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Gaza/Israel Update (09/02): general strike/mass protests in Israel pressure Netanyahu to agree to cease-fire deal

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From NBC News:


U.S. wants to create corridor that innocent Palestinians, Americans could use to escape Gaza



In a private phone call Tuesday, Biden urged Israel’s prime minister to minimize civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip as Israel sets out to destroy Hamas in reprisal for the deadliest attack the country suffered in the last 50 years, two Biden administration officials and one former official told NBC News.


The Biden administration is coordinating with other countries on a plan that would offer safe passage out of Gaza for civilians who risk getting caught in the crossfire in the densely populated coastal enclave, administration officials said.


Palestinian civilians and Americans in Gaza would escape the war zone through a Southern corridor leading into Egypt under the plan being considered.


With Israel preparing for a potential ground incursion into Gaza, civilians who have no connection to Hamas are in danger of being left homeless or killed by the shelling.



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22 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

We really, really don't need any social media "hot takes" in a thread that involves a situation where nearly 2,000 lives have been lost and possibly thousands upon thousands more are going to be lost in relatively short order.


I thought the Israel one I posted was relevant since it's literally the Israeli government.

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2 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:


This may be silly but there's a beach there... can they load people onto a barge and take them to a neutral place/sort who is a civilian/who is Hamas? 


Do you know how many people could theoretically be evacuating?  It could easily be in the hundreds of thousands.


There is no alternative to a land corridor.

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47 minutes ago, Jwheel86 said:

I doubt the Palestinians would take advantage of it, believing they'd never be allowed to return. 


That sounds crazy to me. A chance somewhere else or stuck on a death strip with no prospects? But I mean I come from people who have moved when we've lost our homelands multiple times. You move when you gotta move!


Phoenicians, Visigoths, Moors, Francisco & Isabella, The Catholic Church, the Inquisition, The Conquest, MX Independence, TX secession, the Mexican-American war, the French Intervention, The Revolution, cartels. WE STILL HERE posting on D1P


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15 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:

That sounds crazy to me. A chance somewhere else or stuck on a death strip with no prospects? But I mean I come from people who have moved when we've lost our homelands multiple times. You move when you gotta move!



They left their land in 1948 and generations later are still in those same refugee camps, it's a core part of their identity. I know a Palestinian (Israeli Arab) who's not far from the Lebanon border and asked if they were going to evacuate: "We are not leaving our land".

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Well, Israel has hit the Gaza/Egypt border yet again… its going to disrupt aid and/or evacuations… blockade means blockade….

There is the horrible air in it that the distinction between Hamas and the Palestinians themselves is as non-existent as it is ever going to be in the eyes of the IDF

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15 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Ask the generations of Palestinians living in refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon since 1948 and 1967 about their prospects.


14 minutes ago, Jwheel86 said:


They left their land in 1948 and generations later are still in those same refugee camps, it's a core part of their identity. I know a Palestinian (Israeli Arab) who's not far from the Lebanon border and asked if they were going to evacuate: "We are not leaving our land".


Well those were my ideas 


Awkward The Simpsons GIF

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1 minute ago, Ominous said:

Is the attachment to the land because it's all they have, or is it based on their (all and any) silly religion? 


More the humiliation of getting kicked off their land and the resulting disasters being baked into what it means to be a Palestinian. Not that unlike how tragedy is baked into the Jewish identity. First Palestinian I ever met introduced herself by saying she was from Palestine and if I knew where that was. 

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I don’t know what to say about this shit. Israel is going to kill far too many civilians for me to fly one of their flags over my house. I support them more than Hamas, but I’m more concerned with civilians overall. 

I wish we took in more refugees in general in the US, including Palestinians and Russians. 

Edit: Just in case it was unclear… Fuck Hamas. 

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Two things can be true at once. What’s about to happen in Gaza will be horrific, but I understand why some early 20 something who grew up running to bunkers may not care considering what Israel just endured. Human psychology doesn’t work that way, they want blood and they’re going to get it, and two carriers off shore is basically a carte Blanche from us. I’ve felt this rage before, I know what they’re experiencing, now make it personal like it is for gods knows how many idf soldiers. I’m flying the Israeli flag and will regardless of what happens.


My sister is one of the lucky ones, she’s safe in a hotel in Europe as I write this, I would have done terrible things to get her out.

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1 minute ago, TUFKAK said:

Two things can be true at once. What’s about to happen in Gaza will be horrific, but I understand why some early 20 something who grew up running to bunkers may not care considering what Israel just endured. Human psychology doesn’t work that way, they want blood and they’re going to get it, and two carriers off shore is basically a carte Blanche from us. I’ve felt this rage before, I know what they’re experiencing, now make it personal like it is for gods knows how many idf soldiers. I’m flying the Israeli flag and will regardless of what happens.


My sister is one of the lucky ones, she’s safe in a hotel in Europe as I write this, I would have done terrible things to get her out.

Israel has a right to defend itself. The anger is what concerns me and that’s precisely what I’m trying to not get caught up in.  


My statement about the flag was somewhat misleading. I don’t fly any flags over my house.  :P 


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5 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

Israel has a right to defend itself. The anger is what concerns me and that’s precisely what I’m trying to not get caught up in.  


My statement about the flag was somewhat misleading. I don’t fly any flags over my house.  :P 


Lol. I fly the American and marine corps flag daily, only periodically changing it like now.


I realize I’m emotionally caught up in this, hearing raid sirens in the background as my sister broke down and I could do nothing but tell her we will get her out, impacts you. But you start killing babies in their cribs, you’re not getting concessions.

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1 hour ago, Ominous said:

Is the attachment to the land because it's all they have, or is it based on their (all and any) silly religion? 


Ignoring any attachment to the land or religion or history or anything else, there are how many million Palestinians? What are even their options? Who is going to take in an entire Louisiana worth of people? It's either that or ask a district cultural and ethnic group of millions to just scatter in the wind.

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26 minutes ago, Jason said:


Hamas is not the entire population of Gaza.

I’m aware, but you think some 21,yo idf soldier is gonna make that distinction after the trauma they just endured. In their place I’d be thinking about the 1k dead non combatants, aka my friends and family, who didn’t get that same consideration. My step mom is delivering death notices for fucking kids right now, you’re expecting human tribes not to behave as human tribes. I hope they don’t, but it’s understandable why they would:

im one of the few who went down range, but go ahead and and keep saying that. Maybe one of them will listen and maybe humans can not be humans.

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2 hours ago, Air_Delivery said:

This is truly a situation where the only "good" guys are the civilians.


I personally blame BOTH sides in this conflict. The civilians caught in the crossfire & helpless to do anything about it are who my heart breaks for.


When you allow religion to overrun common fucking sense then I just have no time for you. Shit's been going on for roughly a 1000 years before the first of the Crusades, yet nothing has changed, all because 3 major religious populations all look to the same plot of land as "theirs". Here's a crazy thought, why did the god of your choosing just HAPPEN to choose the exact same place as every other dimwit that gives it up to who knows what the hell in the sky? Namely just to fuck with you.

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7 hours ago, Ominous said:

Is the attachment to the land because it's all they have, or is it based on their (all and any) silly religion? 


It's all any of them have.  


Europe viewed Palestine as a place to "solve" its "Jewish question" once and for all by dumping its Jewish population there and the Palestinians have been condemned to eternal "second class citizen" status in the refugee camps in the countries to which they fled, to say nothing of their apartheid-like treatment by the Israeli state.

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44 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

It's all any of them have.  


Europe viewed Palestine as a place to "solve" its "Jewish question" once and for all by dumping its Jewish population there and the Palestinians have been condemned to eternal "second class citizen" status in the refugee camps in the countries to which they fled, to say nothing of their apartheid-like treatment by the Israeli state.


And nearly a century of conflict has ensured this will be the perpetual state of things for gods knows how long.

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44 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Palestinians have been condemned to eternal "second class citizen" status in the refugee camps in the countries to which they fled

It’s not even close to that good for them. Unless something changed recently, Jordan is the only Middle Eastern country that will grant Palestinians citizenship, and others won’t even allow Palestinian refugees into work programs despite labor shortages. An undocumented person working a produce farm in the US has it better than most Palestinians in refugee camps.

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