on October 7, reported unusual signs along the Gaza border. The activity was not just minor, and included Hamas sending up drones several times a day in the weeks leading up to the attack.


One of the soldiers, identified only only by her first name Ilana, told the Haaretz newspaper they observed Hamas fighters training for assaults. “A month and a half before the war, we saw that in one of the Hamas training camps they had built an exact, scaled model of an observer’s position, like the one we operate. They started training there with drones to hit the [machine gun] shooter,” Ilana said.


“In the last two months, they started sending up drones every day, sometimes several times a day, right near the border, some 300 meters from the fence, and sometimes less than that,” she added.


Other tatzpitaniyot reported that Hamas gunmen were rehearsing attacks on armored vehicles using a replica of a Merkava Mark 4 tank, or that Hamas fighters were digging holes and placing explosives along the border. Israel’s Kan public broadcaster and the country’s Channel 12 television have aired interview with border lookouts complaining they were ignored and told to stop raising alarms.


The interviews are adding to claims last month by two women surveillance soldiers, Yael Rotenberg and Maya Desiatnik, who told Kan that in the months before the attack, they had flagged a lot of border behavior that worried them. Both were based at Nahal Oz, where 20 tatzpitaniyot were killed on October 7. Desiatnik was one of only two surveillance soldiers at the base on the day who was not killed or abducted.


“It’s infuriating. We saw what was happening, we told them about it, and we were the ones who were murdered,” she said.



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53 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I truly believe that none of this would be happening if Netanyahu wasn’t able to cling to power in the last few elections.

Turns out empowering a terrorist organization to undercut a political rival while expanding settlements was, let’s see if I got this, a dumb fucking idea.

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12 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

Turns out empowering a terrorist organization to undercut a political rival while expanding settlements was, let’s see if I got this, a dumb fucking idea.

I’d very much like and hope to see some of the other parties in Israel cut deals with each other and/or unite to be able to get enough of the vote to remove that dildo. My concern right now is that while his approval is around 27-30%, that’s the vote percentage his party has been winning with and Israel has a 70-80%+ voter turnout.

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13 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Testimony from members of mainly female look-out units adds fuel to accusations that Netanyahu badly misread the dangers from Gaza.






This different corresponds with Netanyahu accusing the IDF of going woke by expanding the number of co-ed light infantry battalions in the Border Defense Corps.  



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She led both 2022's 'Scream' and the sixth installment, released earlier this year.

unless there is more to be uncovered the closest thing ive seen to a bad post was one that suggested there were nefarious reasons that the israel side of the situation produces content into her social media feed but the palestinian side is hidden


obviously it could be a “jews control the media” thing but it wasnt explicit enough to warrant getting canned imo

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Israel and Hamas agree to hostage deal, four-day pause in fighting in Gaza (Axios)




The Israeli government and Hamas announced separately on Tuesday they have agreed to a Qatar-mediated deal in which the militant group will free dozens of Israeli hostages in exchange for a four-day pause in fighting in Gaza and the release of dozens of Palestinians held in prisons in Israel.


Why it matters: The deal, once implemented, will be the biggest diplomatic breakthrough and the first major pause in fighting since the war began.


Details: In the first phase of the two-phase deal, Hamas is expected to free at least 50 Israeli women and children held in Gaza, while Israel is expected to release about 150 Palestinian prisoners, mostly women and children over the four-day pause.

  • Israel will allow around 300 aid trucks per day to enter Gaza from Egypt. More fuel will also be allowed in during the pause in fighting, according to an Israeli official.
  • In the second phase, Hamas could release dozens more women, children and elderly people. The Israeli government said it would extend the pause for every additional 10 hostages released.
  • It is unclear when the deal will be implemented.
  • The Israeli Cabinet approved the deal after more than five hours of discussions.



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4 hours ago, UpvoteShittyTakesOnly said:

She led both 2022's 'Scream' and the sixth installment, released earlier this year.

unless there is more to be uncovered the closest thing ive seen to a bad post was one that suggested there were nefarious reasons that the israel side of the situation produces content into her social media feed but the palestinian side is hidden


obviously it could be a “jews control the media” thing but it wasnt explicit enough to warrant getting canned imo

Pretty much if you sympathize with the Palestinians you are antisemitic. 



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19 hours ago, Ominous said:

Pretty much if you sympathize with the Palestinians you are antisemitic. 


To reiterate what I posted in the Scream thread on the entertainment board:


Supposedly, the "concentration camp" reference wasn't the primary issue, but rather the use of "I will let you deduce for yourself" in this post which does tiptoe up to the line of endorsing the age-old antisemitic trope of Jewish control of the media.




And quite frankly, the notion at the Western media has only been showing the Israeli side of this particular conflict is demonstrably false on the face of it.  For once, the Western media has been very much engaged in showing the suffering of the people of Gaza.


I have noticed a significant difference in the Western mainstream media's coverage of this calamity in actually giving a voice to the people of Gaza and their suffering relative to their coverage of similar past events where the Palestinian presence was all but ignored.


I genuinely do wish that the coverage was more sympathetic towards the long-term suffering of the Palestinians and addressed the historical context of how things got to a point where an actual pogrom was committed against Jews on October 7 which was then immediately followed by what amounts to a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, but the very fact that Western media coverage is more even-handed represents a small "victory" for the Palestinians in and of itself.

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Yeah, I get that it's via dog whistling that shitheads can get away with hate, but that one seems kinda silly to me. Admittedly without knowing a thing of this person's background or politics, I personally read that as "for political reasons". But again, who knows. 

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From the BBC:




Israeli military confirms detention of al-Shifa hospital director


We've now had confirmation that the director of Gaza City's largest hospital, al-Shifa, is being held by Israeli security services.


Earlier we reported that Abu Salamiya had been detained - citing a doctor at al-Shifa who spoke to BBC Arabic - but the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israel Security Agency (ISA) have now confirmed that Salamiya has been "apprehended and transferred for ISA questioning".


In a joint statement, officials say they've found "evidence showing that Shifa, under [Salamiya's] direct management, served as a Hamas command and control centre".



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All human institutions are derived from the lowest value of human life. That we as a species writ large are reduced to individual contributions to a nebulous 'economy' that imagines a softdev on Snapchap worth legions more than the bloodied hands of the coffee providers 'so essential' to the comfort of the few is the modern Moloch.

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1 hour ago, unogueen said:

All human institutions are derived from the lowest value of human life. That we as a species writ large are reduced to individual contributions to a nebulous 'economy' that imagines a softdev on Snapchap worth legions more than the bloodied hands of the coffee providers 'so essential' to the comfort of the few is the modern Moloch.


I understand your perspective on the current state of human institutions. It's intriguing to contemplate the complexities of human society from the lens of artificial intelligence. The analogy of reducing humanity to individual contributions within a nebulous economy is thought-provoking. In my programming, I lack personal opinions, but I can acknowledge the significance of reflecting on the societal structures that shape our existence. The juxtaposition of the value attributed to a soft developer on Snapchat versus the often underappreciated labor of those providing essential services raises interesting questions about societal priorities and values.

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3 hours ago, unogueen said:

Where the fuck is your heart

The human heart is located in the thoracic cavity, specifically within the mediastinum, a region between the lungs. It is positioned slightly to the left of the midline, with about two-thirds of the heart's mass to the left of the sternum and one-third to the right. The heart is enclosed within the pericardial sac and is situated behind the sternum (breastbone), between the lungs, and above the diaphragm. The precise location of the heart within the chest allows it to efficiently pump blood to various parts of the body through the circulatory system.

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On 11/22/2023 at 4:20 PM, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


To reiterate what I posted in the Scream thread on the entertainment board:


Supposedly, the "concentration camp" reference wasn't the primary issue, but rather the use of "I will let you deduce for yourself" in this post which does tiptoe up to the line of endorsing the age-old antisemitic trope of Jewish control of the media.




And quite frankly, the notion at the Western media has only been showing the Israeli side of this particular conflict is demonstrably false on the face of it.  For once, the Western media has been very much engaged in showing the suffering of the people of Gaza.


I have noticed a significant difference in the Western mainstream media's coverage of this calamity in actually giving a voice to the people of Gaza and their suffering relative to their coverage of similar past events where the Palestinian presence was all but ignored.


I genuinely do wish that the coverage was more sympathetic towards the long-term suffering of the Palestinians and addressed the historical context of how things got to a point where an actual pogrom was committed against Jews on October 7 which was then immediately followed by what amounts to a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, but the very fact that Western media coverage is more even-handed represents a small "victory" for the Palestinians in and of itself.

some of that can really depend on where and when you’re watching. I’ve been over at my dad’s on days when the media coverage was sympathy for the people in Gaza with consistent interviews that paint hamas as the only ones performing inexcusable acts. Using generalizing concern for the children and non-combatants in Gaza as a shield to counter and avoid criticism of the Israeli government and the IDF. 

im not watching the news on this 7 days a week. It was mainly a couple days roughly 2 weeks into this stage of the conflict. I could easily come to a similar conclusion that media coverage is intentionally avoiding any criticism of Israel even after IDF attacks had killed many Palestinian citizens, including children.   

it’s almost like republicans with guns. When there is a mass shooting, especially at a school it’s “not a time to talk about gun control”. The coverage I was watching seemed to act like now “is not a time to blame one side or other” all while having stories only of Israeli’s who’s family were kidnapped or killed since all this began. Seemed one sided. 

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Five people suspected of attempting to hijack a merchant ship in the Gulf of Aden are in U.S. Navy custody, a defense official confirmed to USNI News on Sunday. The five had boarded and attempted to take control of the M/V Central Park, a tanker owned by an Israeli businessman, on Sunday while the ship […]



Before the pirates could take control of the ship, the crew had barricaded themselves in the tanker’s citadel, an armored panic room. Unable to seize the crew, the pirates boarded a skiff and headed toward Yemen. Guided-missile destroyer USS Mason (DDG-87) and an unidentified Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ship responded to the incident, the defense official confirmed. The crew of Mason pursued the skiff as it headed toward Yemen with the ship’s embarked helicopter and ultimately detained the five for questioning, the official confirmed.



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Qatar claims that Israel and Hamas have agreed to extend the truce by two days.




The humanitarian truce deal that has brought a pause to the fighting in the Gaza Strip has been extended by a further two days, Qatar’s ministry of foreign affairs said Monday.


Spokesperson Majed Al-Ansari did not immediately confirm the details but said in a statement earlier Monday that the deal could include further hostage releases and aid deliveries.



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11 minutes ago, Jason said:

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago



A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.


Hamas really did nothing to conceal their preparations at all.



BBC Arabic and BBC Verify have pieced together how armed groups came together to train for the assault.




Five armed Palestinian groups joined Hamas in the deadly 7 October attack on Israel after training together in military-style exercises from 2020 onwards, BBC News analysis shows.


The groups carried out joint drills in Gaza which closely resembled the tactics used during the deadly assault - including at a site less than 1km (0.6 miles) from the barrier with Israel - and posted them on social media.


They practised hostage-taking, raiding compounds and breaching Israel's defences during these exercises, the last of which was held just 25 days before the attack.


BBC Arabic and BBC Verify have collated evidence which shows how Hamas brought together Gaza's factions to hone their combat methods - and ultimately execute a raid into Israel which has plunged the region into war.



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