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Gaza/Israel Update (09/02): general strike/mass protests in Israel pressure Netanyahu to agree to cease-fire deal

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It's fascinating that during this American ships and baes in the region have been repeatedly fired upon and the US military has done multiple airstrikes in Syria targeting Iranian linked military bases and it's barely even being discussed in the mainstream news...


I mean, you know, someone somewhere thinks maybe we should maybe consider options beyond "BOMB EVERYTHING NOW NOW NOW" and thus they hate all jews and are basically nazis for having that opinion... let's focus on that. I think Rashida Talib made a thoughtful nuanced statement, let's call her a terrorist, dehumanize her and threaten to lock her up for treason. That will make this whole thing better. I think it's really important that anyone who has any opinion beyond LET'S TURN GAZA INTO RUBBLE is a known anti-semite America hating monster worthy of imprisionment or death.


It's really starting to remind me of post 9/11 America and how much we all lost out minds.


You know what, I still remember people ripping me to shreds for not wanting to go to war after 9/11, and guess what, I was right then and I am right now... We can do better. We need to do better.



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Israeli aerial strikes on the Palestinian territory have reduced parts of the north to rubble.



The pictures, released by Maxar Technologies, compare detailed images captured from space earlier this week with images from before the recent conflict began. 


They show three areas in the north of Gaza where aerial attacks have left dozens of tower blocks completely destroyed or badly damaged as well as large areas of tightly packed buildings reduced to piles of grey rubble.



Beit Hanoun, a settlement in the north-eastern corner of Gaza that is just 2km (1.2 miles) away from the border with Israel, is one area shown to have been badly affected. The Israeli military have said the area is a hub for Hamas and it was one of the first areas where Israel warned residents to leave.





The area of Beit Hanoun shown below sits on the main road to the Erez border crossing. Several multi-storey buildings that were visible just over two weeks ago are now barely standing.






The Hamas-run housing ministry has estimated that about 45% of all the housing units in the territory have been either completely destroyed, rendered uninhabitable or damaged. An estimated 1.4 million people are internally displaced.


Thousands of Palestinians have fled their homes in the north of Gaza after being told by the Israeli military to leave for their own safety - but some have returned to the north because strikes are also being carried out in the south.






Al Karama, shown below, sits on Gaza's northern coast on the Mediterranean sea. Areas just behind the main coastal road, where several hotels are located, have been hit by Israeli strikes.





In Atatra, which is about 3km (1.8 miles) south of the Israeli border, more than 20 high-rise blocks and several buildings have been badly damaged. A sports facility just south of the tower blocks, seen in the image below, was covered by grey ash from the attacks.




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3 minutes ago, CayceG said:

Because he wanted to neuter the political power of the PLO.

I dunno about anyone else but if you prop up evil, that makes you just as evil.

Its funny to me how people are shocked pikachu facing over the thing they helped create. Its like getting blown up by your own homemade bomb and then blaming the bomb. Yeah Hamas is evil but Israel got exactly what they asked for. 

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1 minute ago, Air_Delivery said:

Its funny to me how people are shocked pikachu facing over the thing they helped create. Its like getting blown up by your own homemade bomb and then blaming the bomb. 


It's not like we don't have first-hand experience with this identical situation in the United States.


Nope, not at all.

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15 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

They pushed the president to show more empathy toward Palestinians and to support a cease-fire.

Biden is trying to make everyone happy. 


Which is absolutely impossible in this situation.


From Justin Amash (remember him?):




The ongoing destruction of Gaza is horrific. Countless innocent civilians are being killed or severely injured. My Orthodox Christian relatives have nothing to do with terrorism, but they haven't been spared from death, pain, and grief.


When I spoke with a family member several days ago, I heard the blast of an airstrike near the church and the fear in his voice. He hadn't slept in days. Young relatives woke up startled, terrified they might not survive. Now we can't even communicate with any of them.


Children make up about half the population of Gaza. Among those who are fortunate to survive Israel's bombardment, many will forever be traumatized and resentful. This is not a viable path forward for Palestinians or Israelis who hope for a peaceful future.



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This could explain why Israeli ground incursions have taken the form of limited raids so far:



Washington’s advice to mount “surgical” operations instead contrasts with the public U.S. backing of an Israeli military campaign.




The Biden administration is urging Israel to rethink its plans for a major ground offensive in the Gaza Strip and instead to opt for a more “surgical” operation using aircraft and special operations forces carrying out precise, targeted raids on high-value Hamas targets and infrastructure, according to five U.S. officials familiar with the discussions.


Administration officials have become highly concerned about the potential repercussions of a full ground assault, the officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive diplomatic matters, and they increasingly doubt that it would achieve Israel’s stated goal of eliminating Hamas. They also are concerned that it could derail negotiations to release nearly 200 hostages, particularly as diplomats think they have made “significant” advances in recent days to free a number of them, potentially including some Americans, one of the officials said.


The Biden administration also is worried that a ground invasion could result in numerous casualties among Palestinian civilians as well as Israeli soldiers, potentially triggering a dramatic escalation of hostilities in the region, the officials said. U.S. officials think a targeted operation would be more conducive to hostage negotiations, less likely to interrupt humanitarian aid deliveries, less deadly for people on both sides and less likely to provoke a wider war in the region, the officials said.




Despite their private warnings, American officials do not have great confidence that Israel will reverse its intent to wage a large-scale ground offensive. Although the United States has considerable leverage over Israel as its largest military, political and economic backer, U.S. officials have not threatened to withdraw support or impose any consequences on the Jewish state if it forges ahead with its own plans.

As U.S. officials have conveyed their preference for a lighter operation, Israeli forces have conducted limited raids into Gaza in recent days, although it is not clear that those forays were in response to Washington’s urging.

U.S. officials said they are advising Israel to adopt such raids as a central part of its strategy for hunting Hamas. But Israel has cast them as part of “preparations for the next stages of combat,” an apparent reference to the full-scale ground offensive. Daniel Hagari, a spokesman for the IDF, said Friday that Israel was expanding its ground operations, but he did not announce an invasion or say that forces had entered Gaza.




U.S. Defense Department officials recently dispatched a team of officers, including Marine Lt. Gen. James Glynn, to Israel to offer recommendations on how to carry out military operations in an urban environment. Although Glynn served in conventional operations in the Iraq War as an infantryman, he also has deep experience in counterterrorism, having led a Special Operations task force that hunted Islamic State militants in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2017 and 2018.


Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, said Tuesday that Glynn and his colleagues were dispatched “to help Israeli officials think through the kinds of questions that they need to consider as they conduct their planning, including advice on mitigating civilian casualties.” Pentagon officials, asked whether they were recommending that Israel lean on surgical strikes and raids, declined to comment but did not dispute the idea.




As doubts about the advisability of a ground invasion have grown in the United States and even among some in Israel, some Jewish Democratic lawmakers have called for a humanitarian pause in the violence to allow aid to get into Gaza. Reps. Jamie B. Raskin (Md.), Sara Jacobs (Calif.) and Susan Wild (Pa.) issued a joint statement this week calling for such a pause.


Regarding the part that I emphasized above regarding UMSC  Lt. Gen. James Glynn, it would appear that he failed to persuade Tel Aviv, as per this tweet/X/whatever from Pentagon correspondent Jared Szuba:




USMC Lt. Gen. James Glynn, dispatched by Pentagon to advise Israel on risks inherent in an invasion of Gaza Strip, has returned to the US.


“Make no mistake: what is, has or will unfold in Gaza is purely an Israeli decision.” -USMC commandant Gen. Eric Smith told reporters.



That does sound quite ominous.

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For the record, Lt. Gen. James Glynn was involved in urban combat operations in Fallujah in 2004 and Mosul in 2017, so if he looked at whatever the hell the IDF has planned for Gaza and said "I don't want any part of that at all" to his boss (the USMC Commandant) then that's what I would call a significantly-less-than-positive development.

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13 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Netanyahu likely thinks blood will save his political career. As horrific as this has been, it’s likely to get worse.

I don’t see any diplomatic solution to this and nobody else is willing to help either so here we are. 

Even a limited incursion into Gaza with spiral out of control.

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46 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

I don’t see any diplomatic solution to this and nobody else is willing to help either so here we are. 

Even a limited incursion into Gaza with spiral out of control.

Israel helped create the conditions for no diplomatic solution by electing corrupt Zionist scum like Netanyahu (he isn't actually Zionist but leverages their vote for power like Trump with evangelicals but it amounts to the same thing). I want to be on Israel's side but its hard when they do the bullshit they do. 

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41 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

I don’t see any diplomatic solution to this and nobody else is willing to help either so here we are. 

Even a limited incursion into Gaza with spiral out of control.

No, a diplomatic solution isn’t possible at this point, however, I’m talking about surgical strikes into areas vs a full on invasion. Netanyahu likely plans to salt the earth.

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1 minute ago, Air_Delivery said:

Israel helped create the conditions for no diplomatic solution by electing corrupt Zionist scum like Netanyahu. I want to be on Israel's side but its hard when this do the bullshit they do. 

There’s a reason why only ~25% of votes went to Netanyahu in the last election and why his approval rating is currently sitting under 30%.

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6 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

There’s a reason why only ~25% of votes went to Netanyahu in the last election and why his approval rating is currently sitting under 30%.

Which as a people israeli's generally are far more modern, educated and pretty much better than the Palestinians. But the Zionists/ultra orthodox hold out sized power and they fuck it up for everyone. 

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8 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Which as a people israeli's generally are far more modern, educated and pretty much better than the Palestinians. But the Zionists/ultra orthodox hold out sized power and they fuck it up for everyone. 

Part of the problem with Israeli politics is that there’s actually too many “viable” political parties. There are currently 14 different parties that hold seats on Israel’s version of parliament (none of which fall under “independent”). It’s a strange dynamic when compared to our system that more-or-less only ever has two viable parties to choose from at any given time, as having too many also allows a minority to continually put the worst person in charge.

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22 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Israel helped create the conditions for no diplomatic solution by electing corrupt Zionist scum like Netanyahu (he isn't actually Zionist but leverages their vote for power like Trump with evangelicals but it amounts to the same thing). I want to be on Israel's side but its hard when they do the bullshit they do. 


I doubt an Israeli Labour Government would be handling things much differently. 

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30 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Israel helped create the conditions for no diplomatic solution by electing corrupt Zionist scum like Netanyahu (he isn't actually Zionist but leverages their vote for power like Trump with evangelicals but it amounts to the same thing). I want to be on Israel's side but its hard when they do the bullshit they do. 

As spork said he has limited support and the Palestinians have never been on board with a diplomatic solution either, “from the desert to the sea” after all.

30 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

No, a diplomatic solution isn’t possible at this point, however, I’m talking about surgical strikes into areas vs a full on invasion. Netanyahu likely plans to salt the earth.

I believe any incursion will escalate, lose a few IDF soldiers and there will be a larger call to action. 

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