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Gaza/Israel Update (09/02): general strike/mass protests in Israel pressure Netanyahu to agree to cease-fire deal

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500 people doe, why would Hamas lie? I can’t think of a reason.


I’ll need more information before believing these pictures but still, leftists doing what they complain about would just be chefs kiss. Hey, maybe the IDF munition was a dud to explain that.


i say this as a radical leftist too. Be consistent people, at least I fucked up because my emotions were scattered in a full blown anxiety attack. I own my failure in believing the beheading information Ftr.

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2 hours ago, TUFKAK said:

500 people doe, why would Hamas lie? I can’t think of a reason.


I’ll need more information before believing these pictures but still, leftists doing what they complain about would just be chefs kiss. Hey, maybe the IDF munition was a dud to explain that.


i say this as a radical leftist too. Be consistent people, at least I fucked up because my emotions were scattered in a full blown anxiety attack. I own my failure in believing the beheading information Ftr.

You stated it last night so I didn’t bother posting it, but my first thought regarding if one of Hamas’ rockets could’ve created an explosion of that size was “a hospital in Gaza likely has (many) gas powered generators and gas reserves for them considering who controls the power lines in Gaza”.

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I'll repeat here what I posted elsewhere this morning. 


Based on this morning's photos, it appears more likely that this was a failed Hamas rocket. I also hope the initial casualty figures were higher than they ultimately turn out to be. But whether it was an accident or an attack doesn't matter. People are dead who shouldn't be and Israel is responsible for setting the conditions of this apparent accident. Without the apartheid state that Israel has created and the conflict it has nurtured, this accident would have been much less likely to happen. 





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14 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I said this before and I'll say it again: the British do not get nearly enough blame for this situation.


Absolutely no argument from me there.


In fact, take any random inter-ethnic/religious conflict in the Global South and there's a far better than average probability that the British Empire has some degree of ultimate responsibility for it.

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Egypt's al-Sisi is applying the "Pottery Barn Rule" to the issue of the displacement of the Gazan population.



Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Wednesday that Egyptians in their millions would reject the forced displacement of Palestinians into Sinai, adding that any such move would turn the peninsula into a base for attacks against Israel.




Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Wednesday that Egyptians in their millions would reject the forced displacement of Palestinians into Sinai, adding that any such move would turn the peninsula into a base for attacks against Israel.


The Gaza Strip is effectively under Israeli control and Palestinians could instead be moved to Israel's Negev desert "till the militants are dealt with", Sisi told a joint news conference in Cairo with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.


The border between Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip is the site of the only crossing from the Palestinian territory that is not controlled by Israel.





"Egypt rejects any attempt to resolve the Palestinian issue by military means or through the forced displacement of Palestinians from their land, which would come at the expense of the countries of the region," he said.


Sisi said the Egyptian people would "go out and protest in their millions... if called upon to do so" against any displacement of Gaza's residents to Sinai.




Any transfer of Palestinians to Sinai would mean "that we move the idea of resistance, of combat, from the Gaza Strip to Sinai, and so Sinai would become the base for launching operations against Israel", Sisi said.


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President Joe Biden says Israel has agreed to allow humanitarian assistance to begin flowing into Gaza from Egypt with the understanding that inspections must be allowed and that the aid should go to civilians and not Hamas.




President Joe Biden said Wednesday that Israel had agreed to allow humanitarian assistance to begin flowing into Gaza from Egypt with the understanding it would be subject to inspections and that it should go to civilians and not Hamas militants.


In remarks from Tel Aviv where the president had gone to show support for Israel following a brutal and deadly Oct. 7 terrorist attack that killed roughly 1,400 people, Biden cautioned the nation against all-consuming rage.


Israel cut off the flow of food, fuel and water in Gaza following the attack. Mediators have been struggling to break a deadlock over providing supplies to desperate civilians, aid groups and hospitals.


Biden said that he had spoken with the Israeli cabinet “to agree to the delivery of life-saving humanitarian assistance of civilians in Gaza.”


“Let me be clear,” Biden said. If Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people.”


Biden also said an additional $100 million in humanitarian assistance would be delivered to Gaza and the West Bank.



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1 hour ago, CayceG said:

I'll repeat here what I posted elsewhere this morning. 


Based on this morning's photos, it appears more likely that this was a failed Hamas rocket. I also hope the initial casualty figures were higher than they ultimately turn out to be. But whether it was an accident or an attack doesn't matter. People are dead who shouldn't be and Israel is responsible for setting the conditions of this apparent accident. Without the apartheid state that Israel has created and the conflict it has nurtured, this accident would have been much less likely to happen. 





i look forward to reading your peace plan 

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Last week it took days of people questioning whether Hamas really beheaded 40 babies and within minutes took their word that Israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 people. It's so frustrating to see liberals fall for this shit. All official Palestinian information = Hamas propaganda. They are the officials! The same media who is desperate to get Donald Trump back in office (FOX/NBC/CNN) are the same ones spreading misinformation and propaganda. 

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Bellingcat's attempt to identify and analyze the munition's impact crater.



Bellingcat analysed footage and images of the aftermath of the Gaza Hospital Blast and identified what appears to be the impact crater.



Bellingcat was able to identify what appears to be the impact crater, after analysing footage and images of the aftermath. We believe this crater to be an important piece of information about the attack, what follows is preliminary analysis of the crater. 


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Some of the United States’ closest Arab allies gave President Joe Biden the cold shoulder as he and his diplomats shuttled around the Middle East in an attempt to prevent the Israel-Hamas war from spiraling into a wider regional conflagration.





“The summit won’t be able to stop the war, which is what we want,” Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi told Al Jazeera early Wednesday, calling the hospital blast a war crime. “So, we decided not to hold it,” he said.


These people using the Mitch McConnel strategy of doing nothing and allowing nothing. 

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Going back to the possibility -- however unlikely at this point -- that an Israeli munition was responsible for the strike, I think it's worthwhile to note that the IAF does possess JDAM kits with air burst fuses which would leave a relatively minimal impact crater but would maximize lethality to people in the vicinity of its detonation.   I'm emphasizing the use of a JDAM because of the relatively similar types of sound heard in the video from the Washington Post prior to impact/detonation and a video from JDAM strike a few years ago in Afghanistan.


Washington Post video (click on link to view):



President Biden and other leaders in the region canceled their four-leader summit scheduled for Wednesday.


Afghanistan video:




Note that I'm not comparing the explosive yields between the two videos as JDAM kits can be fitted on a wide range of munitions, but rather simply the sound prior to impact.

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18 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Going back to the possibility -- however unlikely at this point -- that an Israeli munition was responsible for the strike, I think it's worthwhile to note that the IAF does possess JDAM kits with air burst fuses which would leave a relatively minimal impact crater but would maximize lethality to people in the vicinity of its detonation.   I'm emphasizing the use of a JDAM because of the relatively similar types of sound heard in the video from the Washington Post prior to impact/detonation and a video from JDAM strike a few years ago in Afghanistan.


Washington Post video (click on link to view):



President Biden and other leaders in the region canceled their four-leader summit scheduled for Wednesday.


Afghanistan video:




Note that I'm not comparing the explosive yields between the two videos as JDAM kits can be fitted on a wide range of munitions, but rather simply the sound prior to impact.

yeah both of them sound exactly the same. again, idk much about this stuff but the sound from that video and the sound of the one that hit the hospital sound the same 🤷‍♂️

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For those wondering what the difference between Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is, it comes down to a matter of overall purpose and strategy.


Hamas views itself as a political/social organization with a military wing committed to the armed struggle against Israel that also wants to participate in the governance of Palestine while the PIJ is an entirely military organization that has demonstrated absolutely zero interest in governance, only the armed struggle against Israel.


Both groups have collaborated with and competed against each other depending on the situation.

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So if there is a deadly explosion in the part of Gaza that's actively being bombed by Israeli, in a hospital that Israel warned the Palestinians to evacuate because they warned they were going to bomb it and then the government tweeted that they bombed it... you know, if you initially jumped to the conclusion that Israel was behind the attack, that you are clearly being duped and manipulated by Hamas and you hate all Jews and should be scorned forever for jumping to such an outlandish opinion before all the facts were in...


I can guarantee you one thing, United States intelligence knows exactly who bombed that hospital... and the fact that they haven't cleared it up leads me to believe it was actually Israel, but who knows...

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55 minutes ago, ort said:

I can guarantee you one thing, United States intelligence knows exactly who bombed that hospital... 


That's really not the way intelligence actually works as it's exceedingly rare that an intelligence organization actually "knows" with absolute certainty about an event.


If you read an intelligence report, it's almost always going to be couched in language that indicates the degree of confidence the organization has in its analysis of an event and the conclusions (if any) derived from that analysis.  Intel reports are absolutely littered with phrases such as "high confidence", "very likely", "almost certain", etc. which indicate that there will always be some degree of uncertainty about an event and the analysis of/conclusions about that event.

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The United States military is now officially saying they do not believe Israel was behind the bombing... (maybe old news)


Still, is it really outlandish to assume it was Israel? Maybe having that "hot take" in the hours of chaos afterwards was not an unreasonable assumption to jump to.




In other news, holy shit Ben Shapiro has just completely gone off the rails.

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4 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

I said this before and I'll say it again: the British do not get nearly enough blame for this situation.

Oh absolutely but then extend out a millennia of European hate and bigotry laying the groundwork for the holocaust giving the political impetus and moral justification for a Jewish state then European powers, aka her majesties kingdom, dropping a bunch of Zionist’s into the Levant based on random lines some delegates drew somewhere then patting themselves on the back for a job well done and telling that region of the world to get fucked for the next few generations. 

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8 minutes ago, ort said:

The United States military is now officially saying they do not believe Israel was behind the bombing... (maybe old news)


Still, is it really outlandish to assume it was Israel? Maybe having that "hot take" in the hours of chaos afterwards was not an unreasonable assumption to jump to.




In other news, holy shit Ben Shapiro has just completely gone off the rails.

i don’t think theres anything wrong with making assumptions on this message board. i definitely assumed it was israel until i came on here yesterday and people were discussing it. the worst thing that will happen is somebody will call you a dumbass. i think sometimes people get carried away with their assumptions but i think it’s reasonable to assume israel bombed the hospital when they’ve been bombing the fuck out of them 

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8 minutes ago, ort said:

So if there is a deadly explosion in the part of Gaza that's actively being bombed by Israeli, in a hospital that Israel warned the Palestinians to evacuate because they warned they were going to bomb it and then the government tweeted that they bombed it... you know, if you initially jumped to the conclusion that Israel was behind the attack, that you are clearly being duped and manipulated by Hamas and you hate all Jews and should be scorned forever for jumping to such an outlandish opinion before all the facts were in...

literally everything you said there was made up by hamas or their sympathizers


8 minutes ago, ort said:

In other news, holy shit Ben Shapiro has just completely gone off the rails.

need to be on the rails to go off them

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19 minutes ago, johnny said:

i don’t think theres anything wrong with making assumptions on this message board. i definitely assumed it was israel until i came on here yesterday and people were discussing it. the worst thing that will happen is somebody will call you a dumbass. i think sometimes people get carried away with their assumptions but i think it’s reasonable to assume israel bombed the hospital when they’ve been bombing the fuck out of them 


People are downright tearing into each other on places like Twitter. Rashida Talib made a tweet highly critical of the attack and blaming Israel immediately after the strike and has been just raked over the coals and slandered for "jumping to conclusions" before all the facts were in. I mean, okay... but also... it was perfectly reasonable to blame Israel. This wasn't some sort of outlandish hot take.


It's not just her, it's everywhere. Basically, if you have any opinion beyond "let's do genocide", then you hate all jews.

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54 minutes ago, Chris- said:

The IDF has performed many verified crimes against Palestinian citizens, not sure why this one is taking up so much oxygen. 


 For roughly the same reason that the Hamas atrocity involving the exact nature of the horrific act performed upon the Israeli babies sucked up the oxygen last week.

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37 minutes ago, johnny said:

i don’t think theres anything wrong with making assumptions on this message board. i definitely assumed it was israel until i came on here yesterday and people were discussing it. the worst thing that will happen is somebody will call you a dumbass. i think sometimes people get carried away with their assumptions but i think it’s reasonable to assume israel bombed the hospital when they’ve been bombing the fuck out of them 

This board sure, but blindly accepting this information had political ramifications including attacks on embassies.

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